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Roe v. Wade is dead

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6 minutes ago, Comet said:

I love shitting on Catholics as much as anyone, but this isn’t really a Catholic led movement is it?


They started it, evangelicals we're neutral on abortion until the 70s-ish when they teamed up, it's an alliance over abortion and that's why you don't have Evangelical/Catholic hate crime anymore.

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Forget just banning things like the morning after pill, remember in various cases many of these same Justices basically said it doesn't matter if a type of contraception is an "abortiofantic" or whatever the hell the word for it is.


All that matters is basically what the sincerely held religious belief of whoever is trying to ban them feels they are.


When I connect those dots I realized the future probably isn't overturning Griswald, it's going to be a replay of the abortion fight. Death by a thousand cuts with this court giving the greenlight to essentially whatever states want to do. Then maybe they'll overturn Griswald when it's a dead letter(because they've made it one).


One of the many trolls that Alito pulled in his ruling is in how he tried to justify overturning Casey despite precedent. One of the previous bars for overturning precedent is if a law has become "unworkable". Roe isn't unworkable because it's tests are pretty simple. But there is an argument that Casey is "unworkable" because of the vague "undue burden" language(which itself was already a conservative compromise to scale back Roe!). But the troll comes in that the unworkability is all from trap law bullshit that conservatives themselves passed over the past 20 years. So yet again they create the problem and then act aggrieved that anyone could blame them for it(remember when Trump tried to say he fired Comey for the misconduct of treating Hillary badly?)


Depending on how useful of a tool contraception becomes as their new battleground I can absolutely see the same thing happening with Griswald.


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6 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:


Yeah, while the church itself is against these things, Catholics as a group tend to care far, far less than evangelicals.


The US Church is a pretty conservative place. I imagine it's in part due to having to counter evangelicals and the like.


My 3rd grade school teacher who is a nun is 1000000000% Repub and MAGA.

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1 hour ago, Joe said:

Decision doesn’t affect me and won’t affect my family but it makes me angry for the less fortunate.


It's gonna affect all of us once King Donald I signs the national abortion ban in 2025.

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11 hours ago, SuperSpreader said:

After pills it's condoms. Catholics view all contraception as an abortion-lite.

If I understand and remember Roman Catholicism, contraception and masturbation are on the same list of grave sins as abortion and murder. Not going to mass on a day of obligation is also on there. Keep in mind being on this list coupled with another two conditions makes such acts a mortal sin, as in if you don’t get to confession before you die, you’re going to hell, not purgatory.  Not many people in the pews believe this stuff but it’s there. 

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1 hour ago, Massdriver said:

If I understand and remember Roman Catholicism, contraception and masturbation are on the same list of grave sins as abortion and murder. Not going to mass on a day of obligation is also on there. Keep in mind being on this list coupled with another two conditions makes such acts a mortal sin, as in if you don’t get to confession before you die, you’re going to hell, not purgatory.  Not many people in the pews believe this stuff but it’s there. 


All those homunculi down the drain or into tissues.



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11 hours ago, Massdriver said:

If I understand and remember Roman Catholicism, contraception and masturbation are on the same list of grave sins as abortion and murder. Not going to mass on a day of obligation is also on there. Keep in mind being on this list coupled with another two conditions makes such acts a mortal sin, as in if you don’t get to confession before you die, you’re going to hell, not purgatory.  Not many people in the pews believe this stuff but it’s there. 

And of course, molesting kids wasn’t considered ANY type of sin.

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13 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Just salt of the earth working class joes concerned about electoral integrity 



How is a bottle of wine worth over 5 grand? Is it actually the blood of Christ?! That better be the best tasting wine in the history of alcoholic grape juice. 

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Chief Justice John Roberts, speaking at the same judicial conference as Thomas, called the leak of a draft opinion striking down Roe v. Wade earlier this week "absolutely appalling."



I guess he's right, the Supreme Court can't be bullied, they're the one branch of government who isn't really accountable to anyone.  They can lie in their confirmation and it's fine.

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Oof, this upcoming Trump administration is going to make us long for the “good old days” of his first administration…

I expect that if Donald cant force a 3rd term (maybe old age finally kills him), I expect the brand to remain strong with junior..

Many dark days ahead, the seeds of his first administration are about to bear fruit

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13 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:


My mother was 14 when she got pregnant with me and I was born just shy of her 15th birthday.  Roe was already established at that point and if she wanted, she could have aborted me but she didn't.  I'm glad she didn't because I wouldn't be here otherwise, but I'm also glad the decision was ultimately up to her. Fuck this person.

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