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Roe officially overturned, shocking no one given the leak earlier

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2 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

At this point, the best thing that can be done is enhance the economic programs that will somewhat mitigate the fallout from this such as child tax credits, EITC, etc.


As someone who will never see eye to eye with this board on the broader issue, yes to all the above.

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21 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

One way to fight back would be to fund ballot initiatives in states that are banning it such as in Oklahoma, South and North Dakota, Utah, Arkansas, and Mississippi. Where possible, put it on the ballot as a state constitutional amendment.


Yes, that is absolutely true, but that's a long-term fight for the future.


In the immediate, donating to funds dedicated to supporting vulnerable women will have a more direct impact.

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1 hour ago, crispy4000 said:


As someone who will never see eye to eye with this board on the broader issue, yes to all the above.

As much as I hate this decision, I can't hate genuinely good people who hold a deep religious belief against abortion. Im not sure thats fair or not, because I still think you've been fooled into nonsense misogyny from a fictional book, but I know people like my grandmother are amazing people. People who are against abortion, but also put their money where there mouth was, and raised multiple kids from the community that weren't theirs, including myself. 


That said, you're being suckered with nonsense. And most of the people against abortion are just monsters.

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11 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

As much as I hate this decision, I can't hate genuinely good people who hold a deep religious belief against abortion. Im not sure thats fair or not, because I still think you've been fooled into nonsense misogyny from a fictional book, but I know people like my grandmother are amazing people. People who are against abortion, but also put their money where there mouth was, and raised multiple kids from the community that weren't theirs, including myself. 


That said, you're being suckered with nonsense. And most of the people against abortion are just monsters.

It's not just about being against abortion. That's not the problem... My mother had me when she was 15. She could have easily aborted me and I wouldn't have been born. She and her parents didn't believe in it... FOR THEM. They don't presume to speak for anyone else. That's what the problem with the "pro-life" movement. They presume to force their beliefs on others. Coupled with the fact that most of them, Republicans, are against ANY social programs that help the poor it makes it hard to see exactly where they are coming from. I don't have a problem with people who are "anti-abortion". I have a problem when those folks presume to force their beliefs on others. 

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4 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

It's not just about being against abortion. That's not the problem... My mother had me when she was 15. She could have easily aborted me and I wouldn't have been born. She and her parents didn't believe in it... FOR THEM. They don't presume to speak for anyone else. That's what the problem with the "pro-life" movement. They presume to force their beliefs on others. Coupled with the fact that most of them, Republicans, are against ANY social programs that help the poor it makes it hard to see exactly where they are coming from. I don't have a problem with people who are "anti-abortion". I have a problem when the folks presume to force their beliefs on others. 

Ya, this is where im at. But Crispy seems he's in favor of it being illegal, if im reading him right.

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5 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

If people were lamenting the declining US birth rate before, then they're in for a real treat now because I have a suspicion that it's going to absolutely plummet.



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NEW HAVEN, CT—Noting its slumping posture, slack expression, and overall downcast appearance, sources confirmed Wednesday that a vessel for male sexual gratification was very sad today. “It definitely appears to be upset,” said sources, adding that the object that exists solely for men’s physical pleasure was…



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WASHINGTON—In the wake of a leaked draft of a decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, potentially leading to abortion becoming illegal in many states, the nation was reportedly forced Tuesday to seek human rights from a back-alley Supreme Court. “Yeah, it’s not as safe and pretty dirty, but if you desperately need rights,…




AUSTIN, TX—With a leaked Supreme Court opinion signaling the landmark ruling is poised to be struck down, trigger laws in 13 states are set to automatically detonate abortion clinics the moment Roe v. Wade is overturned, sources reported Thursday. “We have placed highly combustible charges in and around every…




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DALLAS—In the wake of the Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, local anti-abortion advocate Mary Firkins, 54, excitedly announced Friday that she would now switch her full-time attention to the shaming of young unwed mothers. “It’s been very rewarding these past few decades to value the lives of…



NEW YORK—Asserting there was no need to worry about the highly unlikely outcome, the nation’s centrists reportedly doubled down Friday on their claim that Roe v. Wade was not at risk. “People are blowing this whole idea of overturning Roe completely out of proportion—it’s just not going to happen,” said outspoken…


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26 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


Yes, that is absolutely true, but that's a long-term fight for the future.


In the immediate, donating to funds dedicated to supporting vulnerable women will have a more direct impact.

Yes, that is helpful as well and will continue to be necessary. However, activists should not waste any time. Some states could vote on it next year if activists got to work now, and the rest could be voted on in 2024. That's not that far away if they fund it and properly organize. 

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17 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

If people were lamenting the declining US birth rate before, then they're in for a real treat now because I have a suspicion that it's going to absolutely plummet.


Lol people are always gonna fuck. This won't do shit to that. 

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The S&P 500 had a weekly gain of about 6.5 percent, only its second positive week in the past twelve.


Meta clamps down on internal discussion of Roe v. Wade's overturning.



Meta told its workers on Friday not to openly discuss the Supreme Court's ruling eliminating the constitutional right to an abortion on wide-reaching communication channels inside the company, people with knowledge of the situation said.


Managers at Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, cited a company policy that put "strong guardrails around social, political and sensitive conversations" in the workplace, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. 


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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Americans are already having less sex.




People are working more, making less, living with parents longer, unable to afford homes, and abso-fucking-lutely cannot afford kids. Folks are tired, need to wake up early, and broke. Shocker. People are having less sex. All the fear mongering out there certainly doesn't help, nor do the school shootings. It's cool, though, I lose $450 per pay period for insurance for me and my kids. That's very cool.

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1 hour ago, BloodyHell said:

As much as I hate this decision, I can't hate genuinely good people who hold a deep religious belief against abortion. Im not sure thats fair or not, because I still think you've been fooled into nonsense misogyny from a fictional book, but I know people like my grandmother are amazing people. People who are against abortion, but also put their money where there mouth was, and raised multiple kids from the community that weren't theirs, including myself. 


That said, you're being suckered with nonsense. And most of the people against abortion are just monsters.

Many people are, I agree there.  Just look at the state of right leaning politics today.


I don’t think you need to adopt kids just to be justified in being anti-abortion though.  It’s not an argument so much as a personal rationalization, if used that way.


That said, I think anyone who adopts is doing something heroic, to say the least. 

As for being suckered by religious beliefs on this issue… it informs my ethics, but not to the degree where I’d be inclined to disagree with secular pro-life arguments otherwise.

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10 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

I hope the people in government who are anti-choice (or pro-birth) and have also paid for abortions get exposed because there's no doubt there's a lot of that from the holier-than-thou.


Yeah, but that number is useless and pointing out the hypocrisy is pointless because Jesus saved me from my past sins.

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