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~*D1P's Games of 2022*~


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Lost in Random - Very few complaints about the game.  Art, character designs, setting and music all top notch.  Definitely Tim Burton inspired and devs pulled it off. One of my complaints is that devs used way too much fog.  Not the good kind either. The fog that appears and disappears immediately when walking through doors Dark Souls style. Not sure why they needed to use so much fog. I honestly thought it was an early PS4 because of it, but it came out late last year!  


The gameplay is solid. I know some hate card based gameplay, but it’s very basic. You spend more time swinging weapons and dodging than you will playing cards and creating decks. One of my other complaints is that gameplay loop is relatively static due to card system.  I still enjoyed it even with its limitations.  

I definitely recommend trying it out. It’s on game pass. 

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14 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

Lost in Random - Very few complaints about the game.  Art, character designs, setting and music all top notch.  Definitely Tim Burton inspired and devs pulled it off. One of my complaints is that devs used way too much fog.  Not the good kind either. The fog that appears and disappears immediately when walking through doors Dark Souls style. Not sure why they needed to use so much fog. I honestly thought it was an early PS4 because of it, but it came out late last year!  


The gameplay is solid. I know some hate card based gameplay, but it’s very basic. You spend more time swinging weapons and dodging than you will playing cards and creating decks. One of my other complaints is that gameplay loop is relatively static due to card system.  I still enjoyed it even with its limitations.  

I definitely recommend trying it out. It’s on game pass. 


I definitely need to try it, it’s already installed on my deck too!

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Escape Academy - it’s a pretty short puzzle game that tries to capture the feel of real life escape rooms but falls short. As I was playing this, I kept thinking “escape room VR would be dope”.  Because the game lets you know what is selectable, it makes it pretty easy. Real escapes rooms have a ton of items that can confuse and waste your time. Here you know what you can touch and use. It makes it very straightforward. Still enjoyed it. It’s on Game Pass. 

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Honestly?  I had a blast.  It’s a genuinely good Star Fox game, a redo of 64 similar to how 64 was to SNES.  I still need to unlock all the alternate path levels, but doubt my opinions will change on the whole.


The controls are the obvious downside.  They work, but take some major adjusting to.  I’m reminded of Metroid Prime 3’s pointer aiming, which took some time to master, but Zero’s implementation of motion aiming is still much less elegant on the whole.  It feels bad from the start.  It clicks somewhere in the middle of the game.  Most of the vehicles outside of standard flying still never feel quite right.  And I truly hate that you can’t bank and brake at the same time, like in 64.


But the nostalgia still hits you almost like Nintendo never missed a beat with this franchise.  That alone makes it worth experiencing.  Even knowing that Platinum Games designed much of it, it genuinely feels like Nintendo EAD is at the helm again.  It sticks slightly too close to 64 in some ways, and it can never totally compare for that reason, but if you enjoyed wrecking shit in that game, this will bring you back ... once the controls click.


If you don’t love 64 or haven’t played it, definitely don’t start with Zero.  64 is much more approachable, and has aged immaculately.  You don’t need to jump over hurdles to find the fun.


This is still one of the few Wii U games I’m truly happy about holding onto the system for.  Sucks that it’s so tethered to the form factor of a failed console.  A sequel to this without the obtuse aiming controls would be amazing.




Death's Door - 8.5/10

Torna: The Golden Country - 9/10
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion - 7/10
Mail Mole - 7.5/10

Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair - 9/10

What the Golf? - 8/10
Greak: Memories of Azur - 8/10
Psychonauts 2 - 9/10

A Hat in Time: Nyakuza Metro DLC - 7.5/10
The Last Campfire - 7.5/10

The Stanley Parable - 7/10

Call of the Sea - 8/10

Panzer Dragoon Remake - 7.5/10

Star Fox Zero - 8/10

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18 hours ago, crispy4000 said:



Honestly?  I had a blast.  It’s a genuinely good Star Fox game, a redo of 64 similar to how 64 was to SNES.  I still need to unlock all the alternate path levels, but doubt my opinions will change on the whole.


The controls are the obvious downside.  They work, but take some major adjusting to.  I’m reminded of Metroid Prime 3’s pointer aiming, which took some time to master, but Zero’s implementation of motion aiming is still much less elegant on the whole.  It feels bad from the start.  It clicks somewhere in the middle of the game.  Most of the vehicles outside of standard flying still never feel quite right.  And I truly hate that you can’t bank and brake at the same time, like in 64.


But the nostalgia still hits you almost like Nintendo never missed a beat with this franchise.  That alone makes it worth experiencing.  Even knowing that Platinum Games designed much of it, it genuinely feels like Nintendo EAD is at the helm again.  It sticks slightly too close to 64 in some ways, and it can never totally compare for that reason, but if you enjoyed wrecking shit in that game, this will bring you back ... once the controls click.


If you don’t love 64 or haven’t played it, definitely don’t start with Zero.  64 is much more approachable, and has aged immaculately.  You don’t need to jump over hurdles to find the fun.


This is still one of the few Wii U games I’m truly happy about holding onto the system for.  Sucks that it’s so tethered to the form factor of a failed console.  A sequel to this without the obtuse aiming controls would be amazing.




Death's Door - 8.5/10

Torna: The Golden Country - 9/10
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion - 7/10
Mail Mole - 7.5/10

Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair - 9/10

What the Golf? - 8/10
Greak: Memories of Azur - 8/10
Psychonauts 2 - 9/10

A Hat in Time: Nyakuza Metro DLC - 7.5/10
The Last Campfire - 7.5/10

The Stanley Parable - 7/10

Call of the Sea - 8/10

Panzer Dragoon Remake - 7.5/10

Star Fox Zero - 8/10


I don’t suppose the controls work in any way that would be simple to use emulation to circumvent? 

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3 hours ago, stepee said:


I don’t suppose the controls work in any way that would be simple to use emulation to circumvent? 


It could work.  The Select button lets you switch to cockpit view on the tv. That view is a hard requirement at some points in the game.  Cockpit view is also needed for any long range aiming unless you get really good with the motion controls as is.


There’s a form of L-targeting in all-range mode against bosses and such.  It’d be less useful without two screens.  But I ended up doing much better against some bosses without it.  (That’s my #1 tip for the last boss.)

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I finished Gemini: Heroes Reborn, it was a decent first person action game with some platforming and puzzle solving here and there. My biggest issue with it is its length, it’s really short only taking a few hours to complete.


It had the foundation to be a really good platform puzzle game like a mix of Mirror’s Edge and Portal which it had elements of at times, but instead focused more on its past/present time shifting mechanic and telekinesis based combat.


When traversing its levels via platforming and puzzle solving is when it’s at its best, unfortunately a good amount of the game is just clearing out somewhat open areas/rooms of enemies to obtain a key to unlock a door to move onto the next level. The telekinesis combat of throwing objects at enemies and stopping their bullets and flinging them back at them is ok in small doses, but not fun enough to make up the majority of what you do in the game. There are some challenging platforming sections and clever puzzles to solve, but they’re few and far between. They should have made up the bulk of the game instead of the combat, because they were the highlights of the game IMO.


It’s not a bad little game for its $15 asking price, but it had the potential to be a lot better than it is. All of its creative game mechanics feel a little wasted on such a short experience that focuses a little too much on combat which isn’t its strongest area. And its story ends incomplete leaving it open for a sequel that there will most likely never be.

2022 games

Far Cry 6

Light Fairytale Episode 1

Light Fairytale Episode 2

Raging Justice

Tormented Souls

Eight Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

Warhammer: Chaosbane


Antiquia Lost


Alice: Madness Returns


Darksiders III

Itadaki Smash

Gemini: Heroes Reborn

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Sits somewhere between a controller showpiece, a simple 3d platformer, and a product placement theme park ride.  Not a meaty game, but as a pack-in title, I'm glad we got it.  It's got a similar charm to what I remember of Splatoon 1's single player, with less push back. 

As a controller demo, it's highly successful.  I haven't felt controller rumble this good since the N64 chewing through AA's.  And then there's all the haptic feedback stuff.


The controls of the spaceship and ball suit kind of suck.  I liked the monkey and spring just fine.




Death's Door - 8.5/10

Torna: The Golden Country - 9/10
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion - 7/10
Mail Mole - 7.5/10

Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair - 9/10

What the Golf? - 8/10
Greak: Memories of Azur - 8/10
Psychonauts 2 - 9/10

A Hat in Time: Nyakuza Metro DLC - 7.5/10
The Last Campfire - 7.5/10

The Stanley Parable - 7/10

Call of the Sea - 8/10

Panzer Dragoon Remake - 7.5/10

Star Fox Zero - 8/10

Astro's Playroom - 8/10



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Played through Sonic Adventure DX (Sonic campaign) and it’s still probably the best 3D Sonic, even without nostalgia. I forgot how optional the Sonic Friends stuff is, was it like that on Dreamcast? I can’t remember. I don’t see why people complained so much about stuff like Big when you can just not do it. But I like the Amy campaign, some of the robot stuff, I think Big is funny, Tails stuff is good, so the whole package is solid mostly.  There isn’t a main Sonic stage I don’t like here. Still the best Sonic overworld.


One of those early 3D games that still looks good to me, this shit really blew my mind when it came out.


There is just a little bit less on the rails feeling to Sonic here, not quite full boost yet. Good stuff. 


10/10 all time classic let’s go Frontiers 

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I finished Zombieland: Double Tap - Road Trip, it was a fun little arcade style isometric view twin stick shooter. It’s short, but also somewhat repetitive so I wouldn’t have wanted it to be much longer than it is. It had the potential to be a better more varied game than it is, but it’s your basic co-op arcade type game without much depth. It was worth the few bucks that I paid for it, but that’s about it.


2022 games

Far Cry 6

Light Fairytale Episode 1

Light Fairytale Episode 2

Raging Justice

Tormented Souls

Eight Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

Warhammer: Chaosbane


Antiquia Lost


Alice: Madness Returns


Darksiders III

Itadaki Smash

Gemini: Heroes Reborn

Zombieland: Double Tap - Road Trip

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God of War 3:




Dunno why Poseidon was shit-talking like that since Kratos killed Ares as a mortal, but I'll give him slack since this time, the Gods weren't helping Kratos. Some open spoilers here if you haven't played it.


I'm playing GOW 1 - 3 and GOW 2018 in anticipation for Ragnarok this year. I already played GOW1 and 2 through PS Plus. GOW3 is available through the streaming service, but I also downloaded it years ago when it was available, so I downloaded it and started again.


God of War 3 is an interesting case. Remastered, it still pops and looks great (though some character models are significantly better than others). Gameplay-wise, it feels very good and probably has the best assortment of weapons in the original linear games. And bosses such as Hades, Hercules, the final boss, and even Super Cerberus are quite thrilling to fight.

It's a very good game, but there are several things that hold it back from being an overall better package than 2 and 1, even if it does some things better:


  1. The pacing is a bit off. It's not as bad as I remember, but the game does a good job up until probably


    with giving you some puzzles, regular fights, then punctuated by a boss fight. However, at a certain point you go deep in the caverns and you're contained to the Labyrinth. And unlike Pandora's Temple in GOW1, this isn't a masterwork of level design; it's just different cubes with pretty easy puzzles in them and then a few fights. The fights are good, at least, especially that last BIG one after the "hope" dialogue with Pandora.
  2. A bit more on pacing: more in this game than the others, I felt the need to give it a break for a few days because it was a little too much. Because the game goes to lengths to really shock you -- 

    first person Posideon kill, cutting off Hermes' legs, ripping off Helios' head, abusing Poseidon's princess (who was ALREADY abused by Posideon)

    -- you compound that with the feel of the combat, which is improved but also feels more visceral, particularly with the Nemean Cestus -- and you just need to break for a bit. The thing is, it's a short game, so it's honestly a bit strange to me that I'd need a break
  3. Also, there's something very weird about hearing those 'hope' lines in the game. In fact, the whole thing with Pandora's box containing hope is still a lame ending. In fact, the writing is a big step down compared to 1 and 2. A lot of lines try to sneakily be exposition.
  4. Still feels like Helios got shafted. Hermes wasn't much of a fight but at least it made sense considering what his powers were. But Helios was a very small environmental hazard in this game and that's it.
  5. I mentioned level design earlier, but the level design as a whole isn't as good as the first two games. While GOW1 is lacking in even mini-boss fights, it makes up for it with terrific level design and some really cool puzzles. Pandora's Temple remains a fantastic piece of work. GOW3 has much simpler level design, such as when you go to the Pit of Tartarus, go into one room, then a couple ramps declining down, and one gap to jump across to get to the Cronos fight. There's just not as much to it; it's like if the underworld from GOW1 (the design, not the difficulty) were much of GOW3. On the plus side, the Hades section I think has some good puzzles and design, and the garden with Hera is really cool.
  6. The part at the end where you have to run a lot after

    Zeus comes back to life and sucks away your power?

    Unnecessary and always a pain on replays. I remember ME3 doing something similar during dream sequences; maybe it was just the thing for video games to do at this time? Story-wise, it's unneeded, execution-wise, it doesn't really do anything or feel as if it has a purpose or theme, and it's just boring to play after a thrilling final boss. I think it could have went straight to the scene with

    Athena because while beating up Zeus one last time led to that memorable NeoGAF thread, Zeus getting offed by the Sword of Olympus (which he gave to Kratos to give up all his powers in GOW2) into Gaia's heart and the leaders of the Gods of Olympus being taken out simultaneously with the leader of the titans,

    was a fitting end by itself.
  7. Geez, is this game bleaker than the rest. It's not as if God of War is a happy series, but I feel it's not oppressively sad or tragic, and the latest God of War in 2018 had plenty of levity. But this one just feels sad all the time.
  8. This is probably the most subjective, but I feel the game has much less of a grand feeling to it. It's not that there aren't BIG fights or thrilling fights or anything like that, but the feeling of going through Pandora's Temple, or the feeling of first seeing Ares, or the feeling of the fantastic three-parter of the Sisters of Fate, or traversing so many different worlds in GOW2, just isn't there in a game that's mostly on Mount Olympus. There's a certain cinematic feeling of 1, 2 and 2018 that I don't feel in GOW3.


Despite all the issues, the gameplay and bosses make it a very good game overall because it's fun to play, and that goes a long way in a video game as we know. And some of the direction choices, like part 1 of the final boss fight being 2D while shit goes down behind you, were great.





It just needed one of the original directors, I think, to stick the landing smoother. It was VERY fun to play again, and while I can see myself playing through the original games again, I may just come back to play the bosses next time I get to GOW3. @Kal-El814



2022 Games


Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Dark Souls Remastered (NG and 7/10s of a NG+ I think :p) 

The Forgotten City

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

L.A. Noire


Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!

Sonic Mania x2

God of War 1

God of War 2

God of War 3


21 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:


Holding Back GIF by DeRay Davis


Only played it twice so far with my gf, which makes me think we're 1/3 of the way through. It's so adorable. <3 


Looking forward to completing it eventually.

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Finished Haiku, the Robot. Overall it was great. It's a like a shorter, robot themed Hollow Knight. Bosses tended to be tough until I got the hang of them. I had a glitch where parts of the map disappeared and I had to uncover them again. I suspect map bugginess is why I only have 99.7% map completion despite comparing my map with a 100% map and not noticing any differences. Overall completion is 99.8% but I've spent enough time trying to get the last bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finished Ion Fury, and it was a great time from start to finish. It’s one of the best straight-up FPSs (no adventure/RPG elements) that I’ve played in a long time. It’s a love letter to fans of 90s FPSs like Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior (which I am), and it delivered. It was a lot longer than I was expecting it to be, it took me roughly 15 hours. And it was really challenging even on its easy setting which I dropped it to after starting it on its normal setting because normal was more like hard, and easy was more like normal. Being a somewhat long and challenging game with a fairly tough and lengthy end sequence brings me to my biggest complaint with it... the ending.



As soon as you destroy the main villain’s control center, the game immediately shows a couple of still images of you escaping the facility and then goes to a generic white text on a black background end credit screen that’s the equivalent of a NES game end credit screen. The credits are extremely short, and then it goes to the title screen. I was most disappointed that I didn’t get to play the escape sequence from the exploding facility which you usually get to do in games when you destroy a facility, and need to escape. It would have made for a much more exciting, and satisfying conclusion to the game.


2022 games

Far Cry 6

Light Fairytale Episode 1

Light Fairytale Episode 2

Raging Justice

Tormented Souls

Eight Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

Warhammer: Chaosbane


Antiquia Lost


Alice: Madness Returns


Darksiders III

Itadaki Smash

Gemini: Heroes Reborn

Zombieland: Double Tap - Road Trip

Ion Fury

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I finished Mayhem Brawler twice, it was a good arcade style 2D beat ‘em up similar to Final Fight and Streets of Rage. The story is setup in a comic book style, and the graphics of the game look like comic book art. They’re actually quite good. The characters are big and animate well, and the environments have a lot of detail.


The characters in the game are an odd mix of humans with superpowers, ghouls, mutants, werewolves, vampires, zombies, etc. The story is told in a way where it seems like you’re supposed to already be familiar with the characters and universe as if the game is based on an existing IP. It’s told using comic book panels, and all character dialogue is voice acted. It’s a somewhat entertaining story, but a little confusing as well because (like I said) it seems like you’re supposed to already be familiar with the characters and universe as if they’re based on an existing comic book or cartoon.


The gameplay is pretty good, but a little light on moves. You have one attack, one special attack and can block and jump. Constantly attacking has you automatically do combo moves, you can also grab enemies by walking into them. You can pick up and use weapons as well including melee weapons, and guns. And just like in every beat ‘em up, you break open objects in the environments to get food to eat to replenish health.


There are twelve levels which might sound like a lot, but you only get to play seven of them during one play through and they’re short. After each level you’re given the choice to choose between two levels to play next, and you won’t get to play the one that you don’t choose unless you play through the game a second time and choose it. While this gives an incentive to play through the game at least a couple of times to see all of its levels which I did, I would have preferred being able to play all of the levels in one play through because the levels are short.


Even with some things that I don’t like about the game, it’s still a good arcade style 2D beat ‘em up that I would recommend to fans of the genre.


2022 games

Far Cry 6

Light Fairytale Episode 1

Light Fairytale Episode 2

Raging Justice

Tormented Souls

Eight Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

Warhammer: Chaosbane


Antiquia Lost


Alice: Madness Returns


Darksiders III

Itadaki Smash

Gemini: Heroes Reborn

Zombieland: Double Tap - Road Trip

Ion Fury

Mayhem Brawler

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I woke up at 2:30am wide awake this morning. So I said fuck it, imma play Halo Infinite. I played 3 hours straight and beat the campaign.


I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of that game. It's easily my favorite Halo game even though it doesn't have online coop (yet). It’s the best gunplay I've ever experienced in a game. The controls are incredible. 


9.5/10 for me. I cannot wait for the next one which will really utilize the power of the XSX.

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  • 2 weeks later...

2022 Games


Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Dark Souls Remastered (NG and 7/10s of a NG+ I think :p) 

The Forgotten City

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

L.A. Noire


Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!

Sonic Mania x2

God of War 1

God of War 2

God of War 3

God of War 2018



It's just.... GOW 2018 is the fucking best, one of the best games last gen. Can't wait for Ragnarok.

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Updating with Saints Row. Really enjoyed it, would give it a solid 8.4/10. I’d probably rank Saints as 4 > SR 2022 > 3 > 2 > Gat > 1. I really hope this does well so we keep getting them, but let’s do a follow up to 4 first before going back to a more SR3 style.




Steel Assault

Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom

Star Wars Fallen Jedi

Life is Strange True Colors

Metroid Dread

Metal Slug 2

Capcom Beat Em Up Bundle (played through em all)

Mafia Definitive Edition

Elden Ring

Dying Light 2

Horizon: Forbidden West

Kirby: GOTY Edition

Goblin Sword

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Oli Oli World

Sonic Colors

Pokemon Legends

Mail Mole

Grapple Dog

Megaman x4

Megaman x7

AC Valhalla (incl  paris and ireland dlc!)


Toree 3D

Toree 2

Klonoa 2022 remaster

Klonoa 2 remaster

Sonic Adventure

Sonic Triple Trouble Remake

Saints Row 22

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Finished Hatchwell. If you like 2D Zelda games, get it. It was a bit weird getting through most of the game without any issues and then encountering a few bugs. After the last regular dungeon, you have to evacuate some villagers but one of the houses seemed bugged, 1 person was there but not the two to evacuate and when I returned the two were there but they refused to evacuate and the dialog after that seemed to fit earlier in the game. It's possible that I just did something in the wrong order, but even though the game is good, apparently nobody plays it (i.e. there don't seem to be any guides) so I couldn't find out whether I just had to advance the story so I kept a save and finished the rest of the game. After finishing the game I loaded the earlier save and the game froze (no freezes or crashes before that) so I had to Alt F4 and start the game again. I got the villages to evacuate right away before going to all the other but there was one last achievement for getting them all to safety that didn't trigger. The final dungeon and boss fights were much quicker the second time. After finishing the game again I loaded my last save and that last achievement triggered. Other than that it was great.

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I finished Saints Row.


2022 games

Far Cry 6

Light Fairytale Episode 1

Light Fairytale Episode 2

Raging Justice

Tormented Souls

Eight Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

Warhammer: Chaosbane


Antiquia Lost


Alice: Madness Returns


Darksiders III

Itadaki Smash

Gemini: Heroes Reborn

Zombieland: Double Tap - Road Trip

Ion Fury

Mayhem Brawler

Saints Row

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Finished TMNT (NES, Cowabunga Collection). Now I remember why I didn't find the underwater part that bad back in the day, just take advantage of having 4 life bars. Of course that's probably why I would always die in the next level except the time I used the Game Genie. Even with a save state slot and the rewind it was still often a pain but I got it done.

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Until Dawn

Miles Morales

Castlvania Collection
Elden Ring
Evil Dead




Yakuza Kiwami 2


Yakuza answers the eternal question of “what if shenmue was actually good?”


I’ve now played Zero, Kiwami, and Kiwami 2 and of the three I probably like 2 the least so far.  It’s story isn’t nearly as outlandish despite being totally absurd, it’s side quests were the least interesting, and the ending was the most abrupt.  Not that I prefer the two hour marathon that was the end of Zero, but this game ends on a huge anti-climax after the standard those two games set.  Much like Elden Ring before it though, I really wish these games had less game in them.  By the time I hit 20 hours, I never want another street brawl again.  These games desperately need a story mode where you just one punch all the combat encounters so you can get to the part you care about.  It’s not even that the brawling isn’t good, it’s just way too much of it.  Still, Kiryu, Majima and the people who orbit them are some of the best, most compelling characters in recent memory and it’s always a delight to spend some time with them.

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Finished TMNT 2: The Arcade Game (NES) on the Cowabunga Collection. I forgot to check the collection's enhancements beforehand so I missed out on God Mode and had to abuse the rewind feature instead. It really is arcade level cheap. Back in the day I finished it with the code for 10 lives plus level select but playing through the whole game with rewind any time I took damage gave me a better idea of how to avoid damage. The attack using both the attack and jump buttons at the same time is hard to trigger on the collection, at least when using a Switch Pro Controller.


Finished TMNT 3: The Manhattan Project. The unlimited lives enhancement made it relaxing but the 2 button special attack was often hard to trigger making it difficult to abuse. At least with unlimited lives you can just stand still and mash both buttons to do normal attacks with the occasional special attack.

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Beat the single player campaign to Splatoon 3 - very good and a huge step up! Note I didn’t play much of the Octo expansion so maybe that was a lot better than the 1/2 campaigns as well but it seemed a bit too hard at the time for me. 


Anyway, this stayed inventive and fresh in its level design all the way through. They could have leaned heavily on certain mechanics for the campaign but instead it’s a consistent switch up. Though I wouldn’t have minded more stages designed around grapple platforming. 


Its also a good mix of regular stages and optional challenge stages and exploring the hubs which gets you into a good addictive groove clearing out the maps. 


The story is um, uh, yeah. It’s weird. By the end it’s honestly just bat shit insane in a way that almost makes Kirby blush.


All the boss fights see good but this is a game where the end boss reallt is a highlight and I am very very picky with bosses and often hate them.


Looks nice visually in the way that Splatoon does with its ink looking especially vivid on the oled switch display. Still not what I’m looking for visually with the series in SP, I’d love them to have stages that looked more like the multiplayer hub, but I do notice that runs at 30fps instead of 60fps like the rest of the game, maybe on Switch 2 they can do that.


I hope people play the campaign and that Nintendo doesn’t lose sight on making this a quality multiplayer and single player series.





Steel Assault

Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom

Star Wars Fallen Jedi

Life is Strange True Colors

Metroid Dread

Metal Slug 2

Capcom Beat Em Up Bundle (played through em all)

Mafia Definitive Edition

Elden Ring

Dying Light 2

Horizon: Forbidden West

Kirby: GOTY Edition

Goblin Sword

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Oli Oli World

Sonic Colors

Pokemon Legends

Mail Mole

Grapple Dog

Megaman x4

Megaman x7

AC Valhalla (incl  paris and ireland dlc!)


Toree 3D

Toree 2

Klonoa 2022 remaster

Klonoa 2 remaster

Sonic Adventure

Sonic Triple Trouble Remake

Saints Row

Splatoon 3

  • Halal 1
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3 hours ago, stepee said:

Beat the single player campaign to Splatoon 3 - very good and a huge step up! Note I didn’t play much of the Octo expansion so maybe that was a lot better than the 1/2 campaigns as well but it seemed a bit too hard at the time for me. 


Anyway, this stayed inventive and fresh in its level design all the way through. They could have leaned heavily on certain mechanics for the campaign but instead it’s a consistent switch up. Though I wouldn’t have minded more stages designed around grapple platforming. 


Its also a good mix of regular stages and optional challenge stages and exploring the hubs which gets you into a good addictive groove clearing out the maps. 


The story is um, uh, yeah. It’s weird. By the end it’s honestly just bat shit insane in a way that almost makes Kirby blush.


All the boss fights see good but this is a game where the end boss reallt is a highlight and I am very very picky with bosses and often hate them.


Looks nice visually in the way that Splatoon does with its ink looking especially vivid on the oled switch display. Still not what I’m looking for visually with the series in SP, I’d love them to have stages that looked more like the multiplayer hub, but I do notice that runs at 30fps instead of 60fps like the rest of the game, maybe on Switch 2 they can do that.


I hope people play the campaign and that Nintendo doesn’t lose sight on making this a quality multiplayer and single player series.





Steel Assault

Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom

Star Wars Fallen Jedi

Life is Strange True Colors

Metroid Dread

Metal Slug 2

Capcom Beat Em Up Bundle (played through em all)

Mafia Definitive Edition

Elden Ring

Dying Light 2

Horizon: Forbidden West

Kirby: GOTY Edition

Goblin Sword

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Oli Oli World

Sonic Colors

Pokemon Legends

Mail Mole

Grapple Dog

Megaman x4

Megaman x7

AC Valhalla (incl  paris and ireland dlc!)


Toree 3D

Toree 2

Klonoa 2022 remaster

Klonoa 2 remaster

Sonic Adventure

Sonic Triple Trouble Remake

Saints Row

Splatoon 3


You're on a freakin roll with beating games. 

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