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Just got ran over by a truck.


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On 8/16/2021 at 10:15 PM, Keyser_Soze said:


Very close to the bravery that @best3444 had when he posted after getting into a car accident


Don't forget my bravery bruh </3


Anyhow just seen this last week was kinda not paying attention to stuff... sorry to hear this but get a good lawyer you gonna be rich :twothumbsup:

  • stepee 2
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So I’ve been at this nursing/rehab facility now since Monday and it’s going pretty good after getting some things straightened out. I have my own room thank GOD, and I can close the door to have some slight feeling of privacy (though people still may just walk in at any moment, it’s way less frequent than in the hospital). 

No longer hooked to ivs anymore, nothing is beeping in my room. I’m going to be hooked up to the wound vac still for another couple weeks but it’s portable.


OH, and I get outside food! I’m not going to do it every day since the food here doesn’t seem as bad as at the hospital, but it’s certainly nice to experience flavor again and I can have my diet cherry soda.


Im guessing some personal freedom back too. Like I can actually get in a wheel chair myself and go out of my room and roll around the grounds now. I finally get to wear fucking CLOTHES again. I can use the commode and am allowed to do the entire shitting and wiping process myself now. That’s great because it’s really hard to take a shit when you have to call in someone and wait like 30 minutes or whatever before you are allowed to get up and sit down to drop it.


Starting to feel a little more alive and hopeful in general, it was getting pretty dark towards the end at the hospital. 

  • stepee 2
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2 hours ago, Chris- said:

@stepee so can you get delivery? If so, DM me location/any dietary restrictions you have. 


<3<3 I can have people bring things here, but I’m not sure how like regular delivery works. Depending on what you are thinking of here sending to my apt when I get back may be easier, there’s plenty of recovery and inability to walk time ahead! 


Dietary wise I don’t really have any restrictions. My pickiness usually trends more towards things with weird and:or smooshy texture (tapioca pudding, kinda all pudding, cottage cheese, bananas, shit like that) I also tend to lean far more into savory besides deserts. Oh and I also don’t have a fridge here, but I will at my apt!

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Man, today I wake up to this 70 year old lady barging in with some younger kinda cute completely silent lady and she is going “are you dry, are you dry? do you need me to change the sheets? where is the catheter? are you sure it’s dry do you mind it we check?” Like asking to check still as if she thinks I’m either lying or unaware, and she is already checking as she is asking anyway.


And it’s 5am and I’m like “woah woah slow down a bit what the fuck are you talking about?” as she ignore my replies and keeps poking around my bed and asking me about dryness.


Even after I try to be direct and be like ummm I don’t have any problems in that regard she kept poking around and speaking in another language sometimes to the other person she brought in as she randomly pokes around me.


Then after answering a question I did have, in a way that only acknowledged that she wasn’t actually listening to my question at all, they left. That was the entire mission this morning at 5am, just barging in and accusing me of wetting myself randomly in front of some random cute girl.


FUCK I can’t wait until Tuesday.

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29 minutes ago, stepee said:

Man, today I wake up to this 70 year old lady barging in with some younger kinda cute completely silent lady and she is going “are you dry, are you dry? do you need me to change the sheets? where is the catheter? are you sure it’s dry do you mind it we check?” Like asking to check still as if she thinks I’m either lying or unaware, and she is already checking as she is asking anyway.


And it’s 5am and I’m like “woah woah slow down a bit what the fuck are you talking about?” as she ignore my replies and keeps poking around my bed and asking me about dryness.


Even after I try to be direct and be like ummm I don’t have any problems in that regard she kept poking around and speaking in another language sometimes to the other person she brought in as she randomly pokes around me.


Then after answering a question I did have, in a way that only acknowledged that she wasn’t actually listening to my question at all, they left. That was the entire mission this morning at 5am, just barging in and accusing me of wetting myself randomly in front of some random cute girl.


FUCK I can’t wait until Tuesday.


Well if she didn't barge in with the nonsense there wouldn't have been a cute girl there :p

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I didn’t update but yesterday that same lady did pretty much the same random bed wetness check at 5am (alone this time), but was a little less aggressive. Though she did also just leave all the lights on, the door open, and moved my wheel chair towards the very back of the room facing away from me to make it as hard as possible to reach.


She didn’t come in this morning though, instead it was a 3am guy coming in and turning on the lights and just looking at me and going “are you ok?” me responding “…yes?” and then he left.


My anxiety is so excited to get back home.

  • stepee 2
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14 minutes ago, Rev said:

How's being home so far?


Exhausting lol. Since about 5 it’s been moving around and transporting and setting things up, a bit much movement for me atm. But at the same time of course it’s absolutely lovely.


I guess my Dad took basic all my fun stuff to his place so nobody would steal it and didn’t think I would want it here when I got back? Anyway he is getting it now. 


My bed certainly is more comfortable than the hospital bed, no fancy up and down motions but I have a rest pillow and my purple pillow and it’s just much better.


Will take some time to get used to navigating but it works at least. I use the walker (hopping on one leg) for the bedroom and wheelchair moving to and around the kitchen and living room and that gets me through all the corners. 


Going up the stairs to my apt isn’t a blast but it’s easy enough and it works.


Still have to have my Dad help with some more stuff like getting the shower chair in and some of the exercise and self care items I got shipped over situated and then hooking the pc up of course. Then I should be all good to finally start spending most of my days besides exercises relaxing.


I guess kinda annoyed that they didn’t discharge me at 11am as planned and were 6 hours late, this would have been much easier earlier in the day because there is just a lot to do when you get back.


But fucking finally home and yes it feels great. Had no idea when I went to take that walk how long it would be until I returned!

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