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Canadian Insurrection | UPDATE - Oversight commission rules invocation of Emergency Act by Trudeau was warranted

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Look, I’m sorry, but if this woman has no problem with using laughably tenuous logic to call Trudeau a blackface enthusiast, then she’s got no right to bitch about being lumped in with nazis and nazi apologists regardless of her background.   You’re talking to Laura “heil hitler” Ingraham for fuck’s sake.  You’re so far from the moral high ground you can’t even stretch high enough up to polish Anakin’s boots.  

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5 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:

Look, I’m sorry, but if this woman has no problem with using laughably tenuous logic to call Trudeau a blackface enthusiast, then she’s got no right to bitch about being lumped in with nazis and nazi apologists regardless of her background.   You’re talking to Laura “heil hitler” Ingraham for fuck’s sake.  You’re so far from the moral high ground you can’t even stretch high enough up to polish Anakin’s boots.  

And if you don’t realize that ingraham and Fox News are propaganda arms of the US right wing you’re too dumb to be in office. And if you do realize that and still go on then you’re complicit. 

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

I do think it says a lot about how soft we are in the western world that these things are thought of as attempts to overthrow the government.

Eh, a lot of insurrectionary behavior seems to hinge on the belief that more supporting actors are willing to stand up right after “their group” makes the first move and prove themselves to be successful. This isn’t a coup like you see commonly throughout the developing world (e.g. the US, where there are moves coordinated to supplant the normal levers of governmental change) but attempting to control access to vital economic and political infrastructure simultaneously (with the seemingly implicit endorsement by state security forces in many cases making these relatively pain free to accomplish) absolutely makes it a low level insurrection even if these guys were unable to read the room on how successful they would actually be (and lacking elite support hurts them here too). 

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10 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Eh, a lot of insurrectionary behavior seems to hinge on the belief that more supporting actors are willing to stand up right after “their group” makes the first move and prove themselves to be successful. This isn’t a coup like you see commonly throughout the developing world (e.g. the US, where there are moves coordinated to supplant the normal levers of governmental change) but attempting to control access to vital economic and political infrastructure simultaneously (with the seemingly implicit endorsement by state security forces in many cases making these relatively pain free to accomplish) absolutely makes it a low level insurrection even if these guys were unable to read the room on how successful they would actually be (and lacking elite support hurts them here too). 



Not every coup ends up with something resembling these images on television screens:










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33 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:

Look, I’m sorry, but if this woman has no problem with using laughably tenuous logic to call Trudeau a blackface enthusiast

I thought it was Fox News that did that. I don’t think it was a quote from the MP, was it?


8 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Eh, a lot of insurrectionary behavior seems to hinge on the belief that more supporting actors are willing to stand up right after “their group” makes the first move and prove themselves to be successful. This isn’t a coup like you see commonly throughout the developing world (e.g. the US, where there are moves coordinated to supplant the normal levers of governmental change) but attempting to control access to vital economic and political infrastructure simultaneously (with the seemingly implicit endorsement by state security forces in many cases making these relatively pain free to accomplish) absolutely makes it a low level insurrection even if these guys were unable to read the room on how successful they would actually be (and lacking elite support hurts them here too). 


I agree, it is just amusing how weak our institutions are that a bunch of dopes doing what we’ve seen over the last year or so is regularly regarded as an existential threat. We soft.

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4 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:


Nova Scotia is beautiful. I've only been there once, and I was mainly in the region between Halifax and Cape Breton Island. We went along the Cabot Trail, which was stunning, and also did open sea kayaking (images below are not mine, lol). Halifax is also a beautiful city. I'd say that exploring the Maritimes (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island) is a better trip to Canada than something like Whistler/Lake Louise in the Rockies.


Cape Breton Island:









Looks fuckin cold

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

I thought it was Fox News that did that. I don’t think it was a quote from the MP, was it?


She’s on the show isn’t she?  You think she doesn’t have someone on staff watching the live feed to see if they put shit like that under her and she can’t say something about it?  You think she didn’t watch it after the fact?  Has she made any sort of statement that this chyron was unacceptable?  Unless she recently woke up from a coma and was shoved in front of a live feed without warning, she knows who and what Fox News is.  

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2 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:

She’s on the show isn’t she?  You think she doesn’t have someone on staff watching the live feed to see if they put shit like that under her and she can’t say something about it?  You think she didn’t watch it after the fact?  Has she made any sort of statement that this chyron was unacceptable?  Unless she recently woke up from a coma and was shoved in front of a live feed without warning, she knows who and what Fox News is.  

Nice goal post shift, my man 😂

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

Nice goal post shift, my man 😂

It’s not a goal post shift?  

You cannot be outraged by the flimsy logic of Trudeau painting you as a nazi apologist, then willingly appear on a network whose entire business plan is to use flimsy logic to paint everyone as tyrants and villains.  You’re demanding an apology then running off to the biggest perpetrator of the exact same sin and smiling for the camera.  It’s bullshit.

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5 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Speaking of coup attempts, here's the one that I was a first-party witness to:




The only thing all these right wing insurrection attempts (including Jan 6)show to me is how big of pussies the Western world is compared to everyone else. 

Either fight to the death or get the fuck out of here and stop wasting everyones time. 

One of the funniest damn things was when that Secret Service killed that one lady climbing over the door barrier and everyone in the room was shocked and snapped out of their larping session. Like what the fuck did you think was going to happen?

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7 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

The only thing all these right wing insurrection attempts show to me is how big of pussies the Western world is compared to everyone else. 

Either fight to the death or get the fuck out of here.


The best part of that coup attempt in Trinidad was this:



With a gun pointed to his head during the 1990 coup attempt, Arthur Napoleon Raymond Robinson, the third Prime Minister of T&T, was given a telephone and ordered by Jamaat-al-Muslimeen insurgents holding him hostage in Parliament to tell the Army to back down. Instead, Mr Robinson shouted into the receiver:



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10 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:

It’s not a goal post shift?  

You cannot be outraged by the flimsy logic of Trudeau painting you as a nazi apologist, then willingly appear on a network whose entire business plan is to use flimsy logic to paint everyone as tyrants and villains.  You’re demanding an apology then running off to the biggest perpetrator of the exact same sin and smiling for the camera.  It’s bullshit.



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56 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:

It’s not a goal post shift?  

You cannot be outraged by the flimsy logic of Trudeau painting you as a nazi apologist, then willingly appear on a network whose entire business plan is to use flimsy logic to paint everyone as tyrants and villains.  You’re demanding an apology then running off to the biggest perpetrator of the exact same sin and smiling for the camera.  It’s bullshit.

Your initial contention was she said something bad. When it turned out she didn’t, is is now that somebody else said something bad, and she didn’t rebuff it, so she is still bad.


That is text book goal post shifting!


And the notion that somebody should avoid getting on a platform to spread their position because the people who create the platform are ghouls is the thoughts of a person who has never had any reason to do media hits :p I’ll talk to the blog you write that only your mom reads to get more eyes on what I’m doing!

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20 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


You telling me it's difficult to manage disruptive, right-wing protestors when the police force, itself, is sympathetic to right-wing causes?

I am saying that I don't know who is running the Ottawa police.

1)  On Tuesday, Chief Sloly resigned (The board was trying to fire him when he resigned)

2) On Wednesday, the Ottawa Board hired an interim  Chief -- Chief Torigian

3)  On Wednesday night, the Ottawa city council voted to replace the chair of the police board Coun Diane Deans with Coun. Eli El-Chantiry 

4)  On Thursday, interim-Chief Torigian resigned (allegedly with interference from Mayor Jim Watson)

This is all after what was, according to journalists from multiple media outlets, a complete shit-show of a city council meeting.  (I watched for about 20 minutes last night, and if those 20-minutes are representative of Ottawa's government -- the citizens of Ottawa are in for a rough ride.)

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3 hours ago, sblfilms said:

I thought it was Fox News that did that. I don’t think it was a quote from the MP, was it?



I agree, it is just amusing how weak our institutions are that a bunch of dopes doing what we’ve seen over the last year or so is regularly regarded as an existential threat. We soft.

I mean that’s a good thing. Ultimately in a (small r) republican system the need for bloodshed to achieve political change is lessened if not eliminated because there is a formalized process where those who are governed get a place to redress their grievances and potentially change the politics through probably the only just way possible, majority rule through formal institutions bound by the rule of law. So when you have a very low level of base violence it doesn’t take much to seriously upset the applecart and if knocked over it takes a lot to put it right. Here in the U.S. if these guys weren’t right wing freaks their heads would have already been bashed in because we are already a very violent society. 

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Exclusive: intelligence assessments warned in late January that it was ‘likely’ extremists were involved in protests




Days before the so-called Freedom Convoy reached Ottawa, starting a weeks-long occupation of Canada’s capital and triggering a string of copy-cat blockades, the federal government was warned that violent extremist groups were deeply involved in the protest movement.


Intelligence assessments – prepared by Canada’s Integrated Terrorism Assessment Centre (Itac) and seen by the Guardian – warned in late January that it was “likely” that extremists were involved and said that the scale of the protests could yet pose a “trigger point and opportunity for potential lone actor attackers to conduct a terrorism attack”.


The assessments offer the first real glimpse into how federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies have assessed the threat of Canada’s anti-vaccine and conspiracy theory movement.


“We knew these people were coming,” said a federal government source, who indicated that the Security Intelligence Service Canada – Canada’s main intelligence service, of which Itac is a part – had flagged the involvement of extremist groups and individuals in official briefings.


The intelligence reports also show that clear warnings were sent to Ottawa police ahead of the convoy’s arrival in the capital. The city’s police has become the focus of a fierce debate over whether they should have done more to prepare for, or prevent, the occupation.



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5 hours ago, SuperSpreader said:

haha now the argument is about who used the meanest words and not the people trying to overthrow the government


i’ve definitely noticed a shift here from “peaceful protests trudoh is being divisive by not talking with these people” to “trudoh proved he can’t lead because he didn’t remove these people right away”, while the latter is true, the initial position makes it obvious that some people were never going to name the actual problem as being the problem.

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