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I’m now another statistic.


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The unreserved smugness of people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about on a macro or micro level never ceases to astound me. Hey boys, I know that this not only isn't my field, but I have no field and have zero knowledge of this subject outside of talking head quotes and personal anecdotes, but let me tell you why the combined expert analysis of the entire planet is wrong and me just making snide remarks on a gaming forum is right.


Get these fucking clowns outta here. Sickening that any adult is that goddamn stupid.

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3 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

The unreserved smugness of people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about on a macro or micro level never ceases to astound me. Hey boys, I know that this not only isn't my field, but I have no field and have zero knowledge of this subject outside of talking head quotes and personal anecdotes, but let me tell you why the combined expert analysis of the entire planet is wrong and me just making snide remarks on a gaming forum is right.


Get these fucking clowns outta here. Sickening that any adult is that goddamn stupid.

Happy Pumped Up GIF by AT&T

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@Biggie, assuming you aren't just trolling, you're making the classic mistake of extrapolating from a small sample size. Even if every single person on this board had a mild case that just felt like a cold, this is an infinitesimally tiny percentage of total COVID cases (e.g. 1000 users [olol] / 476 million cases worldwide [according to the WHO] = 0.0000021%) and wouldn't prove a damn thing about its severity to the world population at large.


I'm legitimately happy for you that your case was mild, but acting like the vaccines are unnecessary because you had a mild case is to completely misunderstand the point when literally millions and millions of people worldwide did not have your experience.

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2 minutes ago, Nokra said:

@Biggie, assuming you aren't just trolling, you're making the classic mistake of extrapolating from a small sample size. Even if every single person on this board had a mild case that just felt like a cold, this is an infinitesimally tiny percentage of total COVID cases (e.g. 1000 users [olol] / 476 million cases worldwide [according to the WHO] = 0.0000021%) and wouldn't prove a damn thing about its severity to the world population at large.


I'm legitimately happy for you that your case was mild, but acting like the vaccines are unnecessary because you had a mild case is to completely misunderstand the point when literally millions and millions of people worldwide did not have your experience.


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2 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

The unreserved smugness of people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about on a macro or micro level never ceases to astound me. Hey boys, I know that this not only isn't my field, but I have no field and have zero knowledge of this subject outside of talking head quotes and personal anecdotes, but let me tell you why the combined expert analysis of the entire planet is wrong and me just making snide remarks on a gaming forum is right.


Get these fucking clowns outta here. Sickening that any adult is that goddamn stupid.

Do yOuR oWn ReSeArCh


Sure, if you want to complete a 7 year study of pandemics and epidemiology, get a PhD, and conduct your own peer reviewed studies, be my guest.


... Oh, you don't want to do that and just assume you know better than those who did? Well alright, then. In that case, in my own researched opinion the earth is flat because I've never seen it curve. Have you ever seen it curve? I thought not. Smh plebs not doing their own research by going to space and observing the earth from afar.


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3 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

Do yOuR oWn ReSeArCh


Sure, if you want to complete a 7 year study of pandemics and epidemiology, get a PhD, and conduct your own peer reviewed studies, be my guest.


... Oh, you don't want to do that and just assume you know better than those who did? Well alright, then. In that case, in my own researched opinion the earth is flat because I've never seen it curve. Have you ever seen it curve? I thought not. Smh plebs not doing their own research by going to space and observing the earth from afar.


These people would sneer so hard their teeth would crack if their parents came out of the woodwork to give them advice about how to properly use a smartphone or how to set up a gaming PC, yet don't realize they sound exactly the same about something infinitely more complex.

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Just now, BlueAngel said:

You people get paid to pad big pharma's pockets, you don't treat shit. The medical field is nothing but pill pushers, you should be ashamed. Most things can be treated with good diet and exercise but nope take this pill, covid? get put on a vent when ivermectin has been proven to be very effective when taken early one but you know why it's not issued? big fucking pharma, there is no money to be made, this whole ordeal was nothigng but a huge psyop money grab for control.

Seriously, go shove an oily wrench in your ass and a rusty screwdriver up your urethra, you disgusting grease monkey.

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Just now, BlueAngel said:

Usually when you find out the truth it is terrifying, but who knows. Nothing wrong with a good conversation, it's up to you to get upset. I have been very relaxed and wiling to converse, you have come at me with guns blazing. It's almost like we can't have a two sided conversation anymore.

No, you spewed dangerous, idiotic, and offensive bullshit on a topic you clearly know nothing about. You called me a pill pusher and said I should be ashamed of what I do. You have no clue what it's like to work in this field, you aren't qualified, and you wouldn't last 10 minutes doing what I do. There's no conversation to be had with the the likes of you. You deserve nothing but ridicule and scorn.

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4 minutes ago, Rachel said:


Wow. You are really fucking stupid.


and I know I said I’m not treating people like shit anymore but I think in this case it’s okay to say that because it’s more of an objective observation than a personal insult. 

I hear you. I try to be better, but sometimes, someone says shit that's so stupid you just can't help it.

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25 minutes ago, BlueAngel said:

You can thank the government for that as they made this in cooperation with Moderna who made this covid bs.


The government made COVID in cooperation with Moderna? Wade please just give me the all-clear and I'll do the honors myself.

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1 minute ago, BlueAngel said:

I don't care, it's when it's forced on me that I care.

You aren’t vaccinated over a year into the vaccine era. How exactly was it forced on you?

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15 minutes ago, BlueAngel said:

I've lost possible jobs over the bs, I couldn't go into certain places. So yes it was forced on me.

But you didn’t get it, thus it wasn’t forced on you. You made decisions to do other things instead of get vaccinated. 

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Hm who should I believe, a guy who apparently spends all day reading Qanon websites, or a science reporter with a PhD in microbiology and over two years of solid reporting on COVID? Quite the dilemma here.



Bad news if you're unvaccinated and think you have strong protection after omicron.


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4 minutes ago, BlueAngel said:

Yeah I got covid, before the vaccines were even a thing it was weak. And I've been around 20+ people who have had it and never caught even a sniffle again, natural immunity does exist.

My guy, I don’t care whether you get vaccinated or not. You do you. But you’re pretending this has somehow negatively affected you when if you were being honest, it clearly hasn’t. 



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8 minutes ago, BlueAngel said:

I've lost potential clients due to not being in the club, it has 100% been an issue for me.

“Potential” is doing a lot of work here.


Let me explain what it means to actually be affected. I had to refund $50,000 in rental fees to various clients for events I was forced by the fire marshal’s office to cancel due to their errant understanding of the governor’s Covid orders back in 2020. Those weren’t potential sales, those were events that were paid for and we had to give the money back.


And I don’t cry about it. I hadn’t even thought about it until reading your complaints here about “potential” clients 😂


And if you wanted those jobs, you could have just gotten vaccinated. I couldn’t remove the locks the fire marshal put on our gates.

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