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Dragon's Dogma II (PC/PS5/Xbox Series) - Information Thread, update (04/19): planned fixes for next update detailed

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6 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

Dragon's Dogma can and does alternate from amazing to infuriating on a regular basis. I can't think of a game that I both love and hate in such prefect symmetry!  

Right? One minute I think to myself, this may be the greatest open world RPG I’ve ever played. Two minutes later I’m thinking, what kind of dogshit mechanics is this. Why would they do this?

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2 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

Over and over attacks pass straight through enemies. Not just once in a while. Really weird that you’re so hostile about me calling out problems with this game. 

What's weird is you're somehow playing a different game than everybody else here. I mean you're the one person asking for a lock on button but also complaining about attacks passing through enemies... maybe it ain't the game. Maybe it's YOU. I'm not saying the game is perfect, but honestly to me a lot of the "problems" I see people are having with this game is that it's literally doing it's own thing when it comes to mechanics that a lot of people aren't used to because they want and are trying to play this game like OTHER games in the genre which it does not do. What's a little annoying for me, is that there were PLENTY of videos that said this before the game came out, the first game did a lot of the same things this one is doing and was nowhere near as well recieved (some of the folks raving about this game in this topic were some of the biggest detractors of the first game) and some of the questions and confusion that people have in this game, are answered by the game itself. All it requires paying attention and or reading the in game Enyclopedia.


I come into this topic wanting to discuss the game and no offense to anybody, I see a bunch of dumb assed questions and comments and I roll my eyes and go back to playing the game. I've even posted videos to try and help folks out that are struggling... nope "I'd rather complain and make reductive comments about PS3 graphics or whatever" and people wonder why activity on this board is dwindling...Sigh. Post what what you want bro, and I promise this will be the last time I comment on one of your posts regarding this game. I have no idea what game you're playing or why you'r having such a different experience than most everybody else but I'd suggest, taking a break and playing something or or just putting the game down. Why suffer through soemthing you're clearly not enjoying? it ain't fun for you or anybody else.


Anyway, back to the game... has anyone figured out if you can share pawns across platforms?

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I think it also helps if you have Monster Hunter experience, the way this game plays makes a lot of sense if you have played MH.


I can see why people are frustrated without the lock on, but it really doesn't need it. It's just something you kind of "have a feel for" after playing a good while.

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6 minutes ago, Hurricane Game said:

I think it also helps if you have Monster Hunter experience, the way this game plays makes a lot of sense if you have played MH.


I can see why people are frustrated without the lock on, but it really doesn't need it. It's just something you kind of "have a feel for" after playing a good while.

Like I said earlier, I never played Monster Hunter and only tried that series after playing Dragon's Dogma and didn't really like it. But yeah, once you start playing the game the way it's meant to be played and not like a whole different game in the genre, you'll get the hang of it. It ain't that deep.  You don't even really have to "aim" at an enemy. The character will always attack the closest thing to them unless you move in a different direction. It's pretty simple.

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Just now, skillzdadirecta said:

Like I said earlier, I never playe Monster Hunter and only tried that series after playing Dragon's Dogma and didn't really like it. But yeah, once you start playing the game the way it's meant to be played and like not like a whole different gaem in the genre, you'll get the hang of it. It ain't that deep.  You don't even really have to "aim" at an enemy. The character will always attack the closest thing to them unless you move in a different direction. It's pretty simple.

Yeah, I think the combat is awesome and may be an acquired taste, but once you acquire it, it's fantastic.

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5 minutes ago, best3444 said:

Has anyone crossed the damn border yet?

I have the quest to do so, but I have ignored it to fill in the empty spots in the first area.

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37 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

a lot of the "problems" I see people are having with this game is that it's literally doing it's own thing



I mean, I did say I wish your equipped load was the only weight that counted like Dark Souls, but that doesn't count because....

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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Anyway, back to the game... has anyone figured out if you can share pawns across platforms?


I think not. Maybe they'll add it later, hopefully.


Here's mine if you want to try and see if it works: DH8GXC013XJE (I'm on steam)

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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

What's weird is you're somehow playing a different game than everybody else here. I mean you're the one person asking for a lock on button but also complaining about attacks passing through enemies... maybe it ain't the game. Maybe it's YOU. I'm not saying the game is perfect, but honestly to me a lot of the "problems" I see people are having with this game is that it's literally doing it's own thing when it comes to mechanics that a lot of people aren't used to because they want and are trying to play this game like OTHER games in the genre which it does not do. What's a little annoying for me, is that there were PLENTY of videos that said this before the game came out, the first game did a lot of the same things this one is doing and was nowhere near as well recieved (some of the folks raving about this game in this topic were some of the biggest detractors of the first game) and some of the questions and confusion that people have in this game, are answered by the game itself. All it requires paying attention and or reading the in game Enyclopedia.


I come into this topic wanting to discuss the game and no offense to anybody, I see a bunch of dumb assed questions and comments and I roll my eyes and go back to playing the game. I've even posted videos to try and help folks out that are struggling... nope "I'd rather complain and make reductive comments about PS3 graphics or whatever" and people wonder why activity on this board is dwindling...Sigh. Post what what you want bro, and I promise this will be the last time I comment on one of your posts regarding this game. I have no idea what game you're playing or why you'r having such a different experience than most everybody else but I'd suggest, taking a break and playing something or or just putting the game down. Why suffer through soemthing you're clearly not enjoying? it ain't fun for you or anybody else.


Anyway, back to the game... has anyone figured out if you can share pawns across platforms?

Omg this made me laugh lololololololol


Also I don’t think Pawns are shareable across platforms unfortunately. 


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Just now, best3444 said:


I didn't even mess with any options last night while playing. The framerate was never an issue for me. 

Me neither. Pretty sure I'm playing graphics mode... I have TV that supports VRR though. I notice some frame rate dips but nothing too dramatic. What I really notice are people a teleporting into view out of thin air when I'm running through town. That's distracting.

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3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Me neither. Pretty sure I'm playing graphics mode... I have TV that supports VRR though. I notice some frame rate dips but nothing too dramatic. What I really notice are people a teleporting into view out of thin air when I'm running through town. That's distracting.

My TV supports VRR also. So which would you choose for Series X?

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1 minute ago, Biggie said:

I don’t know,if it’s just my imagination but variable seems to look smoother to me @stepee


I heard people have the same effect on pc, so might not be your imagination! I thought it felt smoother after being away a week as well. Was just running around inside the first town in and out of buildings and was a smooth 116fps.

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I think there’s a lot of people not meeting the game on its own terms, but it has a lot of annoying design quirks that aren’t like shirking genre norms but just kinda bad / inconsistent design. 

The stealth, if you can even call it that, is just objectively bad imo. It doesn’t give you enough information and it doesn’t react consistently and it doesn’t give you any feedback on why something worked one day and not the next. 

There’s a mission where you get a guy out of prison and you’re supposed to “lead” him, and I assume he will actually follow you but in mine he fuckin wouldn’t so I just carried his ass out. And it took a while cuz he’d break out of the hold and just tell me to lead him out and then wouldn’t follow. Was that pretty damn funny? Yes, but it’s annoying too when you’re also not sure if when the guards see you they’ll cut you to pieces. 

An earlier part of that same quest required me to find a certain type of place for him… and like the checklist un checked was “find a place with blank” and I found said place. But it didn’t check the box and say like “ok now go back to the guy.” Which if the game was more consistent about leaving things like that more vague it wouldn’t have bothered me, but there are just enough quests where it DOES take you through each thing step by step that I’m like shit did I miss some interactible thing in the place or not talk to the right guy or what. 

All that being said I LOVE this game. I am more than happy to look past those frustrating moments, but they’re certainly there. 

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3 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

I think there’s a lot of people not meeting the game on its own terms, but it has a lot of annoying design quirks that aren’t like shirking genre norms but just kinda bad / inconsistent design. 

The stealth, if you can even call it that, is just objectively bad imo. It doesn’t give you enough information and it doesn’t react consistently and it doesn’t give you any feedback on why something worked one day and not the next. 

There’s a mission where you get a guy out of prison and you’re supposed to “lead” him, and I assume he will actually follow you but in mine he fuckin wouldn’t so I just carried his ass out. And it took a while cuz he’d break out of the hold and just tell me to lead him out and then wouldn’t follow. Was that pretty damn funny? Yes, but it’s annoying too when you’re also not sure if when the guards see you they’ll cut you to pieces. 

An earlier part of that same quest required me to find a certain type of place for him… and like the checklist un checked was “find a place with blank” and I found said place. But it didn’t check the box and say like “ok now go back to the guy.” Which if the game was more consistent about leaving things like that more vague it wouldn’t have bothered me, but there are just enough quests where it DOES take you through each thing step by step that I’m like shit did I miss some interactible thing in the place or not talk to the right guy or what. 

All that being said I LOVE this game. I am more than happy to look past those frustrating moments, but they’re certainly there. 

Are you talking about the 


Black guy who was going to move downstairs in the church with all the books?


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6 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Are you talking about the 

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Yes he is. I had no issues of him following me out etc. 

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So the way I did that quest was in this order;


Go to the prison, talk to the guy he tells you he won't leave

Go back to Brandt he tells you to talk to the church guy.

Go Church guy, do his mission discover the book place.

Go back to prison guy, tell him you found a place, break him out and take him to the book place.

report back to Brandt: WIN :twothumbsup:

I did all of that without a guide... it helps once you discover there's a back way into the prison that opens out into the slums. Stealth is pretty bad in this though. It works pretty much by line of sight which is fine, but there's no crouch walk or sneaking animation so you can give yourself away just by unintentionally moving too fast. If they were going to have stealth missions they should have included that functionality.


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3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

So the way I did that quest was in this order;

  Hide contents

Go to the prison, talk to the guy he tells you he won't leave

Go back to Brandt he tells you to talk to the church guy.

Go Church guy, do his mission discover the book place.

Go back to prison guy, tell him you found a place, break him out and take him to the book place.

report back to Brandt: WIN :twothumbsup:

I did all of that without a guide... it helps once you discover there's a back way into the prison that opens out into the slums. Stealth is pretty bad in this though. It works pretty much by line of sight which is fine, but there's no crouch walk or sneaking animation so you can give yourself away just by unintentionally moving too fast. If they were going to have stealth missions they should have included that functionality.


I didn’t need a guide but what I’m saying is the game isn’t consistent in how it manages major steps of a given quest. In that one’s case, it didn’t check mark “find a place” when I found a place, leaving me unsure if I should go back to him or not and causing a little uncertainly / frustration. Again not a big deal overall but imo sloppy design. 

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Just now, Paperclyp said:

I didn’t need a guide but what I’m saying is the game isn’t consistent in how it manages major steps of a given quest. In that one’s case, it didn’t check mark “find a place” when I found a place, leaving me unsure if I should go back to him or not and causing a little uncertainly / frustration. Again not a big deal overall but imo sloppy design. 

Okay BloodyHell 


Just kidding lol

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10 minutes ago, Biggie said:

He followed me but fuck was he slow as shit. For someone trying to escape a lifetime of being in a dungeon prison he sure took his sweet time. 


Yea but even in the first interaction with him he said he is content there. 

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