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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Information Thread, update: New Game+, Audio Descriptions, other new features update releasing on March 7


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5 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Ran into my first glitch which is suprising for a Sony first party game... nothing major but I had to reload a checkpoint due to a bug VERY early in the game.


How are dem visuals? I read its the first true next-gen game visually. 

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6 hours ago, best3444 said:


How are dem visuals? I read its the first true next-gen game visually. 

Looks great to me but I'm not as big a graphics guy as you guys are... some of you guys may think it looks like shit :shrug: I'm not really a fan of Peter's character model though.


3 hours ago, best3444 said:


That would spoil things for me. I'm completely blind going into this. I don't want to even see the city. 

 I went in pretty blind to this game myself only knowng that the Venom symbiote was part of it and that you could play as both Miles and Peter and I'm glad I did. I'm already pleasantly surprised by some of the characters that are teased to be in this including the first villain you fight in the opening. Didn't realize that character was in the game until shortly before I started it. Love going into stuff blind so I can experience it the way the writer's intended.

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Looks great to me but I'm not as big a graphics guy as you guys are... some of you guys may think it looks like shit :shrug: I'm not really a fan of Peter's character model though.


I preferred the original look on Spider-Man 2018. They changed it to this new one with the remaster and I wasn't a fan either. 

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53 minutes ago, Brick said:

I never liked how they changed the look of Peter. By the time I get a PS5 and play Miles Morales, and SM2 it's going to be a while for me to get used to it. 


Peter just doesn't look right. I am really confused why they felt the need to change his look. 

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3 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Looks great to me but I'm not as big a graphics guy as you guys are... some of you guys may think it looks like shit :shrug: I'm not really a fan of Peter's character model though.


 I went in pretty blind to this game myself only knowng that the Venom symbiote was part of it and that you could play as both Miles and Peter and I'm glad I did. I'm already pleasantly surprised by some of the characters that are teased to be in this including the first villain you fight in the opening. Didn't realize that character was in the game until shortly before I started it. Love going into stuff blind so I can experience it the way the writer's intended.


Anyone who thinks this looks like shit is out of their damn minds! That opening was astonishing on a technical level, Insomniac FLEXING. Now we know who Sony can use if they ever need an old style God of War game.

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:


Peter just doesn't look right. I am really confused why they felt the need to change his look. 


They said the new face better matches the actor's performance. Not sure how that all works with performance capture. I guess the new face is more closely resembling the actor's own face, which with bone structure and all that maybe makes it look more natural. 

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Just played for about 1.5hrs on my projector and it looks wonderful. I kept seeing 3D audio and was expecting Atmos sound, but for the first time my 3D Auro Sound format. First time seeing this available on my Denon receiver and it too sounds great. I’m a bit rusty, a little stoned and also battled 2 golden retrievers seeking attention while playing from on my bed. Playing on Amazing difficulty and seems like the right amount of challenge for me for when I shake off most of this rust. 

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It really is a true current gen upgrade here damn. The density and detail level  upgrades along with the new lighting system which looks fantastic, it all looks so much more alive and like a real city. What they are doing with the interior views is great. And damn it is so FAST. You cover so much ground so quickly here. The 120hz uncapped fidelity mode is working great and what I plan to stick with. They are so good with hair omg.


Story is off to an a great start. I like this universe better than any of the movie ones. Gliding is fun and doesn’t take away from swinging but just becomes another element of it all. This is good shit.



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1 hour ago, silentbob said:

Just played for about 1.5hrs on my projector and it looks wonderful. I kept seeing 3D audio and was expecting Atmos sound, but for the first time my 3D Auro Sound format. First time seeing this available on my Denon receiver and it too sounds great. I’m a bit rusty, a little stoned and also battled 2 golden retrievers seeking attention while playing from on my bed. Playing on Amazing difficulty and seems like the right amount of challenge for me for when I shake off most of this rust. 

That's awesome! 

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26 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Um… just finished the opening set over and I was not expecting 

  Reveal hidden contents

which I was easily reminded of.


That was what I was thinking the whole time, and that Insomnaic was just waiving its dick in everyone’s face, ridiculous opening.


Everything about this game looks so damn expensive but judging by their efficiency, Insomniac is getting you about double for your dollar compared to most other devs.

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I played up to the mission when 


Peter sees Harry and venture back to their old high school. After that it switches back to Miles and I’ve just been fucking around finding parts, taking pics Ms fighting crime. 

I don’t wanna rush through this but I also wanna upgrade everything before these missions. More time will be played tomorrow but it’s 1am

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6 hours ago, stepee said:

It really is a true current gen upgrade here damn. The density and detail level  upgrades along with the new lighting system which looks fantastic, it all looks so much more alive and like a real city. What they are doing with the interior views is great. And damn it is so FAST. You cover so much ground so quickly here. The 120hz uncapped fidelity mode is working great and what I plan to stick with. They are so good with hair omg.


Story is off to an a great start. I like this universe better than any of the movie ones. Gliding is fun and doesn’t take away from swinging but just becomes another element of it all. This is good shit.



I’m running in the 40fps locked VRR fidelity mode. The only complaint I can make, and this is me nitpicking because I’m sensitive to it: the game is definitely using FSR and there’s some ghosting with movement occasionally, BUT, it seems to only happen in cutscenes so it’s not a huge deal. Game definitely looks great, best way I can describe it is “the previous games PS5 version, but cranked up further.”

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Game really looks great overall, though sometimes the characters look strangely out of place during cutscenes; Spidey seems like he's not sticking to the wall, he's kinda hovering near it. Something about MJ and even Peter look off compared to the last game? I can't put my finger on it. Peter's mouth looks weird or something. It's not consistent though, Miles looks great, as so all of the villains I've seen up close so far. The occasional differences in character fidelity are really obvious sometimes. It's fine when you're on the street or something, but when you're in class with Miles, the other kids in the room suffer from an obvious case of "not a main character" deficiency. :p 


I've also had to restart from checkpoint 5 times on a couple side missions / crimes, where I smack enemies around and they clip into the environment or into a place I can't reach so I can't complete the quest. And despite only being maybe 4 hours in and only having been through a few of the neighborhoods, I have stopped identical crimes and car chases more a couple times already. Hopefully just a matter of me playing around before things really open up.


Other than that, really really enjoying it. Haven't messed around with too many quests or progressed the story super far, just having fun derping around the city. The traversal is great, as usual. The combat is fun so far, even without many options unlocked. Also enjoying the early game where the most effective ways to clear goons is to punch them off buildings / into water. They didn't die from that, I swear! Pete and Miles have great vibes, and the rest of the supporting cast is good also. Just fun to be playing one of these again.

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17 minutes ago, Firewithin said:

still early in the game but these set pieces are out of this world. 


unlocked a couple fast travels and it works so good. I just get lost doing the district activities and swinging around


I've done 2 set pieces and they've been terrific.


The story stakes in the second one were great.


There's also something different about the combat camera which I like. It feels more dynamic? Something like that, but it's pretty good stuff.


Also, the graphics are sneaking up on me. At first, I saw Norman Osborn, and he looked much like he did in the first game, or so I thought. But the more I see, with the set pieces and the water and the amount going on at once... the graphics impress me more and more.

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