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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 2 (Amazon Prime | August 29) - update (08/14): Official Trailer


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These mofos are dumb as hell. It’s pushing ‘social justice politics’ to cast non-white actors, give me a fucking break. Now, if Arondir starts to get persecuted at some point because he’s not as “fair-faced” as other elves, we can maybe start to have that conversation. But so far, he’s just another pointy ear. The only people making a big deal about it are the people whining.

And I love the guy saying “if you made a movie about ancient African royals, you wouldn’t cast white people, would you?” THIS ISN’T REAL HISTORY!! If you made a movie based on a fantasy book inspired by African history, cast whoever the fuck you want. 

There’s a quote in there from N.K. Jemison in there too, which reminds me: a blockbuster adaptation of the Broken Earth Trilogy needs to happen. 

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31 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

And I love the guy saying “if you made a movie about ancient African royals, you wouldn’t cast white people, would you?” THIS ISN’T REAL HISTORY!! If you made a movie based on a fantasy book inspired by African history, cast whoever the fuck you want. 


What's particularly stupid about these complaints is that the show has plenty of white people in the main and supporting casts, women and men. In fact, I'd wager a majority of the cast is white if you broke it down. If there was such a beloved fantasy series inspired by African history and the cast was overwhelmingly black but had white people in some roles (like Andy Serkis and Martin Freeman in Black Panther) I don't think any black people would be complaining. 


But do the reverse, and white people are complaining.

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Not having people of color in a show turns those people off of a show. I know my dad said he never liked Cheers because there were no black people on the show. (Or it could have been some other show like that, but my point still stands :p )


I actually jokingly looked at the ads they ran for this show and it specifically showed a little black kid reading LOTR and his parents took him to some cosplay thing (were they a mixed couple? I forgot, that would have really set someone off) - The joke in my head being "why would this kid care about LOTR there are no black characters in it"

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I think the truth is the fantasy genre has always disproportionately attracted racists because the fantasy races are generally thinly veiled representations of non-white ethnicities and cultures. The genre tends to codify the implicit racial hierarchies of western society and many fantasy fans like this.


Speaking of racists. I like the way they portray the differences in how humans and elves perceive time and history.


Speaking of time and history. I love how the show is taking its time. My favorite part of the LotR trilogy were the moments just chillin in the shire. I feel like fantasy movies and series tend to abandon character building and world building too quickly for fighting dragons and world-ending threats.

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3 hours ago, Moa said:

I think the truth is the fantasy genre has always disproportionately attracted racists because the fantasy races are generally thinly veiled representations of non-white ethnicities and cultures. The genre tends to codify the implicit racial hierarchies of western society and many fantasy fans like this.


Speaking of racists. I like the way they portray the differences in how humans and elves perceive time and history.


Speaking of time and history. I love how the show is taking its time. My favorite part of the LotR trilogy were the moments just chillin in the shire. I feel like fantasy movies and series tend to abandon character building and world building too quickly for fighting dragons and world-ending threats.

*cough Wheel of Time *cough and I like that show but Jesus slow the bell down. 

Yeah I LOVED that the reason Durin is mad at Elrond is because there perception of time is so different. Elrond didn’t realize he was gone so long because 20 years is a blink on an eye to an immortal. 

They’re hitting on so many cool part of the lore that the movies were only able to kind of imply or have in the background. 

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16 minutes ago, Mercury33 said:

*cough Wheel of Time *cough and I like that show but Jesus slow the bell down. 

Yeah I LOVED that the reason Durin is mad at Elrond is because there perception of time is so different. Elrond didn’t realize he was gone so long because 20 years is a blink on an eye to an immortal. 

They’re hitting on so many cool part of the lore that the movies were only able to kind of imply or have in the background. 

I also loved that scene so much.

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15 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

I think the idea of “this isn’t cannon!” Is a weird one, and this is coming from someone who hated many of the deviations of the LotR books in the movies (mainly the Ents and Faramir; the Ents march to war, the “last march of the Ents”, was one of my favorite parts in The Two Towers book), and anytime an anime does something that’s not in the manga I often skip it unless the manga creator was involved. This is something that is taking place long before The Hobbit or LotR, it’s following the lore laid out by Tolkien to create a new story. The only way I’d be bugged is if this does things that attempt to retcon or change The Hobbit/LotR. As long as it’s not doing things like making Shelob a pretty lady that turns into a spider because reasons (looking at you Shadow of War), then I’m looking forward to watching it, as the world of Middle-Earth is one worth exploring IMO



I think that adaptations should do whatever they want as long as it doesn't contradict the lore, because that's when you run into problems. So far, the show has taken plenty of liberties, and they've merged certain things, but the only way they've outright contradicted lore has been little nitpicky things that don't actually matter to this particular story. Like not letting Elrond attend Gil-Galad's council because he's "not a lord," when it's like "dude, Elrond's father literally saved the world from Morgoth before basically ascending to godhood and his mother was a quarter-Goddess, if he's not a Lord of Elves, who the fuck is?!" Or having two Durins be alive at the same time, when the Dwarves believe that each Durin is a reincarnation of Durin the Deathless, so there literally can't be two Durins alive at the same time.


Guess what.... none of that shit matters to this particular story. Elrond's parents aren't in this story. The prophecy of Durin does not play into this story. If that's all the lore that is getting broken, no one cares.

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4 hours ago, Moa said:

I think the truth is the fantasy genre has always disproportionately attracted racists because the fantasy races are generally thinly veiled representations of non-white ethnicities and cultures. The genre tends to codify the implicit racial hierarchies of western society and many fantasy fans like this.


Speaking of racists. I like the way they portray the differences in how humans and elves perceive time and history.


Speaking of time and history. I love how the show is taking its time. My favorite part of the LotR trilogy were the moments just chillin in the shire. I feel like fantasy movies and series tend to abandon character building and world building too quickly for fighting dragons and world-ending threats.

Honestly, I’d watch a show of hobbits just chilling in the shire fishing and shit

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I watched the first two episodes and it's pretty good. Speaking of pretty, damn this show is gorgeous. I'm going to try and convince my girlfriend to cave in, and give it a chance. The trilogy are her favourite movies, and the ultimate good to her that always felt like home, so she's just a little worried of that good thing being ruined somehow. 


I have no idea about the lore or anything, so I have no idea what would contradict what. 

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11 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:


I think that adaptations should do whatever they want as long as it doesn't contradict the lore, because that's when you run into problems.

Yes, that’s what I was saying. :p 

The Elrond thing doesn’t bother me as he was The Lord of Rivendell and Rivendell does not exist yet afaik. The Elvish use of Lord is basically governor/ruler iirc; to my knowledge there’s no reference in the lore as to when he was named a Lord. I must’ve missed the Dwarf part; they said there were multiple Durins? Or did they use the term Durin to simply describe dwarves?

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2 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

Yes, that’s what I was saying. :p 

The Elrond thing doesn’t bother me as he was The Lord of Rivendell and Rivendell does not exist yet afaik. The Elvish use of Lord is basically governor/ruler iirc; to my knowledge there’s no reference in the lore as to when he was named a Lord. I must’ve missed the Dwarf part; they said there were multiple Durins? Or did they use the term Durin to simply describe dwarves?

I believe in the show Durin's father (the old King) is Durin III.

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Just now, Spork3245 said:

Well, what I’m asking is if they used the term “durin” to describe dwarves of that clan or if they were referencing multiple kings as I missed that line

Oh, they haven't mentioned it in the show at all. It's an obscure bit of lore about the specific clan of Dwarves that live in Moria (the Longbeards). The clan was founded by Durin, and their tradition holds that Durin gets reincarnated every so often in the royal line, up until Durin VII, who is supposed to be the last one. So basically there can't be two Durins at once.

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3 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

Oh, they haven't mentioned it in the show at all. It's an obscure bit of lore about the specific clan of Dwarves that live in Moria (the Longbeards). The clan was founded by Durin, and their tradition holds that Durin gets reincarnated every so often in the royal line, up until Durin VII, who is supposed to be the last one. So basically there can't be two Durins at once.

No, no, no, I know that - I meant I missed when they mentioned there being two Durins (kings) in the show and am asking what was said, but now I’m also realizing that I only watched the first episode :p 

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Okay, watched the second episode, yea, “Prince Durin” doesn’t make sense as they’re not named Durin until they are named king. I thought there was only one episode out until earlier, that’s why I was so confused and thought I missed a reference to the dwarves :p 


Anyway, the man who fell from the sky is probably either Radagast or one of the Blue Wizards, right? I don’t see him being Gandolf or Saruman. My other thought is


Sauron in his fair form, but that doesn’t make a ton of sense 


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2 hours ago, CayceG said:

I'm planting my flag in saying The Stranger is one of the Blue Wizards. Perhaps Anatar. But he will not be called by that name. 


For sure, it's pretty clear:



Iluvatar itself or one of its lieutenants the Valar definitely sent that wizard to help us out, as Gandalf said it's not only evil at work in the world. Good call!


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2 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


Alatar is (one of) the Blue Wizards
Annatar is... 

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Unless that's what you were saying :sun:


No, I mixed up the names. Thanks. 


I meant Alatar. 


Annatar is already there and at work, according to the scene with Celebrimbor. ;) 

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37 minutes ago, CayceG said:


No, I mixed up the names. Thanks. 


I meant Alatar. 


Annatar is already there and at work, according to the scene with Celebrimbor. ;) 


I figured as much, but also was unsure as to what they were building yet.



if it's the rings already or if that's going to be built to later in the show. They were vague in that scene, but my immediate thought was the same as yours, for sure.


My other thought is that it's a young Radagast (Brown Wizard), as he seemed to speak with the fireflies. 

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57 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


I figured as much, but also was unsure as to what they were building yet.


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if it's the rings already or if that's going to be built to later in the show. They were vague in that scene, but my immediate thought was the same as yours, for sure.


My other thought is that it's a young Radagast (Brown Wizard), as he seemed to speak with the fireflies. 


Yeah, the project Celebrimbor is working on seems to be about starting the process of creating the rings by first creating the furnace/tower (I assume the one in Mordor?). I also think this could be Radagast as they've controlled fire, bent the environment to their will, and spoken with fireflies. 

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2 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

I also think this could be Radagast as they've controlled fire, bent the environment to their will, and spoken with fireflies. 


I really keep going back and forth as one of the Blue Wizards make a lot of sense too, if only because there's basically nothing known about either one of them besides some basics, so they'd be more of a clean slate for the show to write.

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