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Let's buy stepee some groceries


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Thank you so much everyone, it really means a lot to me, and just all the support in my thread throughout this. I know I have so much work ahead but you guys help give me the energy to get up and do this shit.


I told my family about this and they are very touched as well. Besides my Dad who likes to make every nice thing bad in life so he complained there wouldn’t be enough fridge room before I could explain more.

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Everything is put away! I checked the list and all items received as ordered!


Things I will be having tonight:


Strawberries, grapes, and cheddar for desert.


I will snack on some mango slices and some skinny pop.


Using uber eats card for some sort of dinner undecided yet unless i’m hungry too late then I will eat the enchiladas most likely. 


Things I might not eat: Everything seems great besides i do hate bananas. I will try one, maybe try cutting some up w the granola along with strawberry, but I’ll prob give most to my Dad.


Question: Idea is I eat granola with the ripple milk and some of the fruits right?



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27 minutes ago, Chris- said:

Or the lack of syrup for the waffles, but I thought you might already have syrup. BUT those might be really awesome with some cream cheese (worth trying!)


ACTUALLY, he seemed pretty good with the order. He likes whole foods and idk, the order was actually really good like as in a good sensible mix of kinda junk snack food and much healthier than I normally eat.


I just realized I quoted the wrong one if your posts, but look I’m finally buzzing on some herb and I’m not gonna change it. 

BUT I can’t believe I didn’t think that I need to get some syrup, we should be able to grab a bottle after my surgeon visit tomorrow!

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11 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:

How about cucumbers?



lol I'm so late to this thread


I mean cucumbers are fantastic also. Like I love cucumber tomato onion and feta salad and also peeling off the rind and then thinly chopping an english cucumber and then soaking the slices in balasmaic vinegar overnight then pouring out the excess vinegar and eating it cold is really nice.

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YESSSSSzz. I got the remaining portion in Safeway as that’s where I do my normal shopping and figure i’ll do s couple more practical shops and more ubereats which I will be using a lot of. You guys will be basic giving me presents every day for the next couple weeks with fun food stuff.


Also Chris approved me getting Pokémon Snap as well as part of it. @GameDadGrant


I know it will go along great with warioware as fun kinda zone out while watching tv games and I’ve been really wanting to play it but I never can get myself to pull the trigger, so I’m really happy about that last one .


Sincerely, thank again everyone, <3<3


Oh also I ate the jalapeño lime late july chips in one sitting, whoops. They really do seem like a cool ranch replacement with a little kick more so then a more boring kind of straight jalapeño flavor.




  • stepee 4
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REALLY enjoyed the breakfast you guys got me this morning. Omelette with ham, bacon, mushroom, onion, bell pepper, american and swiss cheese. W/ hash browns, biscuit and melted butter, and a side of potatoes o’brien. Ordered it from a place I’ve never had before and was very pleased by both the portion sizes and the quality.


Also finished up the strawberries which were delightful!


  • stepee 2
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27 minutes ago, stepee said:

REALLY enjoyed the breakfast you guys got me this morning. Omelette with ham, bacon, mushroom, onion, bell pepper, american and swiss cheese. W/ hash browns, biscuit and melted butter, and a side of potatoes o’brien. Ordered it from a place I’ve never had before and was very pleased by both the portion sizes and the quality.


Also finished up the strawberries which were delightful!


How’s Pokémon Snap?

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