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Can France Resist the Woke invasion?

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I think they took the issue with the noncompliant part. That was offensive. 

We still use terms like diabetic all the time, though. That’s never going to change. 


Aaah. I've got no skin in the game with "noncompliant" as a term.


I checked with my wife and the way she's been trained to do it, they'd refer to the patient themselves as "a patient with diabetes" though if they were doing clinical notes or something they might write "49 year old diabetic" or something. In her experience it's mainly an age difference as to who uses what and in what context, and obviously this isn't universal. It seems to be more common with mental issues, in that more people would not refer to "a 49 year old autistic" and would say something like "a 49 year old patient with autism," etc.

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4 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:


Man I could go for a whole pizza. I actually make my own sometimes, my dough will cold ferment for 3 days before using it and it's👌


Is this racist?


I haven't made my own pizza dough since the start of the pandemic, back when I was twelve. I'm traveling and out about as much as I was then, but I guess I wasn't quite as busy with work at the time since the whole working from home thing wasn't fully ironed out. So many pointless meetings with management while I sat there kneading dough.


I could really go for some pizza now.

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14 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


Aaah. I've got no skin in the game with "noncompliant" as a term.


I checked with my wife and the way she's been trained to do it, they'd refer to the patient themselves as "a patient with diabetes" though if they were doing clinical notes or something they might write "49 year old diabetic" or something. In her experience it's mainly an age difference as to who uses what and in what context, and obviously this isn't universal. It seems to be more common with mental issues, in that more people would not refer to "a 49 year old autistic" and would say something like "a 49 year old patient with autism," etc.

Yeah, I can get that, more so with the mental health disorders. But it just kinda is what it is. Honestly, I probably use both terms all the time. 

But the noncompliant part is just dumb. There’s no other way to put it. They told me it was offensive because no one is truly noncompliant, they just don’t know better or are unable to do better. I largely call bullshit there. See my patient  consuming massive amounts of carbs. 

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2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

It’s also worth remembering what caused these incidents to occur: a potential flashing (in certain contexts) of a white supremacy hand gesture and potentially some white guy using the n word. Proper investigations in these cases would probably have cleared both of these men.

But what is the alternative? That white and white passing guys can just apparently throw the n word around or flash white supremacy symbols? Nah I don’t want to live in that world (any more brazenly that is)

I think you're letting the online mob off the hook for the SDGE firing. The guy has a segment in a doc that is on Hulu that goes over what happened to him. 


As for the alternative, what's wrong with not jumping to conclusions and investigating things thoroughly in the face of public pressure? For instance, when I get cut off in traffic or someone does something stupid while I'm driving, I instinctually throw the "Okay" sign. Like "okay, buddy, good fucking job you idiot" but because I'm white passing (Mom is an Indonesian immigrant), if someone sees that and shares it, I could be labeled a white supremacist. That world seems fucked up in a very different way than what you're describing as the world you don't want to live in. 

  • stepee 1
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I’m not going to watch some Hulu doc on something I don’t care about and isn’t a major issue and the so called mob is not even referenced in the article you posted. 

in certain contexts the ok sign is a white supremacy symbol so blame those assholes for picking it up and using it and not people who are concerned about racists in the community. I’m white as can be and have no concern about any so called woke mob. 

two cases of something is close enough to zero for me to not give a shit about. Continually blown out of proportion by right wingers who want to split the working class along racial lines by invoking bias against “the other”

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8 hours ago, sblfilms said:

Run away wokeism can be both real and consequential while also being a bogeyman. I don’t think you have to choose sides.


I agree with this. I'll add that like all other internet terms like this, the problem with terms like "woke" is that by it's very nature it means almost anything. The term can be coopted by anyone by merely declaring that their beliefs are "woke" beliefs, even if the majority of people who also claim to be "woke" wouldn't agree with it. So nailing it down is almost inherently impossible.


I think the closest you can get to for a universal definition of woke is a set of beliefs and ethics that are geared toward fighting perceived injustices toward minorities or other groups who have faced oppression now or in the past like women. Naturally, some people's beliefs that they would identify as woke beliefs can be utterly broken. They may have beliefs that injustices exists where they do not, or they can advocate responses that are counter productive, or they can advocate beliefs about the world because they think the beliefs would imply better social outcomes rather than because they're true.


That last issue is probably the one I've most commonly seen go too far from people who call themselves woke. In particular, the majority of time someone starts talking about "other ways of knowing" as a contrast to science, they're about to say something super fucking stupid like advocating that belief in magic is valid. The fundamental issue with this whole position is you shouldn't believe things because you think the social outcome is useful, you should believe things because you think they're likely true. If you want to make positive change in the world, it's usually a pretty good idea to reason from truth (or as close as we can get).


I've also anecdotally heard of some stories about companies hiring anti-racism training organizations whose training has some pretty questionable practices. While I think some degree of anti-racism training is potentially good, you can absolutely do this badly. But these are anecdotal stories and although I trust the sources, I can't readily verify the actual events, so I'll abstain from citing them explicitly here.



In short, my general position is that most "woke" action is pretty good and republicans absolutely make it a bogeyman, but that like most unorganized groups in life, there is the fringe that sucks.

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:

Complaining about wokeism is like complaining about the cases where a seatbelt kills someone rather than saves them--these situations exist, but are few and far between compared to the benefit of openly addressing injustice.


It’s like all this shit, they are supposed to care because one or two incidents of literally anything is a slippery slope to whatever imagined hellscape right wing grifters can implant in the minds of people dumb enough to fall for it.

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Why I resigned from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

It is to sign on, enthusiastically, to a radical political agenda that originated on Ivy League campuses in the United States and spread through American social media platforms that monetize outrage and stoke societal divisions. It is to pretend that the “woke” worldview is near universal — even if it is far from popular with those you know, and speak to, and interview, and read.

To work at the CBC now is to accept the idea that race is the most significant thing about a person, and that some races are more relevant to the public conversation than others. It is, in my newsroom, to fill out racial profile forms for every guest you book; to actively book more people of some races and less of others.

To work at the CBC is to submit to job interviews that are not about qualifications or experience — but instead demand the parroting of orthodoxies, the demonstration of fealty to dogma.

It is to become less adversarial to government and corporations and more hostile to ordinary people with ideas that Twitter doesn’t like.

It is to endlessly document microaggressions but pay little attention to evictions; to spotlight company’s political platitudes but have little interest in wages or working conditions. It is to allow sweeping societal changes like lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and school closures to roll out — with little debate. To see billionaires amass extraordinary wealth and bureaucrats amass enormous power — with little scrutiny. And to watch the most vulnerable among us die of drug overdoses — with little comment.

It is to consent to the idea that a growing list of subjects are off the table, that dialogue itself can be harmful. That the big issues of our time are all already settled.

It is to capitulate to certainty, to shut down critical thinking, to stamp out curiosity. To keep one’s mouth shut, to not ask questions, to not rock the boat.

This, while the world burns.

How could good journalism possibly be done under such conditions? How could any of this possibly be healthy for society?

All of this raises larger questions about the direction that North America is headed. Questions about this new moment we are living through — and its impact on the body politic. On class divisions, and economic inequality. On education. On mental health. On literature, and comedy. On science. On liberalism, and democracy.


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37 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

A lot of words that say nothing


Also, while it's hard to actually get their meaning through that giant ramble, it kind of sounds like they are complaining about DEI initiatives (trying to actively measure what % guests are from historically marginalized groups, raise that %, etc).

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On 12/13/2021 at 11:44 AM, mclumber1 said:


Is there anything inherently wrong with insisting that immigrants assimilate to the prevailing culture of the country they moved to?  

Of course not. Otherwise it’s suicide. How did that work out for the Native Americans?

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It kind of seems like the things the right is really concerned about and the terms they use for it like wokeism, social justice warriors, tree huggers, blm, antifa, etc, that it’s not that they are using these terms ironically or anything just that they are against the ideas of social justice and awareness, hate the environment and black lives, and enjoy fascists.


It’s just constantly calling themselves out but they somehow get people to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they just mean some really bad examples they are concerned about or that they are being ironic with the terms. Believe people when they tell you who they are and all that jazz.

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12 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Anything that adds a person of colour (or person from the LGBTQ+ community, etc) is "woke," and therefore bad.

"Woke" is just catch all for "shit I dont understand and/or dont agree with" by folks who I can only describe as sentient foreskin. 

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1 hour ago, SimpleG said:

"Woke" is just catch all for "shit I dont understand and/or dont agree with" by folks who I can only describe as sentient foreskin. 


When a conservative complains about wokeness, it means they're triggered.

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Here is a video I found earlier today about how the Middle-earth Amazon series will fail (tl;dw it's because POC will be in it)




In case you don't want to watch, this is a pretty small video (only <6k views) that somehow made it into my feed, but I thought I'd give it a bash. He starts by saying "it's not going to be faithful to the source material," so I thought "weird, since we know almost nothing about the story, but alright." Turns out the argument basically boils down to "it's going to suck because they have to put people of color in middle-earth these days." The dude gives a detailed account of how Tolkien "intended" for Middle-earth to be a sort of stand in for native English mythology (which is bullshit), and also says that somehow Beowulf doesn't count as English mythology because it was brought over to England by the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes? But also Tolkien using Anglo-Saxon as the basis for Rohirric *does* make THAT English.


Anyway whatever, the point is he is saying without saying that having people of color in Middle-earth ruins it. And the comment section on that video is ridiculous. There's someone else bitching about how The Witcher had people of color in it. Like somehow this TV fantasy series about a made up land that doesn't exist somehow diminishes Slavic culture.


I'm sure having black people play orcs is totally fine, though.


Side note: Tolkien also very rarely gave detailed physical descriptions of his characters. The Orcs, for example, are never described as dark-skinned, that's just the way they've always been portrayed. Tolkien never even tells us Legolas' hair color - that was just a movie invention (also whether Elves have pointy ears isn't fully clear). No mention is ever given to the skin color of Dwarves, or really anything about them other than their stature and their beards. And while the Gondorians of Numenorean descent were described as "fair-skinned," it doesn't say anything about all the other people of Gondor.



I... uh... :nerd:

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Just now, Fizzzzle said:

In case you don't want to watch, this is a pretty small video (only <6k views) that somehow made it into my feed, but I thought I'd give it a bash


This is how the youtube radicalization rabbit hole works, this time next week you'll be writing up heyyoudvd-length screeds on the purity of the white race.

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6 hours ago, SimpleG said:

"Woke" is just catch all for "shit I dont understand and/or dont agree with" by folks who I can only describe as sentient foreskin. 


Furthermore it's used in a racist way. Woke was slang generally used by black people. But white people decided to adopt the term and apply it to anything regarding equal rights or common sense.

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