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No Man's Sky: why aren't you playing it? (Screenshot porn inside!)


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After the NEXT update, I feel confident in saying this is the game it should have been from the start. It's been a long road, but I'm really enjoying this a lot now.


If you were hyped for it before, but didn't get it because it didn't come close to meeting expectations, give it a shot now. If you're on PC, you can at least give it a shot and return it if you still don't like it.


To describe what it's like, the best analogy I can think of is sadly one that probably most people won't get. It's in many ways, what Escape Velocity (a mac-only game series in the 90s) wanted to be, but never had the technology to achieve.


At the most basic level, it's a survival and dominance game. You start out with nothing but your shuttle and struggle to survive and slowly make your self go from vulnerable, to empire. (Okay, not sure anyone in the game has quite yet achieved empire status, but there are groups working on it.)


  • There is a main story quest to follow to get you going;
  • there are guild factions and missions to play;
  • there are raids to perform;
  • pirates to survive (or fleets to plunder if you go the other way); 
  • there are fleets to build;
  • a personal collection of different kinds of ships to collect and upgrade,
  • systems, planets, a species to discover and name in the persistent universe
  • multi-planet bases to build;
  • cross-planet mining,



The base building in particular is a lot of fun. I don't normally get into games like Minecraft, but this is really starting to scratch the itch for me. I think because the world is more interesting, persistent with other players, while still offering you opportunities to build out your own remote bases in remote systems that are not hubs (but there *are* also hub systems if you want to build in those systems too.) 


The dynamics of the construction and the world at large also causes lot of great organic requirements. For example, building certain kinds of things requires materials that you can only find on rare planets, which naturally causes you to explore and search for ideal mining planets and start formulating plans for how best to build a mining network to build out your base. Or how to build up a fleet and manage it so that they can go on exhibitions to gather rare material.


Building up your first base also triggers a bunch of side quests that are given to you by the people you hire. I originally meant to make some progress on the main story yesterday, but got side tracked by all the base side quests that open up.


There are also lots of fun things to do with the base building that after something like 30 hours of active play I still haven't even been able to start: like constructing exovehicles and race tracks on which you can compete with your friends and save times.


The other really promising aspect of all this, is it's not done. Hello Games is still working on new stuff for the game and has started community missions that rewards "quicksliver" you can use to get additional cosmetics in the game. (I originally thought that like most games, you had to pay for quicksilver, but that is not true; it's rewarded to you for the community missions).




Finally, the exploration itself *is* fun in its own right. I know people would worry that randomly generated worlds wouldn't be fun to explore, but they absolutely are. I've taken more screenshots in this game than the vast majority of games that I play. Here is a selection.






















  • stepee 2
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1 hour ago, legend said:

why aren't you playing it?


1 hour ago, legend said:

base building


1 hour ago, legend said:



1 hour ago, legend said:
  • multi-planet bases to build;
  • cross-planet mining,


1 hour ago, legend said:



1 hour ago, legend said:

build out your own remote bases


1 hour ago, legend said:

building certain kinds of things requires materials


1 hour ago, legend said:

gather rare material


1 hour ago, legend said:



Games that a heavy in crafting, building, and resource gathering are a virus cancer that make their way into good games and make them shit. Crafting is nothing but padding. Give me a boss and make that boss drop what I want. Not a fucking material that also needs other components to make. Fuck crafting. Fuck resource gathering. 

  • stepee 1
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7 minutes ago, legend said:

never played with legos

I like legos. That doesn't mean I want to play a game where you build shit. And building isn't the think I hate the most. 


Also, while I liked legos and had a few sets, shit was(is) expensive and we were poor AF. 


I did have some bucket of legos but I never played with them and only like the sets. 

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The game is a bad buffet. To much food and all of it is low quality.

The story is not good even by video game standards.The survival,base crafting, and mining work mediocre together but individually its not fun or good.The different worlds are of course the driving force behind the game and they can be pretty kick ass at times. For me they arnt enough to slog thru everything else to see them. I dont think its a bad game but way to unfocused .

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3 hours ago, legend said:

Ah, a game of reactionary negative hyperbole. In that case, if you don't like building things and never played with legos you're a demon spawn determined to live a of life of misery and destined to contribute nothing of value to society.

Always had this game as a "need to play title". That said I will wait for a huge discount, sorry! I love Legos even now and I'm old, and the building part of Fallout 4 was some of the most fun I've had in a game in a long time, even though most hated it. I have to reboot that game first as I haven't played any of the dlc that I own, but I will keep an eye on this. Would be a good game to use to show off a new gaming PC coming this winter!!

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5 hours ago, HardAct said:

Always had this game as a "need to play title". That said I will wait for a huge discount, sorry! I love Legos even now and I'm old, and the building part of Fallout 4 was some of the most fun I've had in a game in a long time, even though most hated it. I have to reboot that game first as I haven't played any of the dlc that I own, but I will keep an eye on this. Would be a good game to use to show off a new gaming PC coming this winter!!


Haha no worries. Mainly I just wanted to give people some feedback to give it a try if the reason they didn't is because of how abysmal it was at launch 2 years ago. If you do wait even more, there is a benefit in so far as Hello Games has made it clear they're still not done, so by the time you get to it might be even cooler than it is now :p 


On the other hand, if you wait, you might lose your chance to build the largest empire in the game ;) 


2 hours ago, DPCyric said:

Lack of VR support is whats keeping me away... maybe next gen?


It would be amazing in VR. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they offer it in this very game somewhere down the road, rather than having to wait for next gen. But I haven't heard anything on it either.

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I tried to come back to it, but it still seemed fairly shallow. I spent years on games like Minecraft/Rust and the type building bases, so I'm not really interested in that aspect, especially with how the game has awful tutoriallization. On top of that, for a game about resource management, base building and survival the inventory system is a real steaming pile, y'know?


Still needs a few big updates before I feel like it's actually ready for prime time. I do like that they let me crash my ship into the ground like an adult now, though.

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23 hours ago, legend said:


Haha no worries. Mainly I just wanted to give people some feedback to give it a try if the reason they didn't is because of how abysmal it was at launch 2 years ago. If you do wait even more, there is a benefit in so far as Hello Games has made it clear they're still not done, so by the time you get to it might be even cooler than it is now :p 


On the other hand, if you wait, you might lose your chance to build the largest empire in the game ;) 



It would be amazing in VR. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they offer it in this very game somewhere down the road, rather than having to wait for next gen. But I haven't heard anything on it either.


The art direction is exactly what I want in VR so I am content to wait.

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22 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

I tried to come back to it, but it still seemed fairly shallow. I spent years on games like Minecraft/Rust and the type building bases, so I'm not really interested in that aspect, especially with how the game has awful tutoriallization. On top of that, for a game about resource management, base building and survival the inventory system is a real steaming pile, y'know?


Still needs a few big updates before I feel like it's actually ready for prime time. I do like that they let me crash my ship into the ground like an adult now, though.


I think the inventory would be fine if it had two simple changes:

1. Allow me to drop stuff on the god damn ground.

2. If my inventory is full when I try to collect something, don't make the resources vanish into nothing forever; like above, drop it on the god damn ground so I can sort it out.





Something I didn't mention earlier is there is a huge community out there doing interesting stuff. Apparently there have even been some "wars" where different organizations encroach on each other's space and try to take it over. Gives me some Eve-like vibes (without the spreadsheets). I'm looking forward to getting involved in that, but right now I've stayed to systems pretty local to my start world system (and the start system of the friend with whom I've been playing some of it) until I feel more fleshed out. It will be really interesting to see how Hello Games continues to develop the game to support the shared universe aspect.


Here's a cool page they have that details some of the hot zones in the community.






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