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Star Trek: Picard - Season 3 (16 February 2023) - Official Trailer

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new trek has not been good to say the least and that cast is old but fuck it give me all the nostalgia.


I really hope Stewart stops playing Picard as so feeble and old, yes I know one of the points of the series is that Picard has gotten old but he has lost almost all his commanding presence and gravitas that used to have. 

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6 minutes ago, elbobo said:

new trek has not been good to say the least and that cast is old but fuck it give me all the nostalgia.


I really hope Stewart stops playing Picard as so feeble and old, yes I know one of the points of the series is that Picard has gotten old but he has lost almost all his commanding presence and gravitas that used to have. 

For better or worse, I think that’s something of the point. To me his arc now is acceptance and reconciliation in the absence of control or power. 

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  • 9 months later...
  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Star Trek: Picard - Season 3 (16 February 2023) - Official Trailer

I have very low expectations for this considering what a mess season 2 was, and that they went straight from season 2 production to season 3 production. Season 2 was a bit better than season 1 but they had zero time to reflect on what didn't work in season 2 before going into making season 3.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Important thing to note when watching season 3 is that there is a 10 year time jump between season 2 and 3 that isn't really made clear. So this is set about 32 after the events of Nemesis which is necessary for some of the ages of the new characters to make any sense at all.


Fans - "well the first 2 season were kind of shit, hopefully they will give us a nice bright optimistic look at the future to close the series out"


show - "we are going to have DOCTOR Beverly Crusher straight up execute some dude in the opening scene"


I know the reviews have been pretty positive on this season even from critics that disliked the first 2 but I am not getting the warm and fuzzies based on the first episode even with the mountain of fan service they threw out there.

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3 hours ago, elbobo said:

Important thing to note when watching season 3 is that there is a 10 year time jump between season 2 and 3 that isn't really made clear. So this is set about 32 after the events of Nemesis which is necessary for some of the ages of the new characters to make any sense at all.


Fans - "well the first 2 season were kind of shit, hopefully they will give us a nice bright optimistic look at the future to close the series out"


show - "we are going to have DOCTOR Beverly Crusher straight up execute some dude in the opening scene"


I know the reviews have been pretty positive on this season even from critics that disliked the first 2 but I am not getting the warm and fuzzies based on the first episode even with the mountain of fan service they threw out there.


There was basically zero pause between production of season 2 and season 3, so it's definitely not giving me high hopes that they had zero time to reflect on what didn't work in season 2.

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On 2/18/2023 at 8:42 AM, elbobo said:

Important thing to note when watching season 3 is that there is a 10 year time jump between season 2 and 3 that isn't really made clear. So this is set about 32 after the events of Nemesis which is necessary for some of the ages of the new characters to make any sense at all.

I wondered what I missed. Thank you. 

a lot of remember-berries in this episode too. I kind of hate myself I didn’t dislike the episode. 

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5 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

I wondered what I missed. Thank you. 

a lot of remember-berries in this episode too. I kind of hate myself I didn’t dislike the episode. 


Well appearantly the show runner has come out and said this season takes place in 2401 which is the same year as season 2 and makes no sense so who the fuck knows

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So a lot of positive buzz about how season 3 starts, and once I watched what ended up being the inagural 2 episodes of the series, I pivoted and pulled up the S3 premiere and yeah, as someone that grew up w/ TNG, this is nice. I'll definitely be continuing to watch each ... what is it, Thursday's when a new episode drops?

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My speculation on the show so far......



Crusher hid the boy from Picard because the association made her fear for his safety. Pretty good reason, too. Picard has so many enemies that one once fabricated a son for Jean Luc just so he could kill him as a way to hurt Picard. Also, Starfleet was kind of responsible for Jack being dead and Wesley winking out of existence for all she knows before he even hit 20. So, like a war parent who lost 5 sons in WWII, it might be understandable why Crusher isn't too gung ho on loyalty to Starfleet at this point.

After the first episode I was already heavily leaning towards the enemy being holographic, now I suspect it even more. We know Moriarty will be in this season which suggests something with holograms. What if the woman IS Moriarty? That would be no problem with holographic tech. What really made that click for me was how resentful she seemed about Picard and his brand new synthetic body. Both TNG Moriarty episodes revolved around him trying to get into the real world and Picard(from Moriarty's point of view) lying to him about how impossible that would be. Now Picard shows up in his new synthetic body....guess giving someone a real body wasn't as impossible as you made it seem Picard.


People were wondering why Beverly killed that person.....what if it wasn't a person? It might not have even been an individual hologram. It could have been Moriarty controlling a hologram on a mobile emitter. It would explain why they speak in clicks despite the UI rarely not being able to catch a language. All theatrics. In fact, all of her villainous theatrics at the end of ep. 2 were pretty reminiscent of Moriarty who himself is literally a villainous literary creation.


Would also explain why the ships are of unknown origin. All the way back on Enterprise we saw the tech to use holographic projectors to change how a ship looks. And, as per the first episode, why they come with "different faces" each time.


If you remember, Voyager really left holographic rights dangling out in the wind. The Doctor never got the rights Data did. Not even as a unique individual. They dabbled with the topic a couple times, but nothing even close to tackling the huge moral quandary that holodecks and holograms pose in a universe where someone like The Doctor exists. Maybe that's even how Lore ties in. We saw Lore try to hitch his wagon to the Borg at one time. Trying to become their savior and make them idolize him as the ideal goal of all artificial life. Maybe he is doing the same thing now with holograms.


Would be really cool if all of that buzz about a Robert Picardo role back around s2 was right, but just got it wrong on timing. If I am right about the villains, on top of the Doctor and Seven being the best duo on all of Voyager, it would be a really cool cameo to see the Doctor show up.


Also, I suspect Worf has been wanting to do that to a Ferengi since at least Looking for Par'Mach in all the Wrong Places. He may have beheaded Sneed, but he was fantasizing it was Quark.

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10 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:


People were wondering why Beverly killed that person.....what if it wasn't a person? It might not have even been an individual hologram. It could have been Moriarty controlling a hologram on a mobile emitter. It would explain why they speak in clicks despite the UI rarely not being able to catch a language. All theatrics. In fact, all of her villainous theatrics at the end of ep. 2 were pretty reminiscent of Moriarty who himself is literally a villainous literary creation.



I don't have an issue with Beverly killing someone in an extreme situation, she has killed before in TNG. I just didn't like the tone it set for the season to have her John Wick some rando baddie in the first two minutes.



Your hologram theory might be accurate, the villain seemed to have an almost computer like instant knowledge of who she was dealing with on the bridge of the Titan.


Jean-Luc Picard felt more like Picard in this episode than the entire first two seasons combined. Makes me sad how old Patrick Stewart sounds now, it is extreme in his voice.


I still don't like Raffi but her plot this year feels like the most correct use of the character we have seen so far.


Liked this episode more than the first.

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The heavy use of Hans Zimmer thwomp thwomp noises is not giving me good vibes for where this season is going.


I was initially put off by the very violent Worf entrance (thinking along the lines of that gratuitous Icheb scene from the start of season 2) but thinking back to DS9 I feel like it was probably actually accurate and that all that's changed is how explicitly violent they're allowed to make their portrayal of what's happening. Worf wasn't just thwacking baddies unconscious with that bat'leth in DS9 and they presumably just didn't have the budget for/weren't allowed to show him chopping heads off with it.

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7 hours ago, Jason said:

The heavy use of Hans Zimmer thwomp thwomp noises is not giving me good vibes for where this season is going.


I was initially put off by the very violent Worf entrance (thinking along the lines of that gratuitous Icheb scene from the start of season 2) but thinking back to DS9 I feel like it was probably actually accurate and that all that's changed is how explicitly violent they're allowed to make their portrayal of what's happening. Worf wasn't just thwacking baddies unconscious with that bat'leth in DS9 and they presumably just didn't have the budget for/weren't allowed to show him chopping heads off with it.



Yeah, one of the more glaring question marks for the Bat'Leth was the common move(especially in DS9) where they would use the center portion as an upward uppercut to the chin type attack. By all rights, unless that weapon is bafflingly dull at that section, Worf and others should have been shaving people's faces off like a bad Nick Cage 90's Action movie.


Also, my common response to Worf and how much he loves violence has went from flippant to almost conspiratorial. Check this out. Worf loves violence so much that he has killed 2 Klingon Chancellors, fought another one to the death. And been suspiciously involved in the death of 2 others. Which, unless I am miscounting, is literally every Chancellor we have ever seen depicted onscreen.


He murdered Duras when Picard was deciding whether Duras or Gowron should be  Chancellor. Then after singlehandedly handing Gowron the Chancellorship through his murder of Duras.....Worf killed Gowron. A year or two prior to killing Gowron, Worf fought the future Chancellor Martok to the death(and lost.....Martok declined to kill him). 


In hindsight, this regicide-happy individual may have not been the best person to be in charge of conducting the investigation into K'mpec's poisoning death(Worf totally unsuspiciously determined that his blood enemy Duras was the culprit).


My favorite though is that the one TOS movie where Micheal Dorn shows up and Chancellor Gorkon ends up murdered! Clearly a time travelling Worf was the one who actually stole the space boots......


Worf loves violence so much that he is the leading cause of death for, like, a century's worth of Klingon Chancellors. If I were Martok I would watch my back when Ambassador Worf is out Targ hunting with him.....


Obviously I am being facetious with some of these.....but the fact that Worf really did personally choose the last 2 Chancellors should probably motivate some election reform on Qo'noS......

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On 2/25/2023 at 10:55 PM, Chairslinger said:



Yeah, one of the more glaring question marks for the Bat'Leth was the common move(especially in DS9) where they would use the center portion as an upward uppercut to the chin type attack. By all rights, unless that weapon is bafflingly dull at that section, Worf and others should have been shaving people's faces off like a bad Nick Cage 90's Action movie.


Also, my common response to Worf and how much he loves violence has went from flippant to almost conspiratorial. Check this out. Worf loves violence so much that he has killed 2 Klingon Chancellors, fought another one to the death. And been suspiciously involved in the death of 2 others. Which, unless I am miscounting, is literally every Chancellor we have ever seen depicted onscreen.


He murdered Duras when Picard was deciding whether Duras or Gowron should be  Chancellor. Then after singlehandedly handing Gowron the Chancellorship through his murder of Duras.....Worf killed Gowron. A year or two prior to killing Gowron, Worf fought the future Chancellor Martok to the death(and lost.....Martok declined to kill him). 


In hindsight, this regicide-happy individual may have not been the best person to be in charge of conducting the investigation into K'mpec's poisoning death(Worf totally unsuspiciously determined that his blood enemy Duras was the culprit).


My favorite though is that the one TOS movie where Micheal Dorn shows up and Chancellor Gorkon ends up murdered! Clearly a time travelling Worf was the one who actually stole the space boots......


Worf loves violence so much that he is the leading cause of death for, like, a century's worth of Klingon Chancellors. If I were Martok I would watch my back when Ambassador Worf is out Targ hunting with him.....


Obviously I am being facetious with some of these.....but the fact that Worf really did personally choose the last 2 Chancellors should probably motivate some election reform on Qo'noS......

I mean, he had every right to kill Duras, he murdered the mother of his child, who Worf did love. Duras wasn't chancellor at the time, though, just in the running to be, so your theory falls flat. Only one chancellor. 


Also, killing Gowron probably saved the Empire. 


I'd like to find out what happened to his ambassadorship


I haven't watched the new episode yet, but the first two were very good. But then again, so were the first two episodes of S2. I'm very interested to see what Lore has to do with all this. I'm sure he's aboard the Shrike. 


But I dont think there was ever any question that Worf loves violence. He is a klingon, it's pretty much the standard. 

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6 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

I mean, he had every right to kill Duras, he murdered the mother of his child, who Worf did love. Duras wasn't chancellor at the time, though, just in the running to be, so your theory falls flat. Only one chancellor. 


Also, killing Gowron probably saved the Empire. 


I'd like to find out what happened to his ambassadorship


I haven't watched the new episode yet, but the first two were very good. But then again, so were the first two episodes of S2. I'm very interested to see what Lore has to do with all this. I'm sure he's aboard the Shrike. 


But I dont think there was ever any question that Worf loves violence. He is a klingon, it's pretty much the standard. 



Third episode is as good, if not better than the first two. 


I don't think Lore is aboard the Shrike. In one of the previews before the season started there are some interactions with Geordi and Lore that makes me think that Lore might currently be a museum piece. It looks like maybe Lore is deactivated and on display somewhere. And he regains consciousness and starts blowing stuff up. Not sure where it goes from there.



Spoiler for ep3.



Looks like I was, at the very least, somewhat wrong about holograms(still need to figure out how Moriarty figures into it all, maybe it's just an alliance of all beings who feel like outsiders to solid/organic life?). Funny thing is before the season started I was wondering about Changlings since it would tie in with Worf and his time on DS9. I theorized that maybe the portal thing we saw at the end of s2 was the Dominion creating an artificial wormhole with a mix of Transwarp and Wormhole technology(since the transwarp portal created was conspicuously blue like the Bajoran wormhole when we had always seen them in the trademark Borg green prior to that). That they needed to create thier own transit back to the Alpha Quadrant since the Prophets were still barring them from using the Celestial Temple.


Since this is an offshoot terrorist cell it doesn't look like that will be the answer either, so at this point I am just really curious to see where they are going with it and how the Nebula ties in.


I think s4 of Discovery, s1 of SNW, and now s3 of Picard have really shown a new maturity to New Trek. They aren't just focused with telling a story. They are able to find a good balance to take a step back, even in hectic moments, to dive a little deeper into the story. There have been several of those moments in the first two episodes and the scene with the Raffi and Worf interrogation was another. In those scenes they were able to set up Worf's character, play a shell game with the changeling reveal, set up the plot of how their story and Titan connect, add in a subtle but very nice tribute to Rene, and tie it back into Worf's unique role as the only character who has been a main character on two series(well three if you want to count Picard now!). Just very well done. It make the action scenes feel much less like empty calories when you do stuff like that.



Edit: Rewatching the scene where the changeling says that the portal tech was simply a distraction for what they really took. Two ideas for what their real target was....


Maybe they took Lore. Maybe the scene from the preview I described above was a flashback and they've already taken Lore. This would explain how Geordi ties into the wider storyline.


Or, and this one is a crazy long shot I really like. What if they stole a version of the Genesis device that was stored for security at Daystrom? This could explain the weirdness that is going on with Titan. What exactly happens when you use the Genesis device on not a planet.....but an entire Nebula :thinking:


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I loved and hated Picard the character this week. The scene between him and Beverly was outstanding, I really don't think they could have done a better job of explaining Crusher's disappearance from everyone's lives. Also this was probably the best acting McFadden has ever done in the role, although she wasn't often given much to work with in TNG, most of her dialogue was just medical technobabble or having sex with a ghost candle. 


I hated how Picard acted in the last third of the episode on the bridge. There is no way in hell Picard would be second guessing the commanding officer on the bridge in front of all the other crew especially one that he trusts emphatically like Riker, that was just poorly manufactured drama.


Worf is going to get all the great lines this season it seems, Raffi remains Raffi. 

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On 3/2/2023 at 9:29 PM, elbobo said:

I loved and hated Picard the character this week. The scene between him and Beverly was outstanding, I really don't think they could have done a better job of explaining Crusher's disappearance from everyone's lives. Also this was probably the best acting McFadden has ever done in the role, although she wasn't often given much to work with in TNG, most of her dialogue was just medical technobabble or having sex with a ghost candle. 


I hated how Picard acted in the last third of the episode on the bridge. There is no way in hell Picard would be second guessing the commanding officer on the bridge in front of all the other crew especially one that he trusts emphatically like Riker, that was just poorly manufactured drama.


Worf is going to get all the great lines this season it seems, Raffi remains Raffi. 

I kind of disagree (not on it being manufactured).Picard is the Admiral, and he’s always going to see himself as senior to Riker. I don’t necessarily think it was great, but Picard was never one to back down (neither was Riker). I don’t think they were in a position to speak privately, decisions needed to be made. That said, it was an obvious plot device that did seem a bit forced to obviously set something else up. Either way, there was no right answer. They couldn’t run and the Shrike was ready for the attack.


I do wonder if Riker is a changeling though. 


I really like finding out about the connection to the Dominion War. 

Worf (and Dorn) was incredible. Its the first time they made me care of Raffi. 


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It’s feeling like the show is trying to make us think Picard is a shell of the man he once was. Back in the first episode there were atleast a couple of moments where where somebody had to correct him. 

Also the retrofit Titan seems to be the slowest ship the federation has built in over a hundred years. Ships 30 years older could go to warp in a fraction of the time. Just a really stupid and lazy way to build suspense imo. 

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2 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

It’s feeling like the show is trying to make us think Picard is a shell of the man he once was. Back in the first episode there were atleast a couple of moments where where somebody had to correct him. 

Also the retrofit Titan seems to be the slowest ship the federation has built in over a hundred years. Ships 30 years older could go to warp in a fraction of the time. Just a really stupid and lazy way to build suspense imo. 

There is absolutely history of Star Trek ships needing to be clear of nebulas to go to warp. I didn’t see it as being slow, they needed to get out of the abomilues/nebula, and every time they’ve tried to get out, the shrike appeared behind them. 

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44 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

There is absolutely history of Star Trek ships needing to be clear of nebulas to go to warp. I didn’t see it as being slow, they needed to get out of the abomilues/nebula, and every time they’ve tried to get out, the shrike appeared behind them. 

then they need better angles for their shots because it looked like the ship was out of the nebula twice. 

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On 1/29/2023 at 11:19 PM, Jason said:

I have very low expectations for this considering what a mess season 2 was, and that they went straight from season 2 production to season 3 production. Season 2 was a bit better than season 1 but they had zero time to reflect on what didn't work in season 2 before going into making season 3.


I sit out season 2 after all the negative complaints but I did enjoy season 1 and just started the first episode of season 2 which I liked hope the whole season works for me :| S2:E2 teaming up with Borg Queen how can I not love this :thinking:

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There was a lot of great stuff in this episode. I now have even more questions, but damn, it was nice to see the crew working together. It gave me real TNG vibes, and not just because of Riker/Crusher/Picard being together, but because the writers and director seem to understand what made the crew of the Enterprise so great ti begin with. 

Questions I have


1. What happened to the changling? It didn’t turn to dust. 
2. Jacks visions. I hope this isn’t some horrible Red Angel level BS. 
3. Beverly said they were Picard sized villains, but that makes no sense. They aren’t after picard. Also, why would changlings care about him? I don’t think he fought in the Dominion war. Or at least not prominently. Its not like he’s Sisko. 

I would like to see this show lead into a Jerry Ryan led Next-next generation show. Take LaForges daughter with her too. She’s a great actress, and gorgeous. Give me Ezri Dax on there too, as a Deanna Troy type character. I’d love to see Seven as Captain of the next Enterprise. 

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Titan escaping the Nebula and hip checking the Shrike on the way out.....




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That was a hell of an episode.


They really pulled off the tricky feat of making a great standalone episode situated within a heavily serialized season. You might miss a beat or two, but you could definitely watch that as a great standalone episode and appreciate it as one of the classic Star Trek Kobayashi Maru "escape" episodes like Booby Trap, Starship Down, Galaxy's Child, etc.



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16 hours ago, Chairslinger said:

Titan escaping the Nebula and hip checking the Shrike on the way out.....



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That was a hell of an episode.


They really pulled off the tricky feat of making a great standalone episode situated within a heavily serialized season. You might miss a beat or two, but you could definitely watch that as a great standalone episode and appreciate it as one of the classic Star Trek Kobayashi Maru "escape" episodes like Booby Trap, Starship Down, Galaxy's Child, etc.



While I absolutely love Strange New Worlds, this was the first episode of New Trek to ever give me that TNG era feeling. Nostalgia is incredible. 


I'm not big on Picard swearing, but whatever. 

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Oh wow, that escalated!

I choked up when 


Laren sacrificed herself to buy Picard and crew time. She was only in a few episodes of TNG, but she’s one of my favorite guest stars in the series 

I really hope we find out what’s up with Jack soon. 

This episode slowed things down, but for the better. It gave a tense breather to move some chess pieces around, including 


Connecting Picard/Riker with Worf. 

It kind of upsets me Picard calls him Mr Worf though. Treat him with the respect he’s due, he’s a captain (as was talked about in promo materials), not a Mister.

Overall though, an incredibly interesting and heart breaking episode. 




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