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Dave Chappelle gets cancelled into four more Netflix specials

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43 minutes ago, Kamusha said:

This board is not friendly towards trans people. I am the only woman comic on here yet I keep getting talked down too. I’ve fucking had it with y’all. I need my cis allies to speak out against how Sbl films is talking down to a trans woman on here.

I’ve definitely had my issues with sbl in the past, but I’m not seeing at all how he’s talking down to you here. Or that it has anything to do with you being a trans woman. 

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I don’t think sbl is transphobic but I do think sbl and just in general here, since she has been clear that a particular tone offends them, that it would be easy enough to not use that tone (you all know the “here let me correct you” kind of tone we use amongst each other) when responding to her.


Think about why it might be harder for some people to feel accepted and welcomed in a community. We can put in a little effort here to make sure they know they are valued.

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Kind of feel like if we were all in a room talking to one another right now, there wouldn't be any beef. Words typed out can be taken the wrong way. Definitely doesn't mean anyone here is anti trans. I'll even say I appreciate @Fizzzzlepoints whether they are right or wrong. I enjoy reading everyone's perspectives since we are all coming from different places. Stick around @Kamusha. We are all learning as we go. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
4 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Dave Chappelle Attacked Onstage While Performing During Netflix Is A Joke Festival At The Hollywood Bowl

Anybody seen Will Smit? The quotes in this article are :lol:



In one posted clip, apparently after the incident, Chappelle is heard to quip, “It was a trans man,” a reference to his own transphobic comments in his Netflix special The Closer and the uproar, protests and anger that ensued.


A comedic genius, the voice of a generation. :|

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13 hours ago, Bloodporne said:



This would be hee-larious if it was anyone else being attacked.  With things like



He stormed the stage while Chappelle joked that he'd had to increase his security in light of his trans jokes at the Netflix is a Joke festival.


and his zinger at the end



continued with his set, joking the attacker was a 'trans man'


He deserves everything coming his way.


This article has a ton of pictures of how f'ed up the guy got including his broken arm that looks not so nice




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First things first, this fucktard bum rushing one of the GOAT's of comedy deserved the ass whooping he received. Him doing this is no different than a "fan" charging into the ring at a wrestling show, you're gonna get FUBAR'd dude.


Secondly, THIS is what begets what transpired at the Academy Awards & I truly fear it will only escalate until a comedian is stabbed/shot (and hopefully not killed, not to mention I'd prefer it just didn't happen at all.)


Third, pretty sure that Dave, like many of us, are really trying to figure out & come to terms with the whole movement & trans individuals as a whole. I'm just going to leave that as it is without delving deeper because holy fuck it's as if we cannot even have discussions anymore with most topics, this one egregiously so!

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2 hours ago, SoberChef said:

Third, pretty sure that Dave, like many of us, are really trying to figure out & come to terms with the whole movement & trans individuals as a whole. I'm just going to leave that as it is without delving deeper because holy fuck it's as if we cannot even have discussions anymore with most topics, this one egregiously so!


Dave does not get a pass for "trying to figure out & come to terms with the whole movement & trans individuals as a whole" when he's getting on stage and talking about how he's on a team that denies that trans people even exist in the first place. Please.

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5 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


This would be hee-larious if it was anyone else being attacked.  With things like



and his zinger at the end



He deserves everything coming his way.


This article has a ton of pictures of how f'ed up the guy got including his broken arm that looks not so nice




Alright, I should clarify that my post(s) weren't pro-Chappelle but specifically pro-"if you think you're going to Dimebag Darrell someone, you deserve what happens after".


You'll rarely see me in topics like this because I don't consider myself intellectually, nor experience-wise, equipped to make any valid contribution about a topic like trans issues. I'd rather shut up than say something potentially ignorant or short-sighted because, quite frankly, I have no fucking clue beyond my own moral compass. However, I will say that Chappelle's last few specials prior to this recent one turned me off specifically because of his unfunny, hackneyed and blundering homophobic and transphobic "bits", or whatever they were supposed to be. I find his whole zeroing in on these things to be bizarre and uncomfortable to watch. In short, I don't support Chappelle's weird obsession with this subject at all and it comes off like a bruised ego doubling down on shit he doesn't understand to begin with. Furthermore, I don't even really like Nu Chappelle in general. I think he's slowly turning into a self-aggrandizing self-parody which doesn't mean there aren't brilliant moments there still, which there undeniably are in my opinion. So a big reason I haven't commented on him at all in here either, despite his old shit being some of my favorite comedy material ever, is because I've had zero interest in seeing this last special specifically because I'm tired of his weird-ass trip regarding these topics. 


With that out of the way, I completely disagree with "he deserves everything coming his way". The stage-rusher was armed with a deadly weapon so to me you're implying he deserves to be murdered. I don't care about logic there, my gut tells me that that's a fucking dumb opinion. On the other hand, the guy rushing an entertainer on a stage with a deadly weapon on them absolutely deserves that beatdown as far as I'm concerned. The last few times that happened, someone ended up dead. 


And with that, I slither back into my cave of random bad jokes and videogame talk because I typically don't come here to have intelligent debates, I have to do that at work all day.  

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2 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

Alright, I should clarify that my post(s) weren't pro-Chappelle but specifically pro-"if you think you're going to Dimebag Darrell someone, you deserve what happens after".


You'll rarely see me in topics like this because I don't consider myself intellectually, nor experience-wise, equipped to make any valid contribution about a topic like trans issues. I'd rather shut up than say something potentially ignorant or short-sighted because, quite frankly, I have no fucking clue beyond my own moral compass. However, I will say that Chappelle's last few specials prior to this recent one turned me off specifically because of his unfunny, hackneyed and blundering homophobic and transphobic "bits", or whatever they were supposed to be. I find his whole zeroing in on these things to be bizarre and uncomfortable to watch. In short, I don't support Chappelle's weird obsession with this subject at all and it comes off like a bruised ego doubling down on shit he doesn't understand to begin with. Furthermore, I don't even really like Nu Chappelle in general. I think he's slowly turning into a self-aggrandizing self-parody which doesn't mean there aren't brilliant moments there still, which there undeniably are in my opinion. So a big reason I haven't commented on him at all in here either, despite his old shit being some of my favorite comedy material ever, is because I've had zero interest in seeing this last special specifically because I'm tired of his weird-ass trip regarding these topics. 


With that out of the way, I completely disagree with "he deserves everything coming his way". The stage-rusher was armed with a deadly weapon so to me you're implying he deserves to be murdered. I don't care about logic there, my gut tells me that that's a fucking dumb opinion. On the other hand, the guy rushing an entertainer on a stage with a deadly weapon on them absolutely deserves that beatdown as far as I'm concerned. The last few times that happened, someone ended up dead. 


And with that, I slither back into my cave of random bad jokes and videogame talk because I typically don't come here to have intelligent debates, I have to do that at work all day.  


Yeah. In case it isn't obvious, I feel like the gulf between "fuck around and find out" and "someone with a deadly weapon comes at you" is pretty wide. And comedy is Dave's job, he should be able to do it safely. If someone wants to protest his shows, absolutely fine, but this is two venues now where prominent black comedians have had people come on stage and mess with them; that's bad.


Dave seems high on his own supply when it comes to the trans shit. Comedians get praised for being soothsayers who speak difficult truths to power. And yeah, that can happen; Dave's done it himself from time to time. But he's over skis here, clearly has no idea what the fuck he's talking about, but keeps running his mouth. He comes off as a cringey edgelord who's been told he can't say something so he just doubles down on it for that reason even though he has nothing of substance to say. It's embarrassing to watch.

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24 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

With that out of the way, I completely disagree with "he deserves everything coming his way". The stage-rusher was armed with a deadly weapon so to me you're implying he deserves to be murdered. I don't care about logic there, my gut tells me that that's a fucking dumb opinion. On the other hand, the guy rushing an entertainer on a stage with a deadly weapon on them absolutely deserves that beatdown as far as I'm concerned. The last few times that happened, someone ended up dead.


I don't necessarily mean he should die but I'm saying if people are going out of their way to kick his ass then it's something he has coming to him. Just like "that guy" who runs his mouth talking trash and then gets decked in the face.

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And a big reason why I don't dismiss "Nu" Chappelle wholesale is material like this:



I've already said my piece in regards to the shit I don't like, or find to be a shitstain on his talent personally, but material like this I truly do appreciate. 


PS: I haven't seen it in a hot minute but going by memory. 

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15 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


Yeah. In case it isn't obvious, I feel like the gulf between "fuck around and find out" and "someone with a deadly weapon comes at you" is pretty wide. And comedy is Dave's job, he should be able to do it safely. If someone wants to protest his shows, absolutely fine, but this is two venues now where prominent black comedians have had people come on stage and mess with them; that's bad.


Dave seems high on his own supply when it comes to the trans shit. Comedians get praised for being soothsayers who speak difficult truths to power. And yeah, that can happen; Dave's done it himself from time to time. But he's over skis here, clearly has no idea what the fuck he's talking about, but keeps running his mouth. He comes off as a cringey edgelord who's been told he can't say something so he just doubles down it for that reason even though he has nothing of substance to say. It's embarrassing to watch.

He's not heeding his own advice that I've heard him say about race issues. Stop and listen a bit more if you don't understand. That's really the crux of the issue with this "material" that I don't understand because he is a thoughtful, intelligent and highly talented man and yet it just all breaks down completely in the face of this Godzilla that seems to be trans and gay people. The bit where I checked out and really felt truly awkward continuing to watch was his bizarre LGBTQ (?) and someone hitching a ride in a car analogy/joke/whatever that was? I forgot which special but it was legit painful to see him trip so hard and just keep going. 

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He's not heeding his own advice that I've heard him say about race issues. Stop and listen a bit more if you don't understand.


He literally says in the last special, the one you said you didn't watch, that he's willling to listen and have a discussion with whoever wants to. But one thing he's said then and since then is that he asks before you comment on what he says WATCH the special. Apparently he's had a bunch of people come at him who haven't seen his latest material in its entirety but have a bunch opinions about that material based on what they've heard from other people or select clips that they've seen without the full context. You can agree or disagree with what he's saying, but at least KNOW what he's saying first. 


As far as the attacker, yeah that dude getting his ass kicked doesn't make me feel bad at all. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes :shrug: I don't understand why you would pay money to go to a show and then attack the guy you paid money to see. Don't support mother fuckers you don't like! It ain't that hard. I don't care for Joe Rogan or Louis C.K. Neither guy exists as far as I'm concerned. I don't hate watch either of those dudes... I just don't support them. Lastly a good friend of mine is a comic and stuff like this is EXACTLY what they've been worried about since Will Smiths Oscar antics. She said to me the night the Will Smith thing happened that this was going to be a reoccuring thing. Looks like she was right.

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14 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Lastly a good friend of mine is a comic and stuff like this is EXACTLY what they've been worried about since Will Smiths Oscar antics. She said to me the night the Will Smith thing happened that this was going to be a reoccuring thing. Looks like she was right.


Shows how lax security is in general. He had a gun that was actually a knife but strange he was able to get in with both. This could have been an "extreme" dry run and now other people know what they can get away with.

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51 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Shows how lax security is in general. He had a gun that was actually a knife but strange he was able to get in with both. This could have been an "extreme" dry run and now other people know what they can get away with.

One reporter I saw said that while security patted folks down and ran them through metal detectors, she said they didn't check her bags. That venue is outdoors and you're allowed to bring your own food and drinks there. That's probably how he got in. Anyway, since he didn';t actually attack Chappelle with the weapon, he just had it on. him, the DA isn't going to pursue felony weapons charges.



The Los Angeles District Attorney's Office will not pursue felony charges against Isaiah Lee, the man accused of leaping on stage and attacking comedian Dave Chappelle during a performance a the Hollywood Bowl on Tuesday night.


Oh and Dave might face a civil suit :|



While the man accused of charging at Dave Chappelle during a live performance Tuesday night appears to have escaped felony charges, Chappelle may be facing civil liabilities over his attacker’s inj…



“Believe it or not, Dave Chappelle and his team may be facing some civil liabilities when all of the dust settles,” legal analyst Alison Triessl told KTLA.

“If the threat was over and he was no longer a danger, and had been restrained, they can not take revenge on Mr. Lee,” Triessl said.


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I feel like the odds of a jury finding in favor of the attacker because he got beaten badly are fairly poor. It really will be more a question of how much Dave and Co want to spend on their defense versus what they could just settle for. I’m sure some lawyer would love the spotlight that comes with suing rich celebrities, so I doubt the attacker will have issue getting representation.

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The American legal system is crazy. I'm sure the dude will get some kind of settlement (I saw the video, he looked like a broken action figure by the time he was in the ambulance), meanwhile I saw a video a few days ago where someone had a flood cause their parked car to crash into their house and wreck the foundation and all I could think was "oh dear, it's going to take YEARS for any insurance to pay out on that." It's just gonna be a game of "not our problem" hot potato between flood, car, and home insurance, assuming they are different companies


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9 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


He literally says in the last special, the one you said you didn't watch, that he's willling to listen and have a discussion with whoever wants to. But one thing he's said then and since then is that he asks before you comment on what he says WATCH the special. Apparently he's had a bunch of people come at him who haven't seen his latest material in its entirety but have a bunch opinions about that material based on what they've heard from other people or select clips that they've seen without the full context. You can agree or disagree with what he's saying, but at least KNOW what he's saying first. 


As far as the attacker, yeah that dude getting his ass kicked doesn't make me feel bad at all. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes :shrug: I don't understand why you would pay money to go to a show and then attack the guy you paid money to see. Don't support mother fuckers you don't like! It ain't that hard. I don't care for Joe Rogan or Louis C.K. Neither guy exists as far as I'm concerned. I don't hate watch either of those dudes... I just don't support them. Lastly a good friend of mine is a comic and stuff like this is EXACTLY what they've been worried about since Will Smiths Oscar antics. She said to me the night the Will Smith thing happened that this was going to be a reoccuring thing. Looks like she was right.

No I mean that's why I didn't comment on that particular special. What I said was my opinion and impression based on his previous specials that I think the same applies to. He's already like three specials deep by the time he goes "I'll stop and listen", which I'm not taking away from him, but if you heard the same shtick you dislike twice do you return for a third helping? I'm not saying I care if others do btw but when I read the new special is more of those topics, I lost interest.


PS: I might as well watch the fucking thing now lol. Might do so next weekend, now that I've talked about the guy all day



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