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The Expanse season 6 episode 1 is available NOW!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I meant to share this earlier by the way, I think the additional footage is all actually quite good and definitely worth at least taking the time to watch. I assume this is footage they couldn't find time to fit into the six episodes - each short comes after the end chronologically in the story of its respective episode, just keep in mind.



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On 1/3/2022 at 7:29 PM, Greatoneshere said:

Is anyone else watching? Episode 4 just dropped, it's been a very compelling season so far but not sure how they wrap up everything satisfyingly in just two more episodes.


This was my thought watching episode 4 too. I'm not really sure what they're planning on here unless the last two episodes are going to be double-length, which I somehow doubt.

  • stepee 1
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After last night's episode I think I'm seeing how they're going to end it now but I still think it's gonna be a little rushed? Although based on secondhand information via reddit from a YouTuber who's seen the whole thing they either absolutely nail the landing, or they are in fact going to continue things past this season somehow. Maybe the movies will be continuations instead of one-offs? 

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Just finished my seasons 1-5 rewatch with my wife, who hadn’t seen it. It is sometimes hard to tell if she actually likes something or if she is being nice because I recommended it.


When Amos tells Prax “You’re not that guy” and sends him to deal with the kids, my wife yells “But Amos is!” right before he delivers his signature line of the series to Dr. Strickland. That is when I realized she was really into it ❤️


I will say, season 4 is harder to get through the second time knowing how much time is wasted on all the settlers vs RCE stuff, but it does have some good stuff. I also hate Bobbie’s sidelining the whole season.


Season 5 is clearly the best season. It is incredible from start to finish. Not a bit of waste. And it is the season that best handles the crew being split up. You feel their longing to be together.


My season rankings from best to worst








5 and 2 are basically perfect, 1 and 3 are really great. I probably would skip season 4 other than a couple of episodes if I rewatched again. Really a disappointment.

Gonna wait for the final episode to drop and they blast through the final season in one go.

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So, that's the finale - I really liked it, except it absolutely does not work as a series finale. It felt like the end of another season and that we'll get more. Those spin-off movies better happen because while a great finale for the season, I'm not sure how well it works after living with these characters for 6 seasons. Nothing bad at all, loved everything, but it all felt more functional than emotional. Wonder what other people thought.

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7 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

So, that's the finale - I really liked it, except it absolutely does not work as a series finale. It felt like the end of another season and that we'll get more. Those spin-off movies better happen because while a great finale for the season, I'm not sure how well it works after living with these characters for 6 seasons. Nothing bad at all, loved everything, but it all felt more functional than emotional. Wonder what other people thought.


Note that the episode description refers to it as the "thrilling SEASON finale", not "series finale"...

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The ending of the war by Marco just getting disintegrated by the ring was kind of anticlimactic. 


And what was up with the stuff on the planet with the freaky dogs?


Definitely feels like the plans for a ten episode season got compressed into six. 

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13 hours ago, Jason said:

The ending of the war by Marco just getting disintegrated by the ring was kind of anticlimactic. 


And what was up with the stuff on the planet with the freaky dogs?


Definitely feels like the plans for a ten episode season got compressed into six. 


I actually thought his death was cool - his own hubris kills him via crazy space stuff, which is very on brand for The Expanse. And yeah, planet with aliens having arrived was clearly more happening there.

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22 minutes ago, Captain Pickle said:

Yay for spoilers. Thanks guys!


I mean, you are coming in to an up to date thread for the final season of The Expanse after the episode has dropped. Why would you enter such a thread knowing that without having seen the episode first? We're obviously going to be openly talking about it, I'm not spoiler alerting each post I make in such a thread.

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3 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


I mean, you are coming in to an up to date thread for the final season of The Expanse after the episode has dropped. Why would you enter such a thread knowing that without having seen the episode first? We're obviously going to be openly talking about it, I'm not spoiler alerting each post I make in such a thread.

That's why I waited until I finished the last episode of Season 6 before reading this thread. I literally just finished the last episode as of ten minutes ago.


This series is probably one of my favorite in all of science fiction because it doesn't play "let's use the techno thingie to recalibrate the whatsihoosit" like Star Trek does all the time (even though I love Star Trek, nor does it use space magic to explain anything unless the space magic is speculative science that might or might not be actually possible. Every episode I've watched, I've held onto the edge of my seat because anything can happen, and anyone can die.


The magic space dogs thing still made no sense to me, but I suspect they're setting up Season 7.

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27 minutes ago, brucoe said:

The magic space dogs thing still made no sense to me, but I suspect they're setting up Season 7.


Well as of right now there's no season 7, that's why a lot of what they've done with this season is confusing. The movies may wind up not being one-offs though.

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Great season, but yeah, it feels like there's much more to tell here. Especially with the dog stuff just kind of hanging out there and ending with no follow up.


My understanding is the books after this point have a 30 year gap, but maybe they'll do something different for the show with movies etc.

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Outside of the questionable inclusion of the Laconia scenes this was a strong season and good end to what they had built up to in terms of the belt vs the inners that had been going since the start of the series. All the characters had clear motivations, goals, and well used screen time for the limited amount of episodes we had.


Overall the series will likely go down as one of the all time great Sci-fi shows. Branching storylines with lots of interesting characters, well integrated politics and world building.


The real triumph of the series though is its commitment to showing hard scifi space travel/battles. The battles in particular are master class efforts in storytelling, being able to show the incredible speed that everything happens at while still making it clear what is actually going on is something that no other live action show that I can think of has even attempted. Even other shows that use full Newtonian physics like Babylon 5 and the BSG reboot still have ships flying around at what looks a few hundred mph not blink and a ship has gone from right next to you to out of visual range like we get in the Expanse. On top of that they were able to make each battle unique with its own interesting tactic or circumstance and not just shoot more better than the other guy.

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Finished season 6. Another strong season, and a fine conclusion to the story arcs of both 1-6, and the smaller arc of 4-6. I am glad for more adventures in the future films though. Such a rich world!

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  • 2 months later...

Quick question: I looked online for any hard evidence that spin off films are definitely guaranteed and all I found were vague statements from showrunner Naren Shankar and book authors/episode writers Ty Franck and Daniel Abraham to ScreenRant and EW. Does anyone have anything that confirms such films are happening? I'm pretty skeptical. Which is a shame, because as good as season 6 was, including the Laconia plotline and going somewhat fast through wrapping things up for the whole show in the epilogue, it felt like we need more. 

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Just finished the last season. We were saving it. 

It nailed it as usual, this time with fewer episodes, but they somehow managed to pace it perfectly while allowing the audience time to continue connecting with all the characters. That takes some real fucking talent to be able to have this many pieces moving and make it work.  It shows my fears of fewer episodes was overblown. 

I hope there’s more obviously, but I cannot find anything to confirm it for sure, and there is no evidence regarding how popular the show is with viewers that I could find in an initial search. 

This goes down with Battlestar as one of the greatest sci fi shows ever made. 

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On 3/28/2022 at 7:36 PM, Greatoneshere said:

Quick question: I looked online for any hard evidence that spin off films are definitely guaranteed and all I found were vague statements from showrunner Naren Shankar and book authors/episode writers Ty Franck and Daniel Abraham to ScreenRant and EW. Does anyone have anything that confirms such films are happening? I'm pretty skeptical. Which is a shame, because as good as season 6 was, including the Laconia plotline and going somewhat fast through wrapping things up for the whole show in the epilogue, it felt like we need more. 

I’m skeptical we will get more based on my findings, but based on the Laconia scenes someone must want to make more. It appears they’re talking, but if the numbers weren’t there for the show, then I doubt they’ll do it. 

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