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Do You Give 2 Weeks Notice When Leaving A Job?


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Rambling post ahead

So iam pretty sure my current employer wrecked me to a perspective employer about a month ago and I could see the job going slowly getting more toxic afterwards. So about 2 weeks ago I took a day off and and met with another company . That afternoon my job calls and informs me that I will be traveling across 3 states to assist in getting a job that is very far behind up to speed. I was more or less told go or find another job and I was to leave within the hour as it about a 12 hour drive and I needed to be on site at 7am the next day . I go and get the job caught up and on my way home the other company offered me the position. They offered me about 10k more a year to start and an actual work life balance that my current job will not. I took it and told them I need to give my current job notice which they had no issue with. Problem is that my current job has been getting more antagonistic as the 2 weeks go on. They keep asking who I am going to work for and I keep telling them I am leaving the industry to find something else but they wont let it go. They are sending me to the worst sites and on top of that they have me scheduled on sites for all the remaining days and we need at least 1 day just to return company vehicles and tools. I also several projects that need to be hand off to someone else or they are gonna go belly up. This Friday is my last day and I told them that at noon I will be dropping everything off and I am out but they just keep ignoring it. I am trying to be they better person here but at this point I should have just said fuck it i am out.


Ramble over

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Never give 2 weeks notice if you are 100% certain you won't ever be returning. You don't owe the company anything they'd never give you 2 weeks notice before laying you off or firing you and it's illegal for them to tell potential  future employers not to hire you.


If you had a good working relationship with your direct supervisor then maybe you do them the favor of giving a heads up.





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I think notice is almost always for the benefit of those who are more on your level in hierarchy because those are the people who will get burdened with the tasks that need to be completed due to a sudden departure.


That being said, if your current employer is intentionally harassing or making life difficult as punishment for leaving, just don’t show up.

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I always appreciate when someone gives two weeks before leaving so I can get the work distributed evenly and it allows training to happen until a new person can be hired. If a person straight up quits, it is definitely a bridge burned unless there is a justified reason.


In your case, I would leave and cite their harassment as the cause to HR. 

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I've always given notice, but other than the one time I got fired I've almost always gotten along with my bosses/coworkers and it's never been an issue.


If I was in a situation where I felt like I was being disrespected and I already had another job lined up anyway, then fuck it. In the vast majority of cases, they certainly aren't going to give you 2 weeks notice before laying you off, why is it a given that you should give them notice? Tit for tat, motherfuckers.

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My thoughts:

  • Above all else you owe your employer nothing
  • If I am leaving on good terms to pursue a job that they can't offer/match, I will give notice if possible. But I do not owe them this
  • If I am leaving because the workplace/management is toxic or whatever, then no notice at all, because I owe them nothing
  • stepee 1
  • Halal 1
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5 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

My thoughts:

  • Above all else you owe your employer nothing
  • If I am leaving on good terms to pursue a job that they can't offer/match, I will give notice if possible. But I do not owe them this
  • If I am leaving because the workplace/management is toxic or whatever, then no notice at all, because I owe them nothing

That's where I'm at. Like, if it's a situation where everything is respectful and giving notice is an option, then sure, I'll give as much notice as is reasonable. I'd say I usually actually give an average of 3 weeks notice.



But if it's a situation that is toxic or I feel disrespected/unappreciated in any way, then they can eat a diiiiiiiiiiick. They shouldn't expect me to do go out of my way to do something that inconveniences me in a way that they would never do for me.

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2 hours ago, Biggie said:

So what if they are being all fuzzy and professional. How does that make you obligated?

Socially you may be obligated do visit your family on holidays. You’re not required to. Same thing here. If they’re not burning bridges by abusing or harassing or whatever to you it may be in your best long term interest to not be an asshole. Especially if you stay in your same industry, word may get around how you screwed over so and so by giving no notice. 

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Just wanted to thank everyone for the replies.  @sblfilmspretty much nailed why I am sticking through it. Me leaving puts my co workers in some hardships so just gonna stick it out for the last 3 days. They still haven't set an time aside to take care of anything. I spoke to a current employee that was a manager about it and he said "come Friday, drop your shit ,tell them thanks or eat my ass and walk". 


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