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Better Call Saul - The Final & 6th Season

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6 hours ago, Brick said:

OK theory time, and I'll spoiler tag it because I feel like this might actually be how things are leading up to end. 


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Marion mentioned that Jeff fell into a bad crowd back in Albuquerque, and after seeing Gene so roughly pull Jeff into the shed (and roughly pull the dog out of it, which is not how he would ever treat Nippy, right?), she's going to get suspicious, and worried about Jeffy, so she'll find out that Gene is actually Saul Goodman from the Internet. Gene underestimating Marion will be his downfall. 


Still want to know what was said in that phone call though. If Kim is still alive, and if Saul gets caught, could she maybe become a lawyer again to represent him? What if she's married by now? 

Not bad a bad theory at ALL :cheers: Somone on REDDIT said that Jimmy's conversation on the phone can be heard slightly in the German dub version.


Not sure if true.

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@Brick, that's as good as a guess at it can be.



It's not too much of spoiler if the dub is true since his reaction to the call clearly indicated either she was ignoring him or told him something he didn't want to hear. I highly doubt he would be that angry if he was simply having trouble getting through to talk to her with his fake name.


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Yeah it's pretty clear that either a) Kim refused to speak with him and that frustrated him; b) she did speak to him directly and told him information he didn't like, like either "don't call me again" or "I'm happily married with children now" or c) she wasn't even working there anymore and didn't want to be contacted again.


Either way, another excellent episode, and I'm thinking more and more the show has decided Jimmy/Saul/Gene can't be saved.

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On 7/27/2022 at 7:19 PM, thewhyteboar said:

And that was a Jimmy caper, not Saul. Jimmy hasn't totally been subsumed by Saul.

…and that was a Saul caper. Doesn’t feel like there is any Jimmy left, especially not after that phone call. I don’t think the specifics of the call really matter, but if it was Kim slamming the door on any kind of reconciliation then that would be the end of Jimmy. 

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I loved being able to see Kim’s life afterwards, not to mention Jesse and her sharing a cigarette, characters that were pulled toward the malevolent side by manipulative evil men.

Walter set some things up on the positive side before he went out such as potentially setting up income streams for his family.  Saul will have nothing in the end except perhaps manipulating people in prison should he survive. He couldn’t bring himself to choke her with the cord for whatever that’s worth. I believe he wants to get caught. He’s not even trying to be careful. This may be his way of turning himself after what Kim told him, even if it is unconscious. He even started talking about Albuquerque.


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I like the juxtaposition of Walt becoming Heisenberg and really going all in on that transformation, and Jimmy chickening out as Gene when



confronted with having to harm an old woman who was about to rat him out. Jimmy has always been a phony, even a phony tough guy.

This show ❤️ Hoping Vince and Peter do another show together.

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

@Bricki also want you to know I smiled as soon as 

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Marion started hopping online after talking to Gene. Good call 😂



To be fair, I read the theory online :blush:


@skillzdadirectano Jimmy has never killed anyone directly.


After this he's going to have to phone the vacuum cleaner guy to disappear again, but given that the actor who played him, Robert Forster passed away, he won't be able to. He's going to get caught for sure I think, and finally face the consequences. No Slippin' away for Jimmy this time. 

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Man, what an episode. Kim on the bus - gut wrenching. I'm in no way surprised that Kim ended up not even taking her part of the Sandpiper settlement and that Jimmy did. You can tell everything about Saul's life during Breaking Bad makes Kim uncomfortable: "when I knew him he was [a good lawyer]". Gene's not even trying to not get caught, he's just becoming more and more reckless. One episode left to go, it's time for to put this universe to bed but I'll miss it.

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I, nearly a day later, am still at a complete loss for words. That scene on the train, just brought to bear every single thing that we as an audience have bore witness to. Our love for Jimmy/Saul/ ... ok maybe not so much Gene, as well as our admiration for Kim, has led us all to that moment. We have time to take inventory for all that has transpired, and really condemn ourselves for following along in their journey. Our complicity & silent agreement to indulge in these shenanigans have wrought so much awfulness on all those around them & in the end, to themselves as well. At least that's how I kind of felt & took it in that moment & where my mind took me as I sat, silently weeping the enormity of the moment & realization that we are right at the end.


Vince, you goddamn genius.

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18 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Rhea Seehorn's performance on that bus was amazing but I don't feel bad for her or Jimmy at ALL. The literally destroyed Howard in every way conceivable and if anyone needed anymore proof that Jimmy has been a piece of dispicable shit this episode should clear that up.


Kim at least felt remorse and it practically destroyed her life afterwards. She's living such a mundane life compared to what her intelligence could afford her given she is a terrific lawyer. Jimmy corrupted her, and let out the worst in her, something I suspect she was trying to keep down, and get away from after moving away from her home state and mother. Notice how she doesn't let herself make even the smallest of decisions like what flavour of cake, or if it's OK to use Miracle Whip instead of mayonnaise, because the last time she was the decision maker someone died! Then of course, she finally comes clean because she can't take the guilt anymore. This in no way absolves her of her wrongdoing, but it's a stark contrast to Jimmy who is still trying to get away with his cons, and doesn't seem to feel any guilt at all over what he's done. Kim at least seems like she would accept prosecution and a prison sentence without a fight because she knows she deserves it. 


There's still some questions I have, like how exactly did Jimmy fully embrace the Saul persona after Kim left him, and truly become a CRIMINAL lawyer, who would actually encourage killing if need be, and be "a friend to the cartel", since Jimmy when Kim left at least still seemed to have some integrity as a lawyer. 

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I think Kim was the only thing holding Jimmy back from being a full on criminal cartel lawyer. Remember Jimmy thinks it’s all justified because the powers that be hold people like him down.

While she enabled him in some ways, overall he looked to her approval and she moderated his actions. She started to do that less and less as she was corrupted though. Once Kim ditched him, he was all in. He had a taste of how to make some serious cash and saw a path to having the large house and whatever he wanted.


Good for Kim for taking responsibility. She deserved to feel bad about everything, but she is doing the right thing now so it’s redemption in my eyes. 

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1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:

Man, what an episode. Kim on the bus - gut wrenching. I'm in no way surprised that Kim ended up not even taking her part of the Sandpiper settlement and that Jimmy did. You can tell everything about Saul's life during Breaking Bad makes Kim uncomfortable: "when I knew him he was [a good lawyer]". Gene's not even trying to not get caught, he's just becoming more and more reckless. One episode left to go, it's time for to put this universe to bed but I'll miss it.

I mentioned that Gene seems to want to get caught. He doesn’t seem to care after talking to Kim. 

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When Kim tells Hamlin's wife Cheryl that Hamlin "didn't suffer", I think we can all assume Kim is referring to her boring, mundane life, which is a true Hell for someone like Kim. She'd rather be put out of her misery I imagine. Getting fucked boringly, never making a decision, wielding little of your intelligence and confidence. Her life was and has been over.

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Also anyone get serial killer vibes just off of Gene's look in this episode? The hair, glasses, moustache reminded me of someone like the BTK, not some Hollywood, glamourized serial killer, but a normal everyday guy who could snap your neck.

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Just now realized that we have gotten a Walt & Jesse together scene as well as a Jesse alone scene, this leaves a single Walt scene left to be shown. Just was pointed out to me via a BCS rewind live stream that WHAT IF the scene in question colors in the ricin scene as it could only have been Saul who could have aided Walt in poisoning that kid!?

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2 hours ago, SoberChef said:

Yeah, I FINALLY recognized that there is NO redeeming this guy anymore. Just like Marion said "I trusted you.", we too sort of put faith & trust, at least subconsciously, into Jimmy only for it to be for naught.

But Chuck told us that YEARS ago... Jimmy robbed his own father blind as a child. He's been who he is forever. 

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3 hours ago, Brick said:


Kim at least felt remorse and it practically destroyed her life afterwards. She's living such a mundane life compared to what her intelligence could afford her given she is a terrific lawyer. Jimmy corrupted her, and let out the worst in her, something I suspect she was trying to keep down, and get away from after moving away from her home state and mother. Notice how she doesn't let herself make even the smallest of decisions like what flavour of cake, or if it's OK to use Miracle Whip instead of mayonnaise, because the last time she was the decision maker someone died! Then of course, she finally comes clean because she can't take the guilt anymore. This in no way absolves her of her wrongdoing, but it's a stark contrast to Jimmy who is still trying to get away with his cons, and doesn't seem to feel any guilt at all over what he's done. Kim at least seems like she would accept prosecution and a prison sentence without a fight because she knows she deserves it. 


There's still some questions I have, like how exactly did Jimmy fully embrace the Saul persona after Kim left him, and truly become a CRIMINAL lawyer, who would actually encourage killing if need be, and be "a friend to the cartel", since Jimmy when Kim left at least still seemed to have some integrity as a lawyer. 

I think we don't give these characters enough agency in making their own decisions and blame their actions on other people. For a long time, people blamed Chuck for Jimmy being who he is when in fact, Chuck was just acknowledging that he KNEW who Jimmy was and was trying to work with him within those confines. Jimmy was who he was regardless of Chuck. Same with Kim. I don't know if I would go so far as to say that Jimmy "corrupted" Kim. It was HER idea to go after Howard and Jimmy tried several times to talk her out of it. In fact I got the sense that the only reason he was doing it in the first place was to keep HER happy. Kim has agency and is responsible as well. She made several choices independent of Jimmy, including not telling him about Lalo AND making up the story about seeing Howard snort cocaine and then throwing in the extra dig at Howard's wife about her "seeing Howard everyday..." when she KNEW they were seperated. Whatever hell Kim was living in with the miracle whip dude was a hell of her own making. I don't feel the least bit sorry for her and feel like Skyler White is a more sympathetic character than Kim Wexler is. LOVE Rhea Seehorn's performance though... she deserves ALL of the awards.


2 hours ago, SoberChef said:

I'm curious, with Kim's confession, was there any evidence retrieved from the Laundry regarding decomposing remains underneath? If so, then BOOM goes the proverbial dynamite to bury both her & Jimmy.


I doubt it. Kim doesn';t know where Howard was buried and by the time that lab was discovered, those bodies were buried under concrete and foundation. I doubt very seriously if those bodies were found. Maybe we'll find out next episode they were though.

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3 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I think we don't give these characters enough agency in making their own decisions and blame their actions on other people. For a long time, people blamed Chuck for Jimmy being who he is when in fact, Chuck was just acknowledging that he KNEW who Jimmy was and was trying to work with him within those confines. Jimmy was who he was regardless of Chuck. Same with Kim. I don't know if I would go so far as to say that Jimmy "corrupted" Kim. It was HER idea to go after Howard and Jimmy tried several times to talk her out of it. In fact I got the sense that the only reason he was doing it in the first place was to keep HER happy. Kim has agency and is responsible as well. She made several choices independent of Jimmy, including not telling him about Lalo AND making up the story about seeing Howard snort cocaine and then throwing in the extra dig at Howard's wife about her "seeing Howard everyday..." when she KNEW they were seperated. Whatever hell Kim was living in with the miracle whip dude was a hell of her own making. I don't feel the least bit sorry for her and feel like Skyler White is a more sympathetic character than Kim Wexler is. LOVE Rhea Seehorn's performance though... she deserves ALL of the awards.


Sure she's responsible for her own choices, absolutely, but I think Jimmy brought out a part of her that she repressed for years. I think, if I'm remembering correctly, the first "wrongdoing" she did with him was conning the stock exchange guy with the expensive tequila. Before that, had her and Jimmy never met/hung out, I think she would have stayed and the straight and narrow path, but from that point on, she was having too much fun with Jimmy, and the more they were together, the worse she got. As she said, together they're poison. With Howard it finally caught up with them, and someone got hurt way more than they intended, even if it wasn't directly their fault (Lalo is responsible for that murder), Howard never would have been killed had they not been trying to prank him/sully his reputation; he was in the wrong place at the wrong time in the worst possible way. Kim decided after that they can't be together, and she needs to stop with this nonsense, whereas Jimmy seemed to brush it aside, and double down on it all, almost like he was trying to spite her.


I think there's a parallel to be made between Walter and Jimmy as they both put on this macho bravado façade. Walt had too much pride and ego, and would always act like a tough guy, but whenever someone actually tough pushed back he'd whimper in fear, and Jimmy puts on this act like nothing bothers him and everything's a joke to him, but he is hurting inside, but he just doesn't want anyone to see that. The way he nonchalantly signed those divorce papers after making her wait who knows how long, while his clients built up outside to show off his success to Kim, and his phone call like nothing had happened, and no sympathy at all for Kim when she was clearly shocked as all just to mask his true feelings. I do think deep deep down Jimmy is a good guy (even if it's getting deeper down the more he himself "breaks bad"), and does care about other people (like his elderly clients from the first season), but like Chuck said he can't help himself, and he'll always end up hurting the ones he loves. It's like he's got an addiction to prove over everyone else that he's the smartest guy in the room, and he does it in the worst way.

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Every week I continue to just be impressed by the sheer artistic craftmanship that goes into each episode; that's one of the things I'll really miss when this show is over, true art. I'm also impressed by how Gould and Gilligan made suckers out of all of us, or at least me. This whole time (at least until the "Breaking Bad" episode), I've wanted a happy (relatively) ending for Jimmy, cause the show has shown us how he does have some good in him, how he is so funny and charming and likable, and I bought it. I wanted him to ride off into the sunset. But Jimmy is gone (except that small spark when he let Marion go), it's all Saul (remember when Gene got locked in with the dumpsters, he wrote "SG" on the wall, not "JM") and Saul doesn't deserve shit. I hope he does wind up in jail, and then I can mourn for Jimmy, how Jimmy had numerous chances to make things right or correct course, but never did.


I'll miss this show.

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