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Final Fantasy XIV: DAWNTRAIL - This shit sucks cock. Mixed reviews on Steam.


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I once accidently matched into a hard dungeon or raid or some shit (it was probably an "extreme") without really understanding what I was even instancing into. We spent the entire time limit with me and the other tank fucking up at some crucial part, and one guy getting more and more angry :lol:


I was trying my hardest but just didn't understand what to do or couldn't do it in time, and also I think the other tank was actually worse than I was somehow. 


I wonder if I did the same one today if I could do it...

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7 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

Bro get in an FC or a static, don't pug extremes on launch week, you trying to pop a blood vessel? I mean, I've cleared plenty of stuff with randoms but it's always both less fun and vastly more time consuming than with people who don't have to randomly leave every 3 pulls. Party finder shit turns the super fast raids this game has into WoW raids, where you spend like half the night forming and reforming parties and waiting to fight the boss instead of just fighting the boss.

The first two ex's weren't bad to pug. Never got around to doing ex3, but I figured I should do ex4 before the savage tier due to the 1 week delay because I know everyone and their brother will be trying to pug that and there will be less players overall attempting the ex. I don't really do enough content to get a static either. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Bacon said:

I saw that earlier today but I pretended to ignore it since I don't have a PS5. 


I need a PC miracle.

PC miracle? The PC is like literally the only place where you can play the entirety of the mainline series and most of the spin-offs. 16 might not be there on launch day, but it'll be there.

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8 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

PC miracle? The PC is like literally the only place where you can play the entirety of the mainline series and most of the spin-offs. 16 might not be there on launch day, but it'll be there.

If it isn't there launch day I'll get spoiled 100%.

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29 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

Man who are you rolling with to spoil you? I didn't get spoiled on anything in 15. Unless you mean you'll spoil it for yourself with your curiosity!

I pretty much browse every corner of the internet. I get shit spoiled all the time unless I go dark.


Edit: I don't mean I am constantly getting spoiled when it comes to games I care about, but I am always seeing spoilers for the latest hot game. I knew how xbc3 ended before the game was even fully released. I didn't care that I was spoiled for the game, but i also didn't go looking for spoilers.

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  • 1 month later...

I was watching a video about WoW Classic's Season of Mastery and the guy was talking about how there are respec gold costs and how people should just play what they want.


And boy, I got to thinking about other MMOs I have played and how I now only play FFXIV as my MMO of choice. And like, I just can't imagine ever really playing another MMO other than FFXIV for I love only having one character. It is crazy how many alts you have to have across every other MMO to just play another class. It also really fucking sucks if you starting having more fun on an alt and you want that class to be your main for however long, because, now you are playing a character who has none or only a fraction of your main's accomplishments and achievements.


It almost comes across as offensive now for it to be any other way than what FFXIV (and XI?) does. I almost can't believe there are new MMO's coming out that use the old "one class one character" system. It just seems to be the wrong way, and a way to take more time and/or money away from a player.


I can see some appeal for the classic system. Cuz like, when you play DnD you don't generally make the same character over and over again with the only difference being a Wizard this time over a Rogue. I mean, yeah, some people do do that, but the majority would rather get to experience a whole new story. But while all of that is good, you don't really get a different story in something like WoW outside of your starting zone or faction. And boy oh boy, does it suck not being able to share resources cross faction in WoW. If you want to see both sides of the story in that game, you basically need two mains, or at least treat it as a main-alt hybrid.

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1 hour ago, Brian said:

@Bacon what’s a good class for someone who wants to solo the main content?

Anything you want, really. Cuz the stuff you can ""solo"" is done with AI companions and they do all roles. Marauder/Warrior is generally considered the Solo Job tho due to the self-healing it has later on.


Tanking is a pretty easy role, the easiest in the game. I enjoy Marauder/Warrior and it is by far the easiest tank job in the game, if not the easiest job overall as you can just ignore some mechanics. While I actually enjoy the Warrior gameplay a lot (fell cleave :daydream:), its ease is what I really like and it makes me feel more confident when tackling new content. However, as a tank, you kind of are the leader. That's great for solo play with AI companions but one might get a bit anxious when you have to do some of the mandatory non-solo content and you don't know the lay of the land so to speak and your human-controlled party members are following you.


Leveling an Arcanist is nice as it lets you level a healer and magical DPS at the same time as Summoner and Scholar share levels, and the reworked Summoner job is super easy to the point where, with third-party add-ons, you could make it into a 1 button job. It is a beginner-friendly job and still really fun. You are also the caster version of Clive if you go Summoner.


Black Mage/thaumaturge is the most like a WoW class, as least that is what some people claim. If you want a more traditional caster that is the job you want.


Lancer/Dragoon was my very first class/job. It is considered slow and boring at the start, but it ends up having the longest combo in the game and you have a lot of abilities.


I don't like healing so I can't say much about that. It's why when a new expansion comes out I level Summoner as my second job so I get a free healer role out of it.


Pugilist and Archer I find hard to recommend. They upgrade into Monk and Bard. Monk is weird, and Bard just isn't for me. I'd love a real Archer job instead of the musical archer.


Gladiator is cool. The Paladin quests kinda suck balls tho. If you are really into the holy knight theme, pick it, but I'm not a fan of some of its more unique defensive cooldowns.


At level 15 you can pick rogue/Ninja, which might be my favorite melee DPS thanks to their spell-like mudras. If you wanna go ninja then pick Marauder or Arcanist.


I'm not really sure if I should say for you to 100% go Marauder, but I feel it has the best starting city, and it is a more basic job so you'd have no issues swapping to another Job later on should you not end up liking Warrior. Arcanist is a really nice pick too. If you want to go Melee DPS from the start then I'd say go Lancer/Dragoon


There are more jobs than that, but not until you hit level 50, and by that point, you can just grab them and test them out for yourself. Remember, you can play all classes and jobs on one character, so even if you don't end up liking what you pick you can change at any time. No need to make a new character. All you need to do is get to level 15 and advance the story a bit.


So, really, I'd say just go with what appeals to you from the starting classes and eventually, you can find out what you like yourself. Or you can see which city-state is the most appealing to you. Desert/Uldah, Seaside/Limsa, or Woods/Gridania. Thaumaturge, Pugilist, and Gladiator start in the desert, Marauder, Arcanist, and Rogue start seaside, and Lancer, Archer, and Conjurer start in the Woods. While the seaside has the best city and scion*, the woods are comfy with big fable vibes that I really enjoy. Desert is meh imo. It does have cactuars tho...


The scions kinda lead you into the bigger plot of the game and the scions that start in the woods are the worst scions. The scions are important and become your character's friends and allies.



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Actually, as a pure city, Ul'dah is my favorite, but I think it sucks when you are starting there. It also has the most inconvenient market board locations lol. Ul'dah would be perfect if they got rid of the loading screens and made it fully open. God, I'd love it if the cities when back to being fully open. Shit like that makes me wish I had played 1.0.

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1 hour ago, Brian said:

@Bacon what’s a good class for someone who wants to solo the main content?


If it helps, I am a mediocre to bad MMO player with 0 experience in the genre prior to FF14, have really just played the main quest, and I chose to be a tank and have been fine. I actually did get some anxiety / sometimes still do when playing group stuff, just because you're the one to decide where to go (which generally is forward in a straight line), how many enemies to pull into combat at a time, and you deal with a lot of the boss mechanics. There's also bigger groups as you progress further along where you have two tanks, and they may have to pull off different roles / you don't want to both have you "tank stance" on because the enemies might try to bounce between you, etc. 


But having said all that, the main questline is generally very very easy with even major bosses at times being killed without you needing to really even know WTF is going on. Certainly a few exceptions, but the nice thing about the game is that the community is almost creepily nice and helpful, so if you mess up generally someone in the group will tell you how to deal with a certain boss or mechanic. 


I'm glad I learned to tank but I will say 350 hours in and not through the main quest yet, having done very little side stuff, I probably would have had more fun with a damage dealer so I could eliminate some of that stress of tanking. But overall it has been pretty fun. I am a Paladin. 


43 minutes ago, Remarkableriots said:

You can't solo the main content.


This is true, but for all intents and purposes it basically feels like you can if you don't really want to engage. And it seems they're adding more and more stuff that you can just do with NPCs that used to be required to do with other players. 


Even so, sometimes you go like 10 hours it seems without having to do a required multiplayer instance. 

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3 minutes ago, Brian said:

Thanks for the comments. I enjoyed the DPS classes in Wow so I will look into Black Mage. 

It is definitely one of the more rigid jobs, and it has low mobility, but some of the highest damage in the game. If you like traditional caster gameplay it's the one for you. I enjoyed it a lot when leveling in dungeons. It is very explosive and has some of the best-looking spells in the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Bacon's live update condensed post.












No official captures of the trailer yet. The stream rips look like ass.


A summer 2024 release is kinda bad. There is only 1 major patch left. Unless they have a .6 patch the game is gonna be dead for a long time.


Also, they opened with "it's diverse now" lol



Big theme is summer vacation, city of gold, Road to El Dorado









BLITZBALLERS IN SHAMBLES (that would be a physical ranged job)



No blitzball confirmed by YP himself.

And come on just give highlanders eyebrow hair already!


(no one cares)

OK but what is cool is that there will be Fallguys mini-games IN ffxiv which IS cool.




WoW x FF could happen now

Also I'm pretty sure this version of Phil is an AI

Next update on Dawntrail in October






New high-rez faces


new system requirements


Gonna need that 4090 @stepee :p

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  • Bacon changed the title to Final Fantasy XIV: DAWNTRAIL SUMMER 2024
4 minutes ago, stepee said:

I wonder how long the FF14 train keeps going before FF17 or whatever next mmo. FF11 is still going somehow isn’t it? I guess they don’t need to shut this down for the next one just really slow the content.

I'd imagine that they won't put out another MMO. 14 is a cashcow. 14 and 11 aren't really sharing a player base but a new MMO would steal players from 14.

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