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Amazon stock down 9% after hours after missing on earnings

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Amazon gave a revenue forecast that trailed analysts' estimates and recorded a big loss on its Rivian investment.



Personally, I've found myself using Amazon less and less, not really as a stance against their workplace conditions or anything, but just because I feels like there's less and less you can search for on there without getting entries that either seem like they're one company reverse engineering another's product, or just outright fraudulent. I was trying to look for a file cabinet a few weeks ago, and got like half a dozen entries that all looked suspiciously like the same thing, all with brand names I'd never heard of, and I ended up buying none of them because I had no confidence that I wasn't going to end up with something made out of like Grade Z particle board.


Basically every other site will give you free shipping over a modest dollar amount now, and has way less chaos going on when you try and search for something.

  • stepee 1
  • True 2
  • Sicko 1
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I still have my Prime account, I still have like $25 in gift cards I got my Xmas. I just haven’t really found anything in need of needing. I’ve bought a few 4K discs for like half their normal price. Still waiting on my 8 month delayed receiver (fuck I got a backlog of movies I gotta watch for the first time with proper loud sound) 

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I can't fucking stand the mentality of "slowest growth" meaning "THE SKY IS FALLING! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"


Infinite growth is not a thing. The stock market will end up being the bane of our existence. The corporate executives don't give a rat's ass about the long term health of the company, they only care about next quarter's earnings vs. projections. The stockholders don't give two shits about the long term health of the company, the stock is just a short term investment.


The people in charge of making big decisions in corporations are not going to be the ones holding the bag when everything falls apart, so they have no incentive to give a fuck. Like, think about all the shit Netflix has been doing lately, and how basically everyone with a brain is saying "you know that's going to kill the business, right?" No one making any of those decisions fucking cares. They care about milking the cow until it's dry, and the dryer it gets, the harder they squeeze.


How long can we still function with this total "slash and burn" economic system?

  • stepee 2
  • Halal 1
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I really only use Amazon for two reasons:


1. When I have reward points or gift cards; or


2. When I need something obscure that isn’t easily found elsewhere (for example a few years ago I needed a new exhaust pipe for a portable AC unit; you’d think Home Depot or Lowes would have something like that, but I could only find it on Amazon). 

  • Halal 1
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Outside of a couple of things I can't get elsewhere (such as Sensodyne, in other markets they have a superior formulation with a special ingredient, so I'll either buy from foreign sellers on American Amazon or log onto Canadian/UK/German Amazon and order with the international shipping) I've basically stopped buying anything that goes in or on my body from Amazon (stuff like bedsheets I'll buy, I mean stuff like face soaps). With the amount of knockoffs on there and the fact that "sold by Amazon" doesn't mean anything since they intermingle inventory on the shelves, I don't want to have to worry about getting something with weird dangerous chemicals in it. 


One of my last purchases was a shoe rack with a bench. It was some Chinese Scrabble grab bag brand and I'm sure the quality on the wood is utter shit but it was like $50 and the ones I'd been looking at in person earlier that day were like $200 and not exactly what I wanted. This one wasn't exactly what I wanted either, it's a little small, but hey this is a situation where for sufficiently cheap enough it's fine. 


One thing that remains amazing is how absolutely atrocious their search functionality is. 

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I still buy from them but I can see how it's an annoying site. I know what I want exactly generally so I go for it. I actually got a package from them today. A 1/7 Natsuno from 13 Sentinels. Now just gotta save up for the 1/4 Iori and Natsuno.

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The only good thing about Amazon was being able to find almost anything and get it the next day (or maybe two days later). Recently I was looking for something and saw it was Prime and had 1-day shipping. Perfect! I added it to the cart, and it then said "expected delivery date is [5 days later]." Listen, I get that supply chains are messed up. But if you lie about it in advance and hope I don't notice in the shopping cart, then I can't trust anything you are showing me to begin with, so why would I shop there?

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5 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

At the bottom it says 14 weeks of it is while you're still pregnant, and only 6 weeks is post pregnancy, lol.


Question. Would that be better if it was flipped or is the 14 weeks good but the 6 weeks bad? I haven't had a child so I know our materinty leave sucks but I am not sure if 14 weeks before birth is good enough.

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9 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:


Question. Would that be better if it was flipped or is the 14 weeks good but the 6 weeks bad? I haven't had a child so I know our materinty leave sucks but I am not sure if 14 weeks before birth is good enough.

It'd be way better if it was flipped, unless theres some reason to be on bed rest you probably don't need to stop working a month and a half before.  Basically after the kid is born is hell on earth for months.

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1 hour ago, PaladinSolo said:

At the bottom it says 14 weeks of it is while you're still pregnant, and only 6 weeks is post pregnancy, lol.

That seems like something lawyers drew up perfectly so most importantly, you don’t go into labour at the job (probably would look bad) and 6 weeks is juuuust enough time that you’re likely fully recovered in that the likelihood of something going wrong at work would not happen 

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