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Better Call Saul - The Final & 6th Season

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5 hours ago, Brick said:

I'm wondering if they'll cover up Howard's murder as a suicide somehow. He was drunk, came over unhinged and embarrassed, popped himself in the head kind of thing. It would totally seem believable given how he caused the Sandpiper case to fall through with his "drug problem". 


I mean that is really the only option other than just disappearing him - that would raise far too many questions. The real thing is though, I highly doubt Lalo would assist in such a thing & in fact, in a way, it sort of worked out for Lalo's best interest as Saul & Kim are going to send up a flare to Mike for help in removal and/or setting up the scene.

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2 hours ago, SoberChef said:


I mean that is really the only option other than just disappearing him - that would raise far too many questions. The real thing is though, I highly doubt Lalo would assist in such a thing & in fact, in a way, it sort of worked out for Lalo's best interest as Saul & Kim are going to send up a flare to Mike for help in removal and/or setting up the scene.


Yeah Mike is exactly who I'm thinking they'll get to help, especially since they'll need to leave a gun in Howard's hand, and Lalo isn't just going to leave his for them. 


My other wonder now though is Jimmy thinks Lalo is still alive by the time of Breaking Bad, but Lalo has to die at some point for real this time, and it'll likely be Gus who kills him, but if that's the case, why wouldn't Mike tell Jimmy at some point that for sure, 100% he's dead now? 

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On 5/30/2022 at 6:38 AM, thewhyteboar said:

And that’s why Jimmy becomes Saul—everyone treats him like Saul, so might as well become Saul.

He's always BEEN Saul. This is a guy who robbed his own father blind for YEARS. I posted this on another board but this scene between Chuck and Jimmy is VERY revealing



Chuck definitely comes across like a pompous ass here but he was SPOT on with what he said to Jimmy Regarding the law and how Jimmy would abuse it and how that abuse would get people hurt. It's like he foreshadowed Howard's death here.


On another note I just got finished watching episode 508, The Bagman Episode and I think this episode sets up what's going to happen to Kim. When Mike finds out that Jimmy told Kim what he was doing in the desert, Mike tells Jimmy that she's in the game now.



Lastly Lalo is NOT pleased when Kim comes to see him...



It's one of the few times we actually see Lalo's charming veneer slip and he lets his anger show. Whatever he has in mind for Jimmy he knows Jimmy tells her EVERYTHING. It's not looking good for Kimmy.

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7 hours ago, SoberChef said:

"...as bulletproof as lawyer client privledge."


Now THAT is an intriguing phrase indeed.

Right... I didn't even catch that. Also I don't think THIS is going to work twice



Lalo is NOT fucking around. At first I wasn't sure Lalo connected Jimmy to the hit on his life, but then I realized the hit happened in Mexico AFTER this scene and Nacho is the one who recommended Jimmy to Lalo in the first place.

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My wife got interested in this as I was watching season 5 so we watched BB and and this and finally caught up last night!  

Kim has to be one of the most interesting characters on television.  I keep trying to guess what’s going to happen with her. I don’t think she’ll die. I think either one of them will break it off and she leaves or she goes to prison or possibly using the vacuum services after Jimmy throws her under the bus for something. But it’s hard to guess what will happen. I loved d day with Howard. Nacho…

It is a lighter show than BB, but does so well showing the complexity of analyzing moral choices and how intent and consequences both seem to play a role in what is a good or bad action. 

I’ll have to go back to read this thread in more depth later!

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Season 6 Amc GIF by Better Call Saul
Even after all the shit she’s pulled, she’s great. She’s evil, but she’s incredibly likable even after the last scene with Howard. When I started watching the show I never thought that her arc would be the one I cared about most, but here we are. Best character on the show or BB! 

I read through some of your comments and wanted to comment on Jimmy’s motives.

Jimmy laid it out to the high school student that didn’t get the charitable scholarship. He sees himself as someone that made  mistakes and will unjustly never be taken seriously by “them”, so anything that he does that takes them down a notch and him up is justified and not a big deal. He doesn’t like to see people die or get physically injured too badly from his actions and he thinks if they’re not it’s all good, but he also doesn’t dwell too much on people dying or getting hurt from his actions because it’s all justified. He is softer than Kim is when it comes to people getting hurt in front of him or in his presence. He will close his eyes or zone out to an extent.  He likes to make it right in his head somehow later. Even better if he can help Kim out or make money. He also gets a huge kick out of manipulating people. Howard called Kim and Jimmy both out on that, and the truth is Kim always liked a good scam, she had just suppressed it. 

So basically Jimmy is very self interested in his actions; he does seem to care about Kim some but I believe he manipulates her quite a bit too which makes me suspicious of how he will act if he needs to throw her under the bus to protect himself. . 

This was a rushed disorganized ramble. 

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Just watched the mid-season finale and it kind of fucked me up.



It slightly softened the blow, by having Howard be a bit of a dick, before getting shot in the head... but not by much. I can only focus on the 'Why did you do this to me?'

Yikes 😞

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

She's 50? Wow.

I had the same reaction reading her wiki earlier in the year. Her career isn't filled with huge famed success either which makes her performance all the more noteworthy. That performance helped shape the show, changing the trajectory of the writing and how Jimmy evolved. 




In Hollywood, where Seehorn moved in 2002, producers sometimes asked her in auditions to be more feminine, more likable, more like what they expected from a pretty blonde. She ignored those notes as best she could — her heroes were Madeline Kahn, Gilda Radner, Gena Rowlands — and found plenty of regular work anyway, often in short-lived sitcoms (“I’m With Her,” “Whitney”). She was grateful but restless.


One day, after failing to land a part in the Amazon series “Sneaky Pete,” she was walking through the Sony Pictures Studio lot, and she saw the infamous meth-lab R.V. from “Breaking Bad.”


“In my head, I was like, I miss that type of storytelling where you really have to dig deep,” she said. The next day, Sharon Bialy, who was the casting director for “Sneaky Pete,” rang her up. There was a “Breaking Bad” spinoff in the works, and she thought Seehorn would be perfect.


“A lot of people pigeonholed her in the industry as a comedy actress,” Bialy said. “But I had an instinct that she was so much more than that.”



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5 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

Yeah, that's some photoshop right there, and very obvious, unless they used an old picture of her or something.


Not only that, but the show makes a point of... I don't know the word or phrase... but like not 'sexifying' her. You can see all the imperfect naturalness on her face and in her character. I know NYT isn't the show but still.

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Just watched the newest episode... DAMN.



The Irony of Howard being buried with his killer was not lost upon me. As soon as I saw Lalo's plan I knew he fucked up and he STILL almost got Gus. His mistake was not realizing Kim and Jimmy were connected to Gus and Mike.  Oh and Kim was literally willing to KILL for Jimmy so o don't see her leaving him willingly. Now I have no idea HOW she ends up.


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That final look on Mike's face, knowing he fucked up, and this is his fault for not being there... 


Howard got done dirty. Sure Jimmy and Kim wanted to cause him some trouble, but he even said they knew he'll bounce back from this, but now he's going to die with everyone thinking he was a drug addict who took his own life, which was absolutely not what they wanted everyone to think forever, and the guilt will stay with them. 

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25 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

I'm curious what they're going to do for four more episodes or however many. This season has already felt a little bloated so I'm unsure how the rest won't feel a little bloated with the main bad taken care of already.

It's going to be Kim and Jimmy trying marriage counseling, but in the final episode, the fourth counseling session, they decide it's best to end things.

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1 hour ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

I'm curious what they're going to do for four more episodes or however many. This season has already felt a little bloated so I'm unsure how the rest won't feel a little bloated with the main bad taken care of already.

I don't think this season felt bloated at all. The pacing has felt spot on to me. what about this season feels bloated to you? This interview could give an indication of how they are approaching the rest of the season



Series co-creator and showrunner Peter Gould discusses the midseason premiere of the final 'Better Call Saul' season, which features several twisty character decisions and another big shocker involving a cast regular.



8 hours ago, Brick said:

That final look on Mike's face, knowing he fucked up, and this is his fault for not being there... 


Howard got done dirty. Sure Jimmy and Kim wanted to cause him some trouble, but he even said they knew he'll bounce back from this, but now he's going to die with everyone thinking he was a drug addict who took his own life, which has absolutely not what they wanted everyone to think forever, and the guilt will stay with them. 

Jimmy and Kim may not have wanted to kill Howard, but they were perfectly fine with ruining him professionally and reputationally. They didn't take into account all of the real stuff Howard was going through in his personal life with his wife because from their perspective Howard was a priviledged asshole who deserved it. Kim REALLY had an axe to grind with Howard because she resented him for trying to warn her off of Jimmy. She always gets REALLY defensive when anyone points out to her how fucked up Jimmy is. I don't know how Howard's death will affect Kim, but I suspect Jimmy will get over it... the post credit voice over from Jimmy pretty much tells you how he plans on dealing with it when he repeats Mike's words of advice to Kim (I presume).

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54 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I don't think this season felt bloated at all. The pacing has felt spot on to me. what about this season feels bloated to you? This interview could give an indication of how they are approaching the rest of the season



Series co-creator and showrunner Peter Gould discusses the midseason premiere of the final 'Better Call Saul' season, which features several twisty character decisions and another big shocker involving a cast regular.



Jimmy and Kim may not have wanted to kill Howard, but they were perfectly fine with ruining him professionally and reputationally. They didn't take into account all of the real stuff Howard was going through in his personal life with his wife because from their perspective Howard was a priviledged asshole who deserved it. Kim REALLY had an axe to grind with Howard because she resented him for trying to warn her off of Jimmy. She always gets REALLY defensive when anyone points out to her how fucked up Jimmy is. I don't know how Howard's death will affect Kim, but I suspect Jimmy will get over it... the post credit voice over from Jimmy pretty much tells you how he plans on dealing with it when he repeats Mike's words of advice to Kim (I presume).


It's hard to put my finger on specific things. But throughout the season I've felt like several episodes dragged on in certain sequences or indulged in themselves way too much. Way more than the show usually does. Like they're stretching the time to fill out the episode because it was mandated they have more episodes this season or something so they now have to take 10 eps worth of material and stretch it into 13. And it's all the more jarring to me when Stranger Things has had these really long ass episodes but I don't even notice the length in them. But I'm constantly feeling like BCS is struggling to fill its allotted time per episode this season.

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Post credit voice over? I don't watch the previews for the next episodes. 


I'm trying to remember, but I don't think Kim has ever really gotten in trouble for anything bad she's ever done, whether it be her schemes/pranks as an adult with Jimmy, going back all the way to her schemes as a child with her mother. She's now finally seeing the consequences for her actions. The epitome of fuck around and find out. 

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25 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

@skillzdadirecta, I like the last question of that article about who the flies are tormenting Jesse and Walt :P

Yeah I liked that too lol! Makes perfect sense now in retrospect.


1 hour ago, Brick said:

Post credit voice over? I don't watch the previews for the next episodes. 

I watched the episode on AMC plus and immediately after they showed the creator's credits, they played showed a quick scene that showed Jimmy's "Saul Office" with the constituiton on the wall and the fake pillars and you hear Jimmy's voice talking to Kim I presume and he says to her essentially that they would learn to live with what happened to Howard by giving her the same speech Mike gave to him after he helped Mike kill the guy in the desert and Jimmy was suffering from PTSD. I don't know if that was an actual post credit scene or a promo but the credits resumed right after they showed that.


1 hour ago, Brick said:

I'm trying to remember, but I don't think Kim has ever really gotten in trouble for anything bad she's ever done, whether it be her schemes/pranks as an adult with Jimmy, going back all the way to her schemes as a child with her mother. She's now finally seeing the consequences for her actions. The epitome of fuck around and find out. 


Yeah i don't think Kim has ever faced any repercussions for her bad behavior at all.

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1 hour ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

Like they're stretching the time to fill out the episode because it was mandated they have more episodes this season or something so they now have to take 10 eps worth of material and stretch it into 13. And it's all the more jarring to me when Stranger Things has had these really long ass episodes but I don't even notice the length in them. But I'm constantly feeling like BCS is struggling to fill its allotted time per episode this season.

According to the article I linked, they easily have 10 seasons of story that they are fitting into 6. Better Call Saul has always been a slower paced, deliberate show in its storytelling and is nothing like Stranger Things. Last night's episode was played out pretty much in real time and they talk about the pacing of that episode in that article commenting that this episode felt much more like a Breaking Bad episode than a BCS episode because it was so fast paced. But yeah I've never felt like Saul was struggling to fill its runtime in any of the episodes. 

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11 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

According to the article I linked, they easily have 10 seasons of story that they are fitting into 6. Better Call Saul has always been a slower paced, deliberate show in its storytelling and is nothing like Stranger Things. Last night's episode was played out pretty much in real time and they talk about the pacing of that episode in that article commenting that this episode felt much more like a Breaking Bad episode than a BCS episode because it was so fast paced. But yeah I've never felt like Saul was struggling to fill its runtime in any of the episodes. 


Well, I can't judge that statement about ten seasons worth of story until we've reached the end, but the first half of the season felt the complete opposite of that in every way. I mean there were like five episodes setting up the moment for the meeting with Howard. A bit of overkill IMO, especially since it was just variations on a theme from seasons past. Definitely not "ten seasons" worth of content there. Three episodes, maybe four tops. Outside of a couple of standout individual moments it's just felt like a lot of table setting and window dressing like that. Spending extended sequences with characters like Howard's wife who we've never met before and that don't really add anything at this point or the hundredth call between Lalo and Hector having the same one-sided conversation over and over. I think part of it is also that we know the outcome already for some of these people so it's losing its effectiveness for me. Like, the main storyline for Gus this season has been "Will he survive Lalo's assassination attempt and will his operation be compromised?" We already know the answer to those questions. So spending half the run time, suspense, and emotion on a plot thread about him potentially dying and his operation getting uncovered... it just has me glancing at my watch wondering how much time is left in each ep because there are other things we should be exploring.


All of this is making it seem like I'm down on the show. I'm not. It's one of the best dramas ever. But it could trim some fat and be much more efficient with its use of time the first half of this season. And like I said before, I'm excited and curious about what comes next since we have several episodes to go and Lalo is dead. Lalo, btw, one of my favorite villains in anything ever.

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