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Have any of you been in a gaming rut?


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I was all into ME1 last month and beat it. Then I got sick (thought it was covid), was scheduled fucking 12 hour days at work for a time period, and now I dropped off gaming all together. I have NO desire to play ME2 right now. Maybe I need another game that would draw me back into gaming?


I don't own a PS5 or XSX but have a PS4 Pro, Xbox One X, and a Switch.


If any of you were in a same scenario, did a certain game bring you back to gaming?


For some reason BOTW keeps entering my mind but I completely disected that game with well over 100 hours of game time. 

Ori and the Will of the Wisps has enter my mind, too. I own both games. I never beat Ori. I need suggestions! 😩 


The reason Ori entered my mind was because of watching a lot of Metroid 5. That looks great and wish that was out now.


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It’s not a gaming rut just because you didn’t play anything for a week or two lol. Your biggest problem right now is you are a graphics fuck boi like me and still on last gen. Ori is amazing though so yeah try to get back in that.

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I have days where I game for hours. And then maybe a few days where gaming is the last thing I wanna do. Really depends on how sleepy or how much sleep I got the previous night or how my day went at work. My non-gaming days are few and far between though. I usually game for a few hours every single day. Just relax, you put to much thought into gaming. Just let it happen. Play when you wanna play and have fun but if you don’t feel like playing that’s okay too. 

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16 minutes ago, stepee said:

It’s not a gaming rut just because you didn’t play anything for a week or two lol. Your biggest problem right now is you are a graphics fuck boi like me and still on last gen. Ori is amazing though so yeah try to get back in that.


You may be right. I really wish I owned a Ps5. Ori might be a good choice. It's vibrant and appealing right now.


15 minutes ago, Biggie said:

I have days where I game for hours. And then maybe a few days where gaming is the last thing I wanna do. Really depends on how sleepy or how much sleep I got the previous night or how my day went at work. My non-gaming days are few and far between though. I usually game for a few hours every single day. Just relax, you put to much thought into gaming. Just let it happen. Play when you wanna play and have fun but if you don’t feel like playing that’s okay too. 


Thank you for this post. You're absolutely correct about me. I do put too much thought into gaming sometimes.


4 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

I've definitely been bouncing from game to game trying to see what I feel like playing of late. Not much is holding my attention for more than an hour at a time. 


And you own everything you son of a bitch! :p

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14 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Basically what @stepee


You're very choosy what you play regardless of the quality of the game.


You're just mad that I don't like Carrion you punk. 


10 minutes ago, DPCyric said:

Usually a Metroidvania  works for me when I hit a rut so Ori is a great choice. However it that doesn't work try some classic score chasing arcade game (maybe Pacman CE DX+).


I suck at games these days and I was just reading Ori is very difficult. That scares me.

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I have been in one for the past year or 2 it seems. My level of acceptable bull shit has dropped and causes me to not to want play and or finish games any more. I used to not mind fixing games to get them run on PC but now I have no patience with it. A lot of times I feel like games have become larger at the expense of quality, I dont need hundreds of hours of mediocre content to finish a game with story that feels like it was written by junior high schooler. 


The Simpsons - Old Man Yells At Cloud on Make a GIF


Games like GG and R@C have made for some good fun recently so thats nice for me.

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1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:

With so much quality releasing and a huge backlog, I haven’t had time to be in a rut.

Same here... I was just saying to @JPDunks4 yesterday in another chat that I don't get into gaming ruts because there's always something to play. If there's something that I haven't played before but always wanted to, I'll try that. If not, I'll replay a classic game that I love (RPGS with choice and branching storylines are great for this.)


For example, since my PS5 and XSX are packed up for travel back to Los Angeles, all i have to game on for the next two weeks are my "portable" platforms, my phone, laptop, Switch and Occulus.) I have a bunch of games on Occulus and Switch that I haven't beaten so I decided to beat those. Sunshine Ariizona on Occulus and Breath of the Wild on Switch (FINALLY diving into this).


I started gaming back in the 80's with arcades and Atari and I love everything about gaming, besides just "Playing" games, I like to study them as well.  Really see what works and what doesn't for most games. Looking for at games from that perpective and trying to really understand the designers' intent. Oftentimes, you can get pass flaws and enjoy a less than perfect game in spite of them. (this doesn't work when a game is flat out broken, cough cough Cyberpunk cough cough) 


1 hour ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

I love the thought of games more than I do playing them currently.  This is why I use GameFly and love Game Pass. Those services gives me the freedom to bounce around and find something that clicks. 


I think a lot of adult gamers fall into this category. On the one hand, they've outgrown a lot of the tropes of gaming but they also remember how much they love the hobby and have developed social networks around gaming (like this board) and suffer from FOMO. I've found that that kind of pressure can definitely have a negative effect on enjoying the hobby because often one forces themselves play and finish games they are no longer enjoying. My advice play what's fun and don't be afraid to take a break from gaming when nothing is clicking. There's nothing wrong with gaming and there's nothing wring with YOU. Life happens sometimes Indiferencia Shrug GIF

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6 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Same here... I was just saying to @JPDunks4 yesterday in another chat that I don't get into gaming ruts because there's always something to play. If there's something that I haven't played before but always wanted to, I'll try that. If not, I'll replay a classic game that I love (RPGS with choice and branching storylines are great for this.)


For example, since my PS5 and XSX are packed up for travel back to Los Angeles, all i have to game on for the next two weeks are my "portable" platforms, my phone, laptop, Switch and Occulus.) I have a bunch of games on Occulus and Switch that I haven't beaten so I decided to beat those. Sunshine Ariizona on Occulus and Breath of the Wild on Switch (FINALLY diving into this).


I started gaming back in the 80's with arcades and Atari and I love everything about gaming, besides just "Playing" games, I like to study them as well.  Really see what works and what doesn't for most games. Looking for at games from that perpective and trying to really understand the designers' intent. Oftentimes, you can get pass flaws and enjoy a less than perfect game in spite of them. (this doesn't work when a game is flat out broken, cough cough Cyberpunk cough cough) 



I think a lot of adult gamers fall into this category. On the one hand, they've outgrown a lot of the tropes of gaming but they also remember how much they love the hobby and have developed social networks around gaming (like this board) and suffer from FOMO. I've found that that kind of pressure can definitely have a negative effect on enjoying the hobby because often one forces themselves play and finish games they are no longer enjoying. My advice play what's fun and don't be afraid to take a break from gaming when nothing is clicking. There's nothing wrong with gaming and there's nothing wring with YOU. Life happens sometimes Indiferencia Shrug GIF


Good post and advice. Thank you.

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I've gotten into ruts over the years.  Sometimes will go months if not a year barely playing anything.  This was years ago, lately, probably thanks to the Pandemic as well, I've played a lot more.


I had a HUGE backlog, like 100+ games I actually would like to play at some point that I own, that I haven't gotten to, largely because I play so many multiplayer games that can take weeks of gaming time away from the single player/co-op stuff I have. 


I am with Skillz to at this point.  I enjoy the art of games.  It's why I find it very difficult to jump into a brand new game of the series, without playing previous titles.  It's why I prefer to try to play a certain developers previous titles, before diving into their newest game.


Returnal was one of the first games I've played in awhile from a developer, that I didn't bother to go back and play previous stuff, but I may try to eventually.  I'd probably have impulse bought Ratchet and Clank, but I had only really played the PS4 game, and I'd rather play through some of the other Ratchet games to see how Insomniac evolved the series over the years.   I just started one of the older titles last night, but it feels pretty drastically different, I don't think its even part of the mainline series, but I'm thinking its probably short enough so I should finish it quick.


Finished God of War 3 last night, and while I don't love the first 3 of the series, I did see how they've changed a little, even though those 3 all feel pretty similar.  Now I can't wait to dive into PS4's GoW to see where Sony Santa Monica took the franchise.


I actually went through and looked at upcoming releases, and tried to plan out the previous games I need to play from those franchises/developers before the new games release.  Having a more organized list of what I need to play will help me jumping from game to game more smoothly.  If I don't, I end up looking at a list, feeling overwhelmed and indecisive, and then start some Multiplayer game and never start any backlog.

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I always think I'm in a rut. I'll bounce back and forth between a handful of games, never get anywhere close to beating any of them, and think "Eh, I guess I'm just over it."


Then a game like Resident Evil Village or Spider-Man will come out and I'll play it virtually non-stop for days until I beat it. So I guess it's not so much as a "rut" rather than there just aren't any games that fully capture my interest at the time.


Taking some time away really does help though. I can take a week's vacation from home, not play a single thing the entire time, and not even THINK about playing the entire time I'm gone. But then once I get home I play like an addict for like three days straight.

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I find this happens to me during. The lighter nights and longer days mean I’m busier (and more tired) and I end up watching things or reading.


Sometimes though a good break helps then I’ll pick up a AAA release I’ve missed or return back to an online game and the enjoyment returns.

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So what I'm gathering it seems everyone has been in my shoes at one point or another. I will just be patient and see how I feel day by day. I appreciate the responses in this thread as it makes me feel better that I'm not alone with this thinking.

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22 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


I'm not mad you don't like it. I'm mad you won't try it. You don't even know if you like it or not. :p


It just isn't my type of game because controlling a monster like that is unappealing to me. 

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I was big time. I mean, I had MMOs, but before doom eternal the last big new game I played was RDR2. Then all at once I played Monster Hunter: World, Code Vein, ELEX, and now FF12. Didn't beat Code Vein or MHW, but I played the fuck out of ELEX and I am nearing the end of FF12. I do plan on finishing Code Vein, but MHW... well, that got boring very fast. I didn't even make it to the DLC. Even when the fights started getting harder, I was just more bored. 

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Can't really say I'm in a rut, but these last few years I noticed that when I'm tired I have little to no desire to play video games. Especially ones that require even the slightest bit of decision making, or thought process. I'm talking about something as simple as deciding what to keep in my inventory, or which side quest to tackle next. When I'm tired I just can't be bothered with that stuff.  :/

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5 hours ago, best3444 said:

It just isn't my type of game because controlling a monster like that isn’t unappealing to me. 


So it's appealing? So you should play it!


That being said I've twisted your arm so much by this point if you do play it you'll probably end up hating it for confirmation bias.

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12 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


So it's appealing? So you should play it!


That being said I've twisted your arm so much by this point if you do play it you'll probably end up hating it for confirmation bias.


Lol, I edited my post. I'm going to try Ori today and see how that goes. 


You're correct with your last statement.

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I have gone months without touching a game. Sometimes I just want to paint models and play 40k, or just catch up on tv shows. 

Great games always pull me back in though. Pre-pandemic i hadn't gamed much. FF7R and Last of Us 2 pulled me back in hard. Then so many other great games last year.

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@stepee played a little over 2 hours of Ori and the Will of the Wisps. I started over and it's a beautiful videogame. It makes me wonder why Metroid 5 looks so extremely dead in comparison. The visuals and music are so fuckin good. I just got to a new area and stopped.


It seems my gaming tolerance in a play session always hits 2 hours. Then I need to do something else. I'm not amped to continue playing like I used to feel but at least I played a videogame today. :p

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28 minutes ago, best3444 said:

@stepee played a little over 2 hours of Ori and the Will of the Wisps. I started over and it's a beautiful videogame. It makes me wonder why Metroid 5 looks so extremely dead in comparison. The visuals and music are so fuckin good. I just got to a new area and stopped.


It seems my gaming tolerance in a play session always hits 2 hours. Then I need to do something else. I'm not amped to continue playing like I used to feel but at least I played a videogame today. :p


To make the comparison more wild to you, you may not be aware that Ori 2 is ON switch, at 60fps too!


Almost not fair though because Moon are masters at art design.

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32 minutes ago, stepee said:


To make the comparison more wild to you, you may not be aware that Ori 2 is ON switch, at 60fps too!


Almost not fair though because Moon are masters at art design.


That's embarrassing imo. Nintendo will get a pass though and Metroid 5 will sell incredibly well. :rolleyes:

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I'll purposefully prevent myself from starting a new game because I typically know if I'm going to like it or not, and I'll get so obsessed that I feel the need to complete that game quickly.  I just did that with Control.  Beat the game in about a week's time, and sacrificed sleep for work to do so.  Otherwise, I'll just stick to my comfort picks of either playing Overwatch or Rocket League, which if I get in a good groove I will also obsess and play for way longer sessions than I really have time for.


So I try not to start new games because I'm scared of getting addicted.

But I'll go back to old games and be addicted anyway.


Halp me.



P.S. Play BOTW on your PC with CEMU.  Game is so much better looking and smoother.

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16 minutes ago, cusideabelincoln said:

I'll purposefully prevent myself from starting a new game because I typically know if I'm going to like it or not, and I'll get so obsessed that I feel the need to complete that game quickly.  I just did that with Control.  Beat the game in about a week's time, and sacrificed sleep for work to do so.  Otherwise, I'll just stick to my comfort picks of either playing Overwatch or Rocket League, which if I get in a good groove I will also obsess and play for way longer sessions than I really have time for.


So I try not to start new games because I'm scared of getting addicted.

But I'll go back to old games and be addicted anyway.


Halp me.



P.S. Play BOTW on your PC with CEMU.  Game is so much better looking and smoother.


I don't own a PC anymore.

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47 minutes ago, cusideabelincoln said:

I'll purposefully prevent myself from starting a new game because I typically know if I'm going to like it or not, and I'll get so obsessed that I feel the need to complete that game quickly.  I just did that with Control.  Beat the game in about a week's time, and sacrificed sleep for work to do so.  Otherwise, I'll just stick to my comfort picks of either playing Overwatch or Rocket League, which if I get in a good groove I will also obsess and play for way longer sessions than I really have time for.


So I try not to start new games because I'm scared of getting addicted.

But I'll go back to old games and be addicted anyway.


Halp me.



P.S. Play BOTW on your PC with CEMU.  Game is so much better looking and smoother.


I'm kind of the same way. I have tons of games I'd like to play, but I'm afraid of picking one because I like I would have wasted my time if it ends up being something I don't care for. So, similarly, I instead just retreat to the "known quantity" which is Apex at this point.

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15 minutes ago, best3444 said:

I'm trying to decipline myself to set aside 2 hours this evening to play Ori. I think I have to get myself in a rhythm and then I get hooked. I don't know. :(

When I fell in love with my wife, I didn’t have any interest in games. Does she like games? Maybe you can play some coop games like It Takes Two. 

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