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I hate game cutscenes


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I'm all for better writing in cut scenes.  However, most of the best games of all time make heavy use of cut scenes.  Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, Horizon, etc.


What I would get rid of is the story telling with poorly written text boxes with the "press A to continue" that are used by so many indie/Japanese developers.

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1 hour ago, mikechorney said:

I'm all for better writing in cut scenes.  However, most of the best games of all time make heavy use of cut scenes.  Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, Horizon, etc.


What I would get rid of is the story telling with poorly written text boxes with the "press A to continue" that are used by so many indie/Japanese developers.


Did you just casually throw Horizon in as one of the greatest video games ever created?

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I just hate it when the checkpoint/save point is before the cut scene. There is a special place in Hell for those developers that do this leading into a boss battle.


Also, a single cutscene should be no longer than 2 minutes. Don't lock me into something that's going to take 20 minutes to get through; ESPECIALLY if I have to tap the fucking A button to progress the conversation.


Oh, and don't string together like, 9 cutscenes with 15 seconds of gameplay in between each. Why do I have to walk five steps to initiate the next cutscene? Why not just put them all together and get it over with?


You know what, I'm with the OP, fuck cutscenes lol.

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4 hours ago, 2user1cup said:

These were cool when they couldn't get graphics to look as good now they're just annoying. I hate them, I just want to play a game and don't have time to sit through this F- writing. These need to always be skipable.



This is the real issue. 

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I enjoy a good story so I don't mind cutscenes at all.  There are at times I'd like to skip scene, though, especially if replaying a game.


As for Horizon Dawn, any skipped a lot of the dialogue / cutscenes if it wasn't related to what led to civilization end. The other stuff bored me.

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3 hours ago, johnny said:

horizon is fucking fantastic 

It's a very passable Ubisoft game.


Anyway, I don't mind cutscenes, but I guess it depends on a lot of factors. What kind of mood I'm in, what kind of game I'm playing, how much gameplay came before or after, has the game actually started yet, etc.


For example, if I just want to get in to see how the game plays, I want to skip all the bullshit.


However, if I've been doing gameplay for a solid 45 minutes, a couple minute cutscene is a nice natural break where I can take a bite of my now-cold dinner and hydrate a bit. I mean, I can just pause the game to do that, but as I said, a natural break.


If I watch a 15 minute cutscene, get a "gameplay" break where I literally walk 20ish feet and activate another cutscene, it's going to irritate me. Aside from MMOs. They specifically put that break there in MMOs so you can take a break from the story and go do something else, since you can't pause MMO cutscenes.


I think I hate forced walk-and-talks more. Furi is an awesome game, and very replayable, but my god those walk-and-talks are only good once. I think there's a mode that gets rid of them, but they're bad in general because they can't be skipped, and some take fucking FOREVER. You can't even swing your weapon around and jump around like a crazy person to keep yourself entertained.

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I generally enjoy cut scenes.  Depends on the type of game, or course.  I enjoy cinematic games, like Uncharted.  Those sorts of cut scenes are awesome in my books. 


A nice mix of cinematic cut scenes sprinkled into a story-based game really elevates the game for me.  The Halo games and Horizon Zero Dawn have a nice balance.


Now if I'm playing something like Rocket League or Tetris, no, I just want the gameplay and don't get in my way with anything else... but great cut scenes in narrative games are great.

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Before, it was kind of the only way to advance certain kinds of story elements.


Today, it's usually a kludge for a lack of development resources. Dialog can be handled within the game easily these days. Both with full dialog systems or within the context of other game action (Uncharted pioneering how to do this well).


And for non-dialog events, it will always be cooler if you *play* the event rather than watch it. But, playing key events normally handled by cutscenes does mean that your engine and design has to be fleshed out enough to afford the event you want to convey. Previously, technology simply wasn't up to the task. Today, it is, but fleshing the design and tech out to handle such key special events takes money and effort that may not be feasible on a budget. That is why I say a cutscene is a kludge these days.

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On 9/2/2018 at 2:52 PM, 5timechamp said:

I only hate cutscenes when they go out of their way to show the character doing crazy amazing things that they cant do in actual gameplay, specially when its something simple that could have been programmed into the game

THIS. I came in to post this exact thing. Drives me batty every time to see my character do something cool in a cutscene that I can't do in game...sometimes it's even something stupid, like jumping...but it always leaves me with a feeling of "why can't I do that?". 


Another offender with cutscenes is when they one-shot kill a character "for the story" after you've personally seen that character be a bullet/sword/weapon sponge during game play but all of a sudden they are susceptible to a headshot :p 

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I rarely mind cutscenes when I'm interested in the story of the game. When the cutscenes aren't interesting, it's usually a problem with something else in the game.


Still, I do kind of agree that they're generally not a good way to do something. Video games are fundamentally an interactive medium, and there's nothing that disrupts an interactive medium more than preventing interactivity.

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Every time I think of utterly infuriating 'lulz watch our shitty C-grade movie instead of actually playing' nonsense, I think of Max Payne 3.


There's great gameplay in there but sadly only 10 seconds at a time after approximately 20 minutes of unskippable cutscenes per 10 seconds of gameplay. What a train wreck. 

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On 9/2/2018 at 4:52 PM, 5timechamp said:

I only hate cutscenes when they go out of their way to show the character doing crazy amazing things that they cant do in actual gameplay, specially when its something simple that could have been programmed into the game

I did not come in here to say this but I can't like comment enough. SO DAMN TRUE!!!!!!! I can name countless games that did this. 


I love cut scenes. I don't think I can ever get tired of them but I better have an option to skip them. 

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