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Female WaPo journalist complains about male colleague's sexist twitter RT. He gets suspended, she gets fired

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When I am on any social media, I'll share/retweet or whatever, those things in which I find to be outrageously hysterical. If my sense of humor doesn't correlate to yours, either don't follow me and/or keep scrolling, like ffs people stop being butt hurt over benign bullshit!


Yes, I found that RT funny AF!

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55 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

A guy who looks like that I’d be more shocked if he wasn’t into that joke

I’m shamelessly stealing this from a Defector comment that made me laugh my ass off, but he has the face of a man who knows exactly when all of his daughter’s friends turn 18. 

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31 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

She basically kept going on about it on social media even after Weigel was suspended, basically she either wanted to get fired or is really dumb.


It seems like many of her (white male rich) colleagues were internally harassing her. Combined with her boss publicly reprimanding her on twitter (which he later deleted) and the hundreds of horrible tweets she received after he did so...I am taking her side.

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:


It seems like many of her (white male rich) colleagues were internally harassing her. Combined with her boss publicly reprimanding her on twitter (which he later deleted) and the hundreds of horrible tweets she received after he did so...I am taking her side.

Will Ferrell Anchorman GIF

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4 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:

She basically kept going on about it on social media even after Weigel was suspended, basically she either wanted to get fired or is really dumb.

This is it. She was setting up a claim of retaliation in regards to a complaint she filed against WaPo. She did everything she could to push them to fire her. She wants a big settlement.

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5 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

and was suspended after tweeting about Kobe Bryant's rape history after he died.

This reminded me of a bunch of people getting mad at me on this board for mentioning in the aftermath of the helicopter crash that Kobe is a difficult character to cover because he was supremely talented and influential, but also probably raped a woman and got away with it.


The pitchforks were OUT 😂

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22 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

This is it. She was setting up a claim of retaliation in regards to a complaint she filed against WaPo. She did everything she could to push them to fire her. She wants a big settlement.


She has had trouble from WaPo before: https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/27/media/washington-post-felicia-sonmez-kobe-bryant/index.html


My scan on what's going on here combined with everything else we've found out the last few years about how much workplace shit is tolerated is that if this is a big settlement play on her part:

  1. I'm inclined to believe that it really is a toxic work environment.
  2. She knows if she just quits it'd be a fuckton harder to get anything.
  3. She's probably afraid she's already blackballed from reporting gigs of an equal caliber as the job she currently has.

Going for a big settlement is the only real option left if you're at the point that you're worried that circumstances mean that you're never getting worthwhile work in your field again.

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she made a huge deal about a joke that he immediately deleted and apologized for. He got suspended, and she kept flaming everone. She kept attacking colleagues who blocked her, kept pushing for Weigel to be fired, attacked her bosses, it was crazy. There was no paper that would have kept her, and nobody wanted to work with her anymore. 



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13 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:


It seems like many of her (white male rich) colleagues were internally harassing her. Combined with her boss publicly reprimanding her on twitter (which he later deleted) and the hundreds of horrible tweets she received after he did so...I am taking her side.

Nah, she started a fight with everyone in the place. She was reprimanded privately, then publicly, if you call, "Please Stop" a reprimand.


And Weigel publicly supported her when she was suspended. Thats what he got in return. 

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10 hours ago, sblfilms said:

This reminded me of a bunch of people getting mad at me on this board for mentioning in the aftermath of the helicopter crash that Kobe is a difficult character to cover because he was supremely talented and influential, but also probably raped a woman and got away with it.


The pitchforks were OUT 😂

I will never ever understand* the “Kobe didn’t rape her” crowd. In his apology he acknowledged that she did not believe the encounter was consensual. If that isn’t rape I don’t know what is. 

* patriarchy and misogyny, but y’all know what I mean

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3 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

I will never ever understand* the “Kobe didn’t rape her” crowd. In his apology he acknowledged that she did not believe the encounter was consensual. If that isn’t rape I don’t know what is. 

* patriarchy and misogyny, but y’all know what I mean

He thought Colorado was a one party consent state. Easy mistake

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The kobe thing was definitely wrong. That I would have supported her suing over. Or her ban from covering SA, that was disgusting.


This was a vendetta against employees that should have ended the second Weigel deleted it and apologized both publicly and privately to her. 

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Its almost like people are complex messes of inconsistent ideas and behaviors and that despite that, the world always wants a simply story of "are they the good guy, or the bad guy?". Bonus, I need this information fast and perfect, because I like my hits to be drive by. I'm not suggesting this applies to everyone  mind, you Trump and Putin are VERY bad people, but some times these stories spill out in imperfect manners, but people have already taken their respective stances and they are unlikely to back off those as more information comes to light. 

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I kind of don't like this "all or nothing" attitude people have. Everyone says horrible shit. Most people regret those things after it's pointed out. Not everything has to be a "cancelled forever" situation. Some things do, but like... It was a bad joke. I've made many of them that I regret.

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44 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

Its almost like people are complex messes of inconsistent ideas and behaviors and that despite that, the world always wants a simply story of "are they the good guy, or the bad guy?". Bonus, I need this information fast and perfect, because I like my hits to be drive by. I'm not suggesting this applies to everyone  mind, you Trump and Putin are VERY bad people, but some times these stories spill out in imperfect manners, but people have already taken their respective stances and they are unlikely to back off those as more information comes to light. 


And even if she was in the "wrong" but keeping the argument going publicly...how much of the WaPo's history towards her contributed to that? We can't just disconnect their horrible and sexist treatment of her in the past from her current situation.

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15 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I kind of don't like this "all or nothing" attitude people have. Everyone says horrible shit. Most people regret those things after it's pointed out. Not everything has to be a "cancelled forever" situation. Some things do, but like... It was a bad joke. I've made many of them that I regret.

Agreed. We all suck, but there are obviously worst and better actors on a spectrum. It would be in our best interests to allow people to apologize for poor behavior and accept that apology. Its socially constructive for all parties concerned to forgive gafs, provided the person grows from their error. But the internet is the neo roman coliseum and jeering from the cheap seats is both fun and good business/politics. Purity tests on both ends of the spectrum continue to rarify themselves to a point where only a careful, disciplined and frankly strategic person is likely to consistently meet one of these tests. If a camera recorded every moment of each of our lives, and all other parties had access, we would be having VERY different conversations. 

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45 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I kind of don't like this "all or nothing" attitude people have. Everyone says horrible shit. Most people regret those things after it's pointed out. Not everything has to be a "cancelled forever" situation. Some things do, but like... It was a bad joke. I've made many of them that I regret.

Nobody in a position of power has been canceled forever. 

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56 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Nobody in a position of power has been canceled forever. 

You're right, but I also think that in most cases, maybe they shouldn't have been canceled forever?


That's not to say every case is like that at all. I'm baffled why we still let Chris Brown be a thing, or why it took R Kelly two decades to face any consequences for what he did. I just also think like, someone said something terrible, rub their nose in it until they apologize, and then move the fuck on. People spend far too much mental energy on shit people they've never met have done.


If they continue to exhibit that behavior, then sure, keep up the pressure. But if someone says "you're right, my bad," leave it the fuck alone.

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1 hour ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

Agreed. We all suck, but there are obviously worst and better actors on a spectrum. It would be in our best interests to allow people to apologize for poor behavior and accept that apology. Its socially constructive for all parties concerned to forgive gafs, provided the person grows from their error. But the internet is the neo roman coliseum and jeering from the cheap seats is both fun and good business/politics. Purity tests on both ends of the spectrum continue to rarify themselves to a point where only a careful, disciplined and frankly strategic person is likely to consistently meet one of these tests. If a camera recorded every moment of each of our lives, and all other parties had access, we would be having VERY different conversations. 

I firmly believe that as Gen-Z ages - that is, people who basically have everything they've ever said documented online forever since they were old enough to speak - there will be a push back on overreactions when someone says something stupid and insensitive. Glass houses and whatnot.

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1 hour ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

Agreed. We all suck, but there are obviously worst and better actors on a spectrum. It would be in our best interests to allow people to apologize for poor behavior and accept that apology. Its socially constructive for all parties concerned to forgive gafs,

Heres my issue 

If you and I are out having drinks and bull shitting about work and one of us said what the above tweet said, thats a gaf and thats more than forgivable. 

If you have the time to go thru a twitter feed, read something and retweet it, calling it a gaf seems a bit of a stretch. It feels like wandering into incel territory.

Now I find this kind of a shitty "joke" but I am not women so its not my place decide if its ok but if he honestly fucked up and makes an apology theres no need to ruin someone over something slight. 

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Where I’ve kinda landed on the whole thing is that we make celebrities, we get to unmake them too. I don’t really care much of the “why” on either end. Nobody is owed celebrity status.

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This board also regularly features significantly worse jokes than the dumb one Dave retweeted. Wade should probably purge the board every year just in case one of you ever becomes a celebrity.

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2 hours ago, SimpleG said:

Heres my issue 

If you and I are out having drinks and bull shitting about work and one of us said what the above tweet said, thats a gaf and thats more than forgivable. 

If you have the time to go thru a twitter feed, read something and retweet it, calling it a gaf seems a bit of a stretch. It feels like wandering into incel territory.

Now I find this kind of a shitty "joke" but I am not women so its not my place decide if its ok but if he honestly fucked up and makes an apology theres no need to ruin someone over something slight. 

Maybe gaf isn't the right word, but perhaps failing, fuck-up, etc is more appropriate. I guess my point is that we need to have multiple response options between praising crap behavior like this and permanent public Voldemort status. No doubt, someone that thinks this is a funny and casual thing to share/say probably has some level of issues, but most do. There is a historic belief that fighting fire with fire is a suitable solution, but I personally think its a race to the bottom. I'm not going to solve this, as no one in human history has, but I feel that temperament and patience is likely a better avenue. I realize the world is waking up to just how awful we can be, but it won't get better just by calling people out. Its how we do it and the care we take with doing it. If the last 20 years has taught me something on this subject, its that all this flame throwing is just making the worst of us fire proof. 

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Just now, sblfilms said:

This board also regularly features significantly worse jokes than the dumb one Dave retweeted. Wade should probably purge the board every year just in case one of you ever becomes a celebrity.

I’m probably not going to have to worry about the celebrity angle personally, but I have thought about this, and it’s why I’ll probably never invite someone I know IRL to this site. I don’t think I’ve ever said anything particularly heinous, but… 

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