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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (Remake Part 2) - "An Excellent But Inconsistent Experience" (Digital Foundry Technical Review)


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1 hour ago, legend said:


Oh I have no doubt the DLC will have connections. It would be silly not to have any references as if it didn't exist. I just deeply doubt it's critical for someone to play through it before Rebirth. I think you'll still be able to enjoy Rebirth just fine without having played it and you could even go back and play it later if you find yourself interested in expanding on what happened. Certainly I have no objections to people reading synopses of it before hand though. It won't take long to read! 


The bigger worry I would have is how much knowing the OG will be important. The ending of FF7R just doesn't make much sense without knowing it. Arguably, it's "just the end" whereas the rest of the game is perfectly understandable on its own. So maybe Rebirth won't be too bad, but there is a real risk of it getting weird and without the OG knowledge it might be hard for newcomers. Guess we'll find out soon!


We have a different perspective, for sure.  I don't mind any references to the original game's happenings, since it's been long enough and a lot of the twists are common knowledge.  And its still a great game.  Although I do feel somewhat bad for people at the end of remake lacking context.


It's the stuff like this that bothers me.  Just in the past week, I've learned about all sorts of things I would have never considered to be brought in, or even knew about like the existence of like the novel.  Remake limits itself to one game, maybe two if you count Crisis Core.  Rebirth, the references and inside knowledge keeps coming...



No spoilers, but you should catch up on The First Soldier and Ever Crisis before jumping in


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17 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:


We have a different perspective, for sure.  I don't mind any references to the original game's happenings, since it's been long enough and a lot of the twists are common knowledge.  And its still a great game.  Although I do feel somewhat bad for people at the end of remake lacking context.


It's the stuff like this that bothers me.  Just in the past week, I've learned about all sorts of things I would have never considered to be brought in, or even knew the existence of like the novel.  Remake limits itself to one game, maybe two if you count Crisis Core.  Rebirth, the references and inside knowledge keeps coming...



No spoilers, but you should catch up on The First Soldier and Ever Crisis before jumping in


They really want people to know about First Soldier’s “story” when the game was shut down in less than 14 months?

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5 hours ago, crispy4000 said:


We have a different perspective, for sure.  I don't mind any references to the original game's happenings, since it's been long enough and a lot of the twists are common knowledge.  And its still a great game.  Although I do feel somewhat bad for people at the end of remake lacking context.


It's the stuff like this that bothers me.  Just in the past week, I've learned about all sorts of things I would have never considered to be brought in, or even knew about like the existence of like the novel.  Remake limits itself to one game, maybe two if you count Crisis Core.  Rebirth, the references and inside knowledge keeps coming...



No spoilers, but you should catch up on The First Soldier and Ever Crisis before jumping in



I'm not terribly concerned as of yet. I'm not going to bother catching up on what happens there. As long as they give you the background in Rebirth, it can remain background for me! :p 

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Let's not pretend that Square Enix's attempts at cross game lore have ever been good. They have always been, currently are, and forever shall be... tire fires. It's still going to be okay, I promise. You'll be able to get by just fine if you haven't played Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Children Skullfucker McGee EX + Alpha Kingdom Hearts Edition. References, callbacks, and inspirations do not a plot make.

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@crispy4000 I just got to a section to test the graphics. Performance is 60fps obviously but still way to blurry. So I'm choosing graphics setting which looks so much better. 


Also, I hope they show the beginning I just saw because it wasn't in the demo. I am also replaying the demo portion but I'm assuming they will show this new beginning even if you load up your save from the demo. Graphics are so fuckin good. 

  • stepee 1
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6 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

Can’t watch right now, but did they recommend graphics or performance mode post (second) patch?


30 minutes ago, best3444 said:

@crispy4000 I just got to a section to test the graphics. Performance is 60fps obviously but still way to blurry. So I'm choosing graphics setting which looks so much better. 


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12 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

Can’t watch right now, but did they recommend graphics or performance mode post (second) patch?


Performance mode average is below 1200p, which is considerably lower than Remake at 1512p.  The scaling might look better if you set your PS5's output resolution to 1440p.


They recommend graphics mode for now, with the caveat that there's no motion blur to smooth camera motion.

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4 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:


Performance mode average is below 1200p, which is considerably lower than Remake at 1512p.  The scaling might look better if you set your PS5's output resolution to 1440p.


They recommend graphics mode for now, with the caveat that there's no motion blur to smooth camera motion.


Or you could listen to someone who is actually playing the game lol. Wtf am I even posting for? I'm trying to give good information here. The performance mode looks like ass. I guess you guys don't believe me?

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2 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Or you could listen to someone who is actually playing the game lol. Wtf am I even posting for? I'm trying to give good information here. The performance mode looks like ass. I guess you guys don't believe me?


I'm literally relaying details from the video.  No need to take offense.


DF's opinion on graphical matters is second to none.  They came to the same conclusion as you, just with more experience and detail to back it up, like resolution counts, comparisons to Remake and such.

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16 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:


I'm literally relaying details from the video.  No need to take offense.


DF's opinion on graphical matters is second to none.  They came to the same conclusion as you, just with more experience and detail to back it up, like resolution counts, comparisons to Remake and such.


I don't need Digital Foundry to tell me when something looks like ass lol. But ok. 


BTW, the game itself is so fucking good. I am already done with the demo section and fuck is it awesome. I need to go soon but when I get back I'm playing more. It's so addicting. The music 💘 😻 

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38 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Or you could listen to someone who is actually playing the game lol. Wtf am I even posting for? I'm trying to give good information here. The performance mode looks like ass. I guess you guys don't believe me?

I do. I’ll be starting this afternoon using graphics mode. I know you love great graphics and if you say it’s light years better then ya…..graphic mode it is. 

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4 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

I just answered his question.  He asked about their thoughts.


I know. I got ya. They have a nice story recap in the options for FF7 Remake that I watched and it's very nice if you never played Remake. So others who never played Remake could litteraly jump right in to Rebirth.


7 minutes ago, Biggie said:

I do. I’ll be starting this afternoon using graphics mode. I know you love great graphics and if you say it’s light years better then ya…..graphic mode it is. 


Yea, you get it lol. I think this forces you to play up until 



You are about to ascend mt nibel. Then your save from the demo comes into play. So you're going to see a new awesome beginning when you start then have to play in the Nibelheim village before you can load your demo save up. Which is a good idea imo. 


You're are going to absolutely love this game. 

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Text article that accompanies the Digital Foundry video:



Oliver Mackenzie presents Digital Foundry's tech review of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. How does this UE4 title take advant…




Let's start with what Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth does well and that begins with its excellent cutscenes. These are bombastic, beautifully-directed sequences that provide stunning views of near-CGI level character models in a mix of expository and action scenes. The level of visual quality achieved here is very impressive, and the cinematics are often outstanding. That was true of 2020's Final Fantasy 7 Remake as well - so what's changed? Character designs have been tweaked quite a bit for these sequences, with higher grade - and subtly more realistic - modeling.


Skin is more detailed with better-defined specular highlights, while hair rendering is significantly improved. The card-based hair system is less angular and possesses more fine detail, with less dithering and break-up. There's more obvious light occlusion and self-shadowing, looking shinier than its Remake counterpart. The cutscene lighting has also been improved, often going for cinematic three-point lighting setups that bring the characters into sharper relief against backgrounds. There's effective indirect lighting in these scenes too, with obvious light bounce from reflective surfaces like sand.





Relative to Remake, there's a big boost in the basic fidelity of these more naturalistic environments. Plus - and perhaps more importantly - Remake doesn't actually have any truly open areas, with the map featuring a more tightly constrained scope. These wide-open gameplay spaces are new for Rebirth. On top of that, distant detail is made of real geometry, unlike Remake, which often resorted to 2D art.


Rebirth's cities are also worth commenting on. Rebirth has expansive and dense city environments, with plenty of civilians scurrying about and lots of geometric and texture detail. Remake is quite limited by comparison, again with limited, corridor-like towns and cities that feel a little artificial. Rebirth effectively takes the Final Fantasy 7 Remake formula to work within a more expansive setting, and that's where I think we've seen the most technical progress. The broader scope - plus the improvements to character rendering in cutscenes - are the basic enhancements here.





Unfortunately, there are some areas where Rebirth is just treading water relative to its four-year old predecessor - and quite a few spots where we've actually seen a step back. Environmental lighting tends to be a serious pain point here. To be fair, many environments look perfectly fine - including the game's cities, which can exhibit decent precalculated lighting, and some of the larger open-world spaces, which look fine while relying more heavily on real-time techniques. Some of the interiors can look quite nice as well, at least when judged from a distance.


The problems really emerge when we start examining some of the game's models up close. Complex structures would stand to benefit from improved precalculated lighting to look good, or some kind of real-time traced lighting. Instead, Rebirth presents these areas almost without any lighting detail at all, or with basic non-shadow casting lights. It often doesn't look great, making the environment look like just a bunch of models jammed together. For a big budget current-gen game, Rebirth can look a little baffling at times. High fidelity and consistent lighting is a cornerstone of current-gen tech, and even without ray-traced GI we would expect a better result here.


That becomes especially clear if we take a look back at Remake. Remake's baked lighting wasn't always of the highest fidelity, but it did a pretty good job of simulating global illumination within more constrained spaces, and smaller objects generally looked appropriately grounded and shaded within the world. That's just not the case much of the time in Rebirth, with worse lighting in typical play.


There are other lighting problems too. Rebirth's shadows are generally at a very low resolution. There is a high-res shadow cascade at comically close distances to the player camera during gameplay, and the shadow resolution during cutscenes is generally fine, but most shadows during gameplay have a lot of breakup and aliasing. Final Fantasy 7 Remake had higher-res shadows - especially in its Intergrade iteration, which boosted shadow res somewhat for PS5 consoles and PCs. I'm not one to harp on low-res shadows usually, but the quality difference here is pretty profound. It's hard to believe that lowering shadow resolution to this level is worth it, relative to just using a bit more dynamic res in the image.





Don't get me wrong - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a generally good-looking game that can look superb in its best moments. However, the title has some obvious visual flaws, primarily with lighting, that in some cases make it less appealing than its four-year-old predecessor. It's a larger, and often improved visual experience over that game, but these concessions are annoying.


Rebirth offers two visual modes - a graphics mode, which targets 30fps, and a performance mode which targets 60fps. Underlying visual settings appear to be a match here, so you're getting identical shadows, draw distances, and all the rest of it as far as I can tell. Resolution for the performance mode averages at around 1152p, while the graphics mode is usually at or near 4K, with both modes employing dynamic resolution. That's nothing particularly special, but there is a very odd quirk with the performance mode. The game doesn't upscale using a typical bicubic or bilinear method, but instead seems to double the pixels using a nearest neighbour technique or something similar, albeit with a slightly soft final resolve. It's noticeably blocky and still doesn't look much sharper than more conventional scaling methods.


I did try setting the PS5's resolution to 1440p output in the system settings, and the blockiness largely disappeared. It may still be scaling down from that 4K output though, as taking the original 4K output and doing a bilinear scale to 1440p produces a similar enough result. Still, it might be worth considering for those who really can't stand the image resolve in performance mode. Unfortunately, the relatively low resolution in performance mode - likely combined with some low-res post-processing or another visual bugbear - means that Rebirth is a lot softer than Remake when targeting 60fps. I thought Remake looked solid with its 1512p typical resolution in performance mode, but Rebirth really doesn't hold up well on a 4K set with the same visual options and requires improvement.



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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (Remake Part 2) - "an excellent but inconsistent experience" (Digital Foundry Technical Review)
11 minutes ago, Biggie said:

@best3444 does the game still run smoothly in graphics mode? Be honest. 


Oh absolutely. It's a solid 30fps and the combat is perfectly smooth. Obviously I'd prefer 60fps but it looks like a Nintendo Switch game in that mode. 


Once they patch the performance mode I'll switch to that. 

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17 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Oh absolutely. It's a solid 30fps and the combat is perfectly smooth. Obviously I'd prefer 60fps but it looks like a Nintendo Switch game in that mode. 


Once they patch the performance mode I'll switch to that. 

Wonder why they didn’t patch it now? They knew in the demo it was a problem. 

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4 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Wonder why they didn’t patch it now? They knew in the demo it was a problem. 


No idea. But I'm completely fine with how it is. I'm currently out doing some grown up stuff chomping at the bit to get home and play more. 

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