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2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

THIS isn't infringing on personal rights? And your suggestions  do amount to regulating the social media companies which is ALL I'm calling for. I don't have specifics because I'm not a policy whonk but as I've said several times in this topic, these companies need some kind of regulation because they can't be trusted to regulate themselves. Sounds like you agree? I honestly can't tell anymore.


I mean we ban minors from smoking and getting into R Rated movie theaters alone, not letting a minor download an app on their phone doesn't seem like a stretch.


Yeah, we agree so long as the government isn't trying to decide what is or isn't misinformation. If Pfizer wants to sue Meta algo promoting Alex Jones (like Dominion suing Fox), I'm fine with that. If Pfiser wants to sue every Chud with a Checkmark for saying the vaccine is a micro chip like the music industry did in the Napster days... have at it. What I'm against is some government agency (or some Chud DA) ordering a platform to remove post xyz. 


2 hours ago, TUFKAK said:

So ad populum huh? Dipshit Americans aren’t in favor of it so fuck it? Just wait for people to organically stop being dipshits? 

Don’t wanna hear anything about stay at home orders and masking then; dipshits were opposed therefore shouldn’t have done it cause freedumb.


If dipshit Americans aren't in favor of it, it won't happen because the tools to enforce it in mass don't exist. Government mask mandates in my state lasted right up until the local Sheriffs said "nah, we're not going to be enforcing that one". It is absolutely valid to ask if a policy is achievable. SCOTUS could ban abortion tomorrow and a lot of states would say "nah". 


1 hour ago, Kal-El814 said:


I wanna come back to this real quick for a few reasons.


1) This is being a Monday morning quarterback except you’re doing it at halftime on Sunday when the score is tied. If Biden had snorted some Ritalin before the debate Kamala wouldn’t be on the verge of anything, so let’s dial this back 

2) Other countries have had female heads of state as of the 1960s, unless I’m forgetting someone. Trying to wed Kamala’s potential (and I stress, potential) election to show much freedom we’ve got is straining correlation equalling causation to a significant degree

3) Other countries with close to equivalent free speech laws are also having issues with right wing authoritarianism gaining popularity, so again, boiling this down to a correlation between restrictions on speech and a rise of fascism is a dog that just don’t hunt


The Democratic Party in the US is probably the only centrist party in the western world with any degree of excitement behind it, and all it took was getting rid of Biden to unleash it. Equivalent parties in Europe are barely hanging on and seeing right wing populism skyrocket. All fueled by the same misinformation flood we have, despite their attempts to regulate it. Misinformation about a stabbing in the UK turned into riots which turned into misinformation about the UK Police's attempts to contain the original misinformation and more misinformation about 'two tier policing', completely drowning out the actual riots and the UK's very obvious problems with racism. Meanwhile Nigel Farage is laughing his ass off because he got a literal race riot AND got to undermine Labour/the establishment's response with no consequences to his movement. 


Honestly ask right wing grifters which they benefited from more, the contents Hunter's laptop, or the fall out of the attempts to suppress the laptop story.  The rise of fascism can't be fixed with 'deletenazis.exe' it is a long term fight that mostly involve centrist parties getting their shit together (2016 DNC vs post Biden 2024 DNC is night and day), socially shunning (bullying) those with insane ideas (normies learning about Groypers is gold for liberals), and security services actively targeting foreign governments who are funding influencers who are acting as 5th Column. 


While other countries are drifting rightward with outward racism, despite attempts to contain misinformation, we're a coin flip from electing a black female president who's in the country's centrist liberal party that wants to pass major economic policy reforms, nuke the filibuster, reform SCOTUS, and has a bench that steamrolls MTG types in Congress during debates. 


You're trying to treat the symptoms of the cancer, I want to treat the cancer itself. Trying to contain misinformation is like trying to arrest your way out of a drug epidemic.

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1 hour ago, Jwheel86 said:

You're trying to treat the symptoms of the cancer, I want to treat the cancer itself.

And I'm trying to prevent the person from getting cancer in the first place through prevention. Once a person gets Cancer, unless you caught it early... all you can do is treat the symptoms because as we know, Cancer doesn't have a cure. But if you prevent the person from getting Cancer in the first place, then you're in a much better place. By making these social media platforms more liable for the stuff they allow on their platforms, you're attempting stem the flow of misinformation at the source. You mention the riots in the UK which kinda proves my point. Those riots occured because of misinformation on social media and then were exacerbated by misinformation on social media. What's the common denominator? MISINFORMATION ON SOCIAL MEDIA. I came across this interview and this woman wrote abook called The Trump Contagion and she argues that Trump's mental deficiencies are actually contagious and are spread through media and social media. 



It's queued up to the relevant section. If it's true that mental issues can "spread" like a virus then in my mind it's even more important for these social media companies to be regulated to some degree.

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Yep, as we know, without popular support nothing gets accomplished which is why nobody pays income taxes in the US. 

And lol, we’re post racial because we might elect a woman of color. What happened the last time we elected a person of color? And in your analogy the cancer can spread to others so treating that is pretty damned important too; take it from the ER nurse in a major urban center. Misinformation kills people; but let’s keep our sacred cows I guess; that’s more important.

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4 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

What's the common denominator? MISINFORMATION ON SOCIAL MEDIA.


Yes, and it happened before anyone could react. That's my point, platforms and governments won't be able to react fast enough to prevent the damage from happening since in the moment only partial information is available. The right wing narrative that sparked the riots was based on partial information that grifters took and filled in the gaps with speculation. By time the platforms realize a narrative based on bs has formed, odds are the narrative only got detected because it went viral and spread to thousands of accounts. Should the platform start blapping those individual posts? Then blapping posts that talk about posts being blapped?


The kind of misinformation that does real damage, that are tied to events, doesn't need an algo to promote it. What do all of us on this board do when there is breaking news on CNN, we open twitter and we search the event. Half the Ukraine War thread is propaganda videos and reports, on January 6th we were all speculating how many members of congress were dead.  The problem is people, including us, treat social media link Google to look up information on topics, expect instead of just seeing CDC vaccine information, right below it is thousands of Chuds saying vaccines cause autism. 


1 hour ago, TUFKAK said:

Misinformation kills people;


Gonna kill a lot more when your failed attempts to fight it with government force destroys institutional trust and results in rfkjr running the FDA. Misinformation has always existed and always had means of spreading like wild fire. The problem is our institutions have failed to hold people's trust resulting in people getting bad information sports radio, podcasts, and comedians. Why do your patients trust John Oliver and Joe Rogan more than the CDC or the doctors in your hospital? 9/11, Iraq War, Katrina, and the 2008 market crash made it possible for misinformation to go mainstream way more than social media itself has. 

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5 minutes ago, Jwheel86 said:

What do all of us on this board do when there is breaking news on CNN, we open twitter and we search the event. Half the Ukraine War thread is propaganda videos and reports, on January 6th we were all speculating how many members of congress were dead.  The problem is people, including us, treat social media link Google to look up information on topics, expect instead of just seeing CDC vaccine information, right below it is thousands of Chuds saying vaccines cause autism. 

Who is "us"? I don't do that shit... I learned my lesson, running to social media during breaking news events when the Boston Bombing happened. So much misinformation spread during that manhunt that I, personally, learned that social media is far less reliable and often times innaccurate, than main stream media ever could be. And people distrust vetted news sources for one simple reason... Confirmation Bias. Due to social media and algos, people can litterally exist within their own silos of reality.


You're literally describing the problem with social media in one breath, but at the same time throwing your hands up in the air and saying we can't don anythign about it because if we do we're going to make Chuds more Chuddier I guess? Any way we're going in circles. I'm bowing out if this conversation and am content to agree to disagree and move on. have a good one.

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10 hours ago, Uaarkson said:

Who gets to decide what is misinformation? Still haven’t heard a satisfactory answer to that, and if we do legislate against it, does that mean it is now illegal for me to stand on a street corner with a sign saying the moon is green?


The government sets the regulations like they do with everything else. I'm not going to give you a hammered out policy on the spot on D1P, but the direction I'd start is to specifically address algorithmic boosting on social media. E.g., misinformation for health matters like covid can have guidelines set in coordination with the CDC and the platforms would be held accountable for using moderation tools and most importantly, not fucking boosting it.

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That mistrust exists because of unfettered free speech though dude; they spent decades abusing it to create this bullshit alternate reality they inhabit; it’s literally (yes it applies) the damn reason this is happening. Then the promulgation of their bullshit via more free speech. We curtail many rights; this one isn’t sacred and isn’t more important than the public welfare.

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39 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

That mistrust exists because of unfettered free speech though dude; they spent decades abusing it to create this bullshit alternate reality they inhabit; it’s literally (yes it applies) the damn reason this is happening. Then the promulgation of their bullshit via more free speech. We curtail many rights; this one isn’t sacred and isn’t more important than the public welfare.

One of the FIRST things conservatives did after Nixon was to get rid of The Fairness Doctrine. Once that was gone then it paved the way for Fox News and Right Wing Talk Radio.  It was slippery slide down a shitty hill after that. Social media just dumped more shit on the pile. This feckless, "Let's not do anything because we may make the racists even MORE racist" talk is annoying as fuck and comes across as borderline approval from where I'm sitting. 

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14 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

So you trust the Government to regulate other industries but not social media companies? Or do you not believe in any Government regulation at all?

Regulating thoughts and ideas isn't the same as regulations on food or toxic waste. 🤷

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15 minutes ago, Ominous said:

Regulating thoughts and ideas isn't the same as regulations on food or toxic waste. 🤷



If regulations can be put in place for the public good then everything can be.

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4 hours ago, Ominous said:

Regulating thoughts and ideas isn't the same as regulations on food or toxic waste. 🤷

Again, from the cheap seats, NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT REGULATING INDIVIDUAL THOUGHT. I'm talking about regulating these very private platforms and trying to mitigate the harm that not only do they allow, but directly encourage profit from. These platforms already have Terms of Service my comments get pulled and deleted fro REDDIT routinely depending on the subreddit, I'm saying what we have isn't good enough and can be stronger.

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The root problem is that "we" (for lack of a better word) through our institutions have allowed these platforms to grow in political, economic, and social power to such a degree that they have effectively become "states" unto themselves.  The regulation should be directed towards breaking that power through antitrust actions as that represents a more practical form of regulation.

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Social media needs to be regulated. Full stop.


People died in 2020 because of misinformation. Misinformation got Donald Trump elected. 

Twitter is a giant cesspool right now because Elon Musk let all the Nazis run free. People are posting CHILD PORN under Kamala Harris posts and hashtags. Come the fuck on.


Also, people who wear crocs are a blight on society.

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2 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

The root problem is that "we" (for lack of a better word) through our institutions have allowed these platforms to grow in political, economic, and social power to a degree beyond which they have effectively become "states" unto themselves. 

THIS is the problem and is why regulation is necessary and is also why Nations have every right to treat these companies as National Security Threats if they deem them to be and to take apropriate action. What's ironic is these companies don't give a flying fuck about "free speech" because if it's in their interest to limit, stifle or outright suppress free speech, they have no problem doing so. I'm not even advocating for them to do any of these things.



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This debate has gone on for so long that I can’t even keep track of everybody’s position. Unless I missed it, I think a key to this discussion is that the founders couldn’t have imagined the situation we’re in today. Hell, I don’t know that anybody of consequence in 1995 saw the internet ending up as giant walled cesspools of misinformation. 

Point is, we’re in a time where we have to do something. What that is, I don’t know, and if your opinions are at all representative of a wider discussion then there are a lot of potential solutions.


For the points about racism and shifts to the right, I do want to say that I think America has done more to make racism visible (and to work against it) than most of the world. Look at how the Polish, Belorussians, Germans, French, and British are treating their Arab migrants. Look at how the Chinese treat their ethnic minorities. There are a million other examples. Obviously racist and damaging shit happens every day in America but at least the discussions are visible and loud. I’m not sure how that happens when the government is more in control of speech.

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25 minutes ago, S3xB0t said:

Look at how the Polish, Belorussians, Germans, French, and British are treating their Arab migrants. Look at how the Chinese treat their ethnic minorities. There are a million other examples.

"Look at how The USA treats Native Americans"  I can play this game too!

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11 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

"Look at how The USA treats Native Americans"  I can play this game too!


I think you're missing the context in which he listed those examples.


He's saying that other nations and societies engage in such behavior but the discussion of those issues rarely makes it to the forefront of public discourse.  In contrast, these issues are front and center of public discourse in the United States.

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1 minute ago, chakoo said:

In a world where this topic exists...




Do we really want to get into a pissing match on how other countries treat minorities?


Again, it's not a pissing match.


It's contextualization of how other countries engage with such issues in their public discourse (or lack thereof) relative to the United States.

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6 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


I think you're missing the context in which he listed those examples.

I didn't miss it... notice I said "Native Americans" and not African Americans, Latin-X or the LGBT community. WHERE is the plight of the Native American being discussed as a major part of the public discourse? If it is I'd gladly concede the point but to my knowledge, it isn't. 

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3 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I didn't miss it... notice I said "Native Americans" and not African Americans, Latin-X or the LGBT community. WHERE is the plight of the Native American being discussed as a major part of the public discourse? If it is I'd gladly concede the point but to my knowledge, it isn't. 

The Native people were so thoroughly beaten, raped, sickened, murdered, and isolated by the European settlers and the American government that I don’t know if they’ll ever be part of the discourse in a major way again. I hope so, though. 

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3 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I didn't miss it... notice I said "Native Americans" and not African Americans, Latin-X or the LGBT community. WHERE is the plight of the Native American being discussed as a major part of the public discourse? If it is I'd gladly concede the point but to my knowledge, it isn't. 

I do think my point still stands. America does a better job of public discourse than many of its peer nations. 

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To address the actual topic of this thread: Twitter did a much better job of content moderation (read: hate speech suppression) prior to Musk taking over. It was actually an enjoyable site to use. Since Musk literally threw out the kitchen sink it’s become so bad as to be unusable. The manipulation of feeds and comment threads to promote specific (paid) content is blatant and gross.

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