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Jordan Peele’s next movie: Nope (7/22/22)

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I was already sold after the initial trailer, pretty sure that this is going to be the first film I go see wherein I only ever saw the first teaser trailer of & decided "Nope! Not going to see any more until I get to watch the film in full!" (Also, no pun intended.)

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6 hours ago, EternallDarkness said:

I'm actually not happy they showed this trailer at the movies. The original was perfect, just enough to get my interest and yet in this one they show way too much and to be honest this trailer made me less interested in seeing the movie. 


But you have to think if this is what they showed in the trailer imagine what they didn't show that is in the actual movie :o

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41 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


Did you see it?


If so, how does it compare to Get Out and Us?

I’ll say this much: similarly to those movies, I don’t know how the fuck to talk about it without spoiling everything! 

It’s a lot of fun. There is some social commentary in there, but it definitely takes a backseat to spectacle. And in a lot of ways it’s his most “straightforward” movie yet, but there’s still some weird, confusing shit in there. Like, there were a couple of scenes that I’m only now starting to realize why they were in that at all, over an hour after leaving the theater. But we could just chalk that up to me being kinda dumb. :P 

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This was an extremely well-executed, visually stunning (Peele REALLY has a good eye for capturing the beauty of certain scenes in this film!), superbly-acted film!


As @TheLeon said, it's very much more straightforward than either Us or Get Out, but despite this, I'm not surprised at all that the studio really had no idea how to market the film to audiences. 


If I had to describe the film, I'd say that it's kind of like Signs, but not really :p


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Fun movie, very Spielberg.



Loved the very alien take on an alien. I feel like too often we create alien life in our own image, and Peele did a great job making something frightening, ethereal, and majestic.


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11 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


If Nolan decides to emphasize Oppenheimer's life post-Manhattan Project, then I'd say that the film would be vastly more interesting.


And a companion piece about Richard Feynman called "Dick," about how Feynman slept around while helping create the atomic bomb. I kid, but I consider Feynman to be a more interesting character in the Manhattan Project.

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Wife and I both enjoyed it, but both felt as though Peele didn't really stick the landing in terms of thematic follow-through.  



Seems clear enough that the film is a criticism of capitalizing on/exploiting spectacle, but, idk, some of the elements of the Gordy storyline didn't seem to mesh with the larger narrative the way (I believe) Peele intended them to.  So while that felt a bit off, certain other aspects of the theme seemed almost blunt by comparison.

But that nitpicking aside, I think it was beautifully shot, with (as others have noted) a wonderful take on how movies often portray certain types of creatures.  There were more than a few genuinely entertaining moments, and kudos to Peele for being able to really nail building a sense of suspense.


It did feel strange, though, walking out of a Peele movie and not feelign as though there was more meat to chew on and think about.  Maybe the theme noted in my spoiler section is really all it amounts to, and while I can certainly appreciate the perspective to an extent, I feel as though the movie took a bit of a meandering route to get to that particular point.


I can definitely see why reviews have been really mixed - between the fact that the movie almost certainly does not cater to any expectations that some might have walking in, the fact that it feels like a number of elements are red herrings, and the fact that there isn't that pulpably shocking moment(s) that you got from US and GET OUT, it's easy to see why the movie will be polarizing for many.  


On the whole, I definitely enjoyed it, but don't have any particular urge to watch it again...something else that feels unusual (for me) from a Peele movie.

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This…is not a good movie. It is shocking how poorly constructed the film is. It has tons of great parts to it, but I was really struggling during the middle hour of the film to care at all about what was going on.


Two best things about it: the Alien design and the acting. I can say safely that I will never revisit this film again.


I hate to say it, but Peele is feeling very Shyamalan 2.0 to me right now 😬 To be a little more precise, I am not sure that Peele is a particularly talented writer. I think he is a far better director and I hope to some day see him paired up with an excellent screenplay by a top notch writer.

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38 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

This…is not a good movie. It is shocking how poorly constructed the film is. It has tons of great parts to it, but I was really struggling during the middle hour of the film to care at all about what was going on.


Two best things about it: the Alien design and the acting. I can say safely that I will never revisit this film again.


I hate to say it, but Peele is feeling very Shyamalan 2.0 to me right now 😬 To be a little more precise, I am not sure that Peele is a particularly talented writer. I think he is a far better director and I hope to some day see him paired up with an excellent screenplay by a top notch writer.

Damn I heard the same thing from a buddy who saw it yesterday. So it's really not good, huh? I thought US was dreck but I also hoped it was an exception. 

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34 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Damn I heard the same thing from a buddy who saw it yesterday. So it's really not good, huh? I thought US was dreck but I also hoped it was an exception. 


I feel like Us had something to say even if it ping ponged between not showing / saying enough and then showing / saying things as loudly or flagrantly as possible.


I don't think Nope has anything to say... like... at all. It is entirely carried by vibes. Literally everything to do with Stephen Yeun's character could be clipped without anything being lost and the movie would be more cohesive. It's like a Twilight Zone episode where the protagonist doesn't have to learn anything because they're immediately and always right, and also there's a B story that doesn't need to be there.


But I guess if you're gonna see it, do it in a theater since it looks rad.

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Maybe we can have him direct one of his dream projects and maybe collaborate with Greg Weisman on a script for Disney’s Gargoyles Live Action movie. Fuck I would love to see a live action Gargoyles movie and allow it to be a mature PG-13 movie. Also keep as many of the original voices actors as they can. I would even be fine if Peele wanted to take over as Xanatos with Frakes now out of the age range to reprise. 


still need to see Nope and Us

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2 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


I feel like Us had something to say even if it ping ponged between not showing / saying enough and then showing / saying things as loudly or flagrantly as possible.


I don't think Nope has anything to say... like... at all. It is entirely carried by vibes. Literally everything to do with Stephen Yeun's character could be clipped without anything being lost and the movie would be more cohesive. It's like a Twilight Zone episode where the protagonist doesn't have to learn anything because they're immediately and always right, and also there's a B story that doesn't need to be there.


But I guess if you're gonna see it, do it in a theater since it looks rad.

I don’t think every movie needs to be a thinker. This criticism kind of feels like saying “Jaws didn’t have anything to say.” It’s certainly not wrong, but it feels beside the point. 


There’s also something interesting going on with the way the alien’s eye or whatever telescoped like an old camera lens, but I’m not enough of a film scholar to fully dissect the greater meaning of this. It’s definitely intentional though and goes back to the first shot. 


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1 hour ago, Moa said:

I don’t think every movie needs to be a thinker. This criticism kind of feels like saying “Jaws didn’t have anything to say.” It’s certainly not wrong, but it feels beside the point. 

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There’s also something interesting going on with the way the alien’s eye or whatever telescoped like an old camera lens, but I’m not enough of a film scholar to fully dissect the greater meaning of this. It’s definitely intentional though and goes back to the first shot. 


It doesn’t NEED to have something to say, but with a fairly minimal A plot, and a nearly incomprehensible B plot, a little something else would go a long way.


Instead, like Kal mentioned, it just lives on vibes. I think part of what makes it run out steam even in that regard is



the last 30-40 minutes of the movie we are hanging out with the alien in nearly full view the whole time. The tension of the obfuscated and unknown monster in the dark goes completely away and the flick fails the vibe check the rest of the way.


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2 hours ago, Moa said:

I don’t think every movie needs to be a thinker. This criticism kind of feels like saying “Jaws didn’t have anything to say.” It’s certainly not wrong, but it feels beside the point. 


It's not that Nope isn't a "thinker," it just doesn't have a single interesting thing going for it other than its aesthetic and the performances. Luckily those punch above their weight class, but...



The problem with Nope isn't just that it has nothing to say despite that being a reasonable audience expectation after Get Out and Us, it's that Nope steps into every sinkhole in the yard.


It's clear that Yeun's character is carrying his trauma more than his demeanor would suggest, which is fine. And sure, I'll grant that the way things ended in the flashbacks suggests he believes that animals can still be befriended even if they're occasionally violent. But like... he's planning on feeding that horse to the alien, seems like a big fucking gamble to tell his family and audience to stay?


I'm fine with subtext, I don't need everything elaborated on, but I don't think there's anything actually there in this one. There's too much... nothing. The TMZ guy using his dying words to tell people to film something. The auteur director bored with commercialism who's also willing to die to shoot something that will immediately get destroyed. You mention Jaws, we get the conversation on the boat in Jaws. There's just nothing here.


It fails as a horror movie / thriller because Kaluuya's character hits a hole in one on every shot he takes throughout the entire movie. He figures out everything perfectly in real time. Don't make eye contact. Turns out it can't digest plastic. It's like if the kids from It Follows discovered the monster can't go up escalators or something, the alien in Nope is trivialized at every turn.


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Just got back, and pretty much anything I can say would be a spoiler. What I can say, oddly enough, is that if I had to compare this film to one other film, it would be... Us. It felt like the same movie, only with a different plot device at the core. 


And reading through some of the spoiler filled reviews, I can see what Peele was trying to do with the contrast of the Jupiter ranch versus the Haywood ranch, but if he had spent a little less time on Yuen and his backstory, and more on the brother/sister connection (other than a single memory, which breaks a cardinal sin of filmmaking - don't tell, show), the resolution would have been a lot more emotionally powerful. 


Parts of this movie definitely reminded me of Jaws, but the difference is, Jaws absolutely nails the characters. Nope feels kind of empty in comparison. 


All that being said, it's definitely worth a watch, but as far as "horror" is concerned, don't expect much. It's more a drawn out episode of the Twilight Zone. The most terrifying scene in the film was "fake". 


That felt like an awful lot of skirting around spoilers. :p

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5 hours ago, Derek said:

I haven't seen the movie, but am reading all the spoilers. I was just curious if they used one of the actual 'reporters' from 

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For the scene?



They're in a mirrored helmet the whole time, we never see their face.


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Still one of the worst titles I've possibly ever seen. Alas, I have to go see this in the theater, my girlfriend insists. I thought Us was borderline terrible so between the title and that mega-dud, I'm not overly thrilled. I hope Peele turns the ship around because I thought Get Out was mostly a really great movie. 

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38 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

Still one of the worst titles I've possibly ever seen. Alas, I have to go see this in the theater, my girlfriend insists. I thought Us was borderline terrible so between the title and that mega-dud, I'm not overly thrilled. I hope Peele turns the ship around because I thought Get Out was mostly a really great movie. 


The worst movie title I've ever seen was for a movie about Formula One. It was literally called "One."


Do you know how hard that is to search?

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I was not a fan. Peele's direction and the (mostly) excellent acting felt almost out of place with how otherwise pedestrian and boring this turned out to be. There's no there there, if you catch my meaning. It's got some interesting visuals, but the tension that was so exquisite in Get Out is entirely lacking here.


I think some of the ideas that they've got here are interesting, but they're not explored particularly well.


Peele's films have been getting steadily worse. I really hope he can get a better script and put out another great film.

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