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Let's check in on how the Democratic midterms planning is going.

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13 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


False. My data shows that the following will win the election for Biden by increasing youth turnout to 100%:


Biden: "I am not only a peacemaker, I am a deezmaker"

Moderator: "Deez?"

Biden: "Deez nuts!"

Biden: *dabs*


We need to get a new LBJ up there to just whip it out and lay in on the table and ask if there are any questions. 

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1 minute ago, Jason said:



*Something goes wrong in America*

A: Hey we should fix that

B: It's too late, it's past the deadline

A: Yeah, but, it's a big deal. Why can't we just do it now?

B: Some rich guys in 1776 won't allow it

A: Oh okay yeah that makes sense, never mind, we'll just continue to suffer

  • True 1
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7 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


*Something goes wrong in America*

A: Hey we should fix that

B: It's too late, it's past the deadline

A: Yeah, but, it's a big deal. Why can't we just do it now?

B: Some rich guys in 1776 won't allow it

A: Oh okay yeah that makes sense, never mind, we'll just continue to suffer


(Insert Churchil quote about americans doing every wrong option before doing the right option)

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6 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

Also: $11 million for his family and business combined, from 2013 to 2018. So that's 6 years on the outside, which puts it at $1.83 million/yr. That's...not overwhelming, by business standards. The local Subway might be doing more than that.

Speaking of subway, maybe we should look into the business and political dealings of Jared…Kushner

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On 5/17/2022 at 4:18 PM, Jason said:



This just made me think of the "ten word answer" bit in The West Wing.  I feel like the Republicans are in it to win and the Democrats are stuck trying to make a long dead and increasingly irrelevant TV show real.  It was a well done show, but the America in that show was on an alien planet.

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Such a big brain move it could only be run by leadership


The actual smart play seems like it would be to try to push regular "boring" Republicans so the chuds have their turnout depressed or launch their own chud candidate who splits the vote. 

  • stepee 1
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  • 3 weeks later...
29 minutes ago, Uaarkson said:

They deserve to lose. This country deserves to end.

It would drive inflation higher, probably.  But the inflation would be accompanied by growth, courtesy of all the spending power freed up.  So something that looks more like what we had in the 50s and 60s, rather than the 70s.  Right now it looks like they're just content to have 'meh' inflation and no growth, (or negative growth if a recession hits) like in the 70s.


If it were up to me I would forgive the debts but put temporary limits or restrictions on new lending, to slow tuition inflation, and disincentivize lenders from indebting a whole new generation of students.  That might mute the inflation a bit, too.


It doesn't help that the people advising Biden are, like the people who advised Obama, a product of the politico-financial complex and friends of the banking class.  So they're going to be particularly adverse to any sort of debt forgiveness.  I really wish the Democrats would make like FDR and kick the banking class out of politics for a generation.


Everyone forgets that when they dreamed up Bretton Woods, the one group of people who were not allowed in the building were bankers.  Lo and behold, the West had a golden age of growth afterward.

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11 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

All student debt forgiveness does is sped up the timeline by which the debt can be forgiven. In the meantime millions are subject to a significantly higher effective tax rate because of their parental income when they were in school. 

Technically your first statement is not really true.  Until you can discharge student debt via bankruptcy, it can theoretically stay on the books forever, even if the student and his family go broke.


It's so stupid.  At the end of the day, there are only two ways to get rid of bad debts: bankruptcy, or a jubilee.  The former has worse effects than the latter, but regardless of that, we're creating a system where neither is an option. (or at least in which one is technically an option, but not one our political leaders will consider)  It's like economic sadomasochism.

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7 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

Until you can discharge student debt via bankruptcy, it can theoretically stay on the books forever, even if the student and his family go broke.


It's so stupid.  At the end of the day, there are only two ways to get rid of bad debts: bankruptcy, or a jubilee.  The former has worse effects than the latter, but regardless of that, we're perpetuating a system where neither is an option.  It's like economic sadomasochism.

If you’re on an income based repayment plan you can get your debt forgiven after 25 years of income based repayment plans. This forgiven amount is treated as taxable income. I believe this came about during the Obama era reforms so I don’t think anyone has yet been eligible for this program. It’s probably just as broken as the public service loan forgiveness was until Biden unfucked it. 

how’s that for a stupid fucking system??

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  • 1 month later...
10 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

If there are two things I know about presidential polls, it’s that they’re super accurate more than two years prior to an election and third party percentages in those polls don’t shrink once Election Day nears.


Personally I think we should just award the presidency to whoever is winning on 538 right now.

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