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Infinity War revisited

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2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

What they should have done was ended on a freeze frame of Cap and the surviving Avengers and then put in bold letters over the image " TO BE CONTINUED" like they did on old school 70's shows... for storytelling purposes. They could have even had a narrator read the words out for extra emphasis. 


They had to end on Thanos. He was asked what he would do when it was over, when he'd won. Of course you see him sitting there, watching the sunrise and while it was a victory you get the impression (at least I did) that it was a satisfying one. 

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4 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:


They had to end on Thanos. He was asked what he would do when it was over, when he'd won. Of course you see him sitting there, watching the sunrise and while it was a victory you get the impression (at least I did) that it was a satisfying one. 

 You're right... So instead of what I said, Freeze frame on Thanos and then have the words "TO BE CONTINUED" come on screen. This way no one would be confused about whether or not another movie was coming.


EDIT: Seriously though, did you mean to say that it WASN'T a satisfying victory? Because that's the impression I got.

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12 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

 You're right... So instead of what I said, Freeze frame on Thanos and then have the words "TO BE CONTINUED" come on screen. This way no one would be confused about whether or not another movie was coming.


EDIT: Seriously though, did you mean to say that it WASN'T a satisfying victory? Because that's the impression I got.


yes, I meant to say wasn't, lol. 


I still think it's crazy that people would be confused and not think there would be another movie. This is Marvel afterall, they aren't new on the scene, they've been pumping out 2-3 movies a year for 10 years now.


I can't wait for the next flick, though the idea of time travel doesn't excite me. 

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As ever, it seems as though people discussing movies on the internet believe they live on the same figurative planet as the rest of the movie viewing public. They do not. Most people aren't sitting through 10 minutes of credit reel to see the extra scenes, fewer people than that know who the hell Captain Marvel is, fewer people than that know how many movies Chadwick's deal was for, etc.


A buddy of mine watched Man of Steel for the first time the other day (pray for him) and despite being a dude on the internet who enjoys superhero movies... he didn't know it wasn't a sequel to Superman Returns. He's not an idiot. He just likes movies enough to watch them and go to the theater and aside from that spends exactly zero time or energy thinking about them. This is how most people watch movies.


So to say...


4 hours ago, ort said:

Wait, there's ANOTHER Marvel movie coming after this one?


A decent number of motherfuckers who go to EVERY ONE of these movies couldn't tell you why Superman and Spider-Man won't cross over. Marvel Studios and WB are as about as familiar to them as Paramount and Universal... they're logos people see before movies that mean, essentially, nothing.


So... yes. Impossible as it may seem here, some people finished Infinity War thinking that was the "last one" or at the very least that everyone that died is gone forever.

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6 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

As ever, it seems as though people discussing movies on the internet believe they live on the same figurative planet as the rest of the movie viewing public. They do not. Most people aren't sitting through 10 minutes of credit reel to see the extra scenes, fewer people than that know who the hell Captain Marvel is, fewer people than that know how many movies Chadwick's deal was for, etc.


A buddy of mine watched Man of Steel for the first time the other day (pray for him) and despite being a dude on the internet who enjoys superhero movies... he didn't know it wasn't a sequel to Superman Returns. He's not an idiot. He just likes movies enough to watch them and go to the theater and aside from that spends exactly zero time or effort thinking about them. This is how most people watch movies.


So to say...



A decent number of motherfuckers who go to EVERY ONE of these movies couldn't tell you why Superman and Spider-Man won't cross over. Marvel Studios and WB are as about as familiar to them as Paramount and Universal... they're logos people see before movies that mean, essentially, nothing.




The Superman thing WOULD be confusing for most folks because of the way WB and DC have handled their properties in the last ten or so years.... but after 20 movies, people know what the Marvel brand is... they know the movies connect and they know they should probably sit around and wait until after the credits to see the if there's something extra. Shit people sit around after the credits now for NON-Marvel movies because Marvel has made the practice so popular and no, these are not folks who live in the "bubble of the internet". I don't and judging by my mother and other family members who don't live on the internet but have NO problem following Marvel's movies, I don't think this "issue" is a widespread as some of you guys are making it out to be. OF COURSE there is going to be another movie and I think most folks left the theater knowing that. Especially since the movie you know... told us that with the whole "Thanos will return" thing.



So... yes. Impossible as it may seem here, some people finished Infinity War thinking that was the "last one" or at the very least that everyone that died is gone forever.


Honestly, I WOULD legitimately question the intelligence of ANYONE who walked away from this movie thinking that. SERIOUSLY. How do you think people understood movies back in the day BEFORE the internet. You think people walked away from Empire Strikes Back thinking that was it? End of the story

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2 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

As ever, it seems as though people discussing movies on the internet believe they live on the same figurative planet as the rest of the movie viewing public. They do not. Most people aren't sitting through 10 minutes of credit reel to see the extra scenes, fewer people than that know who the hell Captain Marvel is, fewer people than that know how many movies Chadwick's deal was for, etc.


A buddy of mine watched Man of Steel for the first time the other day (pray for him) and despite being a dude on the internet who enjoys superhero movies... he didn't know it wasn't a sequel to Superman Returns. He's not an idiot. He just likes movies enough to watch them and go to the theater and aside from that spends exactly zero time or effort thinking about them. This is how most people watch movies.


So to say...



A decent number of motherfuckers who go to EVERY ONE of these movies couldn't tell you why Superman and Spider-Man won't cross over. Marvel Studios and WB are as about as familiar to them as Paramount and Universal... they're logos people see before movies that mean, essentially, nothing.


So... yes. Impossible as it may seem here, some people finished Infinity War thinking that was the "last one" or at the very least that everyone that died is gone forever.



be fair, WB has done such a shit job with their movies that it's pretty much impossible to tell if any of the movies are supposed to be connected or not.


Yes, I get that there are plenty of people who don't sit through the credits, those scenes are never essential and are fun little easter eggs/teases for the hardcore fans, and I know the film markers would be more than thrilled if EVERYONE believed that those that had died were in fact gone forever, so everyone would feel the emotional punch they were going for and the thrill of then seeing them all return in the next film, but I do believe that even a casual movie watcher would come to the conclusion that hey there's probably more to the story and another movie coming. Very few movies ever truly 'end' end with the villain winning. 

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:


The Superman thing WOULD be confusing for most folks because of the way WB and DC have handled their properties in the last ten or so years.... but after 20 movies, people know what the Marvel brand is... they know the movies connect and they know they should probably sit around and wait until after the credits to see the if there's something extra. Shit people sit around after the credits now for NON-Marvel movies because Marvel has made the practice so popular and no, these are not folks who live in the "bubble of the internet". I don't and judging by my mother and other family members who don't live on the internet but have NO problem following Marvel's movies, I don't think this "issue" is a widespread as some of you guys are making it out to be. OF COURSE there is going to be another movie and I think most folks left the theater knowing that. Especially since the movie you know... told us that with the whole "Thanos will return" thing.

Again, you spent more time constructing the emphasized portion of your post than most people who saw Infinity War thought about it.


You think most people sat in the theater long enough to see "Thanos will return"? I saw Infinity War on opening night, the place was sold out. 10 people stayed in the theater long enough to see the post credits scene. If someone doesn't care to sit through 10 minutes of credits to see the stinger, they're going home and googling it?

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12 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Again, you spent more time constructing the emphasized portion of your post than most people who saw Infinity War thought about it.


You think most people sat in the theater long enough to see "Thanos will return"? I saw Infinity War on opening night, the place was sold out. 10 people stayed in the theater long enough to see the post credits scene. If someone doesn't care to sit through 10 minutes of credits to see the stinger, they're going home and googling it?

I'm saying even IF they didn't see the end stinger with Thanos, which I think most people did btw, they wouldn't walk away thinking this film wasn't getting a direct sequel. You mean to tell me in today's day and age, where films that dont even NEED sequels get them anyway, that people walked out of this movie thinking that was it? And they needed the internet and a Google search to let them know that more films were coming? That's what you're saying here? I just want to be clear. Because for some reason you are saying that with THIS movie,  a not overly complicated one at that,  that people were left scratching their heads that the bad guy won and the film ended and one of the most successful franchises in Hollywood history would end after ten years and twenty films on a down note with several fan favorite characters with their own hit movie series, just ending. Ok.

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30 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

That's what you're saying here? I just want to be clear. Because for some reason you are saying that with THIS movie,  a not overly complicated one at that,  that people were left scratching their heads that the bad guy won and the film ended and one of the most successful franchises in Hollywood history would end after ten years and twenty films on a down note with several fan favorite characters with their own hit movie series, just ending. Ok.


I deal with the moviegoing public right after these films let out...the number of people who didn’t realize that there was a direct follow up to Infinity War next year was substantial.

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5 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


I deal with the moviegoing public right after these films let out...the number of people who didn’t realize that there was a direct follow up to Infinity War next year was substantial.


So you're saying there was a substantial amount of people who left this movie that thought that was it... That's what you're saying?  No more Marvel Movies? No more Avengers films? Black Panther, Dr. Stranger, Guardians? Ok. So Marvel/Disney test audience process must've REALLY failed them if so many people were confused...

Folks are gonna be REALLY surprised when another Avengers movie comes out next year (he said sarcastically)

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15 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


So you're saying there was a substantial amount of people who left this movie that thought that was it... That's what you're saying?  No more Marvel Movies? No more Avengers films? Black Panther, Dr. Stranger, Guardians? Ok. So Marvel/Disney test audience process must've REALLY failed them if so many people were confused...

Folks are gonna be REALLY surprised when another Avengers movie comes out next year (he said sarcastically)

You are right.  


Of course there are (probably many) people who understand nothing... but I can't believe they are the majority. 


I think most people know that there is going to be another Spiderman movie for instance.  So most people know that somehow spiderman is coming back.  You don't have to be a giant message board nerd to know that they are making more spiderman movies.


The difference between DC and marvel is probably a little more tricky.  My wife still has to ask about some of the secondary characters (Tell me again does Flash hang out with Superman or Ironman...) 

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16 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


So you're saying there was a substantial amount of people who left this movie that thought that was it... That's what you're saying?  No more Marvel Movies? No more Avengers films? Black Panther, Dr. Stranger, Guardians? Ok. So Marvel/Disney test audience process must've REALLY failed them if so many people were confused...

Folks are gonna be REALLY surprised when another Avengers movie comes out next year (he said sarcastically)


More accuratrly, they left the movie not thinking anything about future movies because they never think about a next movie. I can’t quantify it, but it’s not at all an uncommon reaction when I would chat with customers leaving the movie that they were surprised to find out this was really just part 1 of a 2 part film. When the next films begin their advertising blitz, that is often the first time they think about it at all.

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:


More accuratrly, they left the movie not thinking anything about future movies because they never think about a next movie. I can’t quantify it, but it’s not at all an uncommon reaction when I would chat with customers leaving the movie that they were surprised to find out this was really just part 1 of a 2 part film. When the next films begin their advertising blitz, that is often the first time they think about it at all.


So folks left The first Lord of the Rings movie thinking "Whelp... too bad they never made it to that mountain to destroy that ring! I guess those two little Hobbits that got taken are FUCKED".




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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


So folks left The first Lord of the Rings movie thinking "Whelp... too bad they never made it to that mountain to destroy that ring! I guess those two little Hobbits that got taken are FUCKED".





Yes, there are people who leave the theater after movies like FOTR and have no conception that there is more to come and they don’t even think about it.

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Infinity War is a film that is completely inextricable from the meta narrative in a way that I don't think any other movie ever has been. It's something that I really like about it. It's audacious in the many ways that it doesn't care if you understand everything about the MCU or not. You can pick up from context who the good guys are, and the bad guy's entire arc is pretty much contained in this one film, but largely this is a movie that expects a lot from the audience. That means some people won't understand the context of it, and many more will not understand certain points, but by and large this is a movie that exists entirely in the larger canvas of the MCU. Characters are introduced to each other in only the most brief and cursory ways, motivations, powers, relationships, running jokes, character arcs; all can only be gleaned from a context outside of this one film.


It's in that way that the ending serves as a cliffhanger. The language of the film is not. The language of the film purposefully functions as an end to this story. Thanos got all the stones, he snapped his fingers, the good guys lost, the end. Within the singular context of the film, that is the end of the story, and I like that about it. Still, it's a cliffhanger in the context that they expect the film to be viewed, that is, in the context as a culmination of the MCU. If you have the context to not question why Hulk and Thor start on a ruined spaceship, you have the context to understand there will be another chapter.

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4 minutes ago, johnny said:

I’ve never been to a super hero movie in the last 5 years where 99% of the audience didn’t stay during the credits. And we’re talking opening nights to 2 weeks into the run on a Tuesday. 


:notsure: 99%...

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2 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

As ever, it seems as though people discussing movies on the internet believe they live on the same figurative planet as the rest of the movie viewing public. They do not. Most people aren't sitting through 10 minutes of credit reel to see the extra scenes, fewer people than that know who the hell Captain Marvel is, fewer people than that know how many movies Chadwick's deal was for, etc.


A buddy of mine watched Man of Steel for the first time the other day (pray for him) and despite being a dude on the internet who enjoys superhero movies... he didn't know it wasn't a sequel to Superman Returns. He's not an idiot. He just likes movies enough to watch them and go to the theater and aside from that spends exactly zero time or energy thinking about them. This is how most people watch movies.


So to say...



A decent number of motherfuckers who go to EVERY ONE of these movies couldn't tell you why Superman and Spider-Man won't cross over. Marvel Studios and WB are as about as familiar to them as Paramount and Universal... they're logos people see before movies that mean, essentially, nothing.


So... yes. Impossible as it may seem here, some people finished Infinity War thinking that was the "last one" or at the very least that everyone that died is gone forever.


1 hour ago, sblfilms said:


More accuratrly, they left the movie not thinking anything about future movies because they never think about a next movie. I can’t quantify it, but it’s not at all an uncommon reaction when I would chat with customers leaving the movie that they were surprised to find out this was really just part 1 of a 2 part film. When the next films begin their advertising blitz, that is often the first time they think about it at all.


1 hour ago, sblfilms said:


Yes, there are people who leave the theater after movies like FOTR and have no conception that there is more to come and they don’t even think about it.



Well in that case





Who am I kidding? I haven't wanted to for a long time for much more significant reasons!



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8 minutes ago, johnny said:

I’ve never been to a super hero movie in the last 5 years where 99% of the audience didn’t stay during the credits. And we’re talking opening nights to 2 weeks into the run on a Tuesday. 


Like I said, I've seen people stay after the credits for NON Marvel, Non superhero movies. At the very least, people turn on their phones and do a google search for " does BLANK film have an after credit scene..." I don't know where these guys are going to see films at :shrug:

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

I deal with the moviegoing public right after these films let out...the number of people who didn’t realize that there was a direct follow up to Infinity War next year was substantial.


And "more Marvel movies will be coming out" (no shit) is clearly not the same thing as "this specific movie is going to have a direct follow-up" (not nearly as obvious). Even when they've used the "<CHARACTER> will return" thing it hasn't necessarily meant that the next one is going to be a direct follow-up, it's also just been used for "another movie with <CHARACTER> is going to happen".

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15 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

So folks left The first Lord of the Rings movie thinking "Whelp... too bad they never made it to that mountain to destroy that ring! I guess those two little Hobbits that got taken are FUCKED".

When The Two Towers being promoted, McKellen was on Letterman (or some other late night show, maybe The Tonight Show) talking about Gandalf coming back. A bunch of people in the audience booed or reacted because he spoiled Gandalf’s return.


So not only did people NOT KNOW the fate of one of the most popular fictional characters of the 20th century, people DIDN’T CONNECT Ian McKellen being on the show with the implication that Gandalf would come back.

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15 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


So folks left The first Lord of the Rings movie thinking "Whelp... too bad they never made it to that mountain to destroy that ring! I guess those two little Hobbits that got taken are FUCKED".




I’m not sure that’s the best comparison. For starters you’re talking about movies based on an iconic trilogy of books that had been around for what, 60 years at that point?  They also ended FotR in a way that very clearly acknowledged their would be more to the story. While Infinity War ended pretty matter of factly. Thanos won and walked off into the sunset. The only way to pull out that there was more to come is you really paid attention to what Dr Strange said/did and if you stayed past the credits. 

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3 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

When The Two Towers being promoted, McKellen was on Letterman (or some other late night show, maybe The Tonight Show) talking about Gandalf coming back. A bunch of people in the audience booed or reacted because he spoiled Gandalf’s return.


So not only did people NOT KNOW the fate of one of the most popular fictional characters of the 20th century, people DIDN’T CONNECT Ian McKellen being on the show with the implication that Gandalf would come back.


Ehh there’s two levels to that though. I’d venture most people after watching FotR assumed there was more to come while at the same time having no idea the outcome of the story. The endings of those movies were filmed to acknowledge there would be more to come. 

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13 hours ago, johnny said:

Ok ok but seriously I only ever see a couple people leaving 

lol.  What is wrong with me.  I know better.  I just rented it this weekend and totally forgot to fastforward to the end credits scene, lol.  So weird.  Didn't even think about it.  I think it's cuz I was caught off guard since the ending was so abrupt.  remember saying out loud "what da fuq"


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16 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


So folks left The first Lord of the Rings movie thinking "Whelp... too bad they never made it to that mountain to destroy that ring! I guess those two little Hobbits that got taken are FUCKED".




for me with LotR, i knew it was multiple movies but i think the way fellowship ended made me thing "WTF its ending there"

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3 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

When The Two Towers being promoted, McKellen was on Letterman (or some other late night show, maybe The Tonight Show) talking about Gandalf coming back. A bunch of people in the audience booed or reacted because he spoiled Gandalf’s return.


So not only did people NOT KNOW the fate of one of the most popular fictional characters of the 20th century, people DIDN’T CONNECT Ian McKellen being on the show with the implication that Gandalf would come back.

What does that have to do with more movies being made? I didn't know he was coming back either but I knew more movies were coming and my only experience with The Lord of the Rings at that point was the animated movie which I saw as a kid WHICH, I believe, tried to cram all three books into one film. This is different than what we're talking about anyway. Audiences getting pissed because an actor spoiled the return of a character is different than audiences not expecting there to be a sequel to a hit movie that CLEARLY ends with a cliffhanger.


You guys would have me believe that the majority of the modern movie public just all of a sudden forgot how movies work and were left scratching their heads stupidly at the end of this movie and I just don't believe that is the case. But I grow weary of this "debate"... carry on :peace:

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2 hours ago, Firewithin said:

for me with LotR, i knew it was multiple movies but i think the way fellowship ended made me thing "WTF its ending there"


Didn’t they shift something from the end of FotR to the start of TT? 

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20 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

Most people aren't sitting through 10 minutes of credit reel to see the extra scenes


I'm going to nitpick you on this one assertion, because I've never been in a superhero movie (Marvel or otherwise) where the crowd didn't stay through for the post-credits scene(s). I think Marvel has thoroughly conditioned people to do it.

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On 8/20/2018 at 12:37 PM, skillzdadirecta said:

What they should have done was ended on a freeze frame of Cap and the surviving Avengers and then put in bold letters over the image " TO BE CONTINUED" like they did on old school 70's shows... for storytelling purposes. They could have even had a narrator read the words out for extra emphasis. 


This is how it should have ended:

But with Mark Ruffalo and Robert Downy Jr.

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