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Pedo guy megalomaniacal manchild officially owns Twitter

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18 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:



The icing on the cake is a lot of these porn bots will be a woman in a bikini and the profile name is a guy's name. I'm torn on if it's sheer laziness or if it's the spammer strategy of trying to screen for the people who won't notice massive red flags like that.

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4 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Imagine being this fucking stupid.




Maybe you can help out, but how debatable is it that the quality of life, economic output, and personal freedoms in West Germany far outpaced East Germany? And the same is true to this day on the Korean peninsula.  

Only thing I would add is that South Korea was absolutely a dictatorship for the first few decades of its existence.  Since liberalization and democratization, South Korea has leapfrogged its communist brother in every measurable way. 

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21 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:

Maybe you can help out, but how debatable is it that the quality of life, economic output, and personal freedoms in West Germany far outpaced East Germany? And the same is true to this day on the Korean peninsula.  

Only thing I would add is that South Korea was absolutely a dictatorship for the first few decades of its existence.  Since liberalization and democratization, South Korea has leapfrogged its communist brother in every measurable way. 


:First off his post reads like an except "Baby's First History Book" authored by someone who loves Ayn Rand. Secondly, "full government" vs. "half government" is one of the stupidest things I've ever read. And lastly, it's not like Germany and Korea are in petri dishes somewhere, free to flourish or not based on their own merits and circumstances.  It's not like they were part of the Cold War or something, no.


Also this.


1 minute ago, Chris- said:

I know a white boy from South Africa didn't just talk about bad guys building walls...



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1 minute ago, finaljedi said:


He should now post his thoughts on China's system of government.


He'll let us know his thoughts on China after BYD convinces the Chinese government to seize Tesla's assets in that country. 

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14 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


Probably related





Ehhhhhh - while that could certainly be the case for a relatively minor portion of Tesla buyers in North America and Europe, the fact of the matter is that the relatively "inexpensive" Chinese vehicles are cleaning Tesla's clock in a very significant market.  Chinese buyers really aren't all that phased by Musk's reputation.

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19 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


Ehhhhhh - while that could certainly be the case for a relatively minor portion of Tesla buyers in North America and Europe, the fact of the matter is that the relatively "inexpensive" Chinese vehicles are cleaning Tesla's clock in a very significant market.  Chinese buyers really aren't all that phased by Musk's reputation.


Broadly speaking I don't think people care about stuff like Elon being a twat or even larger, actual issues... VW is doing fine, people buy Ubisoft games, etc.

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34 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


Broadly speaking I don't think people care about stuff like Elon being a twat or even larger, actual issues... VW is doing fine, people buy Ubisoft games, etc.


I think The Lon’s issue (in the US, and only with specific potential buyers) is that he himself is so vocal every single day. Ubi has swept the stink away enough that even people who really pay attention to the industry can barely remember exactly what the issue was. Big Lon reminds people every single day that he’s a piece of shit. He bought an entire social media platform just to mold it to his terrible ideals and amplifies how dumb he is even further than would normally be possible for any normal human. 


And that a big part of what used to be his fan base and potential buyers, affluent liberals, are part of the group he is specifically targeting with his nonsense.


So I do think it has some part in its decline, I think it is looked at a bit differently here since the move to full raging vocal chud, and certainly doesn’t help. Though I agree competition is what’s really getting them, I think in at least in some areas, he himself can be the reason why people choose the competition.

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Sometimes I think people sort of forget that the richest man on the planet bitching and moaning all the time like he's some sort of persecuted victim is a really fucking pathetic. Like, what are you even on about you dumb fucking loser? Things weren't stacked in your favor enough you dumb fucking idiot? Being in a better life position than pretty much every human to ever exist isn't good enough for you you ridiculous fuck?


JUST FUCKING KILL YOURSELF because it's not going to get any better. Go cry somewhere else. OD on ketamine and shut the fuck up.

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4 minutes ago, ort said:

Sometimes I think people sort of forget that the richest man on the planet bitching and moaning all the time like he's some sort of persecuted victim is a really fucking pathetic. Like, what are you even on about you dumb fucking loser? Things weren't stacked in your favor enough you dumb fucking idiot? Being in a better life position than pretty much every human to ever exist isn't good enough for you you ridiculous fuck?


JUST FUCKING KILL YOURSELF because it's not going to get any better. Go cry somewhere else. OD on ketamine and shut the fuck up.


So does that mean you will NOT buy a Tesla?

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The only thing I really hate about him is how he talks. He mumbles and thinks everything he says is so important. For instance his recent interview with Bill Maher. It was comical. 

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1 minute ago, best3444 said:

The only thing I really hate about him is how he talks. He mumbles and thinks everything he says is so important. For instance his recent interview with Bill Maher. It was comical. 


Yes well we all know that you are for some reason obsessed with how people talk, but are willing to overlook people actually being evil. It's strange.

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19 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Yes well we all know that you are for some reason obsessed with how people talk, but are willing to overlook people actually being evil. It's strange.


What are you going on about now?

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1 minute ago, best3444 said:


What are you going on about now?


You go bananas over how Trump is a great speaker and Biden can barely talk, and this influences your opinions of both. Then you witness Biden actually speak (and not just Fox clips) and you are over the moon with how Biden is capable. And then you reverse again a week later. Now you are saying the only thing you dislike about Musk is how he speaks. You clearly have some issue with people's speaking ability, and this strongly influences what you think of them, to the point where you ignore all substance. You're the modern equivalent of someone voting for G.W. Bush over Kerry because you could imagine having a beer for the former, and not the latter.


I'd hate to see you in charge of hiring someone with a disability, or really anything involving appearance/messaging.

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Just now, CitizenVectron said:


You go bananas over how Trump is a great speaker and Biden can barely talk, and this influences your opinions of both. Then you witness Biden actually speak (and not just Fox clips) and you are over the moon with how Biden is capable. And then you reverse again a week later. Now you are saying the only thing you dislike about Musk is how he speaks. You clearly have some issue with people's speaking ability, and this strongly influences what you think of them, to the point where you ignore all substance. You're the modern equivalent of someone voting for G.W. Bush over Kerry because you could imagine having a beer for the former, and not the latter.


I'd hate to see you in charge of hiring someone with a disability, or really anything involving appearance/messaging.


Jesus dude you got a hard on for me. When did I go over the moon when Biden did the SOTU speech? Give me an example. Then give me an example in how I reversed my opinion. I have absolutely no idea what you're saying here. I made a comment about Elon and that was it.


You're from Canada yet are extremely concerned about the US so much in fact you post on this board every 5 minutes bitching about something political. If you really hate me this much just block me. You're a joke to me. Pick on someone else I thought I was done with you lol.

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:


Jesus dude you got a hard on for me. When did I go over the moon when Biden did the SOTU speech? Give me an example. Then give me an example in how I reversed my opinion. I have absolutely no idea what you're saying here. I made a comment about Elon and that was it.


You're from Canada yet are extremely concerned about the US so much in fact you post on this board every 5 minutes bitching about something political. If you really hate me this much just block me. You're a joke to me. Pick on someone else I thought I was done with you lol.


I care because the next leader of the US will likely result in actual (or not) deaths of many people, not only in the US, and the election will be decided by low-information voters like you. You keep making glib comments about political leaders who are basically evil, and then cover yourself later by saying you are just trolling. Trump and Musk are evil, evil men.

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2 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:


Yes well we all know that you are for some reason obsessed with how people talk, but are willing to overlook people actually being evil. It's strange.


NGL it just looks like you're picking a fight here.

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5 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:


I care because the next leader of the US will likely result in actual (or not) deaths of many people, not only in the US, and the election will be decided by low-information voters like you. You keep making glib comments about political leaders who are basically evil, and then cover yourself later by saying you are just trolling. Trump and Musk are evil, evil men.

From The Simpsons 2015 episode with Musk



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1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Just another example of how this board thinks they are so smart and when someone disagrees they gang up on the other person. It's really annoying like you're all actually stupid and I'm the smart one!


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15 hours ago, stepee said:


I think The Lon’s issue (in the US, and only with specific potential buyers) is that he himself is so vocal every single day. Ubi has swept the stink away enough that even people who really pay attention to the industry can barely remember exactly what the issue was. Big Lon reminds people every single day that he’s a piece of shit. He bought an entire social media platform just to mold it to his terrible ideals and amplifies how dumb he is even further than would normally be possible for any normal human. 


And that a big part of what used to be his fan base and potential buyers, affluent liberals, are part of the group he is specifically targeting with his nonsense.


So I do think it has some part in its decline, I think it is looked at a bit differently here since the move to full raging vocal chud, and certainly doesn’t help. Though I agree competition is what’s really getting them, I think in at least in some areas, he himself can be the reason why people choose the competition.


I know I will never give that man a penny.

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15 hours ago, stepee said:


I think The Lon’s issue (in the US, and only with specific potential buyers) is that he himself is so vocal every single day. Ubi has swept the stink away enough that even people who really pay attention to the industry can barely remember exactly what the issue was. Big Lon reminds people every single day that he’s a piece of shit. He bought an entire social media platform just to mold it to his terrible ideals and amplifies how dumb he is even further than would normally be possible for any normal human. 


And that a big part of what used to be his fan base and potential buyers, affluent liberals, are part of the group he is specifically targeting with his nonsense.


So I do think it has some part in its decline, I think it is looked at a bit differently here since the move to full raging vocal chud, and certainly doesn’t help. Though I agree competition is what’s really getting them, I think in at least in some areas, he himself can be the reason why people choose the competition.

When I eventually buy an E car it will not be a Tesla, despite having once considered it. So there are at least a few of us. 

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