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The Wayward Realms: a "grand RPG" from Ted Peterson and Julian LeFay, lead designers of The Elder Scrolls Arena and Daggerfall

Commissar SFLUFAN

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Ted Peterson and Julian LeFay, leads on TES Arena and Daggerfall, have finally revealed their new singleplayer RPG.



"The Wayward Realms is set on a group of over 100 realistically scaled islands, known collectively as the Archipelago, where scores of factions vie for influence and power," reads the announcement. "Kingdoms strive to maintain their dominance, upstarts seek to earn a place at the top, and dynasties set generational plots into motion. Should the player earn a position of prominence, they may change the course of history."




Under the direction of Ted Peterson and Julian LeFay, lead developers of the team behind the original Elder Scrolls, Arena and Daggerfall, OnceLost Games is creating a new open-world fantasy RPG where choice and consequence are experienced on a scale never attempted before.

















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So much room for jank!


I know I say this about every RPG that wants to take queues from Bethesda, but I'm far more concerned about a game like this getting the small things right than I am them having more land to traverse. 100+ islands sounds great, I'm sure a few of them will even be worthwhile, but what I want so very badly is to see the kinds of polish I've grown accustomed to in other single player experiences extended to these "grand RPGs." I don't expect the full on Last of Us 2 treatment, but I just really hope that this doesn't feel like an Elder Scrolls game with HDR.

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