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Xenoblade 3 [July 29 2022] - reviews from OpenCritic posted


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3 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

You don’t know what you’re talking about. 


you know it’s bunk because in order for it to be about something else besides harassment you’d have to suspend your disbelief that people care enough to have a movement based on


ethics in game journalism


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1 minute ago, stepee said:


you know it’s bunk because in order for it to be about something else besides harassment you’d have to suspend your disbelief that people care enough to have a movement based on


ethics in game journalism



I'm sure he's capable of believing that.

  • Sicko Sherman 1
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Important things like..ethics in games journalism aside, this game does look pretty dope. Looking forward to reading impressions since I probably am a long way out from getting to this one. I’m in the middle of like 50 games right now so 150 hours, just won’t happen atm.


I’m really impressed with what they pulled off with this technically though. Looks to be pushing switch to the limits while at the same time largely fixing the IQ from XB2, good stuff.

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54 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

Nah, I do, some of you guys just like ignoring any side but yours. 


Gamergate started when Zoe Quinn's ex lied about her exchanging sex for a favorable review. This has been extensively documented, which you'd know if you actually cared about games journalism and bothered to do 45 seconds of googling. You don't know what you're talking about, you're role-playing again, or both.

  • Sicko Sherman 1
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40 minutes ago, stepee said:

I’m really impressed with what they pulled off with this technically though. Looks to be pushing switch to the limits while at the same time largely fixing the IQ from XB2, good stuff.


What this games does REALLY well is make me realized how cheap and full of themselves Gamefreak is. Monolith Soft is literally a phone call away. Even Nintendo's Zelda team is calling them up for technical assistance. I understand they aren't part of Nintendo, but there's no way they wouldn't help with all the engine issues Gamefreak has since trying to go open world with Pokemon. They've been getting better, but then XC3 comes out and it's legitimately gorgeous. Yeah, the frame rate can drop a bit during combat, but that's when you've got 4+ player characters all doing they're own thing plus another 5+ enemy chargers ranging from humans to towering monsters. This game is as much a marvel on the Switch as XCX was on the Wii U, and I'm still not sure that game featured everything I swear it did.

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35 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


What this games does REALLY well is make me realized how cheap and full of themselves Gamefreak is. Monolith Soft is literally a phone call away. Even Nintendo's Zelda team is calling them up for technical assistance. I understand they aren't part of Nintendo, but there's no way they wouldn't help with all the engine issues Gamefreak has since trying to go open world with Pokemon. They've been getting better, but then XC3 comes out and it's legitimately gorgeous. Yeah, the frame rate can drop a bit during combat, but that's when you've got 4+ player characters all doing they're own thing plus another 5+ enemy chargers ranging from humans to towering monsters. This game is as much a marvel on the Switch as XCX was on the Wii U, and I'm still not sure that game featured everything I swear it did.


I know what you mean since this is impressive and XCX was pretty crazy with what it did on Wiiu from what I’ve seen. But it’s hard for me to give them THAT much credit still after XB2, and XB1DE wasn’t that much better especially for it being a remaster of a much older game. They obviously have technical expertise as shown before and again now, but they also obviously had some difficulties there for a bit too rather recently. 


I think I’d rather see GF lean on EAD for technical guidance and get me some of that properly scoped near native dynamic res/60fps Mario Odyssey type of thing with Pokémon.

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1 hour ago, stepee said:


I know what you mean since this is impressive and XCX was pretty crazy with what it did on Wiiu from what I’ve seen. But it’s hard for me to give them THAT much credit still after XB2, and XB1DE wasn’t that much better especially for it being a remaster of a much older game. They obviously have technical expertise as shown before and again now, but they also obviously had some difficulties there for a bit too rather recently. 

XB2 was likely an issue of them rushing it out, not totally having a handle of the Switch hardware, and being split between it and BoTW.


Haven’t played DE, but Torna was a good deal more performant than base XB2.

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20 minutes ago, Brick said:

Nintendo just needs to open up its wallet and go ahead and buy all of Gamefreak. 


I agree, but that would also be wildly expensive since they'd also be buying a third of the Pokemon Company. How much would that even be worth? Pokemon is only the most valuable property on Earth. Game Freak would also be idiots to accept any purchase. If you owned a third of Pokemon, is there really any number you'd sell that for? They have fewer than 200 employees and are making money hand over first.

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First off the music is fantastic. The opening is incredible. Really sets the stage. Only played 2 hours but it seems like a mix of 1 and 2 and it’s awesome. I love how quickly you can pick up items. Also the exploration is great. I see areas way off in the distance and I just have to make my way over to see what’s there. So far the characters are really neat and I can see them growing on me. Combat is basically like 1 and 2 so far. I’m sure things will open up once I advance the story. I’m very early on. Love the futuristic story. 

  • Halal 3
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13 minutes ago, Biggie said:

First off the music is fantastic. The opening is incredible. Really sets the stage. Only played 2 hours but it seems like a mix of 1 and 2 and it’s awesome. I love how quickly you can pick up items. Also the exploration is great. I see areas way off in the distance and I just have to make my way over to see what’s there. So far the characters are really neat and I can see them growing on me. Combat is basically like 1 and 2 so far. I’m sure things will open up once I advance the story. I’m very early on. Love the futuristic story. 


I'm three chapters in and there are still combat options opening up for me. To say there are options for how to build out your characters in an understatement. Only thing it's missing is Skell customization because there are no Skells in this game. I'd love a more refined XCX2 with much improved mech combat.

  • stepee 1
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14 hours ago, Ghost_MH said:


I'm three chapters in and there are still combat options opening up for me. To say there are options for how to build out your characters in an understatement. Only thing it's missing is Skell customization because there are no Skells in this game. I'd love a more refined XCX2 with much improved mech combat.


thought I read one review where the reviewer said at hour 40 he was still getting tutorials on new options :lol: he may have been using hyperbole but I almost believe him 

  • Haha 2
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24 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:

thought I read one review where the reviewer said at hour 40 he was still getting tutorials on new options :lol: he may have been using hyperbole but I almost believe him 


Yeah, those tutorials? READ THEM. I'm in Chapter 3 and I skipped my way through one and then hit a bit of the story where it was like "this option will temporarily be unavailable to you" and I was like "I didn't realize that was even an option".

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18 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

What chapter are you on?


I like the opening better than 2, maybe not quite as much as 1.

I’m pretty early on but the plot has just twisted 

15 minutes ago, thedarkstark said:

I don't believe you. If it has a good story it'd be the first jrpg ever to do so.

It’s solid that’s for damn sure lol 

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15 minutes ago, thedarkstark said:

Nope. I love JRPGs but the stories are cookie cutter nonsense.


14-19 year old child is "the chosen one" destined to save the world. Throw in some horny anime tropes and you have 95% of jrpgs.


It's a classic trope for a reason. People love grand adventures/hero stories. No one wants to read about a corn farmer who does nothing but grow corn, grow old, and die. Not that a 'regular' person's life story can't be absolutely fascinating, but when you're looking for escapism you tend to want something grander then the story of  Melvin the dirt farmer. Granted the 'chosen one' is perhaps a bit overused but if the story is told well that's what really matters. It's not like there is any such thing as an original story anymore, the only thing original is how writers tell the story, how they dress it up and make it unique.


As for the story in Xeno 3, only 15 hours or so in but I have to say I think it's solid.

  • Halal 1
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38 minutes ago, thedarkstark said:

Nope. I love JRPGs but the stories are cookie cutter nonsense.


14-19 year old child is "the chosen one" destined to save the world. Throw in some horny anime tropes and you have 95% of jrpgs.

I’d agree that most of them don’t have amazing plots, but to its credit, XB3 hasn’t really pulled out those tropes yet.  Even though I’m sure it’ll get there eventually.  There’s some breadcrumbs.


As long as a JRPG has fun twists and stakes that push you forward, I’m content.  If I get something more, great.  Occasionally this series does deliver on that, with its world building and sci-fi plot elements.


Just to say it… I’m convinced that a lot of the people that dismiss JRPGs out of turn will also praise Marvel movies as high fiction.  There’s room for some cheese across the board.  It’s all fantasy fun.

  • stepee 1
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17 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:


Just to say it… I’m convinced that a lot of the people that dismiss JRPGs out of turn will also praise Marvel movies as high fiction.  There’s room for some cheese across the board.  It’s all fantasy fun.


I actually really dislike the Marvel movies. I loved the Nolan Batman movies and Batman as a character in general because it tells a more personal story of a flawed person dealing with trauma in an objectively messed up way.


I'm not saying xb3 story is bad I'm just skeptical that it's good, but that's not going to stop me from playing and enjoying it. I'm probably going to go pick it up today.

  • stepee 1
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I really appreciate the side quests in this game. The fetch quests are all automated through the menu and repeatable, so they don't feel like incomplete tasks sitting there. The other side quests all feel like something substantial. They feel a lot like the blade missions in XC2, like there's an actual point to them and it's not just the to pad out the time.


Also, yes, this game has a great story for a videogame. Games, in general, have pretty shit stories. JRPGs aren't any more guilty of having shit stories than other genre. This game does lean on the side of "hey, this is pretty damn good".

  • Halal 2
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1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Bold statement coming from a Harvest Moon fan. :talkhand:


you know I'm not even sure I've owned a Harvest Moon game (though knowing me and how I was with game buying I likely owned many) but if I did I likely never played it for more than 5 minutes. I just liked that farmer icon back in the day :p 

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1 hour ago, EternallDarkness said:


you know I'm not even sure I've owned a Harvest Moon game (though knowing me and how I was with game buying I likely owned many) but if I did I likely never played it for more than 5 minutes. I just liked that farmer icon back in the day :p 


Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town and HM 64. Go go go.

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7 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

There’s moments it dips framerate a little, but everything is fine for me portably.  Resolution is much better than XB2.


Going to have to see how docked is.


Over gone about 50/50 docked and portable. It's about the same either way. IQ isn't quite as nice on any of my 4k displays, but it's still fine solid.

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