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Canadian Insurrection | UPDATE - Oversight commission rules invocation of Emergency Act by Trudeau was warranted

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59 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


That's totally going to happen, isn't it? A part of me thinks American conservatives are more OK with this instance since they don't really care about any Canadian economic ramifications, while Abbot might not be as willing to strangle his own economy.

They can just blame Biden and the chuds and credulous media like the times would eat it up

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17 minutes ago, ThreePi said:


Lefty counter protesting is always a wet fact. Like, why not do something productive like squirt a bunch of expanding foam insulation down the exhaust pipes of these trucks?

Direct action gets the goods


 also the foam insulation needs to be at 70degF to work and has hazardous chemicals. 

sodium silicate is what was used to disable cars during cash for clunkers. 

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An honest mistake:



Conservatives operating in good faith:





I mean, yes, if "chicken" is a city and province abdicating all responsibility while also not requesting the federal government act. The only way Trudeau could act right now is by invoking the Emergencies Act (effectively martial law). The normal procedure is for lower jurisdictions to request assistance from above. But that isn't happening, because lower levels (especially provinces, run by conservative governments) want Trudeau to have to invoke the act so that he is seen as authoritarian.

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There is something the Canadian fed could do without Ford's help or consent. Just cut fat checks for all the workers, restaurants, hotels, and the like in the area in exchange for a full lockdown. Label it a stimulus package for those affected by the protests with the lockdown being for their safety and then leave these folks without nowhere to buy food or take a shit. Just work to make it so that there's nowhere for these folks to spend their money.

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1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I wonder at what point the words "drone strike" were used by the American side? :p


1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

“Now Justin before you say anything, just hear me out: drone strike”


We're gonna bomb those truckers into freedom. :flag:

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13 hours ago, chakoo said:

I feel like this isn't going to end till the OPC & CPC numbers drop further. Premier Dad only seems interested in actually doing something when his poll numbers drop.


Lol why would they get involved? It doesn't matter that these truckers are dumb fuck sticks, all conservatives have to do is sit back and wait for the pm to use the emergency act, for police to come in and violently deal with the truckers, possibly with a death or two, and watch as Trudeau destroys his very own political career and legacy. Mr Ford knows this needs to end. He also knows that even though its HIS responsibility, its Trudeau that looks weak in the end. Especially with multiple members of even his own party speaking out against him. He looks incredibly weak. Sure the conservatives are going to fall a bit in the polls, but Trudeau will take the biggest political hit of all. This is about destroying Trudeau, not the lpc itself.

The outcome? The liberals elect a leader who is closer to the center after they get rid of Justin  because its clear thats where the party wants to be, outside of Trudeaus small circle. 


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10 hours ago, Ghost_MH said:

There is something the Canadian fed could do without Ford's help or consent. Just cut fat checks for all the workers, restaurants, hotels, and the like in the area in exchange for a full lockdown. Label it a stimulus package for those affected by the protests with the lockdown being for their safety and then leave these folks without nowhere to buy food or take a shit. Just work to make it so that there's nowhere for these folks to spend their money.

Trudeau literally has as much power to deploy the RCMP as Ford does the OPP.  The Canadian defence act clearly allows the federal government to deploy military forces without asking permission from the Province.  Justin's father did it in the 70's.

4 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

Lol why would they get involved? It doesn't matter that these truckers are dumb fuck sticks, all conservatives have to do is sit back and wait for the pm to use the emergency act, for police to come in and violently deal with the truckers, possibly with a death or two, and watch as Trudeau destroys his very own political career and legacy. Mr Ford knows this needs to end. He also knows that even though its HIS responsibility, its Trudeau that looks weak in the end. Especially with multiple members of even his own party speaking out against him. He looks incredibly weak. Sure the conservatives are going to fall a bit in the polls, but Trudeau will take the biggest political hit of all. This is about destroying Trudeau, not the lpc itself.

The outcome? The liberals elect a leader who is closer to the center after they get rid of Justin  because its clear thats where the party wants to be, outside of Trudeaus small circle. 


Why is it Ford's responsibility?




Doug Ford has now done more (albeit this is a token gesture) than Justin Trudeau to end the crisis.



The mayor of Ottawa is 2 weeks in, and still hasn't filed an injunction against the protestors.  The injunction against trucker's honking was filed by a private citizen.

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10 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Objectively getting a court injunction is good. As an American “lol just gas them”

In Canada, getting a court injunction is the first step to compel the police to take action.

If they are compelled by a court to remove the protestors, no one can argue that they were breaching the protestors charter rights.  If the police refuse to act, the city can then go back to court to ask the court to force them to act.  It's the logical first step, and what has ALWAYS happened in the recent past when trying to remove a protest/blockade.  Canadian laws are substantially different than American ones.

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31 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Trudeau literally has as much power to deploy the RCMP as Ford does the OPP.  The Canadian defence act clearly allows the federal government to deploy military forces without asking permission from the Province.  Justin's father did it in the 70's.

Why is it Ford's responsibility?




Doug Ford has now done more (albeit this is a token gesture) than Justin Trudeau to end the crisis.



The mayor of Ottawa is 2 weeks in, and still hasn't filed an injunction against the protestors.  The injunction against trucker's honking was filed by a private citizen.


He could, but the game of chicken being played right now is what can Trudeau do without being negatively painted as the guy that sent the military in after protestors.

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5 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


He could, but the game of chicken being played right now is what can Trudeau do without being negatively painted as the guy that sent the military in after protestors.

Yes.  Trudeau is less interested in doing what's best for the country and more interested in political maneuvering.  Ford literally has no military resources to deploy, Trudeau does (and Trudeau has the authority in the defence act to do so).


I wish the son was more like the father:



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11 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

I think it's time Biden sent in these:






Fun fact: Aside from being a weird cult member, my father was also an aviation mechanic and helped build many of these hogs under a contract held by Fairchild Republic on Long Island in the 80s! /Fun fact

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Remember when they were doing it for everyone, especially kids. 


Chatter about the truckers potentially protesting at local elementary schools happening today too. My sister in Hamilton was warned off a school walkout happening at 2 at the schools over the mandates. So my sister took her kids to a walk-in last night. They got them their first shots instead and will be keeping them home today to recover/avoid whatever happens today. She and her husband also got their booster too. My cousin and husband stopped by yesterday and still not a single vaccine in them. Her brother is reading a book about the real world of Fauci and his corruption. She is with the truckers because she has seen video feeds online of very fine people, and the media is corrupt in what they show. This hurts because I know she’s smarter then this and still think this is over losing her mom to the virus that she brought. Then said they said if mandates don’t go, they will move stateside or tropics. Which again angers/upset me because she is talking just like my (often mentioned) former co-worker.  


So. . . yeah

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