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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Information Thread, update (09/12): Patch 9 released, makes major improvements to PC performance/removes Denuvo

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There was a patch this week in Pc and I

am getting up to 40fps LESS than was in areas last week. Often topping out around 90fps and now barely getting above 50. What the fuck did they dooo?? On Koboh I am under 30 fps!!! On the shattered moon I’m under 50 fps and with Ray tracing off still under 60fps. 

I want to undo this patch so badly. 

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So I had to see WTF is going on so Ininstalled afterburner and set all up. This game is at 100% GPU utilization. CPU 9 & 11 are maxing out at 44% utilization and the other 22 cores are at 22% or less, with many in single digit utilization, and some even at 0. 

changing graphical settings to high and medium barely barely move the fps needle of at all. Turning raytracing off sees a slight bump, but again the difference in performance between medium settings and epic is almost none existent. 

I do get a bump if I turn FSR on. On Quality I’m at least just above 60fps again. But to get the fps I had before I need to go to ultra performance, but then it is super blurry. 

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Figured out my failure to launch.  One of the recommendations I found for my previous crashing issues was to "Run it as Administrator".  Apparently, EA did something to their app, so that if the game was "Run as Administrator", it would fail to run.  And, if you uninstall a game, and then reinstall it.  Windows remembers that you had toggled the setting before.  And, EA help desk are a bunch of morons.

That said, I'm finally playing it again. 

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46 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Pretty sure I have about 30 minutes or so left in the game.  I finished a relatively short new location, and then returned to Koboh.


FWIW, just installed the new GeForce Drivers, and these are the settings it is recommending for SW:JS

Anyone notice an issue?

Mine has recommended Ray tracing on day one. Unless that’s not what you’re talking about. Then no, I don’t see the issue. 

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Just finished it. Solid 9/10. The game never drags at any point but holy shit does it take off in the last two chapters. 

Like others have said, the opening was fantastic and then I really didn’t like the openness of Koboh. It felt overwhelming but not in a good way. Later in the game once you unlock all the traversal methods it feels fine to back and run around but I wish they had kept the opening areas a little tighter.


At first I was a little taken aback that Bode was the final bad buy, he seemed an underwhelming choice. But the more I’ve had time to think about it and the more I’ve come to look at this story as the middle chapter in what appears to definitively be a trilogy, the more Im coming around on it. 

The game is less about setting up some epic show down like the first game and more about using the story to build character.  Knowing Cal is headed into the third game being pulled by both sides of the force, with no master to guide him and now a small girl(you know she’s gotta be super gifted with the force) to take on who will also be dealing with anger and fear has me super excited for the next one. 

The Vader fight was *chefs kiss. As someone else said, realizing the key to the fight was to not be afraid and go right at him! So good. And then to actually show Vader limping away at the end. The whole thing was fantastic. 

Then the end got me. It didn’t dawn on me while playing but seeing the funeral pyres of three Jedi while that beautiful version of the theme plays(which they hadn’t used all game). Finally hit me knowing remembering where we are in the timeline and how few Jedi are left at this point. 

Very cool, loved the whole game. And I’d really really really love for them to bring Cal and his team into the TV/Media world. Maybe in Rey’s upcoming movie we get to see Tannalor as a place she goes to help her rebuild the order?


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Yeah I’m not sure where this trilogy will end for Cal, but it does feel like Fallen Order was him growing from a Padawan to a Jedi Knight. Survivor he grew from a Jedi Knight to a Jedi Master, and in the next game he’s a Jedi Master going to … I don’t know. 


I wonder if it will be a self-sacrifice for a future generation kind of thing. The way all his master sacrificed themselves for him.  


or maybe this game wasn’t his journey to master, but just him learning to be a Jedi Knight in his own way, and over the next game he rises to that of a Master. 

it could definitely be interesting if I’m the next game

Cal is trailing Kata all while wrestling with the toll of tapping into the darkside. Cere had to wrestle with the same issue. Originally cutting herself off from the force but eventually releasing her fear and anger. In the end making her even stronger. I’m not entirely sure where Cal is in that journey as even during the Bode fight we get the prompt to embrace the darkness. He seemed more at peace with it by the end. Not angry or hateful toward Bode any more. More matter of fact about it.

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During that Bode fight I was so pissed when not tapping into the dark side meant I had to start the damn fight over again lol. I thought they were being clever and making it seem like you had to use the dark side in order to continue but really you had a choice. Nope lol


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3 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Just finished this up.  Great game, and once I turned off ray tracing, a great experience.  95/100 and probably the best game I have played in years.


Awesome. I gave it a 9/10 and really lived it myself. For some reason I got really lucky on the technical side of things because I litteraly had no issues like some others here have. Phenomenal game!

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finished this morning and it was good. combat felt smoother than fallen order.


I must have been super lucky cuz i played PC and had two crashes in 20hrs of playtime with epic settings and RT on.  the worst slow down i had was when selecting which planet to go to, the fps would be like 25 lol.

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On 5/28/2023 at 10:22 AM, best3444 said:


Awesome. I gave it a 9/10 and really lived it myself. For some reason I got really lucky on the technical side of things because I litteraly had no issues like some others here have. Phenomenal game!

Same, I played on PS5, took around 32/33 hours and it never crashed or did anything weird once. 

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The technical issues are a little bit overblown. 

I never had it crash after I turned off ray tracing.

I had 3-4 times where if dropped to 1fps for ~4 seconds -- I'm assuming it was compiling shaders.  This never happened during gameplay.

I had a few times where the fps drops by 10-15fps for a few seconds when it was loading new areas -- this is barely noticeable.

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It’s not unplayable of course but I’d say this long after launch to still consistently crash on 4000 series cards with ray tracing for an entire planet is a pretty big blunder. I’m still kinda hoping they fix it but I will just move forward with it either way when I’m done with Zelda

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1 hour ago, stepee said:

It’s not unplayable of course but I’d say this long after launch to still consistently crash on 4000 series cards with ray tracing for an entire planet is a pretty big blunder. I’m still kinda hoping they fix it but I will just move forward with it either way when I’m done with Zelda

Or, maybe....

Because you're not having fun with Zelda, you should stop playing it and play this right now...  (That's what I decided to do, with no regrets.)

Think About It GIF by Identity

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25 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Or, maybe....

Because you're not having fun with Zelda, you should stop playing it and play this right now...  (That's what I decided to do, with no regrets.)

Think About It GIF by Identity


Lol I am having fun with Zelda it’s just there are parts in between the fun that aren’t so fun when I’m dying over and over. I think I’ll get past the hurdle. I love the sense of discovery and exploration in it.


I plan to play both though and Zelda has no technical issue for me atm so it makes sense to just wait for a patch. I’ll see how this week goes if there is a patch or maybe it doesn’t crash on the 4090 laptop version so I can try that Thursday. I would like to make this my main tv game with Zelda being my in bed while watching tv game so if nothing works by this weekend still yeah I might just turn off RT for Jedha finally.


I already had one thing spoiled I didn’t want to be.

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On 5/26/2023 at 2:19 PM, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

Yeah I’m not sure where this trilogy will end for Cal, but it does feel like Fallen Order was him growing from a Padawan to a Jedi Knight. Survivor he grew from a Jedi Knight to a Jedi Master, and in the next game he’s a Jedi Master going to … I don’t know. 


I haven't played the game yet, but it seems like the natural progression is force ghost :p 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Patch 6 finally came out. Over a month since the last patch and it looks to have improved some significant issues hurting people’e

abilities to progress. Including some crashes. I don’t know if the 40 series peeps can play Jedha now with RTX on and not crash, but maybe try it out if this is what you’ve been waiting for. 


Check out the latest updates to Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

Patch 6 Details - June 20

The latest patch (Patch 6) for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor arrives today for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X | S.

Here are the fixes you can expect with this patch:

  • Various crash fixes across all platforms
  • Fix for bounty hunters not spawning
  • Fix for an issue where Caij would become invisible
  • Fix for occasional issue where "Find the Gorge's Secret" Rumor could not be completed
  • Collision improvements
  • Improved blaster handling
  • Fixes for Photo Mode
  • Wind puzzle on Jedha fixed
  • Updates to the holomap map data
  • The training dummy on Jedha was sneaking around. It has now been immobilized
  • Various bug fixes & Improvements


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4 minutes ago, ShreddieMercury said:



Is this really fun like the Star Wars games from 20 years ago?  Or is it boring because it has Dark Souls combat?


Oh God it not boring in the slightest. The game is spectacular and the combat is more diverse than a souls game. Absolutely play this game. 

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1 minute ago, best3444 said:


Oh God it not boring in the slightest. The game is spectacular and the combat is more diverse than a souls game. Absolutely play this game. 


I've heard great things!  I'm just waiting for somebody to tell me that it's as good as Jedi Outcast.  Fallen Order did not really seem fun from what I can tell, but I've been hoping for a great Star Wars game for literal decades at this point.  The universe lends itself perfectly to games, and yet we haven't had anything that struck the same chord as the classics since probably the mid-2000s.


Probably can't afford it right away, but am excited to grab this on Xbox at some point down the road.

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1 minute ago, ShreddieMercury said:


I've heard great things!  I'm just waiting for somebody to tell me that it's as good as Jedi Outcast.  Fallen Order did not really seem fun from what I can tell, but I've been hoping for a great Star Wars game for literal decades at this point.  The universe lends itself perfectly to games, and yet we haven't had anything that struck the same chord as the classics since probably the mid-2000s.


Probably can't afford it right away, but am excited to grab this on Xbox at some point down the road.


I can buy jedi survivor for you. 

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I’m back to this today. Jeddah with RT no longer crashes on either of my systems so it’s go time. Game looks phenomenal now running at 4k dlss quality/120fps with the puredark mod and doing this: 


Far too long and i have seen way too many complaints. I can't stand to see you gentlemen suffer. Therefore i am fixing it for you guys. https://easyupload.io/c0sw3m Download...


to fix the culling (white flashes during camera pans) issue. I’m glad I waited to go back to it for them and the community to fix it up. Not great that you still need both A) a 4000 series card and B) A paid mod to really have good performance though. But I do have those things so let’s goooo


edit: To clarify, that mod says it fixes the RT crashing too but I think that’s a coincidence perhaps. From my testing I feel like it was actually the recent nvidia driver that fixed the 4000 series RT crashes. Both my laptop and desktop seemed to be working with RT after that. There was also the recent patch but I feel it was fixed right before that, with the driver.


Also I was still getting crashes on my laptop with RT on but doing a file integrity repair in EA after and clearing out the shader cache out along with the driver worked. I didn’t need to do all that on my desktop, just the driver fixed it.


The mod did fix the white flashes as promised however.

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7 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


It will be on that game pass you haven't touched yet by that time.


I'm all-in on Game Pass at this point.  I resisted as long as I could but it's too good to pass up.  Likely won't be able to wait long enough for Jedi Survivor to hit GP though.  But EA stuff seems to be nicely discounted a few months after release from what I can tell.

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  • 1 month later...

Just beat this. Amazing game and despite some tedious padding and an underwhelming final boss, it's definitely a GOTY contender for me. One of the few games that I look forward to spending time with and exploring the game world post main campaign. This series is an aboslute must for anyone that considers themselves a fan of Star Wars. GREAT game. Looking forward to seeing Cal's story continue.

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6 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Just beat this. Amazing game and despite some tedious padding and an underwhelming final boss, it's definitely a GOTY contender for me. One of the few games that I look forward to spending time with and exploring the game world post main campaign. This series is an aboslute must for anyone that considers themselves a fan of Star Wars. GREAT game. Looking forward to seeing Cal's story continue.


Absolutely agree. 9/10 game and it was epic! I was never a big fan of Star Wars but I truly love playing in its universe. 

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