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Roe v. Wade is dead

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14 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

I suspect you're right.  I'll be honest, I don't know the regional breakdowns in the US -- but I suspect it is very politically rational for some Congressmen/Senators to support abortion for their own individual election, even though it doesn't make sense for the party as a whole.

It makes sense for the party as a whole as it gives individual congressmen the ability to prove their “independence from Nancy pelosi” by having a less than perfect voting record from NARAL, and they’re able to get in the weeds with “I don’t support abortion [in this strawman case], but abortion should be safe legal and rare”. Plus if the party doesn’t support it, it’s gone for good for sure. 

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This thread got me curious about Canada's Supreme Court. As Absolut and others have pointed out, most people in Canada know nothing about the makeup of the court (which is a good thing). Here are the members.


Name Province Age Appointed
Richard Wagner (Chief) Quebec 65 Harper (2012)
Michael Moldaver Ontario 74 Harper (2011)
Andromache Karakatsanis Ontario 66 Harper (2011)
Suzanne Côté Quebec 63 Harper (2014)
Russel Brown Alberta 56 Harper (2015)
Malcolm Rowe Newf. & Lab. 68 Trudeau (2016)
Sheilah Martin Alberta 65 Trudeau (2017)
Nicholas Kasirer Quebec 62 Trudeau (2019)
Mahmud Jamal Ontario 55 Trudeau (2021)


Justices must retire when they are 75, so Moldaver is being replaced this year by Trudeau. This will tip the majority of appointees to Trudeau from Harper (and Liberal from Conservative). However...functionality it hasn't made a difference, the court has been pretty consistent and actually progressive, even with Harper's five justices. The court definitely takes modern social mores into consideration when making their decisions, erring on the side of protection and expansion of rights.


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2 hours ago, brucoe said:

Part of me believes that a huge drive towards this anti-woman mentality is the perception of a lot of right-wing men who basically never had any luck in sexual relations, and thus have developed this mindset that their religion is the way to strike back at this belief that so many women are experiencing sex but just not with them. Forcing these women to carry out these pregnancies is basically their way of getting revenge for never being invited to the imaginary orgy they assume must be happening with all the cooler kids.

Maybe a small part, but I think it’s driven overwhelmingly by white Christians trying to make America 1950s again.


I think there’s probably also a large percentage that’s ladders up. I had an abortion, but that was different and my circumstances were unique. 

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8 minutes ago, osxmatt said:

Maybe a small part, but I think it’s driven overwhelmingly by white Christians trying to make America 1950s again.


I think there’s probably also a large percentage that’s ladders up. I had an abortion, but that was different and my circumstances were unique. 


Naturally. That is the essence of the American brand of conservatism. "I'm a hard working American so I deserve welfare when I'm down on my luck. But the poors (which I definitely am not)? They need to learn to bootstrap their money or something."

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4 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Affirmative Action is next too.

It’s already on the docket!


With the court already having heard arguments this term on abortion and guns, this case marks yet another politically charged issue that threatens to uproot decades of legal doctrine.


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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Anyway they’re coming for gay marriage next


The brilliance of right-wing media is the stupidity of their viewers/listeners.


He simultaneously making fun on perceived faux outrage from liberals saying they’re coming for gay rights next, while in the same sentence saying yes, let’s overturn gay marriage.


And the viewers won’t even notice the disconnect. In fact, they probably agree with both parts individually, even though both can’t be true. 

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55 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


Naturally. That is the essence of the American brand of conservatism. "I'm a hard working American so I deserve welfare when I'm down on my luck. But the poors (which I definitely am not)? They need to learn to bootstrap their money or something."

I see this all the time with cattle ranchers who complain about welfare while taking government handouts yearly. 

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1 minute ago, Kal-El814 said:


… does Gatez know how babies are made?

You’d think he (and many other politicians) would want that abortion safety net option left in place. You know, just in these white men get a woman pregnant by accident from their marital affairs/mistresses they have out there. 

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40 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

How is this going to affect the current migration from blue to red states, especially Texas?


It will just change from 'red states' to 'country with red & white flag' like it has for the past 4 years. The tech growth from companies setting up outpost in toronto has been insane and keeps growing. Meta is the most recent to change their business/marking outpost to a full on dev studio. 

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7 minutes ago, Jason said:




Not sure if I predicted public schools exactly, but I did say things that almost no one thinks of as up for grabs will be on the chopping block.


People worry about the hot button issues like abortion, gay marriage, etc but this court has a decade or two to fill at least. They need something to do after they get rid of the big ones.


How about Miranda rights? Religious rulings will probably shake out to allowing everything short of state mandated church attendance. These are things Thomas and others have already signalled in other rulings. There is more stuff that I can't think of off the top of my head.


As bad as you think it is, it's worse.

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3 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:



Not sure if I predicted public schools exactly, but I did say things that almost no one thinks of as up for grabs will be on the chopping block.


People worry about the hot button issues like abortion, gay marriage, etc but this court has a decade or two to fill at least. They need something to do after they get rid of the big ones.


How about Miranda rights? Religious rulings will probably shake out to allowing everything short of state mandated church attendance. These are things Thomas and others have already signalled in other rulings. There is more stuff that I can't think of off the top of my head.


As bad as you think it is, it's worse.

Social security and Medicare/Medicaid. Acb (autocorrected to acab lol) all but said so in her confirmation hearing. These people want to roll back everything since the new deal*! It’s where the modern conservative movement started!

*there evidence that if they could they’d pull back the civil war amendments, especially 14th, as they ignore the implication of the text of this one in particular

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26 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

Seperation between church and state is definately on the chopping block. Hope you all love mandated prayer in school cause thats where we are headed.


I mean, they what ruled that it was a violation of free speech to allow nonreligious groups to raise a flag above Boston City Hall, but not religious groups. I'm assuming that one was unanimous because even the liberal judges knew what would happen next.



The Satanic Temple in Massachusetts is requesting that Boston fly its flag, after the Supreme Court ruled this week that the city had violated the First Amendment rights of a Christian group when it denied them...


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7 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

Seperation between church and state is definately on the chopping block. Hope you all love mandated prayer in school cause thats where we are headed.



Oh yeah, that probably would have been in the pipeline even with Roberts as the fifth vote.


I believe Thomas has signalled that he thinks states should be allowed to establish official religions. So who even knows what that would mean. Almost certainly full mixing of state funding. No more workarounds and nibbling at the edges. Perhaps morality laws. Perhaps blasphemy laws. Religious tests for public employment?


Probably doing away with the already flawed precedent that states can perform religious acts like prayers before a legislative meeting but only with supposed equality of all religions. Just send a love letter to Jesus and Jews and Muslims can fuck off.


A lot of this stuff was already slipping, like how they had to justify a 50 foot cross in the center of public land was allowed to stay because it wasn't "just" a religious symbol. So a lot of it will just be eliminating the pretext. Thanks for playing, Satanic Temple, but your shenanigans and whatever mild success it had is likely done.


I am actually surprised that there isn't already more movement on getting a Creationist test balloon into courts. No way this court keeps Aguillard if it is challenged. But I suppose if they are gunning for public education in it's entirety than worrying about Aguillard is kind of moot.

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8 hours ago, Air_Delivery said:

Seperation between church and state is definately on the chopping block. Hope you all love mandated prayer in school cause thats where we are headed.


Members of the court’s conservative majority indicated that the coach, Joseph A. Kennedy, had a constitutional right to kneel and pray at the 50-yard line after games.

It’s already on the docket! (And also nyt has such a shit summary)

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