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Battlefield V Open Beta - Get in here!


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2 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

Played an hour this morning, it's pretty good. Love that you can't spam Q to spot now (no spotting at all).


I'm not sure how i feel about this. the spotting in BF1 was definitely too much, but there should be something. I think it would've been better if it was dependent on how close you were to the guy doing the spotting. So like if you're within earshot of a teammate, it could be assumed he called out the spot and you heard it. etc. 


When I played the alpha on PC, I thought the TTK felt pretty good...but on xbox, it feels too fast. I think maybe bc my reaction time with a KBM is better than with a controller. Basically it seems at medium to close range, you have zero chance of winning a fight if you are spotted first. 


I really like what they did with the vehicle turrets where you can look around really fast, but the turret takes a little time to catch up. i always thought it was so dumb how the turrets moved as fast as your sensitivity was set. 


crouch running is awesome, but i think it should be slower than stand-up running, which i dont think it is. 


i love how they added going prone on your back.  my last match,  i was behind some sandbags that my team built and i got clipped by an enemy on my right side. so i dropped to prone and backed away from the edge of the sandbags a little bc i knew he was going to come over and peak. so i was i my back and as soon as he looked over i got him. 


I really love the "war of attrition" format they are going with. I definitely felt myself taking my time and being more calculated with my shots, even if it mean not shooting at an enemy I can see, but doubted i could kill him given the circumstance. 


Cant wait to jump back in again tonight. 



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2 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

You can still spot, but you need to be accurate, and it only shows the location you last saw the enemy. So if they move, the spot isn't useful. I like it.


Also as usual the sound design is incredible.

I haven’t successfully spotted anyone then. All i keep doing is dropping a checkpoint. 


Also - I was actually thinking the sound is not as good this go-around. The support/medic/assault guns all sound the same.  BF1 felt way more atmospheric, I actually felt like I was in the war (esp with my surround sound cranked). I’m not getting that feeling with BFV. It all just feels very flat. 


Also - along with sounding the same, the support/assault/medic guns feel the same. They really don’t feel unique at all (aside from deploying the bipod).


I unlocked the 2nd assault gun (gewehr) and its just not competitive against the other full auto guns. 


The more i play, it’s feeling more like a COD game that added BF elements than an actual BF game. And that makes me sad. 


Edit: Rotterdam is in shock. Trying it now! 

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Well 2 rounds of Rotterdam (which is actually just conquest) and I really can’t believe it, but I’m finding this game....boring. 


Theres just no other way to describe it. The gunplay is boring. The gadgets are boring. Rotterdam was huge and empty (while beautiful) and boring. The sound effects are dull and obnoxious hearing the same exact shots over and over. Explosions aren’t loud enough. 


 You’re dead before you can react. Handguns don’t do enough damage. so when you’re out of ammo, might as well just lay down and wait to be killed.  And even if they did more damage, with how fast the TTK is, I don’t think it would make a difference. 


This is worst of all...there’s just no chaos that makes this battlefield feel like battlefield. None. At all. I’ll still get the game, but my hype has dropped significantly. 

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I'm finding the exact opposite, I love Rotterdam. This game isn't like BF1 or even 3 or 4, where you could run straight at the enemy and see where they are (from spotting) and be in the chaos. Now players move slower and people are harder to spot, so you've got to position yourself more slowly and think about hiding in the shadows, etc. I find if I just stay still near important points, it's much easier now to ambush people since it's harder to see still players. I also use less ammo since there is much less of it. 


I also love being able to build fortifications, it's a huge game-changer for defensive positions. I agree that the TTK is high, but it only reinforces playing more slowly and carefully. I'm loving the changes. Also, I love changing the audio track to Wartapes. It compresses the audio and makes it sounds much more chaotic (everything seems punchier and more like a war movie).

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41 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

I'm finding the exact opposite, I love Rotterdam. This game isn't like BF1 or even 3 or 4, where you could run straight at the enemy and see where they are (from spotting) and be in the chaos. Now players move slower and people are harder to spot, so you've got to position yourself more slowly and think about hiding in the shadows, etc. I find if I just stay still near important points, it's much easier now to ambush people since it's harder to see still players. I also use less ammo since there is much less of it. 


I also love being able to build fortifications, it's a huge game-changer for defensive positions. I agree that the TTK is high, but it only reinforces playing more slowly and carefully. I'm loving the changes. Also, I love changing the audio track to Wartapes. It compresses the audio and makes it sounds much more chaotic (everything seems punchier and more like a war movie).

In other words, you enjoy camping. And I can’t think of a worse MP shooting gameplay style.  There is nothing fun about hiding in a corner and waiting for someone to run past so you can shoot them in the back. It’s not challenging, it’s not satisfying and it’s not fun. 

  • stepee 1
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2 hours ago, atom631 said:

In other words, you enjoy camping. And I can’t think of a worse MP shooting gameplay style.  There is nothing fun about hiding in a corner and waiting for someone to run past so you can shoot them in the back. It’s not challenging, it’s not satisfying and it’s not fun. 


No I don't camp, I should re-explain myself. I play support almost exclusively, so I am on the front-lines resupplying constantly. But when I am defending a point I will not be running around, as movement is now the easiest way to be spotted. When attacking, it also makes sense to move and wait, and see if you can spot enemy movement. I don't stay in the same place for more than 15-30 seconds typically, but I make sure not to be needlessly moving around. 

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16 hours ago, atom631 said:

Well 2 rounds of Rotterdam (which is actually just conquest) and I really can’t believe it, but I’m finding this game....boring. 


Theres just no other way to describe it. The gunplay is boring. The gadgets are boring. Rotterdam was huge and empty (while beautiful) and boring. The sound effects are dull and obnoxious hearing the same exact shots over and over. Explosions aren’t loud enough. 


 You’re dead before you can react. Handguns don’t do enough damage. so when you’re out of ammo, might as well just lay down and wait to be killed.  And even if they did more damage, with how fast the TTK is, I don’t think it would make a difference. 


This is worst of all...there’s just no chaos that makes this battlefield feel like battlefield. None. At all. I’ll still get the game, but my hype has dropped significantly. 


While I agree that Rotterdam is huge and sometimes the you can go a while with out seeing anyone but when you do get to a point where there is a battle going on it's great. The other maps and Grand Operations is awesome. That's where all the chaos is. I'm no sure how you say the sound effects are dull because I have been playing BF4 and BF1 these past several months with my Razer Thresher Ultimate and when I went into BFV it blows those other games away! The explosions have these really great thuds and the bullets leaving you chamber make a really piercing "Clink" noise. The rumble of calling in the bomb strike is terrifying. The best sound design in a BF game yet and I never though they would top themselves but they did. 


The TTK kill while faster than other BF games feels right. There were times in old BF games where I can unload half to a full clip and not kill but this one I can kill at least 2 - 3 people before reloading as a support class. Pistols feel the same to me. I have gotten my fair share of kills with them in the Beta but didn't feel any weaker than previous games


20 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

You can still spot, but you need to be accurate, and it only shows the location you last saw the enemy. So if they move, the spot isn't useful. I like it.


Also as usual the sound design is incredible.

 You can spot now but only as the sniper class. You have a gadget spyglass that allows you to spot people for the whole team. I actually prefer this. I thought I would be upset with the removal of spotting but I'm not. If you have good snipers on your team the current spotting system works fine. At least now snipers can do more than just camp and wait for their next target. 


I was able to play several games with @SeVeN CDN and played at least a couple hours before I went to bed. This is a must by for BF fans.

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23 hours ago, atom631 said:

The more i play, it’s feeling more like a COD game that added BF elements than an actual BF game. And that makes me sad. 


This is precisly what I said in previous BF5 posts. Also fuck the weapon upgrades in BF5,in previous titles you might get an upgrade that gives more accuracy with ADS at the expense of hip firing, BF5 just straight ups the dps with no negative to that.The hip firing seems to be carried over from BF1which I hate.

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1 hour ago, SimpleG said:

This is precisly what I said in previous BF5 posts. Also fuck the weapon upgrades in BF5,in previous titles you might get an upgrade that gives more accuracy with ADS at the expense of hip firing, BF5 just straight ups the dps with no negative to that.The hip firing seems to be carried over from BF1which I hate.


Apparently hip fire is way less accurate now, and you can't tap to make it more accurate. The recoil is also more predictable now (as in the guns will always recoil in the same pattern, which means you can learn to compensate). This has been requested for a long time.


I don't really get the COD comparisons except that the TTK is lower than before, but is something the developers have said repeatedly that they are trying to manage to keep it fun. Another reason that TTK is lower than previous titles is that you no longer regenerate health up to 100%, you only regen 30%. So if you get hit and then move on and can't find a medic or station, you can be one-shotted much more easily.

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6 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Apparently hip fire is way less accurate now, and you can't tap to make it more accurate. The recoil is also more predictable now (as in the guns will always recoil in the same pattern, which means you can learn to compensate). This has been requested for a long time.

Are we talking about the same thing? I have never seen someone tap fire when hip firing since its almost exclusivly used in mid/close range,you throw the cross hairs on the enemy and rip the trigger. Tap firing is used for long range on auto wepons to compansate for high recoil.


11 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

I don't really get the COD comparisons except that the TTK

The problem with the high TTK is dices netcode issue which they are working on. Then you have call ins like the missle strike and supply drop which are ripped straight out of COD. And I said in the previous post the weapon upgrade system. It plays out damn the same as COD perks,quick draw,faster rof,ect.

  • stepee 1
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3 hours ago, SimpleG said:

The problem with the high TTK is dices netcode issue which they are working on. Then you have call ins like the missle strike and supply drop which are ripped straight out of COD. And I said in the previous post the weapon upgrade system. It plays out damn the same as COD perks,quick draw,faster rof,ect.

Seriously. This game is full on COD with a few vehicles, larger maps and destructible environments (the BF elements). 


Two matches today in Rotterdam. I was squad leader for the first time and when I saw that i can call in support I was like...holy fuck, this really is COD. It’s funny. Somehow you can call in support but you can’t spot an enemy out for nearby allies. This is game is a total campfest with this low TTK and no spotting. I understand and completely agree BF1 needed to be toned down, but nothing is making for such a slow and boring and loooooong matches. 


On rotterdam 3 of my 4 matches ended nearly identical. One team on D and the other B. Both built fortifications facing each other. Snipers and campers just taking pot shots. Some fighting for control of C (I think C, the train tracks) so as to have a spawn point to try to flank the other team. Some idiots trying to crouch run through that little market, only to get sniped or killed in 1 second. It was literally the same ending 3 times. 


I could overlook most of this but this is the thing (i stole this from a post on the BF subreddit because it really explains my feeling of the game) that’s truly making me dislike this beta:


“ • It's a beta, but there's an apparent lack of soul in this game. BF1 screamed WW1 despite some of the historical inaccuracies but the shouting, the painful screaming, the trenches, the constant bombardment, the noise, the smoke, the most tremendous cannonade I've ever heard, the charging, the whistle, the gas, the locations, the entire team roaring as one when they capture a sector...it was honestly some of the coolest moments I've ever witnessed in a video game.”



if they can make BFV feel like that and bring that feeling of actually being in a war back, then I would be happy. 

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31 minutes ago, atom631 said:


“ • It's a beta, but there's an apparent lack of soul in this game. BF1 screamed WW1 despite some of the historical inaccuracies but the shouting, the painful screaming, the trenches, the constant bombardment, the noise, the smoke, the most tremendous cannonade I've ever heard, the charging, the whistle, the gas, the locations, the entire team roaring as one when they capture a sector...it was honestly some of the coolest moments I've ever witnessed in a video game.”



if they can make BFV feel like that and bring that feeling of actually being in a war back, then I would be happy. 

Have you played Grand Operation? That's what Grand Operation is like. Rotterdamn isn't a very good map as it's too big. The other conquest map which I forget the name of but the snowy level that's also in Grand Operation is awesome. It gives me Bad Company 2 feels <3




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8 hours ago, The def star said:

Have you played Grand Operation? That's what Grand Operation is like. Rotterdamn isn't a very good map as it's too big. The other conquest map which I forget the name of but the snowy level that's also in Grand Operation is awesome. It gives me Bad Company 2 feels <3



I've fully explored the entire beta. Navrik is leaps and bounds better than Rotterdam. The point in the village area and on the train tracks can be fun at times....but  its still missing that "This is Battlefield" feeling of utter chaos. Its just not there. This entry is very tame compared to 3,4,1 

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This post on the BFV subreddit really has a good discussion on the current TTK.  I think OP nails it except that BF1 post-patches with a slightly increased TTK was better. I really felt like BF1 had the perfect TTK.  You had time to react and it created really cool gunfights that clearly were won by the better player. Now its basically who shot first. There's been a ton of back and forth on the BF subreddits and I think the more people are playing the beta, more and more are realizing the TTK with no spotting is just off. I have confidence DICE will make some adjustments before launch that will hopefully appease everyone. 


TTK discussion on reddit



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Just played a few rounds.. and I agree something is "missing." 


But here's my take on it. I played both maps and I enjoyed Narvik more, it felt like Rotterdam was too "clean." I think it was just the lack of smoking rubble, haze, fog of war, etc. It was a bright sunny day, and it felt like I should be walking in the park.


Now, that being said, this is the cleanest and prettiest version of the Frostbite engine yet, and I can't say we haven't had bright, sunny, "clean" maps before, they've just never looked this good. It's almost an uncanny valley thing going on. The cleaner and sharper the graphics are, the more game-y they look (to me). 


I almost kinda wonder if the fog and smoke that were used to mask pop-in and all that in the past didn't condition us to not only expect it, but want it. After playing a few matches and getting used to the aesthetics, I didn't mind them so much. In fact, it was a little refreshing to play something that wasn't so entrenched in shit that I could actually see people running around. But that's just me.


As for the aiming and TTK (which is, i'm guessing, time to kill?) it felt about the same to me, but then I'm not the kind of person that bothers with minutia like that. I've never been an amazing BF player. I got some kills. I got killed. My K/D ratio was about .8 to .9 which is about what it was in every other Battlefield I've played. But I will say this, whether they made the TTK "too quick" or not, I at least felt like I wasn't useless with the weapons I had at my disposal, which is more than I could say for Battlefield 1. I hated the guns in that game. I found one gun in each class that I did okay with and stuck with them. One of the things they were complaining about in that thread was how far away they got killed by an SMG, and that's honestly one of the things I liked. I don't want to have to get 15 feet away from somebody to kill them. 


I can't help but feel like some of that argument are just complaints from someone who doesn't want to adjust to a new game. Give them a month and they'll find some OP rifle that they'll fall in love with cuz it gets them a 2.0 K/D every time.


It's so hard to get a grasp on Battlefield games in beta. Every match I've ever experienced in beta has been with a bunch of people who act like they've never touched a BF game before. And I don't know how I feel about the fortifications yet. Some people were just building walls everywhere like it was Fortnite, and I'm not down with that shit. Some of them even walled off exit routes and fucking bottlenecked us, so we had to exit the front door. Genius, I say!


In any case, I somewhat enjoyed what I played, but I do agree there's an ambiance missing with the audio, like there's nothing going on anywhere else except for what's happening in your immediate area. Perhaps that will be tweaked before launch. Who knows...

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5 hours ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

Just played a few rounds.. and I agree something is "missing." 


But here's my take on it. I played both maps and I enjoyed Narvik more, it felt like Rotterdam was too "clean." I think it was just the lack of smoking rubble, haze, fog of war, etc. It was a bright sunny day, and it felt like I should be walking in the park.


Now, that being said, this is the cleanest and prettiest version of the Frostbite engine yet, and I can't say we haven't had bright, sunny, "clean" maps before, they've just never looked this good. It's almost an uncanny valley thing going on. The cleaner and sharper the graphics are, the more game-y they look (to me). 


I almost kinda wonder if the fog and smoke that were used to mask pop-in and all that in the past didn't condition us to not only expect it, but want it. After playing a few matches and getting used to the aesthetics, I didn't mind them so much. In fact, it was a little refreshing to play something that wasn't so entrenched in shit that I could actually see people running around. But that's just me.


As for the aiming and TTK (which is, i'm guessing, time to kill?) it felt about the same to me, but then I'm not the kind of person that bothers with minutia like that. I've never been an amazing BF player. I got some kills. I got killed. My K/D ratio was about .8 to .9 which is about what it was in every other Battlefield I've played. But I will say this, whether they made the TTK "too quick" or not, I at least felt like I wasn't useless with the weapons I had at my disposal, which is more than I could say for Battlefield 1. I hated the guns in that game. I found one gun in each class that I did okay with and stuck with them. One of the things they were complaining about in that thread was how far away they got killed by an SMG, and that's honestly one of the things I liked. I don't want to have to get 15 feet away from somebody to kill them. 


I can't help but feel like some of that argument are just complaints from someone who doesn't want to adjust to a new game. Give them a month and they'll find some OP rifle that they'll fall in love with cuz it gets them a 2.0 K/D every time.


It's so hard to get a grasp on Battlefield games in beta. Every match I've ever experienced in beta has been with a bunch of people who act like they've never touched a BF game before. And I don't know how I feel about the fortifications yet. Some people were just building walls everywhere like it was Fortnite, and I'm not down with that shit. Some of them even walled off exit routes and fucking bottlenecked us, so we had to exit the front door. Genius, I say!


In any case, I somewhat enjoyed what I played, but I do agree there's an ambiance missing with the audio, like there's nothing going on anywhere else except for what's happening in your immediate area. Perhaps that will be tweaked before launch. Who knows...


The cleanliness of it is a good point. That might be part of what I feel is missing. Take Amiens from BF1. That map was a wartorn city and it really captured that feeling. And you’re right about the ambient sound. That’s what I’ve been mentioning. It’s more prevalent on Rotterdam than narvik...but it’s both. A big thing is lack of vehicles and planes in BFV. There aren’t as many, which Im  actually OK with, but that had a lot to do with the noises. 


An SMG should not be able to outplay a rifle at medium distances. Right now the STG 44 can pretty much outplay any other gun. Esp if you max the upgrades and go with reduced horizontal and vertical recoil. It’s a damn laser. The gun needs to be toned down. Same thing for the Sten. Once max upgraded it’s a laser beam. 


As for the TTK, it’s no where near the same as BF1 (or 3,4). In BF1 you had some time to react. You could get shot and have a chance to counter and potentially win if your aim was true. BF1 has legit gunfights. I love it. And although sometimes I would get frustrated when I lost, it was mostly because I fucked up and got outplayed. In nearly every match of BF1 there was always a few of these isolated 1v1 gunfights that really felt rewarding when you won. I haven’t experienced a single one in this beta. It’s all about who shot first. 


I disagree about it being complaints about adjusting to a new game. I’m an average BF player,  i am around 1.4-1.7 KD on console and I’m doing about the same in the beta. It doesn’t have to do with finding a good gun to play better with. Decent players will adapt no matter what, it’s just that they are more prone to the nuanced changes bc they play so much. Going from BF1 to BFV is jarring. It’s an entirely different experience. If you didn’t play a lot of BF1 or didn’t like it, then BFV may be your thing. I thoroughly enjoy BF1. I love the guns, i love the TTK, i love the chaos. It has a ton of issues, but i think it’s a great game. 


On a side note, my medic is almost level 10, assault almost 7, support at 3 and recon at 2. 


Medic by far is the easiest way to rack up points. 

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7 hours ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

One of the things they were complaining about in that thread was how far away they got killed by an SMG,

Its a legit issue with gun balance.

48 minutes ago, atom631 said:

and that's honestly one of the things I liked. I don't want to have to get 15 feet away from somebody to kill them. 

SMG's are meant for close range quick kills, right now some of them are out gunning at mid/far range. 


48 minutes ago, atom631 said:

As for the TTK, it’s no where near the same as BF1 (or 3,4). In BF1 you had some time to react. You could get shot and have a chance to counter and potentially win if your aim was true. BF1 has legit gunfights. I love it. And although sometimes I would get frustrated when I lost, it was mostly because I fucked up and got outplayed. In nearly every match of BF1 there was always a few of these isolated 1v1 gunfights that really felt rewarding when you won. I haven’t experienced a single one in this beta. It’s all about who shot first. 

Are you talking TTK after the TTK 2.0 or prior in BF1? After 2.0 there was plenty of times when a SMG/Trench/Machine Pistol would damn near insta kill.


48 minutes ago, atom631 said:

I disagree about it being complaints about adjusting to a new game. I’m an average BF player,  i am around 1.4-1.7 KD on console and I’m doing about the same in the beta. It doesn’t have to do with finding a good gun to play better with. Decent players will adapt no matter what, it’s just that they are more prone to the nuanced changes bc they play so much. Going from BF1 to BFV is jarring. It’s an entirely different experience. If you didn’t play a lot of BF1 or didn’t like it, then BFV may be your thing. I thoroughly enjoy BF1. I love the guns, i love the TTK, i love the chaos. It has a ton of issues, but i think it’s a great game. 


I am an average player https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf1/profile/xbox/Hostage Animal but I cant seem to sync up with the game play in BF5,as you said it very jarring.

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@SimpleG I’m talking about TTK 2.0 patch. I feel it’s perfect. And yes, in CQC you can get murdered damn fast by an SMG or Shotgun. But that’s to be expected. If you’re charging in with a rifle or LMG and think you can go toe to toe with an MP18 or automatico, then you deserved to be murdered.  Now, at 5+ meters or so In distance  other guns like semi-rifles are viable if you have good aim and can hit headshots. That’s how it should be. Back up to medium range and they will win 90% of the time against an SMG or shotgun. That’s good balance. However, in BF1 there are still issue. That patch made LMGs too effective at long range when the bi-pod is deployed. Nothing should compete with a sniper at long range...but that fucking M1917 is like a laser beam. I also think shotguns, specifically the 10a need a bit of a range nerf. If shouldn’t be a OHK at 10-15m like it is now. Other than that, i love the guns, the TTK and the balance of BF1. 


Now compared to BFV...the biggest issue is that both the medic and assault class use SMGs now. And these SMGs are effective all the way through the far end of medium range. It shouldn’t be like that. It makes the Gewehr 43 and M1A1 completely useless because you will never win a face to face fight against a Sten or STG44. Also, the support gun, the Kev or whatever feels more like an SMG than an LMG. It doesn’t have that chuga chuga slow velocity high damage an LMG should have. It sounds, fires and recoils just like an SMG. Only difference is it has a bipod you can deploy. It makes all 3 classes feel exactly the same in terms of gunplay. No variety. Maybe that’s how it was in real life. If so, then they should’ve chosen a different starting gun for support so that it added variety to the game. 


On that note, you should add me on Xbox. I need people to play with! 

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On 9/4/2018 at 10:04 PM, atom631 said:

Well 2 rounds of Rotterdam (which is actually just conquest) and I really can’t believe it, but I’m finding this game....boring.  


I was kind of bored too. Not sure what map I was in but it was in a city with water ways. It was all soldier-focused. Each side has like one tank and one truck. A lot of running around and a lot of dying from people camping corners and windows and stairs. I played all this in other Battlefield games for the last 15 years. But now I can sprint towards a door and smash it open.


I also feel like any class but the recon and assault class are pretty garbage. There were supply piles everywhere making support class almost useless. 2 mines? A crappy 25-round assault rifle where it would auto-bipod EXACTLY when I didn't want it to (in the middle of a firefight)? The medic's gun may as well be a paintball gun. Completely outclassed by everything. To add insult to injury, the medic gets a grenade launcher but to calling it a grenade would be an overstatement. Landing a round within a few feet of some guy does like 40 damage. And even more insulting is that it's one of those grenades fired from a kar98 or whatever...so you have the kar98 to launch the grenade but not to shoot normal bullets.


Also, weapons are not exclusive to armies. Both sides get the sten. Both sides get the STG44. Both sides get the British sniper rifle. Not even going to just use historically accurate default guns and give them the same stats for each army or anything.


Coming from a massive amount of Fortnite, this game sure is pretty though. Fortnite looks beautiful in its own right but going back to something that is kind of photorealistic is quite refreshing.

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3 minutes ago, atom631 said:

@SimpleG I’m talking about TTK 2.0 patch. I feel it’s perfect. And yes, in CQC you can get murdered damn fast by an SMG or Shotgun. But that’s to be expected. If you’re charging in with a rifle or LMG and think you can go toe to toe with an MP18 or automatico, then you deserved to be murdered.  Now, at 5+ meters or so In distance  other guns like semi-rifles are viable if you have good aim and can hit headshots. That’s how it should be. Back up to medium range and they will win 90% of the time against an SMG or shotgun. That’s good balance. However, in BF1 there are still issue. That patch made LMGs too effective at long range when the bi-pod is deployed. Nothing should compete with a sniper at long range...but that fucking M1917 is like a laser beam. I also think shotguns, specifically the 10a need a bit of a range nerf. If shouldn’t be a OHK at 10-15m like it is now. Other than that, i love the guns, the TTK and the balance of BF1. 


Now compared to BFV...the biggest issue is that both the medic and assault class use SMGs now. And these SMGs are effective all the way through the far end of medium range. It shouldn’t be like that. It makes the Gewehr 43 and M1A1 completely useless because you will never win a face to face fight against a Sten or STG44. Also, the support gun, the Kev or whatever feels more like an SMG than an LMG. It doesn’t have that chuga chuga slow velocity high damage an LMG should have. It sounds, fires and recoils just like an SMG. Only difference is it has a bipod you can deploy. It makes all 3 classes feel exactly the same in terms of gunplay. No variety. 


On that note, you should add me on Xbox. I need people to play with! 

I agree with you on everything


Sorry man I sold my xbox becouse it was just a BF1 machine

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2 hours ago, atom631 said:

@SFLUFAN did you fire it up? Thoughts?

It's "fine".  It's just "fine".  Not nearly as engaging as BF1 which felt like a "war" in comparison.


The chaos that made BF1 interesting isn't there.  The gripping sound engineering isn't there.  The freakin' behemoths aren't there.  And Rotterdam really seems like an emptier version of Amiens.  It just feels far too "sterile" and "orderly".


I'll be playing more until the end of the beta, but as of now, this is a "pass".

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1 hour ago, SFLUFAN said:

It's "fine".  It's just "fine".  Not nearly as engaging as BF1 which felt like a "war" in comparison.


The chaos that made BF1 interesting isn't there.  The gripping sound engineering isn't there.  The freakin' behemoths aren't there.  And Rotterdam really seems like an emptier version of Amiens.  It just feels far too "sterile" and "orderly".


I'll be playing more until the end of the beta, but as of now, this is a "pass".


I thought the Behemoths were taken out because people didn't like them. 


Maybe this was the wrong map to show off, and I've heard others complain about the sound, which I believe is glitching/not final yet. 

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