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"Great Resignation" Update: MIT Sloan School of Management study indicates that "Toxic Culture" is driving the Great Resignation

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55 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


Yeah, but the board and shareholders need their massive profits. I looked up the Market Basket thing. What really caused the drama was indeed over cutting board members a $250m check, which the CEO was against. This isn't hard, but the rich ones at the top don't really care since they can line their pockets now and totally use that money for a fifth vacation home.




I know this doesn't mean anything to anyone who's not in the parts of MA where Market Baskets exist but... imagine having an ownership stake in Market Basket and fucking with literally any part of it? There are a billion grocery stores around here, and other than speciality markets like H-Mart, Market Basket is the only one where every aisle is staffed with a scanner and a bagger at all times because the volume demands it. It's the most affordable chain and the amount of stuff they move through those stores is unbelievable.


It's like having a goose that lays golden eggs and deciding to choke it out so a couple eggs come out a day but you might kill it. These people are so fucking stupid.

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17 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:



I know this doesn't mean anything to anyone who's not in the parts of MA where Market Baskets exist but... imagine having an ownership stake in Market Basket and fucking with literally any part of it? There are a billion grocery stores around here, and other than speciality markets like H-Mart, Market Basket is the only one where every aisle is staffed with a scanner and a bagger at all times because the volume demands it. It's the most affordable chain and the amount of stuff they move through those stores is unbelievable.


It's like having a goose that lays golden eggs and deciding to choke it out so a couple eggs come out a day but you might kill it. These people are so fucking stupid.


It does mean nothing to anyone outside of this post of the country, but it's still endemic of what's been happening for decades in all industries. These chucklefucks didn't at all care if they wound up killing the company. They wanted a massive bonus going to them instead of the employees and looked to fire the company's CEO to get someone in there that was willing to make it happen. In their eyes, worse case scenario is they sell the company off and get an additional acquisition bonus.

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In the process of leaving my job, just hit my 5 years. Team and people are great, leadership at top and direction, not so much. Used to be great place to work, last 2 years have been grind. 


Job offer I just accepted pays $30k more. Knew I could make more, didn't think I could make that much more. The market is really hot. Even if you're unsure, do yourself a favor and take a look, just get the information. Heck even take it to your boss and say you don't want to leave, but I got an offer that is too big of a gap to say no to, help close the gap so I can say no and stay. Only do this if you are willing to leave incase they stonewall you, usually unlikely.

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7 hours ago, Gavin King said:

Job offer I just accepted pays $30k more. Knew I could make more, didn't think I could make that much more. The market is really hot. Even if you're unsure, do yourself a favor and take a look, just get the information.

QFT. I got a 10% increase from the job I held only 8 months which was in itself a 25% increase over my previous, plus a title bump. Go looking, just do it!

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20 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

QFT. I got a 10% increase from the job I held only 8 months which was in itself a 25% increase over my previous, plus a title bump. Go looking, just do it!

as I was writing this my boss emailed me to let me know someone from our team was leaving and I'd be finishing out the project she was working on. lmao

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I make $80k in tech (in K12, some simple database and scripting stuff, plus administering some software for our payroll/HR systems, etc), and I know I could get a job making 50% more elsewhere...but I also really, really love my job, and the team that I work with. I also love working in a sector that is not profit-focused. My base pay increases by about 5% per year for 7 years for my position (then caps). Then it also increases each year by whatever amount the teacher's union negotiated. So the current contract is 0-2-2, and we're in the second year. So this year I effectively get a 7% raise. Theoretically after 7 years in this position (I'm in year 2) I will only get the teacher cost of living increases. But I will also be making >$100k in a low cost of living city, so pretty fortunate. Also the second main reason I love my team is that I get 100% retirement match up to 7.5% of gross pay (meaning 15% of gross pay invested monthly, on top of my own retirement investments). If I were 20 I might consider taking a contract web developer job or something and make some cash...but being 37 with a wife with chronic health issues and a mortgage to pay, that retirement match is very, very valuable. Plus as long as I'm not an idiot, my job is guaranteed. It's not like education as a sector is going away, or running the risk of failing as a business.

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10 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

I make $80k in tech (in K12, some simple database and scripting stuff, plus administering some software for our payroll/HR systems, etc), and I know I could get a job making 50% more elsewhere...but I also really, really love my job, and the team that I work with. I also love working in a sector that is not profit-focused. My base pay increases by about 5% per year for 7 years for my position (then caps). Then it also increases each year by whatever amount the teacher's union negotiated. So the current contract is 0-2-2, and we're in the second year. So this year I effectively get a 7% raise. Theoretically after 7 years in this position (I'm in year 2) I will only get the teacher cost of living increases. But I will also be making >$100k in a low cost of living city, so pretty fortunate. Also the second main reason I love my team is that I get 100% retirement match up to 7.5% of gross pay (meaning 15% of gross pay invested monthly, on top of my own retirement investments). If I were 20 I might consider taking a contract web developer job or something and make some cash...but being 37 with a wife with chronic health issues and a mortgage to pay, that retirement match is very, very valuable. Plus as long as I'm not an idiot, my job is guaranteed. It's not like education as a sector is going away, or running the risk of failing as a business.


Can't put a price on happiness. There's probably always a 'offer I can't refuse' level but honestly, if I was happy with my company/job now, I wouldn't leave for just a bump. I make good money, have good benefits, if the job wasn't stressful and didn't have me concerned for my mental health, I wouldn't probably have even been looking elsewhere. To hopefully get in a better place and more money is a win-win.... But I'd totally take a lateral financially if it was a better environment.


Once you're into your career enough and doing well, it does become less about the money and more about what kind of work you do, stress level, your team, etc... Money is still nice, don't get me wrong.

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  • 4 weeks later...
23 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

How do those numbers and unemployment numbers interact if at all?

seems like it's the inverse of unemployment. more unemployment = fewer quits; less unemployment = more quits. adjust this graph to 2005 start for a comparison




15 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:

Is any of this Boomers finally retiring?

over 65 employment is flat and 55+ still seems to be increasing. The number 65+ not in the labor force or disability looks to be up a bit (jump during the start of the pandemic) but doesn't look too far off the long term trend of people not in the labor force


id imagine that if covid gets better with a job market like this you'd see more 55/65+ back in the workforce, to a point

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10 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

seems like it's the inverse of unemployment. more unemployment = fewer quits; less unemployment = more quits. adjust this graph to 2005 start for a comparison




over 65 employment is flat and 55+ still seems to be increasing. The number 65+ not in the labor force or disability looks to be up a bit (jump during the start of the pandemic) but doesn't look too far off the long term trend of people not in the labor force


id imagine that if covid gets better with a job market like this you'd see more 55/65+ back in the workforce, to a point

Social security isn't cutting it for retirees, no one saw that coming

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  • 3 weeks later...
5 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

I just closed an obscene amount of work for my company this year, got a glowing review and then proceeded to get the shittiest bonus I've ever gotten without explanation today. Think it's time to investigate this whole Great Resignation business a little further over here!


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I started to type out a big long rant about my job and that we are understaffed for idiotic reasons, but y’all don’t need that. For now I’m sticking around hoping that things will turn around (I keep hearing rumors that changes are finally coming), but if they don’t, I can take my newly acquired skills and shop them around town for a place that might give a shit about retaining good workers. 

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18 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

I started to type out a big long rant about my job and that we are understaffed for idiotic reasons, but y’all don’t need that. For now I’m sticking around hoping that things will turn around (I keep hearing rumors that changes are finally coming), but if they don’t, I can take my newly acquired skills and shop them around town for a place that might give a shit about retaining good workers. 


Rumors mean that things are being discussed. When they are discussed they will be planned. After planning they will be implemented. Your rumors are at least a year out. Go look for a new employer now.

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1 hour ago, Anathema- said:

"Competitive wages" 🚩 🚩 🚩 



Another red flag is when they list "provided uniform" as a benefit.


It's the monetary equivalent of adding "etc" to a list of two things you can't think of a third for.


Yeah, mother fucker you "provide a uniform". Duh, did you think I was going to go to a tailer to custom make a couple Wendys shirts?

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On 11/15/2021 at 9:15 AM, GeneticBlueprint said:

In March of last year I was making $65k. Employer bumped me to $70k. Another company offered me $95k in March of this year. So I took it. Wasn't even there three months when another employer offered me $115k. So in a little over a year my salary almost doubled for doing the same job (database programmer).


I don't know why I missed this till now. Any chance are you interested in changing? I'm looking for a Data Engineer atm. :)


On 11/16/2021 at 1:12 AM, Nokra said:

I make $50k/year in Portland, with a master's in CS. Fuck all of you. 






Are you also looking for a change and what's your tech stack? :)

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24 minutes ago, chakoo said:


I don't know why I missed this till now. Any chance are you interested in changing? I'm looking for a Data Engineer atm. :)



Are you also looking for a change and what's your tech stack? :)


Flattered, but I'm not nearly as cool as you think I am :P I just program our DB to interact with outside systems, create automations, control access, etc. I'm not what I would call a data engineer.

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8 hours ago, TheLeon said:

I started to type out a big long rant about my job and that we are understaffed for idiotic reasons, but y’all don’t need that. For now I’m sticking around hoping that things will turn around (I keep hearing rumors that changes are finally coming), but if they don’t, I can take my newly acquired skills and shop them around town for a place that might give a shit about retaining good workers. 


Where do you live? Near a major metro? 

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