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Better Call Saul - The Final & 6th Season

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Also the comb over bit was a little funny. All that money, and Saul doesn't bother to invest in proper hair regrowth treatments like finasteride and minoxidil (unless they didn't really have that back in the late 00s).


EDIT: Also wtf Amazon Prime has an animated Slippin' Jimmy show? Anyone seen it? 

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So because my memory is hazy, and I don't really remember the previous season from two years ago all that clearly, someone who rewatched it recently clear something up for me; why was Lalo so determined to get the truth from Saul? Yes he technically had ties with Fring through Mike and Nacho, but he didn't know Fring personally I don't think, right? 


So let's pretend that Kim does kill Fring, and Lalo breaks into the super lab, gets his proof, and then returns to Jimmy and Kim's apartment, what then? Jimmy could admit that Mike helped him in the desert, and yes Nacho introduced Lalo to Jimmy/Saul, but as far as the mercenary attack on the hacienda, he had no involvement with that, right? Unless I'm forgetting a scene where Fring directed Nacho to get Lalo in touch with Saul. I mean sure Lalo wouldn't exactly like being lied to that Mike was there to help in the desert, and the ties to Fring through that, but after the fact when now Fring is dead, what does it really matter to him?


Also had that scenario happened, do you think Lalo would have let Jimmy and Kim go, or would he have killed them? I think he more than likely still would have killed them no matter what just to get rid of them going to the police before he can make it back across the border. 

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3 hours ago, Brick said:

So because my memory is hazy, and I don't really remember the previous season from two years ago all that clearly, someone who rewatched it recently clear something up for me; why was Lalo so determined to get the truth from Saul? Yes he technically had ties with Fring through Mike and Nacho, but he didn't know Fring personally I don't think, right? 


So let's pretend that Kim does kill Fring, and Lalo breaks into the super lab, gets his proof, and then returns to Jimmy and Kim's apartment, what then? Jimmy could admit that Mike helped him in the desert, and yes Nacho introduced Lalo to Jimmy/Saul, but as far as the mercenary attack on the hacienda, he had no involvement with that, right? Unless I'm forgetting a scene where Fring directed Nacho to get Lalo in touch with Saul. I mean sure Lalo wouldn't exactly like being lied to that Mike was there to help in the desert, and the ties to Fring through that, but after the fact when now Fring is dead, what does it really matter to him?


Also had that scenario happened, do you think Lalo would have let Jimmy and Kim go, or would he have killed them? I think he more than likely still would have killed them no matter what just to get rid of them going to the police before he can make it back across the border. 


The forced assasination attempt on Fring was never meant to succeed. They were just a distraction to pull Gus' remaining security force from the laundromat. Lalo's plan was to get proof of what Fring was up to and take it to Eladio and then they would deal with Fring together. Jimmy had no direct links to Fring, but he was introduced to Lalo by Nacho and then with Jimmy getting stuck in the dessert and then the hit on Lalo happening shortly after, you could see how he would be suspicious of Jimmy. And Lalo was never gonna let Jimmy and Kim go. They were both gonna die. One in the failed attempt in Fring and the other by Lalo's own hand. Lalo probably would have killed Kim immediately if he left her there instead. He did have questions he wanted to ask Jimmy but I don't think he really expected much. If he knew how connected they were to Mike/Fring, he would have never sent one of them there. But yeah, Lalo never expected one of them would actually kill Fring because he knew Fring had most of his security there. 

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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:


The forced assasination attempt on Fring was never meant to succeed. They were just a distraction to pull Gus' remaining security force from the laundromat. Lalo's plan was to get proof of what Fring was up to and take it to Eladio and then they would deal with Fring together. Jimmy had no direct links to Fring, but he was introduced to Lalo by Nacho and then with Jimmy getting stuck in the dessert and then the hit on Lalo happening shortly after, you could see how he would be suspicious of Jimmy. And Lalo was never gonna let Jimmy and Kim go. They were both gonna die. One in the failed attempt in Fring and the other by Lalo's own hand. Lalo probably would have killed Kim immediately if he left her there instead. He did have questions he wanted to ask Jimmy but I don't think he really expected much. If he knew how connected they were to Mike/Fring, he would have never sent one of them there. But yeah, Lalo never expected one of them would actually kill Fring because he knew Fring had most of his security there. 


Oh I knew he didn't expect the hit to work, and it was a distraction, I'm just curious how in an alternate timeline how things would have gone down had Kim somehow returned, or even just Lalo returned from the laundromat since he didn't expect Gus to come there. What would he have said to Jimmy I wonder. Your theory that had Jimmy actually gone instead he would have just killed Kim immediately I hadn't thought of, but you're probably right, and that's scary to think about. 

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Yeah commercials are a legit pain in the butt. Recently begun re-watching season 3 of "24" and seeing the time jumps for the "commercial breaks" just WOW how much time they ate up during the run of that show & I feel as though it's only gotten more egregious.


As for last night, totally heart wrenching yet I've never seen a scene more brutally open & honest with a character in a very long time. Now we're in the BB timeline, more than likely a couple cameos amongst 3 separate scenes to drop next week, then 3 eps to go. More than likely, the finale will be Gene but possibly it's a 2-parter? That just leaves 1 episode in the air as for what it could possibly entail, who the hell even knows!?

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23 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

Yeah commercials are a legit pain in the butt. Recently begun re-watching season 3 of "24" and seeing the time jumps for the "commercial breaks" just WOW how much time they ate up during the run of that show & I feel as though it's only gotten more egregious.


As for last night, totally heart wrenching yet I've never seen a scene more brutally open & honest with a character in a very long time. Now we're in the BB timeline, more than likely a couple cameos amongst 3 separate scenes to drop next week, then 3 eps to go. More than likely, the finale will be Gene but possibly it's a 2-parter? That just leaves 1 episode in the air as for what it could possibly entail, who the hell even knows!?

I suspect the majority of the remaining episodes to take place in the Gene Timeline to be honest.

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6 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I suspect the majority of the remaining episodes to take place in the Gene Timeline to be honest.

That’s what I hope. I would love for Gene/Saul/Jimmy to wind up back with Kim somehow. 

This was one of the saddest episodes of the series. The cut from Kim leaving to Saul with the hooker was brutal. 

  • stepee 1
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I'm wondering if that flash forward was just for this episode as a clever way to show just how lost he became without Kim, and we'll still get a couple more episodes of early Saul transitioning into the BB Saul. Maybe not though. I wonder if Carol Burnett is playing Kim's mother if they introduce her now that she'd be older. 


I don't watch any previews in case they've said what the next episodes will be like. 

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4 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I think we're firmly in the Breaking Bad timeline now... no reason to really go back to Jimmy's timeline now thta his relationship with Kim is done. I don't think neither Kim or Jimmy deserve a happy ending and they definitely shouldn't be with each other.


There's nothing left to resolve in the old timeline 

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Another excellent episode. I'm glad Kim (at least so far) didn't get "vacuumed" or killed, she simply realized that things had gone too far and the relationship was a large reason for that and she needed to end it. Curious to get back to the black and white timeline with the cab driver from Omaha who was being weird and aggressive in recognizing "Gene".

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Finally caught up on the new season. I hadn't realized there were going to be 13 episodes total so for the past day or two I thought there was only one episode left.  With the ending of the previous episode, I felt like they wrapped up a lot.  I wonder what the final few episodes will be about. Maybe meeting Walt and where Jimmy is currently?

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At first I was all "Wait ... what are we doing here?" Then, by the end, I was SO invested in the "operation" to go off smoothly that I literally was holding my breath when the slip happened. I had a gut feeling Carol Burnett's role would be the cabbie's mom, IDK how or why I felt that but I did, glad to be proven correct on that.

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If Jeff gets caught selling the merch, what exactly would stop him from ratting out Jimmy in a plea bargain for a reduced sentence? Unless Jimmy mentioned something I'm not remembering, his speech of "mutually assured destruction" seemed to be more about not coming to him again, or ratting him out for any reward money. I wonder if that could be where this is headed if we're not done with Jeff and his mother (why hire Carol Burnett for such a small role in one episode?). As it stands this series could end, and really all the major plot threads have been wrapped up. We see what finally split Jimmy and Kim, leading him to fully embrace becoming the sleazy Saul Goodman, and we've seen how Gene took care of getting made. There are a few things like how exactly Gus continued construction of the lab, and it would be nice to see some of the immediate follow up of Kim leaving Jimmy, but I really can't tell where the show is going, but I'm excited to see nonetheless.


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OK theory time, and I'll spoiler tag it because I feel like this might actually be how things are leading up to end. 



Marion mentioned that Jeff fell into a bad crowd back in Albuquerque, and after seeing Gene so roughly pull Jeff into the shed (and roughly pull the dog out of it, which is not how he would ever treat Nippy, right?), she's going to get suspicious, and worried about Jeffy, so she'll find out that Gene is actually Saul Goodman from the Internet. Gene underestimating Marion will be his downfall. 


Still want to know what was said in that phone call though. If Kim is still alive, and if Saul gets caught, could she maybe become a lawyer again to represent him? What if she's married by now? 

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