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Millennials Are Killing Sex and Drugs!

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2 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

Are they more responsible or just too tied up in social media to bother getting high and laid? 


It's probably more about a cultural shift toward not letting kids having unsupervised time.

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9 hours ago, Jason said:


It's probably more about a cultural shift toward not letting kids having unsupervised time.

That, and according to my wife, they're spending less time physically together. She tells me that kids who are dating just video chat with each other for hours .... Even just doing their homework 

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I would say if you can't remember a time without the internet, you are millennial. 


Another one is tapes: both of the music and vhs kind:  If you don't know what those are ,or have never used them, you are a millennial.  Granted, our daughter is only in second grade, but my wife and I were having some type of conversation and VHS tapes came up, and I had to explain to our daughter what a "tape" was, and how I wasn't talking about taping something together.  So I'm sure some politically minded millennials are really confused when the news keeps on talking about Omarosa's "tapes". 

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11 hours ago, SFLUFAN said:

This is why I get irritated whenever I hear older generations bitching about millennials as they are on the whole far more responsible than previous ones when it comes to these types of issues.




Though kids currently in high school are not millenials. I'm 31 and people tell me I'm a millenial, and I do not believe I am in the same group as kids currently in high school. 

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You guys realize that the Millennials Generation are at least 19 years old at the youngest these days and the high school kids are in the generation after Millennials (1981-2000).


Also I guess this doesn't count for the increase in teen pregnancies. They might be having less sex because they are getting knocked up at 16.

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1 hour ago, mclumber1 said:

I would say if you can't remember a time without the internet, you are millennial. 


Another one is tapes: both of the music and vhs kind:  If you don't know what those are ,or have never used them, you are a millennial.  Granted, our daughter is only in second grade, but my wife and I were having some type of conversation and VHS tapes came up, and I had to explain to our daughter what a "tape" was, and how I wasn't talking about taping something together.  So I'm sure some politically minded millennials are really confused when the news keeps on talking about Omarosa's "tapes". 


This is a bad take. I used to tape DBZ on a VCR, so I'm not a millennial at 30?

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The best delineation is still the first major news event you (1) remember witnessing, and (2) understood the consequences it would have on society. For me, that would be Columbine (I remember OJ's trial, Clinton's impeachment, and Princess Diana's death, but I didn't really 'get' them at the time).

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2 minutes ago, Chris- said:

The best delineation is still the first major news event you (1) remember witnessing, and (2) understood the consequences it would have on society. For me, that would be Columbine (I remember OJ's trial, Clinton's impeachment, and Princess Diana's death, but I didn't really 'get' them at the time).


Fall of the Berlin Wall for me.  Maybe the 88 election, but that's pushing it.  I was born in 80.

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44 minutes ago, Chris- said:

The best delineation is still the first major news event you (1) remember witnessing, and (2) understood the consequences it would have on society. For me, that would be Columbine (I remember OJ's trial, Clinton's impeachment, and Princess Diana's death, but I didn't really 'get' them at the time).


I'm the same. We're millenials, I think, but on the oldest end. I agree, millenials know what VCR's are and what VHS tapes are. Maybe the youngest millenials don't?

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4 hours ago, mclumber1 said:

I would say if you can't remember a time without the internet, you are millennial. 


Another one is tapes: both of the music and vhs kind:  If you don't know what those are ,or have never used them, you are a millennial.  Granted, our daughter is only in second grade, but my wife and I were having some type of conversation and VHS tapes came up, and I had to explain to our daughter what a "tape" was, and how I wasn't talking about taping something together.  So I'm sure some politically minded millennials are really confused when the news keeps on talking about Omarosa's "tapes". 


I mean you can define it that way, but it's not the generally agreed on term (which still isn't super agreed on so technically you aren't wrong).


But millennials are people born between 81 and 97. So the vast majority of them should know life before internet, VHS, floopy disks, landlines, etc.

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6 hours ago, mclumber1 said:

I would say if you can't remember a time without the internet, you are millennial. 


Another one is tapes: both of the music and vhs kind:  If you don't know what those are ,or have never used them, you are a millennial.  Granted, our daughter is only in second grade, but my wife and I were having some type of conversation and VHS tapes came up, and I had to explain to our daughter what a "tape" was, and how I wasn't talking about taping something together.  So I'm sure some politically minded millennials are really confused when the news keeps on talking about Omarosa's "tapes". 

I remember life without internet, and I had a Sony Walkman and a fuckload of VHS tapes back in the day. I was 15 when I got my first DVD player.


I'm a millennial and I'm 31.

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Millennial is the goofiest “generation” definition there is.  You have people from their late teens who don’t recall life without internet and don’t recall 9/11 and people in their early to mid 30s who remember when people didn’t have cell phones and owned a Walkman once upon a time.

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