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baby left in hot car


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9 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Unfortunately people actually forget their small children in cars all the time. It's sad when there's tragic outcomes.

A few car manufacturers have added messages on screen when you turn your car off the check the back. It is there to help avoid such situations where people legit forget.

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That's just crazy to me. I never let my kids out of my sight until they had mobility and could communicate effectively. When you decide to have a kid, its all on you. Life is hard as hell and no one cares you decided to make a person so its your job to have a plan and a backup plan. That said, I'm a fortunate person. So I have a fortunate person's view point. I've heard of situations where you have a crazy tired single parent working multiple jobs to support their kids and frankly their brains break a bit. So they're tying to shop for food between jobs and other responsibilities and they just fuck up, leaving the kid in the car while they shop. Other times its discovered later that it might have been intentional as some parents are not mentally stable and things go dark. Its all really awful any which way. 

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I mean, this story is different than the typical hot car story. They admit that they left the kid in the car while they went shopping. The usual story is more along the lines of “I forgot the kid was even there” stuff.


Years ago a friend of my parents left their grandson in the car and he died. Apparently they had a work routine that was basically unchanged for 20 years and one day they were asked to take the grandson to a doctor’s visit at around the same time they normally went to work. Most of the drive was the same as usual and at some point their routine just kicked in and they drove to work, went inside, and didn’t realize what they had done until hours later when their daughter called to ask when the baby was getting dropped off at day care.


Can’t and don’t want to imagine the horror of the realization they had

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

I mean, this story is different than the typical hot car story. They admit that they left the kid in the car while they went shopping. The usual story is more along the lines of “I forgot the kid was even there” stuff.


Years ago a friend of my parents left their grandson in the car and he died. Apparently they had a work routine that was basically unchanged for 20 years and one day they were asked to take the grandson to a doctor’s visit at around the same time they normally went to work. Most of the drive was the same as usual and at some point their routine just kicked in and they drove to work, went inside, and didn’t realize what they had done until hours later when their daughter called to ask when the baby was getting dropped off at day care.


Can’t and don’t want to imagine the horror of the realization they had


I would light myself on fire.

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Since we are on the topic of horrific moments in parenting 


About 8 years ago I was getting off of work when a friend of mine called me. He said “Henry isn’t breathing”, Henry being their 2 month old. This friend is the sort of guy who calls me up with hyperbolic claims all the time before getting into his actual story, like literally the week before he called me and says “One of my Dad’s employees stabbed me” before explaining it was an accident with a pencil.


But something seemed a bit different, I could hear commotion in the background but couldn’t quite make it out. So I asked “is this serious, or what?”


And that’s when I finally heard it clearly, the wife was screaming “wake up baby, wake up baby, wake up baby” over and over. It’s something I’ll never forget.


Shortly after that the ambulance arrived, and I went to meet them at the hospital. Henry had already died. We sat in the emergency room with them as they held his little body for the last time. She was still pleading with him to wake up.


Ugh. Makes me cry thinking about it.


What happened that lead to his death though was the wife went to the grocery store to pick something up from the store, husband had the two older kids up in the bath. At some point the baby rolled over just enough to get stuck against the side of the bassinet and suffocated. For *years* I had a hard time not going multiple times a night to make sure my kids were still breathing.

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I really want to have kids in the future but this thread is making me question whether I can handle such a responsibility. I'm a very clumsy and forgetful person. I would hope that my parental instinct would kick in but accidents just seem way too easy. So sad and senseless.

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29 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Since we are on the topic of horrific moments in parenting 


About 8 years ago I was getting off of work when a friend of mine called me. He said “Henry isn’t breathing”, Henry being their 2 month old. This friend is the sort of guy who calls me up with hyperbolic claims all the time before getting into his actual story, like literally the week before he called me and says “One of my Dad’s employees stabbed me” before explaining it was an accident with a pencil.


But something seemed a bit different, I could hear commotion in the background but couldn’t quite make it out. So I asked “is this serious, or what?”


And that’s when I finally heard it clearly, the wife was screaming “wake up baby, wake up baby, wake up baby” over and over. It’s something I’ll never forget.


Shortly after that the ambulance arrived, and I went to meet them at the hospital. Henry had already died. We sat in the emergency room with them as they held his little body for the last time. She was still pleading with him to wake up.


Ugh. Makes me cry thinking about it.


What happened that lead to his death though was the wife went to the grocery store to pick something up from the store, husband had the two older kids up in the bath. At some point the baby rolled over just enough to get stuck against the side of the bassinet and suffocated. For *years* I had a hard time not going multiple times a night to make sure my kids were still breathing.


I’m not a parent but I have often wondered how first time parents don’t stay up in shifts solely to make sure their kids are breathing.

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23 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


I’m not a parent but I have often wondered how first time parents don’t stay up in shifts solely to make sure their kids are breathing.

For the first six months our daughter slept in the room with us and I’d probably wake up every 20 minutes and listen to her (she was on my side of the bed). When she went into her own room, for a while I’d check on her throughout the night and now she’s nearly one, we’ll still check her a few times (though once they can freely roll around and move her head, she can sort herself out).


I need to not be in this thread, it makes me feel so, so sad.

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2 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


I’m not a parent but I have often wondered how first time parents don’t stay up in shifts solely to make sure their kids are breathing.

This is exactly what we did both times! We took shifts to make sure someone was always awake with both my kids. I've never side eyed anything as much as my baby monitor! Every cough, every little cry. You develop sonic freaking hearing! 

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3 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


I’m not a parent but I have often wondered how first time parents don’t stay up in shifts solely to make sure their kids are breathing.

My brother bought a monitor that sends alerts if it notices the baby isn’t breathing. It’s expensive as hell though. 

You know you are bad father when you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and your wife looks haggard. “Did something happen?” “Fuck you”


I think the worst phase is when my daughter started to flip herself on her belly in the middle of the night. Each time, you swear she can’t be breathing.  You rush in and notice her head is tilted slightly and she is fine. You flip her back over, only to find her on her belly again the next time you look. That was a two week heart attach phase for my wife. Not for me since I slept soundly through the night. 

2 hours ago, Biggie said:

So far............

True but I am confident she will be there to pull my plug. 

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9 hours ago, gamer.tv said:

For the first six months our daughter slept in the room with us and I’d probably wake up every 20 minutes and listen to her (she was on my side of the bed). When she went into her own room, for a while I’d check on her throughout the night and now she’s nearly one, we’ll still check her a few times (though once they can freely roll around and move her head, she can sort herself out).


I need to not be in this thread, it makes me feel so, so sad.

I don't know if it's super common, but both of our kids spent the first 6 months of their lives sleeping in a bassinet beside our bed. Made things so much easier with feedings and little things like listening to them breathe. No problem transitioning to a crib.

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1 hour ago, DarkStar189 said:

I don't know if it's super common, but both of our kids spent the first 6 months of their lives sleeping in a bassinet beside our bed. Made things so much easier with feedings and little things like listening to them breathe. No problem transitioning to a crib.

It is in the UK at least. Our NCT class recommended a next to me cot and everything which was great as it could be zipped open on to the bed.

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21 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

My hearing has gotten so good; I can be in the middle of fighting a massive horde of supermutants in Fallout 4, earphones plugged in, my wife next to me watching a show, and I can still hear when my baby cries.


10 months old. It goes fast.

Wait until your kid has little friends and you can pick out each any every one of their cries/laughs (fake or real) at a good distance without looking. Parenting skills are odd things! 

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