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Dragon's Dogma II (PC/PS5/Xbox Series) - Information Thread, update (04/19): planned fixes for next update detailed

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Watching a stream. The game's intro gave me massive FOMO, but then I spent some time with the character creator on PS5 and I'm back to normal.


Edit: Ending(s) were uploaded to YT.


I'll be holding off for sure. Out of context, the endings seem to be the same or lesser than the first game. That's a shame.


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Played for about 90 minutes, like @Paperclyp and only did one quest. :sickos:


It's running acceptably I think. The towns yeah do have frame drops, the open world runs pretty well. Basically it runs between 60 and 30 and rarely gets below that. (I have a 2080ti) Looks nice. My pawn is giant, like a foot taller than me. If you didn't use the character creator you might have done yourself a disservice because you'll be seeing a lot of your characters face in this game.


Random screenshot




Right off the bat there is a quality of life improvement over the original. There's like a quick item bar so you can light your lantern without going into your inventory.


Also, one of the first people you meet's name is Justin so GOTY already! Hype.png


Looking forward to playing more but I have to eat first.

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The basic movement and traversal feels so much better than the first game. While I'm a little sad you can't jump nearly as high (at least to start with) the basic physicality of the locomotion and how your character feels weighted in the world is really satisfying in a way I'm not sure I know how to explain. The first game was super loosey goosey and that made it fun in its own way, but this one has a certain weight to everything that even makes opening doors more satisfying, which is a weird minor thing but since those are the things you do earliest in most games, they're what I tend to notice first.


Also jumping grabs to tackle enemies/NPCs from various angles, chucking enemies off cliffs, so good. Plus all the added weight, despite seemingly making it more "realistic" makes big arcadey style hits land that much more intensely. It's great.

Don't really care too much about the microtransaction shit. I'm on PC, I'll give myself whatever I want whenever I want -- but it is a pretty scummy thing to do. Reviewers should start making addendum reviews after microtransaction launches focused solely on scummy practices to really highlight them. Also rage bait is great clickbait!


Anyway, performance is definitely all over the place. I can lock to 120 FPS in most areas, but it quickly drops into the 70s/80s around the small populated areas I've been in. Haven't yet been to the bigger city yet, which is where performance is apparently worst. It hasn't been nearly as bad as some prerelease footage, but it's far from smooth or consistent.


Also, nights are super dark in a fun way, whereas nights just kind of sucked ass in the original. Here it really feels like you're trudging through inky darkness to get around, without a fucking dire wolf coming to tear your jugular out every 15 steps. God DAMN it was annoying to get around DD1 at night.

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41 minutes ago, Bacon said:

Watching a stream. The game's intro gave me massive FOMO, but then I spent some time with the character creator on PS5 and I'm back to normal.


Edit: Ending(s) were uploaded to YT.

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@Bacon You know you can


fuck the pawns in this right?


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9 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

The basic movement and traversal feels so much better than the first game. While I'm a little sad you can't jump nearly as high (at least to start with) the basic physicality of the locomotion and how your character feels weighted in the world is really satisfying in a way I'm not sure I know how to explain. The first game was super loosey goosey and that made it fun in its own way, but this one has a certain weight to everything that even makes opening doors more satisfying, which is a weird minor thing but since those are the things you do earliest in most games, they're what I tend to notice first.


Yeah I noticed this when using the thief skill, in the original you could just zip your slash and stop on a dime. In this one your momentum carries you past the slash.

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22 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

it also has Denuvo which has pissed people off and you can’t just delete your character and start a new one. 


No one liked Denuvo before but it turned into a troll meme once that whole Enigma thing happened a couple months ago and now you just see "Denuvo bad won't buy" threads on every Capcom game whether it has it or not.

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Damn this game is good... They improved on everything from the first game and expanded on it. Looks and pays great too. They added so much dialogue that wans't in the first game. My party comp is me, Thief, two fighters (hirelings) and my main pawn, a mage. i originally made her a fighter but changed it when I started the game.

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On 3/21/2024 at 12:42 AM, Xbob42 said:

He's saying that most VRR, especially on TVs, operate within a certain range of viable framerates. Low framerate compensation can make up for this, but I don't know the specifics so I'm not sure it would apply here.

Further, he's saying that the stutters aren't just tiny thing you might get with general framerate variance, but actual big stutters that VRR can't compensate for. VRR isn't magic; if something stutters, it'll stutter in VRR. If something has BIG stutters, VRR won't even help dress it up in a skirt and cheap makeup.

Just to add to this: VRR can greatly vary depending on the TV you have. I know many LEDs are a 40-120hz range, with most Sony TVs even being the weird choice of 48-120hz that PS5 has. LG OLEDs are one of the best in terms of range as VRR can stay active below 20hz. The outputting hardware also matters as it may have it’s own range limitations (I can’t find a clear answer for XSX, but PS5’s range is only that 48-120hz range, though I believe it can be overridden if the devs program for it on PS5). 
It makes me wonder what display they were using in their review.

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24 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

Just to add to this: VRR can greatly vary depending on the TV you have. I know many LEDs are a 40-120hz range, with most Sony TVs even being the weird choice of 48-120hz that PS5 has. LG OLEDs are one of the best in terms of range as VRR can stay active below 20hz. The outputting hardware also matters as it may have it’s own range limitations (I can’t find a clear answer for XSX, but PS5’s range is only that 48-120hz range, though I believe it can be overridden if the devs program for it on PS5). 
It makes me wonder what display they were using in their review.

Yeah, it's similar with monitors. A proper native Gsync monitor works from 1Hz to your monitor's max Hz, whereas pretty much anything outside of that, similarly to TVs, works from 30ish or so, to as low (on the max range end) as 70 to as high as... 144 maybe? I'm not sure.

Kinda why I like sticking to gsync. It definitely results in a more expensive display, but it's got a full VRR range.

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1 minute ago, Xbob42 said:

Yeah, it's similar with monitors. A proper native Gsync monitor works from 1Hz to your monitor's max Hz, whereas pretty much anything outside of that similarly works from the 30ish too kinds of ranges of like as low as 70 to as high as... 144 maybe? I'm not sure.

Kinda why I like sticking to gsync. It definitely results in a more expensive display, but it's got a full VRR range.

Yea, GSync (actual GSync, not “GSync Compatible”) has a physical chip in the monitor to allow the type of range it has (1hz to 480hz+ on the newest revisions). OG Freesync only worked from like 48-60hz and was SDR only, Freesync Premium (minimum for “GSync Compatible” certification) added HDR support and increased the range up to 120hz, Freesync Premium Pro (aka: Freesync 2) added real HDR support where tone mapping can be done natively and also allowed “custom” ranges as long as it hit the minimum required for certification (ie: a manufacturer can have a wider range of 20-180hz; it just needs to be at least 48-120hz).

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2 hours ago, Spork3245 said:



I mean, I've been staying at 120 FPS outside of town, and about 70-100 in town. It's got some issues in town, though. I wonder if the consoles are improved at all? They looked completely miserable from that IGN preview.


1 hour ago, Spork3245 said:




Trying to hawk this shit on PC (Capcom does it with many of their games sadly) is especially funny. Buddy, cheat engine is free!

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15 minutes ago, Biggie said:

You don’t have to buy any of it do you? I mean it’s not a pay to win type thing. Or is it?

Well, you can literally buy extra lives for 99c. It's basically P2W unless your definition is strictly for PvP.

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9 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Gamers love to freak out about every goddamn thing.  You will be able to fast travel by playing the game and opening up waypoints.


Yeah this is just massive trolling at this point. The first game was basically the same thing. You can earn plenty of rift coins just by playing. It's super easy to ignore. Capcom has this in a bunch of other games but people just want to target this one for some reason. 🤷

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I can understand the frustration with those microtransactions but I don’t necessarily trust most people making a stink about them online. Maybe I’ll feel differently later on, but I trust the designers of the game when they say we purposely left fast travel extremely limited and stuff like that. I don’t think it’s their decision to then offer this BS to purchase, and again until I run in to a situation where I feel actually swindled I am going to assume most of that is manufactured anger looking to get attention. 

The reviews we’ve read played the entire game without knowledge of this stuff and they loved the game as is. 

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So I spent like 6 hours (:sickos:) on this. I think I enjoy it.

I didn't take the ox cart at the beginning and it took me like 3 in game days or so to finally make it to the capital. Fought a variety of monsters on the way, even some I never saw in the first game like (slimes). Some harpies put me to sleep and then a wolf picked up my sleeping body and dragged me and the wolf off of a cliff, but I lived and kicked all their asses.

So far it seems like fire isn't the "beat everything" strat as pawns will point out weaknesses and you have nothing to fight against them, such as a cyclops. The game rewards you for going off the beaten path a lot. There are hidden things and chests, and it's fun when you find something and the pawn you're with says, "Oh I didn't know this was here, I'll tell my master" - Also they made encumbrance sort of less of a drag because you can find these consumable bugs that let you carry more. I'm really enjoying the world there is just so much more to look at and explore compared to the first one. huge waterfalls and bridges and stuff like that. Oh and you don't have to carry a pickaxe anymore as a QOL thing, you can just walk up to a deposit and mine.


Only oof I ran into was when I got to the capital and it was raining and the frame rate took a huge shit, but it was going pretty well until then. :p


Some more screens so @best3444 can :angry-fap-small:







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21 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Yeah this is just massive trolling at this point. The first game was basically the same thing. You can earn plenty of rift coins just by playing. It's super easy to ignore. Capcom has this in a bunch of other games but people just want to target this one for some reason. 🤷


I just think the memes are hysterical :p 

I never played the first game and am forcing myself to wait on this since I'm still playing Rebirth and haven't even gotten to Starfield yet.


1 minute ago, Biggie said:

OMG y'all I heard it cost .99 cents each time you boot up the game and $3.99 if you want to create a save for your progress!


Whoa, now, this isn't Metal Gear Survive!

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