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Devil May Cry 5 OT - Three's Company

Commissar SFLUFAN

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On 2/7/2019 at 5:50 PM, Dre801 said:

Never got into this franchise, but tried the first demo.  It was OK.  Power went out when I was fighting the boss and I never went back and tried again.


It's weird... I played, beat and loved the first one but ignored the second. I bought the third when it came out but just couldn't get into it, preferring God of War and Ninja Gaiden. Might be time to revisit this series... there's some cool ideas here.

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:


It's weird... I played, beat and loved the first one but ignored the second. I bought the third when it came out but just couldn't get into it, preferring God of War and Ninja Gaiden. Might be time to revisit this series... there's some cool ideas here.

There was a second DMC?

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1 hour ago, SFLUFAN said:

HDR is broken on the PC anyway so who cares? :p


No, it's not. I assure you. It was only only broken in non-gaming applications, like playing videos, but the October update fixed it even for that. For gaming it's been fine for over a year now.

Plus, HDR on my PG27UQ on BFV, AC Origins, and FC5 looks better than on my LG OLED.

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I hate to say it, but it's not blowing me away so far.  I'm not sure how far into the game I am (fought 7 or 8 bosses, played as both Nero and V) but it all seems kinda...easy.  I was hoping the next DMC would bring the pain in a post-Soulsborne gaming landscape, but it's been a coast so far.  There's lots of style that I can appreciate (riding Nero's rocket arm and stunting on demons hasn't gotten old yet) but as of now I still think Itagaki's Ninja Gaidens have yet to be topped as the most fun/challenging/substantial character action games.

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It looks and runs nice (you can 100% tell it's using the RE engine, the beginning straight up looks like a weird Raccoon City) but I'm also finding it terribly easy, and I picked the hardest difficulty I could to start.


It also feels like you don't get to fight all that much...? By the time I really get going, a combat scenario is over. And I swear you only fight like 6-7 groups of enemies + a boss each chapter, and by "groups" I mean "enough to where I haven't been able to hit SSS all that often simply because everything's dead by the time I get to SS."


Also I really hate playing as V. I hate everything about him. From his look, to his voice that sounds like a shitty ADR to his boring ass playstyle of "spam X and Y while sitting in the back while you get SSS easier than any other character," the fact that they hold playing Dante for so long (I assume, I've only played as Nero and V) for this twat is infuriating. His playstyle could be interesting, I guess, if there was any sort of challenge or strategy to it whatsoever. You can backdodge with his bird for like 2 solid seconds of iframes while still attacking with the panther. It's so dumb.


Not sure how I feel about Nico. She's kinda gross and her voice sucks and she makes weird faces, but there was one scene where she becomes more relatable that I liked.


Also Dante looks fucking weird with real-man face. And his voice is different, so I keep thinking of him as a too-old Dante cosplayer.


The environments have been mostly really bland and pretty weak. DmC blew this shit out of the water in terms of environments so far. And with cooler boss fights. The fight mechanics weren't as deep but I was having more fun at this point. There's not much point in deep mechanics if the game never demands you use them.


Despite that relatively negative take, I've been having a fairly good time, I just want a a bump in difficulty, for V to die a horrible death (I swear to god if he's "V" for something related to Vergil I'll be so pissed) and for better environments. I have no idea how far into the game I am, but I hope I'm like 20% or something, because if this is the game at like 50% then hoo boy, what a let down.

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       - Review is Spoiler free -


I was typing out a more thorough assessment about this game, then Max uploaded a vid essentially summarizing my thoughts, and even echoing much of what I said about this franchise years ago in those DmC vs DMC threads.


I've played a lot of fighters over the years, but slowed down greatly on my frequency of play - I simply just don't have the time to dedicate myself to be really good anymore, and I won't half ass fighters. I'd rather not buy a fighter knowing that.


However, DMC fills that "void" because mechanically it is one of the few action games that you can dive in, like fighters, and get that satisfaction. DMC 3 was the first time when that "clicked" with lots in the community and you thought "Oooh, this is something different.." And it was.


DMC is about mechanics; the game can be played in a variety of ways, and if you choose to laze your way through it, you'll be awarded as such. And like a fighter, if you choose to "get gud", and not play at face value - you'll get a lot out of it. DMC encourages you to tinker, it wants you to "style", and it gives you enough tools to do it your own way.


Also, one of the things I appreciate most, and it's greatly made apparent in this franchise is - when you think you're really good, and you figured out a nice combo/chain, or whatever... you'll come across a True Style compilation of one of the vets and get humbled, similar to playing a top rank player online. 


And that's the experience I like, knowing that "there's a lot more to this thing."


Edit: With that said, I go back to the film board.

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On 3/9/2019 at 12:07 AM, fuckle85 said:

I hate to say it, but it's not blowing me away so far.  I'm not sure how far into the game I am (fought 7 or 8 bosses, played as both Nero and V) but it all seems kinda...easy.  I was hoping the next DMC would bring the pain in a post-Soulsborne gaming landscape, but it's been a coast so far.  There's lots of style that I can appreciate (riding Nero's rocket arm and stunting on demons hasn't gotten old yet) but as of now I still think Itagaki's Ninja Gaidens have yet to be topped as the most fun/challenging/substantial character action games.

I don't have time to really type out my thoughts after a few hours so far but...I think I'm on board with this as well.


I strongly dislike how easy my first playthrough is so far and think it sucks nothing harder was available from the start. Despite still liking the game, I'm surprisingly almost bored a lot between the very boring level design and aesthetic and lack of difficulty. I feel myself often devolving into mashing buttons because the game just isn't challenging me to get creative like, for example, DMC3 did. That game forced me to fully engage and become a fucking stylish killing machine because it was really the only way to get anywhere and still gain a decent amount of orbs. 


My second huge gripe would be the frequency of interruptions and how short many fights feel. I'm not digging how often I'm finding myself feeling like running straight and entering another small cutscene are longer portions of levels/missions than actually engaging in combat. Might be the difficulty thing again, but I keep feeling blue-balled by the encounters. I'm just letting loose and the momentum dies again. While I disliked how much backtracking was involved in earlier titles, at least there were near-constant fights due to respawning enemy mobs which I actually prefer over this alternative. 


It's...very weird for me to say this because I definitely dug the demo a lot and was really psyched to get my hands on it. Quite frankly, I keep thinking about how excited I am to replay DMC3 yet again after I beat this one. The combat is still fucking stellar but many things seem to get in the way. 


Also, why the fuck I can't switch Devil Breakers is beyond me. The game has yet to show me what the purpose of this decision is, what I gain from that tactically. Making me spend orbs on buying new ones which can lead to microtransactions? I have no idea. 


Edit: V fucking sucks. Either I need to git gud, which I don't care for because I think he blows and I want to play as the cool cats instead, or...he really is as lame as I think. 

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V is pretty great, it’s a matter of learning how to play as him, though. He’s very different from the other characters. In terms of difficulty, he’s certainly the most OPed and easiest to get S, SS, and Apocalyptic combo rankings with, though.


BTW, after you beat the game (I did last night) another difficulty opens up and... yea, it’s a lot harder. More difficulty options open after this one too.


Also, there’s a secret ending... not a spoiler but, just in case (how to get it):


Beat Urizen as Nero in the prologue/tutorial... :lol: 


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I miss the days where you would get a list of like top 5 games the reviewer likes of 5 games that makeup what type of games they like. I have a hard time with some game reviewers when I can't figure out what their likes and dislikes are in gaming.


  • stepee 1
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Seriously, V gameplay is the absolute low-point in the entire series for me so far...well, if disregarding DMC2 I guess but I even think I had more fun there for five minutes than with this horseshit. I've even watched combo videos and no, I'm not just playing it wrong, it really does suck this much ass. 


I really want to know why they thought it was a great idea to take away the classic DMC gameplay and substituting a remote-controlled demon simulator for it that feels incredibly unresponsive, weird as fuck and unsatisfying in the middle of a game about ultra-responsive combo-mania. Having to learn, and invest orbs in, a brand new character when the game just finally managed to get going just brought the entire game to a screeching halt for me and the pacing was bad as it is.

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Finished it today. I was surprised at how the story in the third act improved the experience for me as much as it did.  Was tuning everything out until that point, mostly staring blankly at the sensory overload of silly gothic anime bombast that it was, but got much more invested after the big reveal so I think I'll for sure replay it on Son of Sparda mode now to pick up on the moments leading up to that point I might've missed and maybe clarification on some of the stuff that seemed confusing


(where WAS Virgil this entire time?  What happened to him and also Nelo Angelo?) He just shows up in shambles with no backstory of how he ended up in that state?)


Hopefully you get to start out with all weapons unlocked because for whatever reason on first playthrough you don't get everything until almost the very end, and without spoiling too much some of the late game ones are so fun that the notion of playing all the way through again without them until the end is a bummer. 


I agree with most of the criticisms of V in this thread.  For me it just comes down to him not being as engaging to play as.  His style of calmly walking around at a distance watching his summons tear things up looked cool enough, but wasn't as fun as getting right into the action yourself playing as Nero and Dante with their rocket arms and motorcycle swords.  It's a neat idea for a combat system, just not really what I want from a DMC game.  That said, the story made me warm up to V a lot; just kinda wished there were less playable chapters and/or those missions were much shorter.


But as a whole I loved how by the final missions it felt like the gameplay kept getting more and more stylish as I spend more time playing.  Only thing that still annoys me about the normal difficulty mode in DMC5: In a game like DMC 3, you definitely felt more challenged to get good, even on normal, whereas in this one, even though the action IS just as stylish if not more, playing at your best feels optional and you can coast with no penalty, which makes it a bit less rewarding to me. You don't feel nearly as much pressure to be skilled and that's what I miss and hopefully in Son of Sparda mode it won't be the case.  But the combat still impressed me and I noticed every time I would get an A or S I started literally entering a trance like state lol.  Every single time I zoned out I would improve significantly, so from what I can tell even though the difficulty is more forgiving than in previous ones it still seems intentionally designed to reward more style and skill. Based on that I bet the next hardest difficulty mode will be a perfect balance and the harder ones after that will likely be very challenging and rewarding for anyone badass enough to tackle them.






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52 minutes ago, fuckle85 said:

Finished it today. I was surprised at how the story in the third act improved the experience for me as much as it did.  Was tuning everything out until that point, mostly staring blankly at the sensory overload of silly gothic anime bombast that it was, but got much more invested after the big reveal so I think I'll for sure replay it on Son of Sparda mode now to pick up on the moments leading up to that point I might've missed and maybe clarification on some of the stuff that seemed confusing

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(where WAS Virgil this entire time?  What happened to him and also Nelo Angelo?) He just shows up in shambles with no backstory of how he ended up in that state?)


Hopefully you get to start out with all weapons unlocked because for whatever reason on first playthrough you don't get everything until almost the very end, and without spoiling too much some of the late game ones are so fun that the notion of playing all the way through again without them until the end is a bummer. 


I agree with most of the criticisms of V in this thread.  For me it just comes down to him not being as engaging to play as.  His style of calmly walking around at a distance watching his summons tear things up looked cool enough, but wasn't as fun as getting right into the action yourself playing as Nero and Dante with their rocket arms and motorcycle swords.  It's a neat idea for a combat system, just not really what I want from a DMC game.  That said, the story made me warm up to V a lot; just kinda wished there were less playable chapters and/or those missions were much shorter.


But as a whole I loved how by the final missions it felt like the gameplay kept getting more and more stylish as I spend more time playing.  Only thing that still annoys me about the normal difficulty mode in DMC5: In a game like DMC 3, you definitely felt more challenged to get good, even on normal, whereas in this one, even though the action IS just as stylish if not more, playing at your best feels optional and you can coast with no penalty, which makes it a bit less rewarding to me. You don't feel nearly as much pressure to be skilled and that's what I miss and hopefully in Son of Sparda mode it won't be the case.  But the combat still impressed me and I noticed every time I would get an A or S I started literally entering a trance like state lol.  Every single time I zoned out I would improve significantly, so from what I can tell even though the difficulty is more forgiving than in previous ones it still seems intentionally designed to reward more style and skill. Based on that I bet the next hardest difficulty mode will be a perfect balance and the harder ones after that will likely be very challenging and rewarding for anyone badass enough to tackle them.








Yea, I don't think it's explained, even in the comics, how Vergil survived DMC1. It was explained that he was brainwashed and corrupted by Mundus after the events of DMC3 which is how he became Nelo Angelo, though.


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