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Pedo guy megalomaniacal manchild officially owns Twitter

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29 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


I think the only unbiased feed is the one that just shows you a chronological stream of accounts you follow. 


I only use the "following" tab on Twitter, and I would do something similar with Facebook, but I don't think there is a way to make that the default view option.  With Reddit, I either view r/all or my homepage, which will serve up either generalized content that all reddit users find interesting, or subreddits that I'm subscribed to or show interest in.  Reddit's algorithm isn't nearly as annoying as other social media's methods.

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46 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


I think the only unbiased feed is the one that just shows you a chronological stream of accounts you follow. 

But then why will anyone post things that only serve to drive engagement via misleading ideas or lies? 


This is the best way to get rid of fake news. Stop serving up content based on likes / views / comments because that stuff is pretty much shit. 

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2 hours ago, S3xB0t said:

To address the actual topic of this thread: Twitter did a much better job of content moderation (read: hate speech suppression) prior to Musk taking over. It was actually an enjoyable site to use. Since Musk literally threw out the kitchen sink it’s become so bad as to be unusable. The manipulation of feeds and comment threads to promote specific (paid) content is blatant and gross.


Twitter is such a shit show now. It's a total farce.


The fact that all of the musk brained dipshit loser squad with their $8 per month blue check boxes get their content pushed to the top makes it 100% insufferable.


I tried to stick around for a while, but even I threw in the towel... and I'm obsessed with red pilled trump lunatics... but it was a step too far. I just couldn't do it anymore.


I still have an account because I occasionally look at some stuff on there... but I am 99% done. And I used to use twitter for at least an hour or two daily.

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I am not optimistic our ancient lawmakers are going to be able to grasp common sense (don't like the term but you probably get my gist) regulation of social media algorithms on the major platforms when they routinely make fools of themselves in hearings asking questions that suggest they are not even terribly sure how an internet connection even works. 


But man a social media platform that just shows you stuff you follow in chronological order sounds freaking amazing. 

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That being said I have mild optimism social media is starting to be looked at in a similar way that like cigarettes started to be perceived in the 90s and early 2000s, where it went from something seemingly most people did to an at least universally acknowledged bad habit. Maybe over time new platforms are introduced that handle this stuff in a more healthy way, but I admit that is a very optimistic and perhaps not realistic hope. 

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56 minutes ago, S3xB0t said:

And every pot has a chicken and every garage a car. It’s not ideal. So what?

Point is liberals are all too willing to curtail civil liberties in the name of the public good when they don’t give a fuck about the right in question but they treat speech as if it’s sacrosanct and given by the lord on high so this can’t because, reasons. It’s not intellectually consistent and is a smooth brain libertarian take. Guns can be restricted for the public hood but not speech; why is one ok but the other not. 

There can be no freedom so long as rights are absolute and an Americans “right” to be a cunt isn’t the most important thing in this nation; I can’t believe this has to be argued; it’s basic social contract shit and my right to say and do whatever I want is not more important than everything else. Americans though are myopic children who believe their rights are more important than society; and that’s why this isn’t a serious country.

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12 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

I can’t believe this has to be argued; it’s basic social contract shit

Why can’t you believe it? America is a country with individualism as a founding value. It’s always going to be an uphill battle to maintain a social contract. 

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18 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

Point is liberals are all too willing to curtail civil liberties in the name of the public good when they don’t give a fuck about the right in question but they treat speech as if it’s sacrosanct and given by the lord on high so this can’t because, reasons. It’s not intellectually consistent and is a smooth brain libertarian take. Guns can be restricted for the public hood but not speech; why is one ok but the other not. 

There can be no freedom so long as rights are absolute and an Americans “right” to be a cunt isn’t the most important thing in this nation; I can’t believe this has to be argued; it’s basic social contract shit and my right to say and do whatever I want is not more important than everything else. Americans though are myopic children who believe their rights are more important than society; and that’s why this isn’t a serious country.

This is such a weird ass take on free speech. Like, I don’t really even know what the fuck you’re talking about. At what point in the last century have liberals ‘curtailed civil liberties’ ????


The right to be a cunt? Is that what you really think free speech is? Come on dude.

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1 hour ago, Uaarkson said:

This is such a weird ass take on free speech. Like, I don’t really even know what the fuck you’re talking about. At what point in the last century have liberals ‘curtailed civil liberties’ ????


The right to be a cunt? Is that what you really think free speech is? Come on dude.



And yes I do, see we can’t curtail racist speech (as seen in this thread) cause reasons; aka being a cunt. Free speech absolutism is as stupid as shall not infringe.

But yes I get it, the right to do whatever is more important than everything and this is why my American dream is to leave this shit hole permanently. Americans deserve the current mess we have.


1 hour ago, S3xB0t said:

Why can’t you believe it? America is a country with individualism as a founding value. It’s always going to be an uphill battle to maintain a social contract. 

Because Americans have created this dystopian idea on what freedom is; it’s real easy to be abstract when it’s other people dying and suffering over the imagined importance of our rights. individualism for me but not for thee is the current mindset which was never the intent and is in direct opposition to a just, free and functional society.

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2 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

Because Americans have created this dystopian idea on what freedom is; it’s real easy to be abstract when it’s other people dying and suffering over the imagined importance of our rights. individualism for me but not for me is the current mindset which was never the intent and is in direct opposition to a just, free and functional society.

It sounds like what you’re really getting at is a deep, personal dissatisfaction with the state of the country. 

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31 minutes ago, S3xB0t said:

It sounds like what you’re really getting at is a deep, personal dissatisfaction with the state of the country. 

No what he's saying is that Americans, on both sides of the political spectrum it seems, have a very juvenile and selfish understanding of personal liberty that seems to Trump everything else including common sense. People want, no, DEMAND their rights but don't want to deal with the responsibilities of having those rights, proving at the end of the day that they truly don't deserve those rights in the first place. Like it's intellectually dishonest to say you want limits on one constitutional right but say that another one is sacred and cannot be "infringed" under any circumstances.  It's even sillier when you are saying it on a forum where your constitutional right to say what you want is limited by the forum owner. The disconnect is comical. What's even more comical is that this isn't even a free speech issue... This is an issue of regulating a bunch of giant companies and holding them to the same standards we holf other companies and industries.

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13 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

No what he's saying is that Americans, on both sides of the political spectrum it seems, have a very juvenile and selfish understanding of personal liberty that seems to Trump everything else including common sense. People want, no, DEMAND their rights but don't want to deal with the responsibilities of having those rights, proving at the end of the day that they truly don't deserve those rights in the first place. Like it's intellectually dishonest to say you want limits on one constitutional right but say that another one is sacred and cannot be "infringed" under any circumstances.  It's even sillier when you are saying it on a forum where your constitutional right to say what you want is limited by the forum owner. The disconnect is comical. What's even more comical is that this isn't even a free speech issue... This is an issue of regulating a bunch of giant companies and holding them to the same standards we holf other companies and industries.

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I understand what he’s saying. Surely there’s some subtlety here. As has been discussed, there must be a solution that stops algorithm-generated hate mongering while preserving the right of a basement-dweller to rattle on about Pizzagate. 

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11 minutes ago, S3xB0t said:

I understand what he’s saying. Surely there’s some subtlety here. As has been discussed, there must be a solution that stops algorithm-generated hate mongering while preserving the right of a basement-dweller to rattle on about Pizzagate. 

Using pizzagate was a great example for our side of this debate too. That bullshit led to death threats and a crazy fuck showing up armed to the location and shooting at it. But mah free speech is more important than harassment and attempted murder. 



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7 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

Using pizzagate was a great example for our side of this debate too. That bullshit led to death threats and a crazy fuck showing up armed to the location and shooting at it. But mah free speech is more important than harassment and attempted murder. 



For every bad thing that you can point at and shout “free speech did that!” I’m sure I could find a good thing.

This is not the same as the nation-level scale of social engineering perpetrated by social media companies. 

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31 minutes ago, S3xB0t said:

there must be a solution that stops algorithm-generated hate mongering while preserving the right of a basement-dwelling normie to rattle on about Pizzagate. 

This is all I've been saying in this thread from jump but was consistently told that any attempt at a solution would make things worse or lead to us giving up our indvidual rights to think free thoughts or something.


7 minutes ago, S3xB0t said:

This is not the same as the nation-level scale of social engineering perpetrated by social media companies. 

That's EXACTLY what this is... why do you think tech bros don't allow their kids on social media. Why do you think all of these platforms are free? Because YOU'RE the product!

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40 minutes ago, S3xB0t said:

For every bad thing that you can point at and shout “free speech did that!” I’m sure I could find a good thing.

This is not the same as the nation-level scale of social engineering perpetrated by social media companies. 

Yes but continuing my point; the weapon used in that attack was an AR15, which we all want out of civilian hands, which curtails shall not infringe in the interest of  the public good. But, the speech that directly led to that attack is totally fine. As jwheel said earlier, treating the symptom but not the disease.


Im fine with extending to personal speech as well but regulating social media is absolutely the first priority.

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On 9/1/2024 at 10:35 PM, Jwheel86 said:

The Democratic Party in the US is probably the only centrist party in the western world with any degree of excitement behind it, and all it took was getting rid of Biden to unleash it. Equivalent parties in Europe are barely hanging on and seeing right wing populism skyrocket. All fueled by the same misinformation flood we have, despite their attempts to regulate it. Misinformation about a stabbing in the UK turned into riots which turned into misinformation about the UK Police's attempts to contain the original misinformation and more misinformation about 'two tier policing', completely drowning out the actual riots and the UK's very obvious problems with racism. Meanwhile Nigel Farage is laughing his ass off because he got a literal race riot AND got to undermine Labour/the establishment's response with no consequences to his movement. 


Honestly ask right wing grifters which they benefited from more, the contents Hunter's laptop, or the fall out of the attempts to suppress the laptop story.  The rise of fascism can't be fixed with 'deletenazis.exe' it is a long term fight that mostly involve centrist parties getting their shit together (2016 DNC vs post Biden 2024 DNC is night and day), socially shunning (bullying) those with insane ideas (normies learning about Groypers is gold for liberals), and security services actively targeting foreign governments who are funding influencers who are acting as 5th Column. 


While other countries are drifting rightward with outward racism, despite attempts to contain misinformation, we're a coin flip from electing a black female president who's in the country's centrist liberal party that wants to pass major economic policy reforms, nuke the filibuster, reform SCOTUS, and has a bench that steamrolls MTG types in Congress during debates. 


You're trying to treat the symptoms of the cancer, I want to treat the cancer itself. Trying to contain misinformation is like trying to arrest your way out of a drug epidemic.


This doesn’t address anything I said.


The US’s enthusiasm for free speech is not the bulwark against fascism in the way you keep positing. Most of Western Europe has speech protections that are broadly similar to ours but they’re struggling with right wing nonsense, as you know. If you’re going to claim that more freedom of speech units would help combat the rise of disinformation you can’t just keep pointing at the US and going, “see?” It is not that simple. To be clear I am not stating that freedom of speech is not important (it very much is), that it has no role in combating fascism (it absolutely does). It’s just that your claim isn’t supported by actual data.


And again, while I’m encouraged about the enthusiasm for Harris and Walz, they haven’t won anything! It’s exciting that a woman of color has a legit shot at being elected President, but you’re right that it’s a coin flip. What’s on the other side of the coin??? A man who has lied, is lying, and will continue to lie to the American public at the cost of a degradation in faith in the freedom you’re out here protecting.


Motherfuckers had decades to do more to protect abortion rights beyond the “settled law” of a SCOTUS decision that Republicans has been crowing about gutting for as long as I’ve been alive and then they did the thing. They’re fucking out there right now talking about how they’re going after LGBTQ+ shit as obscene, amongst other things.  And despite just having taken the fuckiing L on Roe, on Chevron, etc., the plan is, “well free speech is fine as is.”


I genuinely hope that works out.

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