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Senator John McCain, great American, war hero, amazing human being, badass, dies at 81

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I am not going to get sanctimonious about making jokes at his expense. Because lord knows I've made some pretty tasteless jokes. But in the age of Trump, and with the things McCain has done in his life, I have little interest in saying anything other than I respect him for the good things he did in his life.


It's actually a pretty sad commentary on the GOP that they went from McCain to Trump in only 8 years. In the historical view, that may be the definitive encapsulation of ODS.

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3 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


Skipping the Vietnam war was the only good deed of Trump’s life, so that means he has one more good deed than McCain

He voted against ACA repeal when it mattered (though throwing hundreds of thousands of people off Medicaid would have been lulsy to explain how that's the Democrats fault, but they'd sure give it a go)

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4 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

He voted against ACA repeal when it mattered (though throwing hundreds of thousands of people off Medicaid would have been lulsy to explain how that's the Democrats fault, but they'd sure give it a go)


That’s the best you can come up with?  McCain didn’t give a shit about the people who would be screwed over.  McCain voted no because he wanted everyone to kiss his ass one more time before he died. 

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1 minute ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


That’s the best you can come up with?  McCain didn’t give a shit about the people who would be screwed over.  McCain voted no because he wanted everyone to kiss his ass one more time before he died. 

I really don't give a shit why he did what he did. 

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McCain-Feingold, opposition to torture, his previous efforts toward comprehensive immigration reform and the ability for us to view this video were all good deeds.


I'm in the camp that he's overrated and is not the amazing person many liberals think he is (or feel they're supposed to think he is), but the hyperbole and attempts at edginess are lolzy.

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Just now, RedSoxFan9 said:

It’s very nice to see he opposed torture while supporting every war and wanting the US to be involved in more wars. 


So we're moving from "He committed no good deeds" to "Well he did but he was a war hawk." Glad to see we're in agreement.

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Just now, SaysWho? said:


So we're moving from "He committed no good deeds" to "Well he did but he was a war hawk." Glad to see we're in agreement.


Or his opposition to torture was hollow when he also supported maiming and killing innocent people on the other side of the world. 

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53 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


That’s the best you can come up with?  McCain didn’t give a shit about the people who would be screwed over.  McCain voted no because he wanted everyone to kiss his ass one more time before he died. 


My first post was the correct response to someone like McCain. I agree with you - he's a war hawk who has sanctioned some terrible shit. We can even disagree with how the man should be perceived, fine. 


But your responses? I mean, c'mon man. Don't be a piece of shit. This isn't Dana Rorhbacher here, where I might enjoy his suffering something since he's a traitor to his country. 

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10 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


My first post was the correct response to someone like McCain. I agree with you - he's a war hawk who has sanctioned some terrible shit. We can even disagree with how the man should be perceived, fine. 


But your responses? I mean, c'mon man. Don't be a piece of shit. This isn't Dana Rorhbacher here, where I might enjoy his suffering something since he's a traitor to his country. 


I hope you have a stroke.

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14 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


What does that even mean


plural noun: statesmen
  1. a skilled, experienced, and respected political leader or figure.
    synonyms: senior politician, respected political figure, elder statesman, political leader, national leader
    "Franklin was the great statesman of his day"
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I don't like the guy, I don't agree with everything he did, but I can acknowledge the good. 


But I'm not going to try to look cool and edgy and act gleeful over his death. Brain cancer is a tough way to go, but he's 82, which means he gone a lot farther than some people do. I'm sorry for his family, but it's part of life. I'm neither sad, nor happy. I'll be going to work tonight to care for the sick and the dying who don't get news coverage.

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