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Hogwarts Legacy - Information Thread, update: reviews from OpenCritic posted


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17 minutes ago, stepee said:


I’m glad this is third person BUT there is a vr mod being worked on that will hopefully let you walk around hogwarts in first person because that will be amazing in vr.

Listen, I no longer want to hear the chuckles from my wife when she walks past and sees how goofy my character looks, ok? 


I am enjoying the world way more than anything else. I think a first person camera would enhance it without impacting other parts. make it happen.  Thanks 

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3 minutes ago, Brian said:

Listen, I no longer want to hear the chuckles from my wife when she walks past and sees how goofy my character looks, ok? 


I am enjoying the world way more than anything else. I think a first person camera would enhance it without impacting other parts. make it happen.  Thanks 


Ideally there would be a toggle or at least a damn photo mode!

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1 minute ago, Brian said:

I’ll take a free FP DLC. I don’t need a camera mode for the fog though  :p


hm I didn’t notice the fog level being bad, like there’s a lot around swampy areas but it never struck me as overkill. I wonder if they added a bunch extra on console to save resources.

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36 minutes ago, stepee said:


hm I didn’t notice the fog level being bad, like there’s a lot around swampy areas but it never struck me as overkill. I wonder if they added a bunch extra on console to save resources.

It isn’t horrendous on the PS5 but it’s noticeable especially since you don’t see it in games nowadays. 

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6 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


Not using her pronouns? Tsk tsk tsk, bigot.


6 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

Person is a complete sociopath. 

And allegedly earning six figures a year from her day job at a big tech company to boot (there's some circumstantial evidence to support this). Very strange person if true. Definitely quite likely to be ... uhm, what do you folks call it nowadays ... neuroatypical? Neurodivergent?


6 hours ago, stepee said:

a little smug face

Is that what that smileys supposed to be ô_o ?


6 hours ago, stepee said:

Anyway, I’m curious if it runs any better without the denovo cpu overhead.

I've read that in this instance it doesn't actually disable/remove it, just trick it into "thinking" that it's running legitimately. So the CPU drain would still be there.

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21 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

"Hogwarts Legacy" has wingardium leviosa-ed Warner Bros. Games' sales, earning $850 million in global sales and moving more than 12 million units.




Very successful boycott. 


This totally owns the one person out there somewhere who actually thought that resetera and a couple media outlets would put a dent in the sales of a game like this with an IP this enormous.

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And lame, I kind of just want to see what effect removing denovo has in a game like this that is cpu bound both with ray tracing and with streaming.


I just wonder if it matters much or not. i figure before they could get away with it when games were designed for systems with 20 year old laptop cpus in mind since there was so much room to spare. But now that cpu bottlenecks are back even if it’s 5% that is now actual performance you lose so that’s lame. 


Or maybe it’s designed so it rests in its own rarely used thread so it doesn’t affect it at all. But I’m curious. 

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41 minutes ago, stepee said:

And lame, I kind of just want to see what effect removing denovo has in a game like this that is cpu bound both with ray tracing and with streaming.

Well, judging by some recent examples where it was removed (either via crack or simple developer decision later in a game's lifecycle) there is regularly a noticeable difference. No idea how often it's a gamebreaking, so-to-speak, difference though.


Oh and since apparently Denuvo didn't/doesn't bother recompiling the .exe (or whatever it is they'd need to do to make sure their stuff continues to work) between updates, the crack is said to work even on updated builds, meaning those who downloaded it illegally have access to official improvements to the performance for now.

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Yeah it’s just like I said we’ve been gpu bound for a long time, now that is changing a little bit and in something like HP where I’m heavily cpu bound, maybe what used to not matter because there was so much cpu overhead now does matter, so that’s why I would have liked to see with this one specifically how it ran if it were removed.

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7 minutes ago, Demut said:

That so? I wouldn't know, I don't really follow hardware stuff. So have devs of all stripes finally started making use of the bajillion cores in CPUs? Or is this meme still relevant these days?




It’s the other way I mean. A lot of last gen it was mostly about trying to hit 4k/60 which took pretty much until the end of the gen to finally get a good gpu that can run most everything at 4k/60 or at least with using dlss to get there. The gpu was the tough part. The cpu in the consoles last gen was incredibly weak, so simply running games designed for those systems at two times the frame rate was easy if you had something decent.


Now we have two things happening, consoles with much much better cpus so games are starting to be designed with those in mind, and mainly ray tracing being a graphical feature that actually takes up a ton of cpu power whereas last gen graphical features mostly tasked only the gpu.


And with these changes, that image you posted is still how a lot of games are being programmed with some notable exceptions like Spiderman and Cyberpunk. And then you have monster gpu gains happening and now frame generation so the 4k/60 goal is now 4k/120 on the high end with the cpu doing most of the holding back.

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I was actually just checking Spider-man out because they patched it like a week ago (and Miles) to optimize even more for the cpu (in particular both and and intel cpus with 8 or more cores) and it was already one of the better optimized ray tracing games on cpu. Cuz Insomniac the KING.

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I know there's been diminishing returns for a while now but I wonder what's really left in terms of improvements to graphics fidelity. Modern real-time tech demos/benchmarks are beginning to approach Unlimited Detail levels, if they're not already crossing into that territory. "Just" higher resolutions at higher frame rates? That's only gonna keep mattering so far, too. I don't see the need for 1,920,000x1x080,000 at 144,000FPS, to exaggerate a bit. I think eventually it'll have to transition to mainly only improving things such as physics simulations anymore. Yet even there (e.g. destructability) the air's beginning to get thin. So then maybe overall complexity in terms of expanding the limits to players' creativity? That'd be a bitch to hard-code though. Perhaps AI can help out in this regard, I certainly can see it ultimately helping in both preset and on-the-fly content generation if nothing else.


Exciting times either way.

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There’s definitely plenty to go until we are at Avatar or something and even then there’s plenty to look forward to with them maybe concentrating on the little kinks and making everything as smooth as possible. All the little hitches, flickers, slow lod transition, low frame background elements, light leaking, pop in, collision issues, clipping, whatever thing that is pretty much constantly happening with one thing or the other in every 3D game.


There’s all sorts of little things you normally don’t notice much that are due to shortcuts or limitations or whatever that would be nice to just be rid of. Some of that is being worked on, some doesn’t have an answer yet or is simply too time consuming for developers with todays tools. But there’s a huge list of things I’m excited to see improved even after we hit that Avatar level. And I want it all running at least at 16k/240!


I figure that journey should at least take me until 2063 or so.


Edit: And actually, back on topic, one of the main things I’ve been wanting to see, especially in open world games, are much more detailed interiors that you can enter. And boy oh boy is this game a good sign of things to come there. The scale and detail in Hogwarts is one of the most next gen moments for me so far even if it’s cross gen. And that you can enter it or leave it with zero loading, no fake GOW transition, just totally seamless is still impressing me 40+ hours in.

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4 minutes ago, stepee said:

And I want it all running at least at 16k/240!

To what end? The future seems to be VR/AR headsets anyway and while the current ones definitely need better resolution/framerate, I don't think 16k is even remotely required for those tiny-ass screens.

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1 minute ago, Demut said:

To what end? The future seems to be VR/AR headsets anyway and while the current ones definitely need better resolution/framerate, I don't think 16k is even remotely required for those tiny-ass screens.


16k is actually what is believed to be needed to completely remove the screen door effect in VR. It’s also about when you shouldn’t be able to see any aliasing on a 75” tv. 

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8 hours ago, stepee said:


16k is actually what is believed to be needed to completely remove the screen door effect in VR. It’s also about when you shouldn’t be able to see any aliasing on a 75” tv. 

OR… and hear me out… VR headset makers can stop using shitty pentile screens meant for smartphones.

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17 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

"Hogwarts Legacy" has wingardium leviosa-ed Warner Bros. Games' sales, earning $850 million in global sales and moving more than 12 million units.




Very successful boycott. 


The only people that boycott this are those that didn't care about HP in the first place. People boycott when it's convenient. It's not like you saw people unsubbing from Netflix when they didn't drop Chapelle (who probably made more from Netflix telling trans jokes than JK made from this game).

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9 minutes ago, Bjomesphat said:


The only people that boycott this are those that didn't care about HP in the first place. People boycott when it's convenient. It's not like you saw people unsubbing from Netflix when they didn't drop Chapelle (who probably made more from Netflix telling trans jokes than JK made from this game).

 but hey they got to bully and harass streamers that dared play the "wizard" game so that must have been fun

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16 minutes ago, Firewithin said:

 but hey they got to bully and harass streamers that dared play the "wizard" game so that must have been fun


Yep the end result being this was why I was always against the idea of trying to shame others for playing it. Your comfort level with your own purchasing decisions is personal thing unless it’s something extremely blatant like buying a gun for a kid to shoot someone or something. But for indirect stuff, it’s just however you feel it best to balance for yourself.


I feel like if you are doing that well then you don’t feel the need to shame people for playing a harry potter game which makes me wonder exactly how bad of a job those people do with the rest of it.

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Oh please, can we stop trying to infer the "success" of a boycott from sales figures? It's like trying to infer success from piracy, it's just not possible. There's no "potential sale" metric that goes up and down when someone doesn't buy something.

Of course the game sold well, it's the exact genre of game people have wanted out of this series for like 3 decades in one of the most successful properties in human history.

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2 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

Oh please, can we stop trying to infer the "success" of a boycott from sales figures?

How else would you quantify it though? Or are you saying that's impossible in principle because something something no counterfactuals?

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Just now, Demut said:

How else would you quantify it though? Or are you saying that's impossible in principle because something something no counterfactuals?

I'm saying it's impossible, yes. "Didn't buy the game" is a metric that includes the vast majority of the human race by default. It's why I'm a much bigger fan of the buy, leave a scathing review, then refund method. Then your voice is really heard.

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I don’t see what is being argued here. Nobody thought the game wasn’t going to be a huge success. The game is a huge success. Anyone who chose not to buy the game obviously has nothing to do with that success but it obviously doesn’t matter if they did or didn’t buy it as far as if the game is a success or not.


I seriously seriously doubt a million people ever even said they would boycot it, but if they did, it would still just be 13 million vs 12 million and a huge success.


If anyone thinks anyone realistically thought millions of actual people were coordinated on a HP video game boycott idk what to tell ya.


So I mean, congrats to the devs at Avalanche for creating a great game people wanted to play.

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1 hour ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Selling 12 million copies in two weeks is seldom achieved by single player games -- I don't think any of the Avengers or Star Wars games did similar numbers.

Setting the all-time-record on Twitch for a single player game is also noteworthy.

That's because we've had non-stop Star Wars games for decades and most of them suck, and the few that don't are in really weird niche genres like KOTOR. Avengers is popular but it's not like people are dying to go into the world of Avengers, that shit's just regular old Earth.


People have been dying for a game set in the Harry Potter universe (The "magical castle" part, not the "England" part, gross) and isn't some linear 10 hour piece of shit on the Playstation 1, though. "Open world Harry Potter RPG" is something folks've been dying for for AGES.

Same with something like a Pokemon MMO. Even with how busted Pokemon's sad ass releases are (Pokemon's THE #1 franchise in the world and still looks and runs like a shitty fan game from 2003) they are wildly successful. If they ever make good on an MMO and the concept of an MMO isn't completely dead, I expect it to set records that would make GTA blush.

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1 minute ago, Xbob42 said:

That's because we've had non-stop Star Wars games for decades and most of them suck, and the few that don't are in really weird niche genres like KOTOR. Avengers is popular but it's not like people are dying to go into the world of Avengers, that shit's just regular old Earth.


People have been dying for a game set in the Harry Potter universe and isn't some linear 10 hour piece of shit on the Playstation 1, though. "Open world Harry Potter RPG" is something folks've been dying for for AGES.

Same with something like a Pokemon MMO. Even with how busted Pokemon's sad ass releases are (Pokemon's THE #1 franchise in the world and still looks and runs like a shitty fan game from 2003) they are wildly successful. If they ever make good on an MMO and the concept of an MMO isn't completely dead, I expect it to set records that would make GTA blush.

Or perhaps, your average gamer just wants to play games, and doesn't care about boycotts proposed by Resetera and also promoted on Twitter and Kotaku.

I've never viewed HP as an IP close to the popularity of MCU or Star Wars -- maybe I'm wrong.

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5 hours ago, Bjomesphat said:


The only people that boycott this are those that didn't care about HP in the first place. People boycott when it's convenient. It's not like you saw people unsubbing from Netflix when they didn't drop Chapelle (who probably made more from Netflix telling trans jokes than JK made from this game).

I loved HP for years and years and I didn't buy this and likely won't. But that's me and I'm not judging anyone for buying and enjoying the game.

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