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Andor (Disney+) - update: Season 2 filming has wrapped

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The slow burn is the best part.


Most Star Wars stuff feels like they try to cram 6 hours of material into 2 hours. It moves so fast and never has any room to breathe, This is the exact opposite.


It does move slow, but it is definitely not boring. Things are constantly happening and I honestly think every single episode is a little better than the ones before it. It builds on itself.

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4 hours ago, Massdriver said:

Disney is giving the acclaimed Diego Luna drama an unprecedented cross-platform holiday rollout across ABC, FX, Freeform and Hulu.



Hmmm... just the first two episodes? I would have to go back and watch, but it took me a few episodes to really fall in love with this show.


The first episode was my least favorite. I thought the flashbacks were somewhat confusing until they (eventually) paid off and they had so many characters that they didn't really introduce or explain who they were or why we should care about them. We get there eventually, but it was confusing at first.


I don't know how many people will watch the first two episodes and decide to subscribe to D+ because of them. It may be a hard sell. Showing people the whole first season might make them sign up for season 2.

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2 minutes ago, ort said:


Hmmm... just the first two episodes? I would have to go back and watch, but it took me a few episodes to really fall in love with this show.


The first episode is was my least favorite. I thought the flashbacks were somewhat confusing until they (eventually) paid off and they had so many characters that they didn't really introduce or explain who they were or why we should care about them. We get there eventually, but it was confusing at first.


I would agree that's a mistake. I would go with the first 3-4 episodes.

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17 hours ago, CayceG said:

Some people I know are criticizing Andor for moving too slow, they're bored watching it, they don't care about Cassian.


I vehemently disagree that it's boring or that Cassian isn't a compelling character. But is anyone else seeing it criticized for being TOO slow of a burn?


I think the two episodes before the heist were slow but the rest has been incredible. 

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Spoilers for today’s episode:





So far this is the only episode where the slow burn part feels less than ideal.  We only have one episode left and I feel like there are so many threads running that I have no idea how they’re going to pull off the finale. It’s an episode entirely of table setting for a twelve course dinner and we’re only going to get 45 minutes.  If this season is supposed to be one year of Andor’s life and the next season is five years, I don’t know how we get these other players on board for that long.

I don’t even know where the next episode is going to go.  So far we have the ISB and incel agent Cooper going in hard on Maarva’s funeral but I don’t even see a plot reason for Andor to go.  All he knows is that she’s dead, he doesn’t know if it happened yesterday or a month ago, there’s no logical reason for him to rush to Ferrix in the next two days.  It would be an incredibly confident move to have him not go at all and just have the entirety of Ferrix be the ISB utterly failing to notice what’s right in front of them.  




Luthen is either a Jedi or the show is being annoyingly cute


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yeah, they made him a little too much of a bad ass. The show has done so well to avoid pointless over the top action scenes that this one felt a little out of place. Those ship light saber/lasers or whatever really didn’t fit the tone of the show. 


I couldn’t understand what the hell those two aliens were saying. I had to rewind it three times and eventually turn on the closed captions. Fun fact, you cannot turn on the CC on Disney+. You have to turn it on system wide on your TV. How stupid is that?


Anyway, they do have a lot of balls in the air, and you’re right, he didn’t say she had a funeral coming up, just that she was dead. I just rewatched and they cut off the end of the conversation. I guess he could have told him, but it’s kinda sloppy. 

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8 hours ago, ort said:
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yeah, they made him a little too much of a bad ass. The show has done so well to avoid pointless over the top action scenes that this one felt a little out of place. Those ship light saber/lasers or whatever really didn’t fit the tone of the show. 


I couldn’t understand what the hell those two aliens were saying. I had to rewind it three times and eventually turn on the closed captions. Fun fact, you cannot turn on the CC on Disney+. You have to turn it on system wide on your TV. How stupid is that?


Anyway, they do have a lot of balls in the air, and you’re right, he didn’t say she had a funeral coming up, just that she was dead. I just rewatched and they cut off the end of the conversation. I guess he could have told him, but it’s kinda sloppy. 

What device do you use? On my Sony Bravia that runs google TV I can definitely turn captions on/off from the Disney+ app. The icon is on the lower right side of the progress bar.

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So that "weapon" that Luthen had when visiting Saw... I mean, they didn't show us that for no reason. Light saber? I mean, I guess that makes sense, but I'm kinda hoping it's not the case. and wasn't that necklace he gave him for the raid... that was a kyber crystal or whatever, right? He has to be a Jedi...

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16 minutes ago, ort said:
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So that "weapon" that Luthen had when visiting Saw... I mean, they didn't show us that for no reason. Light saber? I mean, I guess that makes sense, but I'm kinda hoping it's not the case. and wasn't that necklace he gave him for the raid... that was a kyber crystal or whatever, right? He has to be a Jedi...




Man I really hope Luthen isn't a Jedi. 

It looked like a club of sort. But I think you're right--handle type thing plus a kyber crystal? I think it's pointing that way. 


Also, the thing looked like a pepper grinder :lol: 


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Yeah, looking back, I think the breadcrumbs are all there. 




This is in his antiques shop:


It's a Jedi Temple Guard mask. 


That's basically him turning the Fondor into Darth Maul's saber. 




Looks like a cane... But is it?


Could be why he wanted this back so much. 

And also...


The ghosts of Jedi who fought to uphold the Republic maybe?


Deception, backstabbing, attacking... The tools of the Sith--not the Jedi.




Pulling all this together, I don't hate the theory. I think I initially didn't want it, but I think it would make sense for the character and I won't mind if it's what comes out.

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But why would he give the kyber crystal to Cassian? It doesn't really make sense. He has plenty of other things that he could give him if all he wanted to do was give him a down payment he could carry with him. 

I was kinda looking forward to a Star War with zero Jedi, but oh well. They've handled everything else so well, I guess we'll have to see. There is no way they added that "weapon" being seen by the guards for no reason.


I still find it funny that in the OT they act like Jedi were this long forgotten and unknown race of ancient wizards, but they were running all over 20 years ago. The Jedi order falling is about as far from A New Hope as 9/11 is to us.


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20 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

What do you think they were building in the prison? The hexagonal shape makes me think they're constructing the outer shell components of the Death Star. Cassian helped build what ultimately kills him.

I think its left vague for speculation, but you could also imagine it as the wing spoke for a TIE fighter.

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20 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

What do you think they were building in the prison? The hexagonal shape makes me think they're constructing the outer shell components of the Death Star. Cassian helped build what ultimately kills him.


I haven't considered an answer. Really, I don't think it matters. 

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Various thoughts below, in the order of watching the episode. 




Mon Mothma throwing Perrin under the bus about his supposed gambling is DELICIOUS. She's setting him up to be the source of her missing funds. GOD that rocks so hard. 



Nemik's narration of his manifesto is moving and inspiring. And it's heartening to see Cassian listening to it. I do love seeing Cassian slowly become pilled by Theory. 



Stone and Sky is one of the more moving set pieces in the show, I think. But Maarva's self-eulogy/speech.... holy shit. 

But this was Maarva's PLAN. She stopped taking her meds and her intention was to die to deliver that speech in a setting where the entirety of Ferrix was gathered and watching. She's wonderful. 



Hey! There's an after-credit  sequence! 

Finally, an answer to what those things they were making in the prison was!




That was an astounding finale. I hope we don't have to wait long for Season 2. 

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And, much like Luthen's speech, here's some good shit verbatim from the show:



Nemik's Manifesto:


There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy.

Remember this, Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they’ve already enlisted in the cause.

Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward.

And remember this: the Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.

Remember that. And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empires’s authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege.

Remember this: Try.



Maarva's Speech:

We were sleeping. I've been sleeping. 

I've been turning away from a truth I wanted not to face. There is a wound that won't heal at the center of the galaxy. There is a darkness reaching like rust into everything around us. We let it grow and now it's here. It's here and it's not visiting anymore. It wants to stay. 

The Empire is a disease that thrives in darkness. It is never more alive than when we sleep. 

It's easy for the dead to tell you to fight. And maybe it's true. Maybe fighting's useless. 

Perhaps it's too late. But I'll tell you this: if I could do it again, I would wake up early and be fighting these bastards from the start. 

Fight the Empire!





Me reading theory:



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