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Canadian Insurrection | UPDATE - Oversight commission rules invocation of Emergency Act by Trudeau was warranted

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4 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Why?  IMHO, they are/were both equally terrible.  

In a free country, it should be the actions of the protestors that is more important rather than some moral judgement of the worthiness of their cause.

FWIW, I don't see any moral justification to block a railway in support of a dispute about a natural gas pipeline that is 5,000 km away.


Spoken like a true first-world "liberal" white dude!

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3 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:


In a free country, it should be the actions of the protestors that is more important rather than some moral judgement of the worthiness of their cause.



Nah, the morality and worthiness of a cause has definite importance. Someone blocking highways to stop slavery is doing a better thing than someone blocking highways demanding we move from two-ply TP to one-play as a nation.

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1 minute ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


Spoken like a true first-world "liberal" white dude!

Yes.  I am "liberal" in the traditional sense, not in the sense it is now commonly used in the United States (and more-and-more in Canada due to media bleed-over).

2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Nah, the morality and worthiness of a cause has definite importance. Someone blocking highways to stop slavery is doing a better thing than someone blocking highways demanding we move from two-ply TP to one-play as a nation.

Morality is subjective.  The whole concept of having a constitution that allows peaceful protest, etc. is that law enforcement should be blind to the cause.  Otherwise, you can't have a free country.  Having the ability of a minority freely express their POV, no matter how inane, is part of what makes a democracy like Canada function.

I think we probably have a very different POV on the validity of the 2020 train blockade.

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Ford and Bergen 100% want nothing to happen so that Trudeau is forced to act alone (and then take the fallout if things go wrong):




If this ends with RCMP/military clearing things out successfully, then Ford and Bertan (and Kenny, Moe, etc) will say "Trudeau silenced people with legitimate grievances!" And if it ends with violence or deaths, they will say "Trudeau is just like his father, and we need to remove him to bring stability to the country!"

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When only one part of government (federal) actually wants it to end...how do you accomplish that? Local police in almost every jurisdiction are pretty clearly sympathetic to protestors, and provincial conservative governments (where all the blockades are happening) are also sympathetic. Imagine if Texas militia closed the Mexican border and Abbot said he supported them. What would be Biden's best move?


I think this ends with military action.

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8 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

To be clear, I think this ends with Trudeau invoking the Emergencies Act and deploying armed forces to clear out the border positions (while leaving them at Parliament Hill).


Biden should make a phone call to Pierre with the message, "Either you clear out the border blockades or we will." :p

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1 minute ago, CitizenVectron said:

This is basically true on almost any issue:




What is the ratio in US politics on most issues? 50-50? 60-40?

57-43 on most nearly any issue but the 43 Have disproportionate influence due to our federal system being absolute shit. That’s on issues but partisanship and changing priorities brings electoral politics on a national level to 49-47 with the balance being cranks. 

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9 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

This is basically true on almost any issue:




What is the ratio in US politics on most issues? 50-50? 60-40?



About 60/40.


I think that fricking unshakable 40% approval rating Trump had is pretty indicative of the landscape.


The GOP wins by juicing that up to about 45% on election day and lets voter suppression, gerrymandering, etc do the rest.


For instance, Trump won with 46% in '16 with that base plus people that were essentially voting no on Hillary(or the "establishment" in general).

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:



When only one part of government (federal) actually wants it to end...how do you accomplish that? Local police in almost every jurisdiction are pretty clearly sympathetic to protestors, and provincial conservative governments (where all the blockades are happening) are also sympathetic. Imagine if Texas militia closed the Mexican border and Abbot said he supported them. What would be Biden's best move?


I think this ends with military action.


That's totally going to happen, isn't it? A part of me thinks American conservatives are more OK with this instance since they don't really care about any Canadian economic ramifications, while Abbot might not be as willing to strangle his own economy.

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