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How many times have you been fired from a job?


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I’m only doing this because I just fired for I guess the 3rd time.  First time was from a paint store where I suggested we get a scanner for helping enter/sell products in the store. Manager was an obese loud mouth who told me it be practical because it would take too long to set setup with the “5000+ items in store.” I said maybe in total product but not individual items. He got mad and said if I was so sure then I should check things out for myself. So I did, and after I did 3/4 of the store was done in writing everything out from name/item #. I got close to 600 items, wrote it all in a book, handed it to him., and told him I would finish it next time I was in. Next shift I was told it wasn’t working out and let me go (technically in probation period still) Was told by one of the girls I worked with that a scanner was later added to the store just over a month later. 

2nd time was last February from Pepsi because I got hurt on the job and couldn’t return to normal full time big box store service (10-20 tonnes of work a day, on a bad wrist) So I was delivering racks, collecting invoices, and servicing Dollarama stores. Small format and not as much product to screw my wrist up with. Still hurt afterwards but not large format problem. Still it wasn’t what they hired me for and was given walking papers and a severance package.


Which brings me to #3 that happen today. I got a job at a pot shop and has recently been bought out by another company called Shiny Buds. Anyways we lost 2 assistant store managers/key holders in a week to other jobs. So I was promoted to the key holder position 6 weeks ago by my store managers, told I would get $2-2.50 raise for extra responsibilities. (Opening/closing store duties, dealing with online orders and access to the weed vault) I never got that raise and I came in on days off to cover for managers. So after some runaround by a new manager I got ahold of the person I needed to talk too. . . .and had it out with him for 30min on the phone. He said he didn’t know if I wasn’t adequate enough for the position which I had done for 6 weeks, my managers didn’t ok this with him (they did, have emails) and having a key/store code didn’t mean anything. Since the buyout happen, this manager has lost his entire staff in roughly 2.5 months. So I asked on Thursday about my missing money, said I don’t deserve it because I was just a budtender. So the new manager has apparently been our store manager for the past 4-5 weeks, other manager (leaving soon with me) has been told nothing (thrown under the bus by his boss) but is on vacation starting this Friday. So I asked my boss again what I was too him, and was told a budtender again. Then I piped up and said “What the fuck am I too your store when you only have one manager working next week?” I got silence from him and asked if was still listening/there. He was and said to give him 8-10hrs to think it over. I was off yesterday and said I would await his call on Saturday. They swapped my managers between 2 stores so that his bitch (that new manager that really sucks up to everything they say, and is she is never wrong) could hand me my termination papers. She says I really wish it didn’t end this way, I walked out the back doors without looking back and say “No you aren’t” 




so how is everyone else doing. 

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I've also never been fired.


Sorry to hear that you got fired though, that sucks. Sounds like they don't have their shit together and were screwing you over, so... Long term you'll be better off for sure, but I'm sure the uncertain future sucks right now. Hang in there though, something better will come along soon!

  • stepee 1
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I lost my first job in high school because the place shut down, so I don’t think that counts as “fired”. I got fired from Radio Shack after two months because I wasn’t selling enough cell phones on contract plans. Didn’t feel bad about losing that one - they sucked. 

  • stepee 1
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Twice. First was at RadioShack. They made us offer their credit card to everyone but of course you need someone’s social for the credit check and people understandably don’t want to give it out to some random register monkey. So one day I just put in 123456789 thinking it would get declined. It didn’t, it approved them. A week later someone from loss prevention came and I got fired the next day.


Second was at an insurance agency where I guess someone complained to the owner about my service. But I fucking hated working there and was honestly relieved. 

  • stepee 1
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Laid off once but received 4 months severance pay and health insurance. I got fired once because I called the owner out on a company wide conference call. Early in covid he decided rather then lay off people he would cut wages. He was cutting wages on hours already worked , I reminded him why he cant retroactively change pay and he he was required to give notice of wage changes. 

  • stepee 1
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I am also pretty sure my current employer threatened a competitor with a law suit If they poached me. I applied to the competitor for a similar position and they were calling me 3 and 4 times a day for a week to come interview. I interviewed and was told they had never had someone with so many stellar references, and that I was more less guaranteed the job. My company found out and called the owner because they are supposed to have some kind gentleman's agreement about poaching. Now they wont return my calls or emails and my company is acting like nothing is going on. 

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4 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

Laid off once but received 4 months severance pay and health insurance. I got fired once because I called the owner out on a company wide conference call. Early in covid he decided rather then lay off people he would cut wages. He was cutting wages on hours already worked , I reminded him why he cant retroactively change pay and he he was required to give notice of wage changes. 

The new manager that was taking over ask one of my other co-workers if he wanted a break the other night. He said he was fine but she replied back that it would look bad on the books and she might have to fix those “discrepancies” So she’s pretty much saying she will dock money for time worked because we didn’t want a break. Since they haven’t supplied us with much for the store, we are sitting posting on our phones and waiting. It was Pretty much a paid break as it was.

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I got fired once. I was working at a restaurant that was absolutely fucking wild, and I was the bar manager. Like, as soon as the boss left for the night (when she was even there), folks would start racking up lines in the kitchen, drinking, or just general debauchery. My boss eventually confronted me because someone told her they saw me drinking and she basically gave me the option of keeping my job if I rolled on everyone who was doing the drugs (I was also doing the drugs). I told her she could have the job, I'm out. She ended up cleaning house after that - pretty much everyone quit or got fired, even people who had been there 15 years.


Plus, I only got a $3/hour raise to be a manager right before the minimum wage went up by $2.75, and when I brought that up she basically told me to go fuck myself. I wasn't really too upset about it. I found another job within like 3 days that paid better.

  • stepee 1
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17 minutes ago, Rachel said:

Never been fired. 

OP the Pepsi termination sounds potentially illegal maybe you could sue them if so. 

I was going to say "at will employment" but then I remembered he's Canadian.


The thing about at will employment is that it's allegedly for workers freedom, but in practice means your employer can fire you at any time, for any reason, meanwhile you're still supposed to give notice if you quit.

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So they have posted my old job on indeed.com but have given it a different title, same extra responsibilities, but with the same pay as a regular budtender. Can’t wait to see the place fall apart completely, which might be partly their plan with the way they were running it.

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1 minute ago, silentbob said:

So they have posted my old job on indeed.com but have given it a different title, same extra responsibilities, but with the same pay as a regular budtender. Can’t wait to see the place fall apart completely, which might be partly their plan with the way they were running it.

If it's anything like where I currently work, they may just (correctly?) figure they have an unlimited number of people who want to perform the job; turnover may be assumed? 

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2 minutes ago, Nokra said:

If it's anything like where I currently work, they may just (correctly?) figure they have an unlimited number of people who want to perform the job; turnover may be assumed? 

Probably but at the rate it is now and I don’t know how much longer the other 3 guys will stay on. They know my feelings and in the short 3-5 weeks they have been there already, they were seeing the writing on the wall. Plus only a few can apply for the job since you gotta spend $120 to get your CannSell Cannabis License before you can even think of working in the stores. Plus my town is nearing its 24th pot shop opening, in a town of only 200k people. The only reason we can do this is because the next 2 towns east of me, have so far opted out of allowing the setup of pot shops.

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I've never been fired, but I have worked for one company that the owner went to jail and subsequently shutdown the business. I also, once upon a time, worked on a help desk for a large pharmaceutical company that closed the branch I was working in so we all received termination notices but it was literally the whole branch, so I don't think that counts as firing. They called it a "reduction in work force". 

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Never, Im a true professional. There was the time where I came to work like beyond pass out drunk shit faced and they sent me home but they laid me off instead of firing me so it didn’t affect my standing with the agency and could still get unemployment.


2 1/4th years sober since then bb

  • stepee 2
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Seems like what I just went through is something @BlueAngelseem to be all too familiar with on new bosses. They all find their yes man/woman bitch and fuck everyone else. Once my last manager leaves the store, I don’t see them doing all that well. The guy was knowledgeable, had regulars who asked for him, and looked like Lebowski (which he very proud to hear) He brought people to the store and that was with 6-7 stores within 5 minutes of us (over saturated) that sold for much less then us.

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I got fired from Subway when I was 18 because I called in once in 6 months. I was legit puking that night with a stomach virus. Showed up the next day and they told me I was fired because I couldn't be relied upon and they(the franchise owner) had to work that shift.


They were really shitty people. Both to work for and in general. I saw in a FB post where they have a photo of Nathan Bedford Forrest on their living room wall. Real nice folks, lol.

  • Shocked 1
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2 hours ago, Biggie said:

Imagine being a pot head and getting fired from a weed store

I worked sober every shift but these new higher ups. I caught one pulling right into the front of my store, lighting up/smoking a joint getting high in the car before coming in. Said she would teach me key holder stuff but ignore me and went to the back rooms on there own or with latest manager. Come out and buy more more joints and take off. She was the bubbly teehee personality and kept a few customers hostage by just over exaggerating her enthusiasm for certain products. They tried to leave several times and you could see it in her eyes and mine as she blabbered on. Yeah I’m a pot head but I keep it professional on the job, and sadly isn’t working like it use too (long hauler Covid been acting up big time again)

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3 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I got fired from Subway when I was 18 because I called in once in 6 months. I was legit puking that night with a stomach virus. Showed up the next day and they told me I was fired because I couldn't be relied upon and they(the franchise owner) had to work that shift.


They were really shitty people. Both to work for and in general. I saw in a FB post where they have a photo of Nathan Bedford Forrest on their living room wall. Real nice folks, lol.

Maybe they were just nerds for small-unit cavalry tactics and the whole starting the KKK thing is incidental?

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