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I feel like smokers have done a good job at not being little bitches


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Like as the government started doubling the price of cigarettes and taking half for themselves, made it so you can’t smoke inside public areas, then private areas, now most of outside. Pretty much you can only legally smoke in little sections designated for you nowadays. A lot of types of cigarettes you can’t buy anymore and the types of stores that are allowed to sell them have dwindled.


But if you look at how smokers have handled all of this compared to say today’s anti vax cry babies or 2A wackos, they did it with so much more grace and dignity. Whenever a new smoking regulation came about I never recall us all in the smoke pit crying like little bitches for months on end. And for that I am proud to be an ex smoker.


That said I used my hospitalization to quit smoking back in mid August and that part of events I am thankful for!

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Ex smoker here as well, and I think most smokers get it. Almost every smoker I have known is someone that has tried quitting several times and is just looking for some way to kick the habit that they don't even want. I'm sure there are a bunch of smokers at a dive bar in rural Mississippi that are super pissed off at the government "violating their rights to smoke" but the ones I have known don't seem that way. 


But I'm all for making fun of anti vaxxers and 2a fanatics.

  • stepee 1
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It's because smokers know that smoking is a useless vice and we only do it because smoking cigarettes basically screams "I'm a fatalist and nothing matters, so sure, charge me $15/pack, I'll be dead before it matters anyway."


I'll quit smoking some day, but it is not this day. Last time I got really sick I didn't smoke for almost a week and I didn't even notice. Same for when I broke my ankle. It doesn't appear to be the nicotine that keeps me smoking anymore, it's more like there are certain activities/places that I associate with smoking.

  • stepee 1
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I need to quit, but your post is pretty funny. I think most of us know it's a disgusting habit, so that's why I don't mind smoking outside. The price sucks, but it's just the government taking advantage of a truly gross habit. They want us to quit, but they want us to keep smoking. 


I hate smoking. I hate smelling like shit, but that sweet, sweet nicotine has its claws dug in deep.

  • stepee 1
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Just now, Derek said:

I need to quit, but your post is pretty funny. I think most of us know it's a disgusting habit, so that's why I don't mind smoking outside. The price sucks, but it's just the government taking advantage of a truly gross habit. They want us to quit, but they want us to keep smoking. 


I hate smoking. I hate smelling like shit, but that sweet, sweet nicotine has its claws dug in deep.

Have you tried nicotine pouches? Definitely a good alternative in my opinion. 

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2 minutes ago, stepee said:

If smoking wasn’t bad for you though and if maybe I could reduce the time to craving a bit, boy howdy I would still smoke to my last day. If I make it to 90 I’ll probably just start lighting up.

After my grandma died, my grandad said if he made it to 75, he's pulling back out his pipe. (Tobacco, not crack)

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1 minute ago, Derek said:

I need to quit, but your post is pretty funny. I think most of us know it's a disgusting habit, so that's why I don't mind smoking outside. The price sucks, but it's just the government taking advantage of a truly gross habit. They want us to quit, but they want us to keep smoking. 


I hate smoking. I hate smelling like shit, but that sweet, sweet nicotine has its claws dug in deep.

That's mostly why I don't mind smoking outside. Smoking inside is what makes all your clothes reek of stale ashes. It's not so bad when you smoke outside.

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1 minute ago, Fizzzzle said:

Might as well start buying crypto while you're at it

Btw did I mention, I have a great collection of 45,000 NFTs. It's just a shitty picture of a dude but he has a different hat in each one. They're going fast though so you have to move quickly if you want one.

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10 minutes ago, stepee said:


That’s what weed is for!

My girl has a pen, but I haven't really tried it. Last time I smoked weed, I sat on the couch for like an hour (I think), staring at the door. I thought someone was knocking on it... at like 2 am.


Maybe this thread will inspire me to give it the ole college try again.

  • stepee 1
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5 minutes ago, stepee said:


Yes you are annoyed, but are you being constantly insufferable about it?!

I'm guessing probably not. If it's Ajmal's shift at the vape shop, he probably just whispers for the cherry vanilla and gets hooked up. If Doug is working, he might give him an earful, after he points to the vape flavor legality notice.

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3 minutes ago, Rachel said:

I can’t believe I used to smoke almost a pack everyday lol. I find it so gross and unappealing now. But it was mostly all the amphetamines I was taking that made me such a fiend for cigarettes. 

There is something calming about it. If I'm just sat at home watching TV all day (ie in a setting that's already calm), I don't smoke at all. It's only when I leave my house that I smoke, usually to get away from things for a few minutes at a time.


It's kind of funny, if you go to your boss and say "hey, mind if I go fuck off and look at my phone for five minutes?" they'll be like "no, fuck you, get back to work," but if you say "mind if I go have a cigarette" they're like "yeah, go for it."



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While I have gotten considerably better when going out in public or on long road trips, I feel like my smoking at home has increased significantly to near chain-smoking levels at times. I absolutely hate that this product will kill me if I don't stop but also there's the problem of my "Want to want to quit" isn't strong enough yet for some unknown reason. I definitely get the whole "hand to mouth" thing Derek said, its fucking weird isn't it? The prices here in NY are egregious, then again the price of most things in NYS is egregious but I digress.


I commend the OP for quitting & for the rest of you that have as well. Hell, I work between 12 - 16 hour shifts overnight at my job & while I may throw in a Skoal pouch every few hours, there's something about lighting up a cig when I get home that is seemingly satisfying. Talk about a love/hate relationship with such a disgusting inanimate object that I allow to have such control over me (considering that I myself am a control freak!)


I did try the nicotine pouches recently from this company that Chael Sonnen was sponsored by on his Youtube channel which weren't too bad (apple cider flavor was phenomenal!) but yet I still went back after making what was ultimately only a half-hearted attempt to quit. I feel like it should be cold turkey or bust, however the progress I've made lately with some weight loss may be negated & that scares me on top of the fact that as much of a curmudgeon as I already can be, I would be absolutely abhorrent to be around if I didn't have this vice (at least in the short term.)


I do want to say I feel so happy this thread is a thing though.

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I used to smoke as well, I was 2 packs a day and way obese, pre-diabetic, hbp, depressed, and stressed out. I actually smoked more and more hoping it would kill me. When the all day heart palpitations started I quit my horrible job for a new one, hit the gym, and quit smoking. I don't mind smokers at all as long as they do it where others aren't distributed by it. 

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I have never “smoked” but I’ve been a bong user for the past 1.5 years/4 vaping my flowered weed. I don’t see that stopping ANYTIME soon ;) My brother smokes and has tried a few times, but doesn’t seem to have enough will power to quit the habit. My father quit when he was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, and apologized to my mom for never trying to give up smoking. I remember I did a week or 2 where I would take 1-3 cigs from his package and ripped them up. Then I got a talking too and never did it again.

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3 hours ago, stepee said:


Yes you are annoyed, but are you being constantly insufferable about it?!


No. Though I could go on a rant on it if I think about it. Also thank you and @stepee. Cleaned up my ecig and it looks like my local vape stores website still ships to NJ. 

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On 1/2/2022 at 3:56 PM, Zaku3 said:

I vape and am annoyed NJ has a flavor ban. 


I never understood flavored vapes, but I'm also not a smoker.  It's like alcohol, it doesn't need to be made easier to drink.  If you're an adult and you're buying rainbow sherbet flavored vodka, you should be arrested on site because you're clearly trying to date rape a minor.  

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1 hour ago, LazyPiranha said:


I never understood flavored vapes, but I'm also not a smoker.  It's like alcohol, it doesn't need to be made easier to drink.  If you're an adult and you're buying rainbow sherbet flavored vodka, you should be arrested on site because you're clearly trying to date rape a minor.  


On 1/3/2022 at 3:36 AM, Bacon said:

Season 4 Interest GIF by The Office


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30 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:

Am I wrong?  Is anyone legally over the drinking age actually interested in $15 vodka that tastes like a dessert you should have aged out of by the time you hit puberty?  

This is a shit opinion. People can like what they like. You are wrong. People who criticize others on what they enjoy are just cunts. 

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5 minutes ago, Bacon said:

This is a shit opinion. People can like what they like. You are wrong. People who criticize others on what they enjoy are just cunts. 


Cunt or not, there's no arguing that those flavors aren't specifically designed and sold to target younger people and hopefully turn them into older regular customers.  No one us making Mountain Dew flavored vape juice or Swedish Fish flavored vodka and thinking their target demographic is the 35+ professional.  


Besides, I'm obviously not being serious.  If you're an adult and you for some reason love overly sugary alcohol that I find stomach turning, then follow your bliss.  

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I don't like any alcohol. Anytime I have drank it is been as fruity as possible because I hate the actual taste of alcohol. Last drink I ever had was a mikes hard lemonade in like 2013-2015. Drinks that do their best to taste nothing like alcohol are the only drinks I can stand. 

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