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American hiring managers are enraged that job seekers are ghosting them

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My, how the tables have turned.



In today's topsy-turvy job market, a strange new thing is happening. Employers are increasingly grumbling about job seekers "ghosting" them. These job candidates just don't show up for their scheduled interviews. And in some cases, new hires accept a job only to disappear.


Here's some of what I've heard from managers:



I'm in the medical field and this is happening to us to for the past year 6–12 months. Being ghosted for interviews, people not responding. Five people scheduled to interview, but one shows up. We've even hired people who didn't show up in the first day or didn't return for the second. Nurses and front office positions. It's unreal.



I'm hiring for multiple hourly entry-level manufacturing jobs, well above local minimum wage with PTO, benefits, etc. If I reach out for a brief phone interview, only 50 percent respond. If I set up the interview, it's no longer shocking when someone doesn't answer the phone. … THEN once I offer a job … nothing. No response. I don't get it.



Employers, unsurprisingly, do not like this. It's rude, they say, and unprofessional. And sure, it is. But employers have been doing this to workers for years, and their hand-wringing didn't start until the tables were turned.


For years I've fielded questions from job seekers frustrated at being ghosted by job interviewers. They would take time off from work, maybe buy a new suit, spend time interviewing—often doing second, third, and even fourth rounds of interviews—and then never hear from the employer again. 



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I’m hiring for multiple hourly entry-level manufacturing jobs, well above local minimum wage with PTO, benefits, etc. If I reach out for a brief phone interview, only 50 percent respond. If I set up the interview, it’s no longer shocking when someone doesn’t answer the phone. … THEN once I offer a job … nothing. No response. I don’t get it.



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Unemployment only lasts so long. If you're one of the people that got laid off for lockdown last March, you're almost assuredly locked out of it unless you match certain criteria.


For me personally, when my job asked me to come back, I said no, so they said "alright, we never had this conversation." When they asked the second time, they weren't asking. If I said no again, I would have lost my unemployment benefits. Maybe it varies a bit by state, but in general you can't refuse work and continue to receive benefits. So the assholes saying "people aren't going back to work because they'd rather be on unemployment" are full of shit.


Plus, I was receiving something like $515/week which was nearly the max allowed, even with pandemic assistance.


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A lot of businesses in my area have started adding the extra incentive of a sign on bonus. Warehouse jobs offering a few thousand, even the McDonald's by me is offering a couple hundred. I could easily see someone taking a job and then immediately ghosting when they see they can get a bigger bonus somewhere else instead. 

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22 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


Yes, it's so silly too because we know how many people are on unemployment and it doesn't make up the difference.

Also there is no federal boost anymore and state benefits would have ran out long ago. 

But yeah it must be the lazy slobs being lazy and not that people don't wanna work part time on call with a constantly changing schedule at garbage salaries. 

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3 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

Also there is no federal boost anymore and state benefits would have ran out long ago. 

But yeah it must be the lazy slobs being lazy and not that people don't wanna work part time on call with a constantly changing schedule at garbage salaries. 


I'm working full time from home. Luckily, that means my wife and I can both still work. Lucky because we had a nanny pre-COVID. She took some classes during lockdown and found a new job. If I wasn't able to work from home, one of us would be out of the job market taking care of our kids. We'd just have to make due until our youngest was old enough for preschool...assuming we'd even find an opening. Unfortunately, preschools and daycares in my area all have waiting lists a mile long because the number of people working at these places are decreased, dramatically. That's also driven up the prices in my area. Childcare was already expensive as all hell before COVID, now it's nearly untenable. I'm not even going to broach the topic of my autistic daughter and the crazy prices that would be associated with her care. She was accepted to a preschool that came out to like 75% of my wife's check and was nearly an hour away. Yeah, that'll work out.

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