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Are you 100% certain your father is your biological father?


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I've thought about it before, since my parents both cheated on each other all the time. Even before me and my dad did 23andMe, I knew, since my dad and all of his kids have a very distinctive chin crease.


After my grandparents died, my family went through a lot of their old letters and such, and came to the conclusion that my grandfather was probably not the father of my aunt Kathy. We know from letters that they were kind of in a "break" when she got pregnant, and they had just moved to a new town, and she looks nothing like the rest of the family. Not that necessarily means anything - my little brother has blue eyes and light brown hair, and no one in either of our families has either of those traits. he still has the chin crease, though.

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8 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

I have no idea who my biological father or mother is. 

Well I guess than you're at least 100% certain that your dad isn't your biological father and your father is 100% your biological father, whoever that might be.:sun:

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I've often wondered about whether I have unknown siblings out there somewhere. My dad found a couple he didn't know about after he started doing ancestry/23andme, and if I know anything about my dad, it's that he was good looking, liked to fuck anything that moved, didn't like condoms, and traveled a lot. When I was a kid, he spent like 2-3 months out of the year in China for work. Some day I'm gonna go to Chengdu and watch for people my age or younger with chin creases.

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No doubt, but my 23 and Me report tracks pretty tightly with the story I’ve been told about our family history



Irish/Scottish on my mom’s side who came to the US in the late 1800s


 Nigerian on my dad’s side who were brought here in the 1700s

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12 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

No doubt, but my 23 and Me report tracks pretty tightly with the story I’ve been told about our family history



Irish/Scottish on my mom’s side who came to the US in the late 1800s


 Nigerian on my dad’s side who were brought here in the 1700s

A lot of people don't believe me when I say one of my grandparents was Mexican. Turns out 'Mexican' isn't a skin color.


 I'm interested where the southern Indian comes from, though

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Just now, Mr.Vic20 said:

No, and it’s that small grain of hope that he isn’t that keeps me hopeful! 

Better hope the biological one didn't have Parkinson's! Or what's that other genetic disease where if you test positive they basically test everyone you're related to?

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My dad is absolutely the father of both myself and my brother. My father's father (I can't call him my grandfather since he died before I was born) cheated on his wife (my dad's mother) and had a child (my father's half-sibling). That detail is....papered over, as it would be in any good Catholic family.

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Those of you who have done the various dna thingys, did you find them worthwhile? I’m a little curious to see where I come from, but I don’t really know I would do with that. At most, it would maybe allow me to make certain racist jokes with immunity. Is that worth a couple hundred bucks? I guess it depends on the race. 

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30 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

Those of you who have done the various dna thingys, did you find them worthwhile? I’m a little curious to see where I come from, but I don’t really know I would do with that. At most, it would maybe allow me to make certain racist jokes with immunity. Is that worth a couple hundred bucks? I guess it depends on the race. 

My coworker, who was also adopted, found some biological family members through whatever site he went through. Not sure if you're interested in it since it could be a bit of a can of worms I imagine but I just wanted to give you the heads up. I can ask him what service he used because I can't remember for the life of me.


My sister and I both did it and found out some interesting origins nobody was really aware of. I thought it was absolutely worth it myself.

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55 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

Those of you who have done the various dna thingys, did you find them worthwhile? I’m a little curious to see where I come from, but I don’t really know I would do with that. At most, it would maybe allow me to make certain racist jokes with immunity. Is that worth a couple hundred bucks? I guess it depends on the race. 

It was pretty neat, and 23 and Me has all sorts of other interesting tidbits like all their “likelihood of X” stuff (having curly hair, having colored eyes, thinking cilantro tastes like soap, etc.) that were surprisingly accurate for both my wife and I. 

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1 hour ago, TheLeon said:

Those of you who have done the various dna thingys, did you find them worthwhile? I’m a little curious to see where I come from, but I don’t really know I would do with that. At most, it would maybe allow me to make certain racist jokes with immunity. Is that worth a couple hundred bucks? I guess it depends on the race. 

... Eh. It's fun to look it up, I suppose. In your case, given that you don't know either of your parents, do you want to pay $100 to find out you're like 75% English, which you probably already knew anyway? That's up to you


I will say, in the case of 23andme, you only have to pay for it once but they keep updating the information. I did it almost a decade ago and I log in once a year or so and there's usually something new.

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1 minute ago, Rachel said:

You can get the ancestry only 23andMe kit which is only like $99 I think. If you want the health stuff added onto it then I think it’s more like $200.


I found it worth it because my mom was adopted and there was so much I didn’t know about that side of our family and it actually got me connected with an aunt and we found out stuff about our racial makeup that we weren’t expecting. It was important to me and worth it. Only you can decide if it’s important to you. In hindsight I’d probably only just do the ancestry but I did the health one too. Since you’re not sure of your family health history that part alone might be insightful. 

those specific traits were hit and miss for me lol. A lot weren’t accurate. But there’s no guarantee with those. 

23 and me told me I wouldn't go bald and THAT WAS A LIE

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8 minutes ago, Rachel said:

Nice. 23andMe or ancestry?


how would you feel if your results connected you to close biological relatives?

23. I went went the added health option because it was on sale for only $50 more than the base. 

I think I’ve finally hit the point in my life where I would be comfortable being connected with my biological family. Well, as comfortable as I can be meeting new people.

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